Alert4U & Emergency Response
The most important thing to remember when a tornado warning occurs is to remain calm.
Remember these terms and know the difference:
- A Tornado Watch simply means conditions are right for tornadoes to develop.
- A Tornado Warning means an actual tornado has been sighted.
We will issue a “Take Shelter Alert” ONLY when there is a Tornado Warning issued by the private weather-monitoring company, AccuWeather, rather than the entire city or county. AccuWeather gives tornado information for the main campus and Tennessee-Miller Coliseum only. This service has reduced the number of false alarms and the need for people to go to their safe place unnecessarily.
Recommended Tornado Shelter Locations
For all buildings: Move to the lowest level and the most interior of the building away from windows and doors.
When appropriate, the following information and guidelines will be shared via email with the University community in anticipation of a severe weather forecast.
- According to weather forecasts, conditions may be right tomorrow (or later today) for tornado activity in our area. Therefore, this bulletin is an early notification so that you can make preparations here and at home.
- Some common directives include:
- Stay away from windows and other loose or breakable objects that could become flying debris.
- Stay near interior walls.
- Keep one or more flashlights in your office and make sure they work.
- In the event of a tornado, do NOT pull a fire alarm.
- For all buildings, move to the lowest level and the most interior of the building away from windows and doors. If you have a question about these locations, call University Police at 898-2424.
- If you work in a small house or a structure that would not seem as secure as others, you and your staff may want to consider moving to another building tomorrow, if time and space are available. Once a storm is approaching, however, stay where you are.
- Supervisors / Faculty: Review with your class or staff which is the best way to reach the Recommended Tornado Shelter Location in your building. Emphasize the importance of remaining calm.
- Directors / Supervisors: Take 5 minutes with your people today to:
- Review the do’s and don’ts of a tornado
- Check your supply of flashlights/batteries, radios and other equipment that may be useful.
- Remind everyone of the safest area in your building.
- AND IMPORTANTLY … discuss your policy with your staff about leaving campus during a severe storm or tornado to check on a situation at home or elsewhere.
- (If you prepare today for possible severe weather tomorrow, this may lessen your need to leave campus if a severe storm or tornado strikes.)
- LEAVING CAMPUS: Anyone who wishes to leave campus during a tornado warning, should first check with his or her supervisor. It must be understood that people who leave campus are taking either annual leave or unpaid leave—and are responsible for themselves.
- Check your school: If you have children in school, call your school today and make sure you know its policy about releasing children and/or running buses during severe weather. Make sure you carry your school’s phone number.
- Check at home: If you have pets, babysitters/children or elderly family members at home, make sure accommodations are made for them and that you have discussed a plan of action in the event of a severe storm or tornado tomorrow. Make sure everyone at home has your cell phone number.
- Check your day-care center: If you have children in a day-care facility, make sure you understand the center’s policy in the event of severe weather. Make sure you exchange phone information.
- Faculty: Please plan ahead for assignments/classroom work in case your class is interrupted tomorrow by a tornado warning or, in extreme circumstances, the university should be closed. The closing of the university is issued from the President’s Office.
What is the difference between a Tornado Watch and a Tornado Warning?
A Tornado Watch simply means conditions are right for tornadoes to develop. A Tornado Warning means an actual tornado has been sighted. We will issue a “Take Shelter Alert” ONLY when there is a Tornado Warning issued by AccuWeather for the immediate campus area.
Should we use elevators during a tornado warning?
As a general rule, no. However, if it is necessary to help someone such as a wheelchair-bound individual to reach a place of safety in a timely fashion, use the elevator. But people should not crowd into an elevator when stairs are available—in case of a power outage.
What should we do if there is a person with disabilities who needs assistance?
By all means, the professor and classmates should heed the Good Samaritan concept and help that person reach a place of safety, whether it requires lending a hand or arm or carrying him or her. If necessary, use an elevator to get that person to the recommended tornado shelter location in the building.
How will I know that it’s OK to go back to my office or classroom?
If you receive a text alert or email or have a weather alert radio or access to a TV or radio and you hear that the warning has ended. If you do not have access to those things, wait 20 minutes then use your cell or nearest office phone to call MTSU University Police at 2424 to find out if there is an “all clear.”; You may need to call several times because many people may be trying to call.
Are we allowed to go home during a tornado warning?
First, you need to check with your supervisor. In addition, if you leave campus, you do so with the understanding that you are taking personal leave—and thus, you are responsible for your own safety once off campus.
Does this plan pertain to night classes?
Yes. For those who attend night classes or weekend events on campus, please access the Recommended Tornado Shelter Locations table above to find out where you should go for shelter in any particular building.
What should we do when we have groups in our building from off campus and they are being chaperoned by MTSU students or other staff?
Whether it’s CUSTOMS, Girls State, TSSAA or any other organized event on campus, organizers should become acquainted with the Recommended Tornado Shelter Locations in all buildings that will be used.
If there is a tornado warning ANYWHERE in Rutherford County, is that also a tornado warning for MTSU?
No. MTSU now uses AccuWeather, a private weather-monitoring company that gives tornado information for the main campus and Tennessee-Miller Coliseum only. This service has reduced the number of false alarms and the need for people to go to their safe place unnecessarily.
What should we do if the designated Recommended Tornado Shelter Location in our building is not large enough for all the people who happen to be in that building at a given time?
Use your best judgment. Once the Recommended Tornado Shelter Location is full, look for the next best shelter area away from windows and potential flying objects. Always look for interior walls and areas surrounded by steel infrastructure, such as a bathroom. (It would be wise to scout out those alternative areas right now.)
Should we heed the tornado siren?
Yes. If you are outside, you should enter the nearest building. If you are a Building Runner and you are able to hear the siren and the voice announcing “Tornado, Seek Shelter” you should take action. Afterwards, if you hear the tornado siren enunciate an “All Clear” you may send people back to their offices and classrooms.
What if we cannot hear the tornado siren?
ou will receive a “Take Shelter Alert” via email, and you should take action. As far as an “All Clear” as a rule of thumb, wait 20 minutes, then call University Police (2424) to make sure it is safe to return to offices and classrooms. If you have a weather radio in your office, you can take your cues from that regarding a warning and an all-clear. (If you have a TV in your office, you may want to have it on during a day of severe weather.)
Should I ever call 911?
Yes, if someone in your area is injured. If you call 911 on a campus phone, you will reach MTSU University Police. You will also reach MTSU University Police by dialing 898-2424 on either a campus or cell phone. If you call 911 on your cell phone, you will likely reach the City Police Department.
Would it be OK to lock our office door during a tornado drill or actual alert?
Do the shuttles continue to run during a tornado warning?