Dr. Alyssa Logan
Mary E. Miller Chair of Excellence in Equine Health - Assistant Professor & Horse Judging Team Coach

Spring 2025
Monday - 10:00 - 11:30 AM
Wednesday - 11:00 - 12:30 AM
Thursday - 12:30 - 2:30 PM
Available at additional times by appointment, please email alyssa.logan@mtsu.edu
Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Michigan State University (2022)
- MS, Michigan State University (2019)
- BS, University of Wisconsin - River Falls (2017)
Areas of Expertise
Equine exercise physiology - bone and joint health, biomechanics, management
Young horse development and training
Performance horse training and welfare
Equine evaluation and selection (horse judging)
Equine training: reining and ranch-type events
Equine undergraduate and graduate studnet education
Equine industry management
AQHA Level 1 Judge and Professional Horseman
NRHA Judge and Professional
Dr. Alyssa Logan is the Mary E. Miller Chair of Excellence in Equine Health and an Assistant Professor and Horse Judging Team Coach at Middle Tennessee State University. She obtained her B.S. in Animal Science from the University of Wisconsin River Falls, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Animal Science at Michigan State University, studying under Dr. Brian Nielsen. From a research perspective, Dr. Logan has a particular interest in the exercise and management of performance horses. A 2021 revie...
Read More »Dr. Alyssa Logan is the Mary E. Miller Chair of Excellence in Equine Health and an Assistant Professor and Horse Judging Team Coach at Middle Tennessee State University. She obtained her B.S. in Animal Science from the University of Wisconsin River Falls, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Animal Science at Michigan State University, studying under Dr. Brian Nielsen. From a research perspective, Dr. Logan has a particular interest in the exercise and management of performance horses. A 2021 review she co-authored on exercising young horses published in the journal, Animals, is among the top 60 viewed articles of all time. Dr. Logan is an open division competitor in NRHA, AQHA, ABRA, ASHA, and IBHA events, holds an ASHA judges card, an AQHA Level 1 judges card,, and NRHA judges card, and is an AQHA and NRHA professional. In academic and professional equestrian capacities, Dr. Logan works to combine scientific evidence with the realistic goals of horse owners and competitors to explore methods of exercise training and management that will lead to healthy careers for performance horses.
*Indicates advised student
*Harbowy, R.M., B.D. Nielsen, A.C. Colbath, C.I. Robison, D.D. Buskirk, A.A. Logan. 2025. Effects of exercise speed and circle diameter on markers of bone and joint health in juvenile sheep as an equine model. Animals. 15 (3): https://doi.org/10.3390/ani15030414
*Stellmack, J.M., A.A. Logan, A.H. Higgins, R.M. Hoffman. 2024. Physiological comparison of conditioned and non-conditioned university horses following semester break. J. Equine Vet. Sci. Equ...
Read More »*Indicates advised student
*Harbowy, R.M., B.D. Nielsen, A.C. Colbath, C.I. Robison, D.D. Buskirk, A.A. Logan. 2025. Effects of exercise speed and circle diameter on markers of bone and joint health in juvenile sheep as an equine model. Animals. 15 (3): https://doi.org/10.3390/ani15030414
*Stellmack, J.M., A.A. Logan, A.H. Higgins, R.M. Hoffman. 2024. Physiological comparison of conditioned and non-conditioned university horses following semester break. J. Equine Vet. Sci. Equine Science Society Issue 140: 105142. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.JEVS.2024.105143
*Price, H.A., A.A. Logan, A.J. Snyder, A.H. Higgins. 2024. A demographic and performance assessment of horses used in draw-based Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association Competitions. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 139: 105146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2024.105146
Vergara Hernandez, B.F., B.D. Nielsen, J.M. Popovich, C. I. Robison, C.L. Panek, R.E. Ehrhardt, T.N. Johnson, N.J, Chargo, A.A. Logan, T.H. Welsh, A.N. Bradbery, J.L Leatherwood. 2024. Clodronate disodium does not produce measurable effects on bone metabolism in an exercising, juvenile, large animal model. Plos One. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0300360
*Harbowy, R.M., B.D. Nielsen, A.C. Colbath, C.I. Robison, D. Buskirk, A.A. Logan. Incidence rate of lesions in the distal forelimb of growing, exercising sheep as a model for horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary science. 124:104329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104329
*Klingaman, J., A. Logan, A. Higgins, R.M. Hoffman. 2023. Comparison of physically conditioned and non-conditioned university horses after semester break. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 124:104395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104395
*Snyder, A., A. Logan, R.M. Hoffman. 2023. Effects of low-dose electrolyte supplementation to university horses in light to moderate exercise. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 124:104330. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104330
Logan, A.A., A.J. *Snyder, B.D. Nielsen. 2023. Circle diemater impacts stride frequency and forelimb stance duration at various gaits in horses. Sensors. 23(9): 4232. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23094232
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, K.M. Hiney, C.I. Robison, J.M. Manfredi, D.D. Buskirk, J.M. Popovich Jr. 2022. The impact of circular exercise diameter on bone and joint health of juvenile animals. Animals. 12(11): 1379. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12111379
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, D.B. Hallock, C.I. Robison, J.M. Popovich Jr. 2022. Evaluation of within- and between- session reliability of the TekscanTM Hoof System with a glue-on shoe. J. Equine. Vet. Sci. 110 (2022): 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103862
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. Robison, D.B. Hallock. J.M. Manfredi, K.M. Hiney, D.D. Buskirk, J.M. Popovich Jr. 2021. Impact of gait and diameter during circular exercise on front hoof area, vertical force, and pressure in mature horses. Animals. 11, 3581, https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11123581
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, J.M. Manfredi, C.I. Robison. 2021. Sprint exercise of juvenile animals does not impact cartilage glycosaminoglycan or synovial fluid neopeptide collagenase cleavage of type I and II collagen content. J. Equine. Vet Sci. 101(2021): 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103405
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen. 2021. Training young horses: the science behind the benefits. Animals. 11(2) 463. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11020463
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, R. Sehl, E. Jones, C.I. Robison, and A.P. Pease. 2019. Short-term stall housing of horses results in changes of markers of bone metabolism. Comp. Exerc. Physiol. 15 (4): 283-290. https://doi.org/10.3920/CEP190038
Logan, A.A., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. Robison, J.M. Manfredi, D.D. Buskirk, H.C. Schott, K.M. Hiney. 2019. Calves, as a model for juvenile horses, need only one sprint per week to experience increased bone strength. J. Anim. Sci. 97(8): 3300-12. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz202
Student Conference Presentations:
Harbowy, R.H., B.D. Nielsen, A. Colbath, C.I. Robison, D. Buskirk, A.A. Logan. 2023. Incidence rate of lesions in the distal forelimb of growing, exercising sheep as a model for horses. 28th Equine Science Society. Exercise Science Graduate Student Competition (2nd Place & 1st Place Graduate Student Publication Award).
Snyder, A., A. Logan, A. Higgins, R. Hoffman. 2023. Effects of low-dose electrolyte supplementation to university horses i...
Read More »Student Conference Presentations:
Harbowy, R.H., B.D. Nielsen, A. Colbath, C.I. Robison, D. Buskirk, A.A. Logan. 2023. Incidence rate of lesions in the distal forelimb of growing, exercising sheep as a model for horses. 28th Equine Science Society. Exercise Science Graduate Student Competition (2nd Place & 1st Place Graduate Student Publication Award).
Snyder, A., A. Logan, A. Higgins, R. Hoffman. 2023. Effects of low-dose electrolyte supplementation to university horses in light to moderate exercise. 2023. 28th Equine Science Society. Exercise Science Graduate Student Competition.
Klingaman, J. A. Logan, A. Higgins, R. Hoffman. 2023. Comparison of conditioned and non- conditioned university horses after semester break. 28th Equine Science Society. Production and Management Graduate Student Competition (3rd Place & alternate for Graduate Student Publication Award)
Industry Presentations:
Tennessee Association of Agriculture Educators – Horse Judging Demo and “Coaching a Horse Judging Team” lecture, Murfreesboro, TN, July 8th, 2024.
Blue Horse Equestrian – Clinic “Judging Horsemanship”, Shelbyville, TN, June 12th, 2024
Southern Equine Expo – Invited talk “Exercise Physiology for the Horse Owner”, Murfreesboro, TN, February 24th, 2024.
Southern Equine Expo – Invited talk “Form to Function and Conformation”, Murfreesboro, TN, February 23, 2024.
Virtual Judging Camp – Invited instruction “Judging Reining”, February 22nd, 2024
Music City Horseshoers Association Winter Farrier Clinic – Invited talk “Equine Conformation”, Murfreesboro, TN, January 13, 2024.
Fall 2024 – Wrangler COWGIRL – 30 Under 30 - 2025 Class
Fall 2023 – Animals – Young Investigator Award, nominee
June 2021 - Equine Science Society Symposium - 1st place Exercise Science Graduate Student Competition - 1st place Journal of Equine Veterinary Science Student Publication Award: Within- and between-session reliability of the TekscanTM Hoof System
June 2019 - Equine Science Society Symposium- 3rd place Exercise Science Graduat...
Read More »Fall 2024 – Wrangler COWGIRL – 30 Under 30 - 2025 Class
Fall 2023 – Animals – Young Investigator Award, nominee
June 2021 - Equine Science Society Symposium - 1st place Exercise Science Graduate Student Competition - 1st place Journal of Equine Veterinary Science Student Publication Award: Within- and between-session reliability of the TekscanTM Hoof System
June 2019 - Equine Science Society Symposium- 3rd place Exercise Science Graduate Student Competition: Weekly sprinting of juvenile animals increases bone strength and size as well as bone formation marker concentration
Research / Scholarly Activity
Research supported by the Mary E. Miller Chair of Excellence in Equine Health Endowment:
Zimmerman-Cameron, S., A. Colbath, M. Caruso III, M. Leath, A. Logan. Effect of palmar digital perineural analgesia (as a model for “nerving”) on forelimb loading over various surfaces at the walk and trot – a pilot study. Equine Science Society Graduate Student Competition. Accepted January 2025.
Stellmack, J.M., A.A. Logan, A.H. HIggins, R.M. Hoffman....
Read More »Research supported by the Mary E. Miller Chair of Excellence in Equine Health Endowment:
Zimmerman-Cameron, S., A. Colbath, M. Caruso III, M. Leath, A. Logan. Effect of palmar digital perineural analgesia (as a model for “nerving”) on forelimb loading over various surfaces at the walk and trot – a pilot study. Equine Science Society Graduate Student Competition. Accepted January 2025.
Stellmack, J.M., A.A. Logan, A.H. HIggins, R.M. Hoffman. 2024. Physiological comparison of conditioned and non-contiioned university horses following semester break. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science - Equine Science Society Symposia Articles. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2024.105143.
Snyder, A., A. Logan, R.M. Hoffman. 2023. Effects of low-dose electrolyte supplementation to university horses in light to moderate exercise. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science - Equine Science Society Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104330.
Creative Activity
Graduate student expriential learning projects:
Caroline Burkhart. Development of Judging Contests in Interscholastic Equestrian Associaiton (IEA).
Michaela Winslow. Educational Ranch Competition Videos - Partnership with Tennessee Stock Horse Association.
Erin Scott. Graduation Summer 2025. Creating a new testing method for a nationally recognized youth equestrian development association - Partnership with Youth Equestrian Development Association.
Read More »Graduate student expriential learning projects:
Caroline Burkhart. Development of Judging Contests in Interscholastic Equestrian Associaiton (IEA).
Michaela Winslow. Educational Ranch Competition Videos - Partnership with Tennessee Stock Horse Association.
Erin Scott. Graduation Summer 2025. Creating a new testing method for a nationally recognized youth equestrian development association - Partnership with Youth Equestrian Development Association.
Kara Brown. Graduation Spring 2025. Creating and Hosting a Horsemanship Clinic Program and Show Management at a Youth Competition.
JoBeth Scarlett. Graduation Spring 2025. Videos as a Form of Widespread Education in the Equine Industry - Partnership with Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association.
Lily Germano. Graduation Spring 2023. Youth Education in the Equine Industry Provided by a National Association - Parntership with American Quarter Horse Youth Association.
In the Media
The Educated Cowgirl Podcast! - How continuing education can really benefit the horse and the equine industry with Dr. Alyssa Logan. July 11th, 2024. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4sNUnbXuDKsVtZvVswGMQ9?si=4fbf8064b17d4a5e
On the Rail Podcast – 095. From Academics to Arenas with Alyssa Logan. June 3rd, 2024. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5wejmHbXSdmxHps85X6stC?si=3cb272e690a048ba
Horse Industry Podcast – On the Road with Regina: Equine bone and joint health (...
Read More »The Educated Cowgirl Podcast! - How continuing education can really benefit the horse and the equine industry with Dr. Alyssa Logan. July 11th, 2024. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4sNUnbXuDKsVtZvVswGMQ9?si=4fbf8064b17d4a5e
On the Rail Podcast – 095. From Academics to Arenas with Alyssa Logan. June 3rd, 2024. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5wejmHbXSdmxHps85X6stC?si=3cb272e690a048ba
Horse Industry Podcast – On the Road with Regina: Equine bone and joint health (including a discussion on lunging and injections!) with Alyssa Logan, Ph.D. candidate. October 1, 2021 https://open.spotify.com/episode/6lvKCo1nKSM9tsldgDBR9O
Journeys of Scientists – Episode 21 – Alyssa Logan. April 3, 2021. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6iyYJdvdWkJ3PhnRBGkik0?si=XsuVrwmyTTK0YlBMD7 ykRg
The Sci-Files - Graduate Student Q&A Session. The Sci-Files. April 2, 2020. https://impact89fm.org/89051/podcasts/the-sci-files-virtual-qa/
The Sci-Files - Horse Bone Health. December 15, 2019. https://impact89fm.org/83868/podcasts/the-sci-files-12-15-19-alyssa-logan/
Special Projects
National Horse Judging Team Coaches' Association - Director, 2023 - 2025
Collaborator and consultant to Spartan Equine Research Lab (Michigan State University)
Texas A & M AgriLife Research Institute for Equine Sciences accepted grant: Identifying novel biomarkers predictive of fatigue to reduce injury in exercising Thoroughbred horses. White-Springer, S.H., Mathis, C., Johnson, S., Logan, A., Chevalier, B. Funded FY 24-25. $25,000.
Michigan Allian...
Read More »National Horse Judging Team Coaches' Association - Director, 2023 - 2025
Collaborator and consultant to Spartan Equine Research Lab (Michigan State University)
Texas A & M AgriLife Research Institute for Equine Sciences accepted grant: Identifying novel biomarkers predictive of fatigue to reduce injury in exercising Thoroughbred horses. White-Springer, S.H., Mathis, C., Johnson, S., Logan, A., Chevalier, B. Funded FY 24-25. $25,000.
Michigan Alliance for Animal Agriculture accepted grant: Impact of speed and circle diameter on bone and joint health during circular exercise. Nielsen, B.D., A. Colbath, D. Buskirk, A. A. Logan. Funded 2022-2024, $149,870
American Quarter Horse Association submitted grant: Influence of handler and rider on equine hoof loading during circular and straight exercise. Nielsen, B.D., J.M. Popovich, D.M. Boehmer, D.B. Hallock, A. A. Logan. Submitted October 2020. Requested: $38,845
HORS 1110 Introduction to Horse Care and Use
HORS 2480 Equine Evaluation and Selection
HORS 4550 Equine Exercise Physiology
HORS 4580 Advanced Judging of Horses
HORS 6170 Issues in the Equine Industry
HORS 6540 Equine Experiential Learning
HORS 6550 Advanced Equine Exercise Phyiology
HORS 6580 Graduate Equine Evaluation
AGRI 6100 Graduate Seminar in Agriculture
AGRI 6640 Thesis Research