Dr. Bonnie Barksdale
Assistant Professor

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Texas Woman's University (2018)
- MED, Texas Christian University (2013)
- BS, Texas Woman's University (2002)
Dr. Bonnie Barksdale, an assistant professor, earned a B.S. in early childhood education from Texas Woman's University, a master of curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in elementary literacy from Texas Christian University, and a Ph.D. in reading education from Texas Woman's University in 2018. Prior to joining the MTSU elementary and special education faculty, she worked in public-school systems in Texas and Illinois as an elementary classroom teacher, literacy&nb...
Read More »Dr. Bonnie Barksdale, an assistant professor, earned a B.S. in early childhood education from Texas Woman's University, a master of curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in elementary literacy from Texas Christian University, and a Ph.D. in reading education from Texas Woman's University in 2018. Prior to joining the MTSU elementary and special education faculty, she worked in public-school systems in Texas and Illinois as an elementary classroom teacher, literacy specialist and literacy coach. Dr. Barksdale was recently elected as the incoming chair 2024-2025 for the Williamson County Literacy Association for the local chapter of LAT (Literacy Association of Tennessee).
In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, Barksdale is an active researcher and presents her work at local, state and national level conferences. Barksdale’s current research focuses on writing instruction in primary grade classrooms, as well as adaptive teaching decisions during that instruction. Her research has been published in journals, such as Journal of Research in Childhood Education, Young Children, Tennessee Literacy Journal and The Reading Teacher.
Parsons, S. A., Ives, S. T., Fields, R. S., Barksdale, B. A., Maine, J., & Rogers, P. (2023). The writing engagement scale: A formative assessment tool. The Reading Teacher, 77(3), pp 278-289.https://doi-org.ezproxy.mtsu.edu/10.1002/trtr.2244
Schrodt, K., Barksdale, B. A., & Fields, R. S. (2022). Self-directed kindergarten writers. Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 9(2), 12-29.
Barksdale, B. ...
Read More »Parsons, S. A., Ives, S. T., Fields, R. S., Barksdale, B. A., Maine, J., & Rogers, P. (2023). The writing engagement scale: A formative assessment tool. The Reading Teacher, 77(3), pp 278-289.https://doi-org.ezproxy.mtsu.edu/10.1002/trtr.2244
Schrodt, K., Barksdale, B. A., & Fields, R. S. (2022). Self-directed kindergarten writers. Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 9(2), 12-29.
Barksdale, B. A., Schrodt, K., Fields, R. S., & Grow, J. (2021). We read as one: Strategies for Emposwering a Community of Intergenerational Readers. The Dragon Lode, 40 (1), 8-15.
Schrodt, K., FitzPatrick, E., Barksdale, B.A., Nunnery, B., & Hasty, M. (2021). Teaching writing with mentor texts. Young Children, 76(3), pp. 44-53.
Schrodt, K., Barksdale, B.A., Fields, R. Stacy, Matthews, E. (2020). The ping pong project: Creating a kindness movement through author studies. Tennessee Literacy Journal, 1(2), 57-61. Retrieved from https://lat.wildapricot.org/Journal
Barksdale, B. A. (Spring/Summer 2019). Forward march: Tips for keeping the dissertation process moving toward the finish line. Literacy Research Association DSICG Newsletter. Page 11-12. Retrieved from https://lradsicg.weebly.com/uploads/2/5/3/9/25398474/spr.sum_2019_newsletter_final.pdf
Texas Woman’s University. (2016). Scaling up what works: The five year impact of the i3 grant. Denton, TX: Texas Woman’s University Reading Recovery University Training Center: Anderson, N., Briggs, C., Elias, A. T., Kaye, E., Simpson, A., Bynum, L., Barksdale, B. A., Kanwar, K., & Robertson-Powell, I.
Griffith, R., Bauml, M., & Barksdale, B.A. (2015). How context and teacher knowledge influence in-the-moment teaching decisions in reading. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 29(4), 444-457.
Barksdale, B. A., McClain, J., Schrodt, K., & Fields, R. S. (December 2, 2022). Examining the Affordances of Assignments Intended to Cultivate Critically Among Preservice Literacy Teachers. Literacy Research Association, Arizona Grande Resort & Spa, Phoenix, AZ, United States of America. Alternative session.
Barksdale, B. A., Schrodt, K., Fields, R. S., M...
Read More »National
Barksdale, B. A., McClain, J., Schrodt, K., & Fields, R. S. (December 2, 2022). Examining the Affordances of Assignments Intended to Cultivate Critically Among Preservice Literacy Teachers. Literacy Research Association, Arizona Grande Resort & Spa, Phoenix, AZ, United States of America. Alternative session.
Barksdale, B. A., Schrodt, K., Fields, R. S., McClain, J., & Evert, K. (December, 2021). Culturally responsive book club experiences for preservice teachers. Literacy Research Association, Westin Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta, GA, United States of America. Paper session.
Morgan, D. N., Bates, C. C., Barksdale, B. A., Hight, C., Kerbs, M., & Griffith, R. R. (2019, November). Responsive teaching during literacy instruction. Paper presented as part of a symposium presentation at the meeting of Literacy Research Association (LRA), Tampa, FL.
Barksdale, B. A. (2019, October). Literacy specialists: Understanding adaptive teaching in intervention settings. Poster session presented at the meeting of the International Literacy Association (ILA), New Orleans, LA.
Barksdale, B. A. (2018, December). Literacy specialists: Understanding adaptive teaching in elementary intervention settings. Paper presented at the meeting of Literacy Research Association (LRA), Indian Wells, CA.
Carter, J. L., Schrodt, Barksdale, B. A., & Maxwell, M. (December 7, 2021). Failing TO learn, learning TO fail: Becoming brave teachers. Literacy Association of Tennessee (LAT), Embassy Suites, Murfreesboro, TN, United States of America.
Schrodt, K., Barksdale, B. A., & Fields, R.S. (December 6, 2021). We read as one: Strategies for empowering a community of intergenerational readers. Literacy Association of Tennessee (LAT), Embassy Suites Conference Center, Murfreesboro, TN, United States of America.
Schrodt, K., Barksdale, B. A., Fields, S. (2020, December). Choosing and using diverse children's picture books. Literacy Association of Tennessee (LAT), Zoom platform.
Schrodt, K., Barksdale, B. A. (2020, October). Self directed writers. Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA), Zoom platform.
Barksdale, B. A., & Gruenwald, J. (2018, October). Reading and writing connections for struggling readers. Presented at the 2018 annual conference of the Illinois Reading Council (IRC), Peoria, Illinois
Selected Local Presentations
Barksdale, B. A. (2019, October). The power of writing with striving readers. 2019 Fall Writing Conference of Middle Tennessee Writing Project (MTWP), Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Barksdale, B. A. (2016, November). Constructing meaning during reading: Strategic processing for young readers. Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Hurst, Texas
Kerbs, M., & Barksdale, B. A. (2016, November). Struggling readers: Reading and writing connections. Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Hurst, Texas.
Barksdale, B. A. (2016, February). Struggling readers: First steps. Presented at the annual forum of Texas Woman’s University Rose F. Spicola Forum in Reading, Denton, Texas
Kerbs, M., & Barksdale, B. A. (2015, November). The power of writing with struggling readers. Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Dallas, Texas
Barksdale, B. A. (2014, November). Primary students can monitor comprehension too! (In-service teacher focus) Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Dallas, Texas
Barksdale, B. A. (2014, September). Primary students can monitor comprehension too! (Pre-service teacher focus) Presented at the annual conference of Texas Association for Institutional Research, Denton, Texas
Barksdale, B. A. (2014, March). Primary students can monitor comprehension too! (Pre-service teacher focus) Presented at the annual forum of Texas Woman’s University Rose F. Spicola Forum in Reading, Denton, Texas
Barksdale, B. A. (2013, November). Analyzing running records for effective instructional decisions. Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Dallas, Texas
District Level Professional Development
Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2018, December). Word study strategies: Deep dive. Presented at Kildeer Countryside Elementary Professional Development Session, Kildeer, Illinois.
Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2018, November). Word study strategies. Presented at Kildeer Countryside Elementary Professional Development Session, Kildeer, Illinois.
Barksdale, B. A., & Gruenwald, J. (invited, 2018, October). Reciprocity: Strategies for working with struggling readers. Presented at Kildeer Countryside Elementary Professional Development Session, Kildeer, Illinois.
Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2018, July). Who’s doing the work? Online book study. Conducted online for Kildeer Countryside School District Professional Development Summer Program.
Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2017, July). Who’s doing the work? Online book study. Conducted online for Kildeer Countryside School District Professional Development Summer Program.
Peacock, J., & Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2016, January). Your secret weapon: Wait time. Presented at Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District Professional Development Day, Saginaw, Texas
Sarchet, N., Fletcher, M., Barksdale, B. A., & Peacock, J. (invited, 2015, October). Backwards design planning. Presented at Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District Professional Development Day, Saginaw, Texas
Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2015, August). Guided reading and beyond. Presented at Coppell Independent School district Summer Reading Institute, Coppell, Texas
- Literacy Association of Tennessee Distinguished Professor Award (December, 2023)
- "MTSU person who makes a real difference": Letter of Apprectiation from a Graduating Senior (May, 2022)
- Outstanding EXL Faculty Award: Experimental Learning Scholar's Program (2021-2022)
- "MTSU person who makes a real difference": Letter of Apprectiation from a Graduating Senior (May, 2021)
- "MTSU person who makes a real difference": Letter of Apprectiation from a Graduating Senior (May, 2020)
Research / Scholarly Activity
- Writing instruction in primary grades
- Adaptive Teaching in Literacy
- Teacher Decision Making
- Literacy Specialists / Literacy Coaching
- Book Clubs with Pre-service Teachers
In the Media
COE prioritizing student research to better prepare educators, impact change (March, 2024)
MTSU literacy curriculum earns 'A+' nationally for preparing education students (June 2023)
MTSU education students, faculty put on literacy, math events for local families (April 2023)
Literacy Nights Help MTSU education students put books in the hands of families and children (November 2021)
- ELED 4130 Academic Interventions for Elementary School Learners
- ELED 4200 Assessing the Elementary Learner
- ELED 4260 Special Problems in Elementary Education
- ELED 4350 Theory to Practice
- ELED 3400 Teaching Science and Social Studies through Literacy
- ELED 6500 The Science of Learning and Teaching
- READ 3010/4010 Literacy 1 and Literacy 2
- READ 5130 Literacy Assessment
- READ 5460 Content Literacy
- READ 6760 Early Childhood Literacy