313  Student Grade Appeals

Approved by President
Effective Date: March 31, 2022
Responsible Division: Academic Affairs
Responsible Office:  University Provost
Responsible Officer: Vice Provost for Faculty and Strategic Initiatives

I. Purpose and Scope

This policy provides an avenue for Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) students to appeal a final course grade in cases in which the student alleges that unethical or unprofessional actions by the instructor and/or grading inequities improperly affected the final grade.

II. Definitions

A. Appeal. A request by a student for a determination, by a Grade Appeals Committee, of an assigned grade where unethical or unprofessional actions are alleged to have resulted in improper grading.

B. Instructor. Any member of the teaching staff.

C.  Grade Appeals Committee. The committee established under Policy 32 University Committees.

III.  Appeal Procedures

A.  Level One

1. The student creates a paper or electronic file to present at each level of appeal, to include the following: MTSU Student Grade Appeal Form; complete course syllabus; a written statement addressing the specific reasons, alleged unethical/unprofessional actions, or grading inequities that justify the grade appeal; special circumstances or considerations; course requirements that have been completed, including documentation; and written documentation of each step in the appeal with appropriate signatures testifying to each meeting.

2. Normally, student appeals begin with a conference between the student and the instructor who assigned the grade and held before the 11th business day of the next term. Grades earned in fall or winter term are appealed in the spring term. Grades earned in the spring or in any summer term are appealed in the fall term.

The instructor’s decision must be recorded in writing for the grade appeal file.

3. If the student and the instructor cannot reach a resolution, the appealing student will discuss the case with the instructor’s Department Chair/Director within ten (10) business days of the conference with the involved instructor. If the Department Chair/Director is the person against whom the complaint is lodged, the Dean in whose college the department is located shall assume the duties of the chair/director in the investigation and decision-making.

4. The Department Chair/Director does not have the power to change a grade, but they shall investigate the grading circumstances. Within 10 business days of the conference with the student, they shall record their recommendation in writing and send the recommendation to the student and the instructor. The student must include a copy of the Department Chair's/Director’s recommendation in the appeal file.

B. Level Two (May be initiated only after Level One has been completed)

1. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of Level One, they may, within fifteen (15) business days following receipt of the Depar