Dr. Alexander T. Jackson
Associate Professor

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Kansas State University (2016)
- MA, University of Tulsa (2012)
- BS, Oklahoma State University (2010)
Areas of Expertise
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Occupational Health Psychology
- Dark Personality Characteristics
Alexander T. Jackson earned his B.S. in Psychology from Oklahoma State University in 2010, his M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from The University of Tulsa in 2012, and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Kansas State University in 2016. He joined MTSU in the Fall 2016. Since joining MTSU, he has taught courses in training & development, organizational psychology, psychological testing, occupational health psychology, and cross-cultural psychology. He has chaired eight graduate stud...
Read More »Alexander T. Jackson earned his B.S. in Psychology from Oklahoma State University in 2010, his M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from The University of Tulsa in 2012, and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Kansas State University in 2016. He joined MTSU in the Fall 2016. Since joining MTSU, he has taught courses in training & development, organizational psychology, psychological testing, occupational health psychology, and cross-cultural psychology. He has chaired eight graduate student theses, served on 19 graduate student thesis committees, and served as the chair on two undergraduate student Honors theses. Further, he has supervised student research resulting in a total of 43 student co-authored conference presentations (22 local/regional presentations, 13 national presentations, and eight international presentations) with 27 different students. He has also mentored students through the publication process resulting in six student co-authored peer-reviewed journal articles and three book reviews. He has served as an editor for a special issue in Personnel Assessments and Decisions and is currently on the editorial board for Occupational Health Science.
Dr. Jackson’s two primary research interests are judgment & decision making and occupational health psychology. He has published research examining hiring decision aids, the effect of narcissism on advice taking & the hindsight bias, workplace burnout, and making healthy choices at work.
Dr. Jackson also serves as a consultant for the Center for Organizational and Human Resource Effectiveness at MTSU where he has delivered leadership development workshops to Tennessee state agencies, provided statistical analyses for private organizations, and conducted organization wide employee surveys.
Dr. Jackson is an avid triathlete. He has reached the podium in his age group in three separate races, and he recently completed his first Half-Ironman (70.3 miles) triathlon in Panama City, FL in May 2021.
Reichin, S. L., Jackson, A. T., Frame, M. C., & Hein, M. (2022). Exploring the feasibility of assessing cultural competence in police officers. Personnel Assessments and Decisions. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25035/pad.2022.02.003
Reichin, S. L., Frame, M. C., Jackson, A. T., & Hein, M. (2022). Promotional score changes across three test administrations: Preliminary evidence for construct relevant change. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. http...
Read More »Reichin, S. L., Jackson, A. T., Frame, M. C., & Hein, M. (2022). Exploring the feasibility of assessing cultural competence in police officers. Personnel Assessments and Decisions. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25035/pad.2022.02.003
Reichin, S. L., Frame, M. C., Jackson, A. T., & Hein, M. (2022). Promotional score changes across three test administrations: Preliminary evidence for construct relevant change. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11896-022-09503-z.
Avila, J., Rapp, R., Dunbar, S., & Jackson, A. T. (2021). Burnout and worklife in disaster restoration: Maslach Burnout Inventory and Areas of Worklife Survey. Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, 147(2), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1061/%28ASCE%29CO.1943-7862.0001986.
Howes, S. S., Kausel, E. E., Jackson, A. T., & Reb, J. (2020). When and why narcissists exhibit greater hindsight bias and less perceived learning. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1498-1528. https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206320929421
Thiele, A., Jackson, A. T., Stremic, S. M., & Howes, S. S. (2020). Does feedback increase decision aid use among hiring professionals? Personnel Assessment and Decisions, 6(2), 20-30. https://doi.org/10.25035/pad.2020.02.004
Jackson, A. T., Young, M. E., Howes, S. S., & Knight, P. A., Reichin, S. L. (2019). Examining factors influencing use of a decision aid in personnel selection. Personnel Assessment and Decisions, 5(1), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.25035/pad.2019.01.001
Mazzola, J. J. & Jackson, A. T., & Thiele, A. (2019). Obesity in the workplace: A systematic review of barriers and facilitators to healthy lifestyles. Occupational Health Science, 3, (239-264). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41542-019-00046-0.
Jackson, A. T., Howes, S. S., Kausel, E., Young, M. E., Loftis, M. E. (2018). The reciprocal relationships between escalation, anger, and confidence in investment decisions over time. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(1136), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01136.
Jackson, A. T. & Frame, M. C. (2018). Stress, health, and performance: What do we know? Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, e12147. https://doi.org/10.1111/jabr.12147.
Jackson, A. T., Simmons, M. J., Brummel, B. J., & Entringer, A. (2016). Appropriate training should turn ethical reasoning into ethical practice. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 13, 373-392. https://doi.org/10.5840/jbee20161317.
Kausel, E. E., Culbertson, S. S., Leiva, P. I., Slaughter, J. E., & Jackson, A. T. (2015). Too arrogant for their own good? Why and when narcissists dismiss advice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 131, 33-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.obhdp.2015.07.006.
Jackson, A. T., Parker, K. N., & Waples, C. J. (2014). Don’t forget about us! Students’ perspectives. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 7, 33-36. https://doi.org/10.1111/iops.12100.
Jackson, A. T., Brummel, B. J., Pollet, C. L., & Greer, D. D. (2013). An evaluation of interactive tabletops in elementary mathematics education. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(2), 311-332. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-013-9287-4.
Jackson, A. T., Madewell, A. N., & Kennison, S. M. (2011). The relationship between body image and job satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 11(2), 56-69.