Lab Remote Access


04/09/20: In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, we are temprarily offering limited remote access to BAS Unviversity Lab Computers. To access this service you must follow the steps below:

  1. If you have a MTSU VPN account:
    1. Login to MTSU VPN
    2. Open your web browser and go to step 3.
  2. If you have access to MTSU Virtual Desktop:
    1. Login to the MTS Virtual Desktop, launch the Student Virtual Desktop, inside your virtual desktop, launch the web browser and go to step 3.
  3. In the web broser, go to
    1. Select the computer you want to connect and click [Connect]
    2. Click on the [Download] button. A .rdp file will download.
    3. Click on the .rdp file, click on [Connect]
    4. Enter your credentials and click [OK].
    5. The computer remote desktop will open and you can run the application you want. 

If you do not have access to MTApps or VPN, please contact the ITD Help Desk.