Dr. Andrew R. Wyatt

Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday/Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of Illinois at Chicago (2008)
- MA, University of Illinois at Chicago (1999)
- BA, Antioch College (1989)
Areas of Expertise
The Maya
The Amazon
Ancient Agriculture and Plant Use
Gardens and Households
Andrew Wyatt received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2008, and his B.A. in Literature from Antioch College in 1989. He works in Latin America with a focus on the Maya area of southern Mexico and Central America, and the Brazilian Amazon. His research interests include agricultural production, land use, and ancient environments in rural and hinterland societies with a focus on household production and political economy. As an environmental archaeologis...
Read More »Andrew Wyatt received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2008, and his B.A. in Literature from Antioch College in 1989. He works in Latin America with a focus on the Maya area of southern Mexico and Central America, and the Brazilian Amazon. His research interests include agricultural production, land use, and ancient environments in rural and hinterland societies with a focus on household production and political economy. As an environmental archaeologist, he reconstructs subsistence and land use practices, regional historical ecology, and climate change through archaeological excavation, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, and the analysis of ancient plant remains. He is currently conducting research in Gurupá and the Caxiuanã Forest in Brazil, the Maya site of Motul de San Jose in Guatemala, and Fort Negley in Nashville. Among his classes at MTSU are introductory classes in archaeology and world prehistory, Research Methods in Anthropology, Mesoamerican Archaeology, Ancient Civilizations, and Environmental Archaeology.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Wyatt, Andrew R.
In Press Gardens of the Maya. In The Nuts and Bolts of the Maya Economy. Marilyn A. Masson, David A. Freidel, and Arthur A. Demarest, eds. University Press of Florida.
Peres, Tanya M., Aaron Deter-Wolf, Kelly Ledford, Joey Keasler, Ryan Robinson, and Andrew R. Wyatt
2019 Archaeological Investigations at 40DV7. In The Cumberland River Archaic ...
Peer Reviewed Publications
Wyatt, Andrew R.
In Press Gardens of the Maya. In The Nuts and Bolts of the Maya Economy. Marilyn A. Masson, David A. Freidel, and Arthur A. Demarest, eds. University Press of Florida.
Peres, Tanya M., Aaron Deter-Wolf, Kelly Ledford, Joey Keasler, Ryan Robinson, and Andrew R. Wyatt
2019 Archaeological Investigations at 40DV7. In The Cumberland River Archaic of Middle Tennessee. Edited by Tanya M. Peres and Aaron Deter-Wolf. University Press of Florida.
Robin, Cynthia, Andrew R. Wyatt, James Meierhoff, and Caleb Kestle
2015 Political Interaction: A View from the 2000 Year History of the Farming Community of Chan. In Classic Maya Polities of the Southern Lowlands: Integration, Interaction, Dissolution. Damien B. Marken and James L. Fitzsimmons, eds. Pp. 99-122. University Press of Colorado.
Wyatt, Andrew R.
2015 Agricultural/Horticultural Sites. In The Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia. Karen Bescherer Metheny and Mary C. Beaudry, eds. Pp. 4-6. AltaMira Press/Rowman & Littlefield.
Wyatt, Andrew R.
2014 The Scale and Organization of Ancient Maya Water Management. Water 1:449-467.
Tomasic, John, Edwin J. Miller, Mark Volmut, and Andrew R. Wyatt
2012 The Eastep Site (14MY388): A Late Archaic/Woodland Period Site in Southeast Kansas. The Kansas Anthropologist 33:103-158.
Wyatt, Andrew R., David Jarzen, and Kitty Emery
2012 Paleoecological Investigations at Motul de San Jose. In Politics, History, and Economy at the Classic Maya Center Motul de San Jose, Guatemala. Antonia E. Foias and Kitty F. Emery, eds. Pp. 275-290. University Press of Florida.
Wyatt, Andrew R.
2012 Agricultural Practices at the Chan Site: Farming and Political Economy in an Ancient Maya Community. In Chan: An Ancient Maya Farming Community in Belize. Cynthia Robin, ed. Pp. 71-88. University of Arizona Press.
Robin, Cynthia, Andrew R. Wyatt, Laura Kosakowsky, Santiago Juarez, Ethan Kalosky, and Elise Docster
2012 A Changing Cultural Landscape: Settlement Survey and GIS at Chan. In Chan: An Ancient Maya Farming Community in Belize. Cynthia Robin, ed. Pp. 19-41. University of Arizona Press.
Wyatt, Andrew R.
2008 Pine as an Element of Household Refuse in the Fertilization of Ancient Maya Agricultural Fields. Journal of Ethnobiology 28(2): 244-258.
Monaghan, John and Andrew R. Wyatt
2008 Mesoamerica. In A Companion to Latin American History. Thomas Holloway, ed. Pp. 30-45. Blackwell Publishing, Boston.
Wyatt, Andrew R.
2002 Mexico and Central America, Pre-Columbian. In The Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. William Woys Weaver, Ed. Pp. 497-502. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Lentz, David L., Mary E.D. Pohl, Kevin O. Pope and Andrew R. Wyatt
2001 “Prehistoric Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Domestication in Mexico.” Economic Botany Vol. 55 No.3, July-September 2001.
Symposia Volumes
Wyatt, Andrew R.
2006 Excavations of Agricultural Terraces at Chan Belize. In Papers of the 2005 Belize Archaeology Symposium. Institute of Archaeology, National Institute of Culture and History, Belize.
Wyatt, Andrew R. and Haley Hanson
2016 Archaeobotanical Analysis of Plant Remains from Chachaklu’um, Guatemala. Report on File with the Instituto de Anthropología y Historia, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Wyatt, Andrew R. and Tara Imoto
2014 Archaeobotanical Analysis of Plant Remains from K’ante’tuul, Guatemala. Report on File with the Instituto de Anthropología y Historia, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Wyatt, Andrew R., Rebecca Friedel, and Whitney Cleaver
2011 Archaeobotanical Analysis of Plant Remains from the Eastep Streambank Stabilization Project, Montgomery County, Kansas.
Wyatt, Andrew R. and Kathryn Brayton
2010 Archaeobotanical Analysis of Plant Remains from Chiquiuitan, Guatemala.
Wyatt, Andrew R.
2005 2005 Agricultural Terrace Investigations at Chan. In Chan Project: 2005 Season. Report on File with the Belize Institute of Archaeology.
Wyatt, Andrew R.
2004 Excavations in Operation 4. In Chan Project: 2004 Season. Report on file with the Belize Institute of Archaeology.
Wyatt, Andrew R. and Ethan Kalosky
2003 Chan Settlement Survey. In Chan Project 2003 Season. Report on file with the Belize Institute of Archaeology.
Wyatt, Andrew R.
2002 “Sondeos en Chultunes en Motul de San Jose.” In Proyecto Motul de San Jose Informe # 4: Temporada de Campo 2001. Antonia Foias, editor. Williams University.
Halperin, Christina, Andrew R. Wyatt, Camilo Luin, Erin McCracken, and Tirso Morales
2002 “Programa de Excavaciones de Sondeo.” In Proyecto Motul de San Jose Informe # 4: Temporada de Campo 2001. Antonia Foias, editor. Williams University.
Moriarty, Matthew and Andrew R. Wyatt
2002 “Reconocimiento Preliminar de Algunos Sitios Menoresen la Zona de Motul de San Jose.” In Proyecto Motul de San Jose Informe # 4: Temporada de Campo 2001. Antonia Foias, editor. Williams University.
Conference Presentations
2019 Palm (Arecaceae) and Ritual in Maya Caves (with Cameron S. Griffith and Rebecca Freidel). Society for Economic Botany 60th Annual Meeting, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2018 In the Garden: Homegarden Studies in the American Neotropics. Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (Session Organizer)
Conference Presentations
2019 Palm (Arecaceae) and Ritual in Maya Caves (with Cameron S. Griffith and Rebecca Freidel). Society for Economic Botany 60th Annual Meeting, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2018 In the Garden: Homegarden Studies in the American Neotropics. Society for American Archaeology 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (Session Organizer)
2017 The Past and Present in Maya Gardens: A Diachronic Perspective of Household Production. 50th Annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2017 The Use of Palm (Arecaceae) in Maya Ritual at Stela Cave, Belize (w/ Cameron S. Griffith and Rebecca Freidel). Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (Session Chair)
2016 Gardens of the Maya. Society for American Archaeology 81st Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
2015 “Me Gusta”: Lacandon Homegardens in Lake Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico. Society of Ethnobiology Annual Meeting 2015. University of California Santa Barbara, California.
2014 “Me Gusta”: Lacandon Homegardens in Lake Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico. Midwest Conference on Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory 2014. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Michigan.
2013 Our Dead Are Never Dead to Us: Southern Maya Lowland Chultunes as Burial Chambers (w/ Joan Crenshaw). Society for American Archaeology 78th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Session Chair)
2012 Ancient Maya Resource Management: Water, Households, and Community at Chan, Belize. Society for American Archaeology 77rd Annual Meeting. Memphis, Tennessee.
2011 Every Earth is Fit for Burial: Southern Maya Lowland Chultunes as Burial Chambers. Midwest Conference on Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
2009 Ancient Maya Agricultural Practices: Paleoethnobotanical Studies on Agricultural Terraces at Chan, Belize. 53rd International Congress of Americanists. Mexico City, Mexico.
2009 Local Water Management and Social Organization at Chan, Belize. Society for American Archaeology 74rd Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia.
2009 Examining Late Preclassic and Classic Period Power and Wealth: Research at K’o, Peten, Guatemala (with John Tomasic). Society for American Archaeology 74rd Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia.
2008 Where does the Power Flow? Local Water Management Practices among the Ancient Maya at Chan, Belize. American Anthropological Association 107th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California.
2008 Agricultural Practices at the Chan Site: Farming and Political Economy in an Ancient Maya Community. Society for American Archaeology 73rd Annual Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia.
2007 The Good Earth: The Organization of Agricultural Production at Chan, Belize. 40th Annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2007 Ancient Maya Terrace Agriculture at Chan, Belize. Midwest Conference on Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory 2007. Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
2006 The Paleoethnobotany of Intensive Agriculture: Agricultural Terraces at Chan, Belize. Society for American Archaeology 71st Annual Meetings. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2006 Terracing and Sustainable Agriculture in the Belize River Valley: New Data on the Ancient Maya from Chan, Belize. 52nd International Congress of Americanists. Seville, Spain.
2005 Investigations on Agricultural Terraces at the Chan Site. 3rd Annual Belize Archaeology Symposium. San Ignacio, Belize.
2005 Excavations on Agricultural Terraces at Chan, Belize. Midwest Conference on Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory 2005. University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.
2004 Paleoethnobotany in the Upper Belize Valley (with Christopher Morehart and David Lentz). Society for American Archaeology 69th Annual Meetings. Montreal, Canada.
2004 Plant Remains at the Olmec site of La Venta (with David Lentz). Society for American Archaeology 69th Annual Meetings. Montreal, Canada.
2004 Agriculture in an Ancient Maya Farming Village: Recent and Future Research at Chan, Belize. Midwest Conference on Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory 2004. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Invited Lectures
2018 Retelling the Story of the Amazon. Middle Cumberland Archaeological Society, Nashville, TN.
2018 Origens, Cultura, e Ambiente: Amazonian Archaeology and the MTSU Field School. Rutherford County Archaeological Society, Murfreesboro, TN.
2016 Ancient Maya Rural Economy: Agriculture and Food Production in the Central American Rainforest. Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
2016 Archaeobotanical Investigations: Plant Use and Human Culture from a Mesoamerican Perspective. Middle Cumberland Archaeological Society, Nashville, TN.
2016 Mythbusting the Maya: 50 Centuries (and 20 Years) in the Petén. Rutherford County Archaeological Society, Murfreesboro, TN.
2003 Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands: The View from Motul de San Jose, Guatemala. South Suburban Archaeological Society. Homewood, Illinois.
2003 Archaeology and Agriculture at the Classic Maya Site of Motul de San Jose. Indiana University Northwest, Gary, Indiana.
2002 Paleoethnobotany and Cuisine of the Ancient Maya. Burpee Museum of Natural History, Rockford, Illinois.
2000 Paleoethnobotanical Research in the Maya Region: Past and Future. University of Illinois at Chicago Anthropology Society, Chicago, Illinois.
2001 Paleoethnobotanical Investigations at Motul de San Jose. Chicago Maya Society, Chicago, Illinois.
2010 Every Earth is Fit for Burial: Southern Maya Lowland Chultunes as Burial Chambers. American Anthropological Association 109th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana.
2018 Investigation of Amazon Dark Earth in Caxiuanã National Forest, Brazil: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. ($20,000)
2017 Análise Arqueobotânica de Práticas de Uso da Terra e Formação do Solo na Amazônia Pré-Colonial Brasileira:Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Research Fellowship ($2500)
2017 ...
Read More »Grants
2018 Investigation of Amazon Dark Earth in Caxiuanã National Forest, Brazil: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. ($20,000)
2017 Análise Arqueobotânica de Práticas de Uso da Terra e Formação do Solo na Amazônia Pré-Colonial Brasileira:Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Research Fellowship ($2500)
2017 The Creation of a Landscape: An Archaeobotanical Analysis of Land Use Practices and Soil Formation in the Precolumbian Brazilian Amazon: MTSU Faculty Research and Creative Activity ($3640)
2016 Tropical Archaeology of Brazilian Agricultural Systems (Co-PI with David K. Wright, Seoul National University): National Research Foundation of Korea ($45,000)
2014 A Study of Lacandon Maya Houselot Gardens at Lake Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico: MTSU Faculty Research and Creative Activity ($3000)
2013 A Study of Lacandon Maya Houselot Gardens at Lake Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico: MTSU Access and Diversity Grant ($5000)
2005 Ancient Maya Agricultural Terraces at Chan, Belize: National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant ($11,916)
2004 Archeological Investigations at Chan, Belize: Terrace Agriculture and Political Economy at a Classic Maya Farming Village: Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. ($8500)
2000 Genetic Identification of Ancient Plants and Classic Maya Agriculture in Guatemala: Sigma Xi Grant in Aid of Research ($500)
2009 Outstanding Dissertation Award: University of Illinois at Chicago
2007 Dean’s Scholar Award: University of Illinois Chicago ($18,000)
2001 Provost Award for Graduate Research: University of Illinois Chicago ($3000)
Research / Scholarly Activity
Field Research
2016 Gurupá Archaeology Project/MTSU Archaeological Field School, Gurupá, Brazil
2015 Gurupá Archaeology Project, Gurupá, Brazil
2014 Motul de San Jose Archaeology Project, San Jose, Guatemala
2013 Lake Mensabak Houselot Garden Project, Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico
2011 &...
Read More »Field Research
2016 Gurupá Archaeology Project/MTSU Archaeological Field School, Gurupá, Brazil
2015 Gurupá Archaeology Project, Gurupá, Brazil
2014 Motul de San Jose Archaeology Project, San Jose, Guatemala
2013 Lake Mensabak Houselot Garden Project, Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico
2011 Lake Mensabak Archaeology Project, Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico
2009 Lake Mendoza Archaeology Project, Laguna Mendoza, Guatemala
2007 Lake Mendoza Archaeology Project, Laguna Mendoza, Guatemala
2005 Chan Archaeology Project, San Jose Succotz, Belize
2004 Chan Archaeology Project, San Jose Succotz, Belize
2004 Belgian Early Neolithic, Brussels, Belgium
2003 Chan Archaeology Project, San Jose Succotz, Belize
2002 Motul de San Jose Archaeology Project, San Jose, Guatemala
2001 Motul de San Jose Archaeology Project, San Jose, Guatemala
2000 Motul de San Jose Archaeology Project, San Jose, Guatemala
2000 Si’an Ka’an Biosphere Reserve Primate Study, Si’an Ka’an, Quintana Roo, Mexico
1999 San Francisco de Arriba Archaeology Project, San Francisco, Oaxaca, Mexico
1998 Mayflower Archaeology Project, Hopkins, Belize
Laboratory Research
2015 MCAP (Middle Cumberland Archaeology Project), Nashville, Tennessee
2015 BRASS (Belize River Archaeological Settlement Survey)/El Pilar Program
2015 Motul de San Jose Archaeology Project, University of Florida Museum
2015 Western Belize Regional Cave Project, Indiana University
2010 Motul de San Jose Archaeology Project, Florida Museum of Natural History
2010 Eastep Streambank Stabilization Project, Montgomery County, Kansas
2008 Holmul Archaeological Project, Vanderbilt University
2008 Chiquiuitan Archaeology Project, Vanderbilt University
2006 Chan Archaeology Project, Northwestern University and Chicago Botanic Gardens
2004 San Andres Archaeology Project, Chicago Botanic Gardens
2002 Motul de San Jose Environmental Project, Guatemala
1998 San Andres Archaeology Project, New York Botanical Gardens
Introduction to Archaeology
Introduction to World Prehistory
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Biological Anthropology
Introduction to Geography
Introduction to Mexican Studies
Introduction to Latin American Studies
Environmental Archaeology
Ancient Civilizations
Archaeology of the Maya
Mesoamerican Archaeology
Ethnography of Mesoamerica
Ethnobotany: People and Plants
Seminar in Cultural Ecology
Indians of South America
Indigenous Culture Change in Latin America