D2L Crosslisting Request
You may use this form to request crosslisting of your courses if the courses you wish to merge fit one of the following descriptions:
- Two or more online sections of the same course taught by the same instructor.
- Two or more sections of the same on-campus or blended course that meet in the same location at the same time.
- A combination of online, blended, and on-campus sections of the same course taught by the same instructor. (On-campus and blended courses must meet at the same time in the same location.)
- Cross-listed courses that combine graduate and undergraduate sections that are taught by the same instructor at the same time in the same location or are online sections.
- Cross-listed courses that combine interdisciplinary courses taught by the same instructor at the same time in the same location or are online sections.
If the courses you wish to merge do not fit one of the above descriptions, approval for crosslisting must be granted by the Registrar. Please email Tyler Henson (tyler.henson@mtsu.edu), MTSU’s Registrar, using the subject line, “Course Merge Approval” with a description and rationale for your crosslisting request. If approval is granted, forward this to itdacad@mtsu.edu.
All merged courses must include the following statement in the course syllabus:
“The students in this course are grouped in D2L with students enrolled in another section or sections of this same course. Students may see the names, email addresses, discussion forum postings, and contributions to group activities of all students enrolled in their section of the course as well as those of students enrolled in other sections within D2L during the current semester. Some assignments may require online communication, interaction, and collaboration with students across sections.”