Reading the Pseudo-code for Transformers

Reading the Pseudo-code for Transformers

April 10 2024
Transformers are the underlying algorithms powering large language models like GPT, Bert, and Llama.

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Introduction to Health Information Exchanges (HIE): interoperability in Healthcare and Health Insurance IT

Introduction to Health Information Exchanges (HIE): interoperability in Healthcare and Health Insurance IT

April 10 2024
The seamless exchange of healthcare information, facilitated by Health Information Exchange (HIE), is pivotal for enhancing patient care, improving outcomes, and reducing healthcare costs.

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Integrating Health Care Data with HL7: Leveraging Google Cloud and RESTful APIs for Enhanced Interoperability

Integrating Health Care Data with HL7: Leveraging Google Cloud and RESTful APIs for Enhanced Interoperability

April 10 2024
Explore advanced data engineering techniques in healthcare data management using Google Cloud's BigQuery and the HL7 standard

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Opportunities for actuaries and computational mathematics experts in healthcare industry

Opportunities for actuaries and computational mathematics experts in healthcare industry

March 26 2024
Ramzi Abujamra, PhD, ASA, Sr Clinical & Population Health Analyst, Highmark Health will describe opportunities in the health insurance industry from his viewpoint during his career.

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Using AI-Assisted Writing Productively

Using AI-Assisted Writing Productively

October 18 2023
The “computational” capabilities of ChatBots are growing exponentially.  The interaction modes of ChatBots are rapidly changing. 

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