Writing News

Find more info and interviews with MTSU creative writers and guests on the In Process blog.feather

Creative Writing Events (MTSU & local)

*For information about the MTSU Poetry Society, contact MTSUPoetry@gmail.com, or scan the flyer below.

poetry society flyer,

Calls for Student Writing

  • Off Center is accepting submissions of prose, poetry, artwork, and sound projects from the MTSU community. Visit their website for guidelines
  • Outrageous Fortune, the country’s first nationwide online literary magazine for and by undergraduates, is currently accepting submissions of all genres: fiction, non-fiction, drama, film, art, photography, and poetry, and digital files such as video-recorded spoken word and short films. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Visit their website for guidelines.
  • "Do you want to write about Movies, TV, Anime, Arts, Comics, Games, Literature or other art forms? Do you want to get your foot in the door and enter the big-wide world of the online media and have your work read and shared by millions of readers? We invite you to The Artifice, an online magazine that covers a wide spectrum of art forms." Visit our website for more info.
  • The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has posted a useful guide to undergraduate journals in art and literature.


To have your event or call for student writing added to this page, contact Dr. Claudia Barnett.