Course Scheduling Patterns

Not all computer science courses are offered each semester. The schedules below indicate when the Computer Science department plans to offer specific courses, but you should be aware that exceptions may occur. Courses not shown will be scheduled "on demand." Each class must have sufficient enrollment to run.

Undergraduate Courses

Course Every Fall Every Spring Odd Springs
(eg, Spring 2017)
1010 X X  
1150 X X  
1160 X X  
1170 X X  
2170 X X  
303X X X  
3080 X X  
3110 X X  
3130 X X  
3160 X X  
3180  X X  
3210   X  
3240 X X  
4160 X    
4250 X    
4300 X    
4330   X  
4350 X    
4360     X
4410   X  
4560 X    
4700 X X  


Graduate Courses

Course Every Fall Every Spring Odd Falls
(eg, Fall 2015)
Even Springs
(eg, Spring 2016)
Even Falls
(eg, Fall 2016)
Odd Springs
(eg, Spring 2017)
5160 X          
5250 X          
5300 X          
5350 X          
5360           X
5410   X        
5560 X          
5700 X X        
6050   X        
6100 X           
6180     X      
6250         X  
6300       X    
6330 X          
6350       X    
6430   X        
6450           X
6560           X
6620   X        
6700     X      


Summer Offerings

During each summer, CSCI 1170, 2170 and one 3000-level are offered. Most summers, CSCI 4900 and 6600 (Selected Topics) are also offered. 

Evening Courses

It is possible to obtain a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's degree taking only evening classes. These classes will start at 4:20pm or later.  A Bachelor's Degree can be obtained in a 6-year cycle and a Master's Degree can be obtained in a 2-year cycle taking only evening classes.

NOTE: The following calender is tentative and may change at any time.


Evening Undergraduate Courses

Evening Graduate Courses Offered

Fall 2020

1170, 3110, 4160, 4560

5160, 5560, 6100, 6250

Spring 2021

2170, 3160, 3240

6430, 6450, 6560


Fall 2021

1170, 3080, 4300, 4350

5300, 5350, 6100, 6180, 6330, 6700

Spring 2022

2170, 3130, 4700

5700, 6300, 6350, 6430


Fall 2022

1170, 303x, 3110, 4560

5560, 6100, 6250

Spring 2023

2170, 3160, 3210

6430, 6450, 6560


Fall 2023

1170, 4160, 4300, 4350

5160, 5300, 5350, 6100, 6180, 6330, 6700

Spring 2024

2170, 3130, 3240

6300, 6350, 6430, 6620


Fall 2024

1170, 3080, 3110, 4560

5560, 6100, 6250

Spring 2025

2170, 3160, 3240, 4700

5700, 6430, 6450, 6560


Fall 2025

1170, 303x, 4300, 4350

5300, 5350, 6100, 6180, 6330, 6700

Spring 2026

2170, 3130, 3210

6300, 6350, 6430, 6620