Jeff Gibson

Jeff Gibson Portrait

Since high school, I have been captivated by theatre and its power to transform. As a performer in my first show, I was "bitten by the theatre bug." Soon afterwards, I had set my sights on finding a way to make a career in this incredible art. I sought any opportunity to be involved—as an actor, painting sets, hanging lights, working backstage—and it became a full-time obsession. 

There were many things that attracted me to a life in the theatre. It was a place of belonging—a family. It allowed me the opportunity to discover myself, the world, and my place in it. 

It challenged me to think from other perspectives and to walk in another’s shoes. And, it opened my mind to learning about culture, history, literature, and many other facets of existing and imagined life.

In college, my passion only broadened and so did my options. I was able to study theatre intensively through an incredible program at MTSU, and I soon directed my career goals toward design, technology, and management. This disciplinary study was augmented by coursework from across CLA: the history of western civilization, children’s literature, literature from the Victorian era, communication theory, and French. I also enjoyed the opportunity to explor