321  Educational Adjustment for Pregnant and Parenting Students

Approved by President
Effective Date: November 13, 2023
Responsible Division: Academic Affairs
Responsible Office:  MT One Stop
Responsible Officer:  Director, MT One Stop

I. Purpose

In furtherance of its mission to provide a student-centered learning environment, Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU or University) desires to provide a procedure for pregnant and parenting students to request and obtain adjustments that will support them in continuing their studies at MTSU. As a result, MTSU will endeavor to provide appropriate reasonable adjustments to its educational programs and activities (Educational Adjustment) for students who are unable to meet the requirements of their educational programs or activities as a result of pregnancy, complications from pregnancy, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery from any one of these conditions (Qualifying Condition).

II. Scope

This policy applies to all students enrolled at MTSU and includes both graduate and undergraduate students.

III. Requests for Educational Adjustment

Students needing educational adjustment as a result of a qualifying condition should submit a written request to the following responsible department. In the event that the student is unable to submit a request to the responsible department because of the qualifying condition, an appropriate representative of the student may contact the department on the student's behalf and the student will submit the written request when able to do so.

Type of Student

Responsible Department

Phone Number

Undergraduate Students

MT One Stop                         

(615) 898-2111

Graduate Students

College of Graduate Studies          
