2019-2020 Syllabus Statements

MT Engage Designated Course

This is an MT Engage course. The MT Engage program promotes active engagement in learning across educational experiences. In this course, you will participate in a beyond-the-classroom activity and submit at least one assignment to the D2L ePortfolio. You will also answer some questions about your MT Engage experience in an end of course survey. You will receive important informational emails from MT Engage about ePortfolio training and how you can qualify for scholarships and cash awards. For more information, go to www.mtsu.edu/MTEngage.

ePortfolio Statement

As part of the MT Engage program, students will build an ePortfolio presentation showcasing their integrative learning. MT Engage offers ePortfolio training; see http://mtsu.edu/mtengage/student_resources.phpfor details. Students should be aware that ePortfolios are not to contain confidential personal information, and that a student’s unauthorized storage or use of copyrighted works or proprietary information in an ePortfolio is prohibited.

ePortfolio privacy: ePortfolios are private until the box is checked to allow public access. This access continues until the box is unchecked. ePortfolios are not internet searchable until they are posted to a host webpage. 

Revised August 2019

MT Engage


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