CLUE: How To Play

(Note: This is a text-based version of the How To Play guide. We also offer a graphic version.)

Step 1: Choose a Task

Go to the scavenger hunt page [link will be available on Sept 23] to view the map and choose a task. They can be completed in any order.

Helpful hint: The first section of tasks is required. Other tasks in themed groups (for example, Academics Archipelago) are optional tasks, but you'll need to complete at least 5 of them to be entered in the prize drawing. 

Step 2: Complete the Task

Click the icon and a Google Form will open, with the task description and a spot to enter its code word.  Complete the task to gain the code word. 

Step 3: Earn Points

Enter the code word on the form and submit it. You'll get 15 points per required task and 5 points per optional task.

Step 4: Try, Try Again!

Got it wrong on the first try? That's okay! Try again! You can repeat each task any number of times in order to get the right answer.  (You'll receive the points for the task only once--15 per required task and 5 per optional task.)

Step 5: Reach Your Goal

Visit the text-based scavenger hunt page [link will be available on Sept 23] to choose your first task. Complete it, then return to the scavenger hunt for your next task. You'll need to complete all 6 of the required tasks and at least 6 of the optional tasks (at least 1 per task group) to be entered to win. 

This Year's Prize

You can win an awesome stadium blanket! Earn 200 points to have your name listed on our virtual Wall of Fame!

Stadium blanket with carrying strap and MTSU logo

Step 6: Pick Up Your Prize (if you win)

Watch for an email after the end of the event, letting you know whether your name was chosen in the prize drawing. If you did, the email will include information about prize pickup, including dates, times, and location.

Be sure to check out our FAQs page for more helpful info!