Dr. Brian T. Miller

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Washington State University (1989)
- MA, University of Missouri (1983)
- BS, University of Missouri (1980)
Areas of Expertise
Natural history studies of vertebrates, particularly amphibians and reptiles.
2013. State Wildlife Action Plan Partnership Award (with Dale McGinnity, Nashville Zoo; Michael Freake, Lee University; Stephen Speares, Orianne Society; and Bill Reeeves, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency)
Research / Scholarly Activity
Select Publications
Miller, B.T. 2024. Interspecific amplexus between a male Green Frog, Lithobates clamitans (Amphibia: Ranidae) and a male American Toad, Anaxyrus americanus (Amphibia: Bufonidae) in middle Tennessee, USA. Herpetology Notes 17:637–638.
Niemiller, M.L., K.S. Zigler, A. Hinkle, C.D.R. Stephen, B. Cramphorn, J. Higgs, N. Mann, B.T. Miller, K.D. Kendall Niemiller, K. Smallwood, and J. Hardy. 2023. The Crystal-Wonder Cave S...
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Miller, B.T. 2024. Interspecific amplexus between a male Green Frog, Lithobates clamitans (Amphibia: Ranidae) and a male American Toad, Anaxyrus americanus (Amphibia: Bufonidae) in middle Tennessee, USA. Herpetology Notes 17:637–638.
Niemiller, M.L., K.S. Zigler, A. Hinkle, C.D.R. Stephen, B. Cramphorn, J. Higgs, N. Mann, B.T. Miller, K.D. Kendall Niemiller, K. Smallwood, and J. Hardy. 2023. The Crystal-Wonder Cave System: a new hotspot of subterranean biodiversity in the southern Cumberland Plateau of south-central Tennessee, USA. Diversity15 (7): 801. DOI:10.3390/d15070801.
Miller, B.T. 2023. Observations on nesting location and brooding behavior of the Common Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) in middle Tennessee. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology 6:19–24.
Miller, B.T. 2023. Storeria dekayi (Brownsnakes). Reproduction and neonatal defense. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology 6:26–27.
Miller, B.T., and J.L. Miller. 2021. Anaxyrus americanus (American Toad). Autumn amplexus. Herpetological Review 52:110–111
Niemiller, M.L., E.T. Carter, N.S. Gladstone, K.D. Kendall Niemiller, L.E. Hayter, A.S. Engel, B.T. Miller, and B.M. Fitzpatrick. 2021. Distribution, ecology, life history, and conservation status of the Berry Cave Salamander (Gyrinophilus gulolineatus). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 16:686–703.
Le Sage, E., B.C LaBumbard, L.K., Reinhart, B.T. Miller, C.L. Richards-Zawacki, D.C. Woodhams, L.A. Rollins-Smith. 2021. Preparatory immunity: seasonality of mucosal skin defenses and Batrachochytrium infections in Southern Leopard Frogs. Journal of Animal Ecology 90:542–554.
Witzel, N.A., A. Taheri, B.T. Miller, R.H. Hardman, S.F. Spear, and W.B. Sutton. 2020. Validation of an environmental DNA protocol to detect a stream breeding amphibian, the Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri). Environmental DNA 2:554–564.
Miller, B.T. 2020. Oophagy by larval Red Salamanders, Pseudotriton ruber (Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801) (Caudata: Plethodontidae: Spelerpinae) from the state of Tennessee, USA. Herpetology Notes 13:1017–1019.
Hardman, R., W. Sutton, K. Irwin, D. McGinnity, S. Reinsch, M. Freake, P. ColcLough, B.T. Miller, J. De Silva Neto, M. Siuza, B. Fitzpatrick, and D. Miller. 2020. Geographic and individual determinants of important amphibian pathogens in Ozark and Eastern Hellbenders. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 56:803–814.
Newman, B.C., W.B. Sutton, Y. Wang, C. Schweitzer, A. Moncayo, and B.T. Miller. 2019. A standardized method for the construction of a tick drag/flag sampling approach and evaluation of sampling efficacy. Experimental and Applied Acarology 79:433–446. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10493-019-00429-6
Estabrooks, D., and B.T. Miller. 2019. Terrestrial habitat adjacent to streams used for breeding by the Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri) in middle Tennessee. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology 2:4–15.
Miller, B.T. and J.L. Miller. 2019. Gross morphology of teeth on the premaxillae of Streamside Salamanders (Ambystoma barbouri) and Small-mouthed Salamanders (Ambystoma texanum) from middle Tennessee. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology 2:20–24.
Miller, B.T., and J.L. Miller. 2019. Eurycea cirrigera (Southern Two-lined Salamander). Climbing ability. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology 2:25–26.
Miller, B.T. 2018. Anaxyrus americanus (American Toad). Necrophilia. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology 1:23.
Hall, E.M., L.A. Rollins-Smith, and B.T. Miller. 2018. Axanthism in the Southern Leopard Frog, Lithobates sphenocephalus (Cope, 1886) (Anura: Ranidae) from the state of Tennessee, USA. Herpetology Notes 11:601–602.
Miller, B.T. 2017. The Streamside Salamander: Tennessee’s Hidden Jewel. The Tennessee Conservationist 83(2):26-28.
Niemiller, M.L., B.M. Glorioso, D.B. Fenolio, R.G. Reynolds, S.J. Taylor, and B.T. Miller. 2016. Growth, survival, longevity, and population size of the Big Mouth Cave Salamander (Gyrinophilus palleucus necturoides) from the type locality in Grundy Co., Tennessee, USA. Copeia 104:35-41.
Miller, B.T. 2016. Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis (Eastern Hellbender). Diet. Herpetological Review 47:98.
Miller, B.T., A. Drumwright, H. Parker, and J.L. Miller. 2015. Surface morphology of dorsal scales of Red Cornsnakes (Pantherophis guttatus) and Gray Ratsnakes (Pantherophis spiloides) from Middle Tennessee. Journal Tennessee Academy of Science. 90:38–42.
Anderson, M.A., J.R. Campbell, A.N. Carey, D.R. Dodge, R.A. Johnston, E.R. Mattison, R.J. Seddon, N.L. Singer, and B.T. Miller. 2014. Population Survey of the Streamside Salamander in the Central Basin of Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist 13:101-107.
Anderson, M.A. and B.T. Miller. 2011. Early iron deposition in teeth of the Streamside Salamander, Ambystoma barbouri. Journal of Herpetology 45:336-338.
Niemiller, M.L., B.M. Glorioso, J. Spiess, R.G. Reynolds, and B.T. Miller. 2011. Herpetofauna of the Cedar Glades and associated habitats of the Inner Central Basin of Middle Tennessee Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6:135-149.
Niemiller, M.L., M.S. Osbourn, D.B. Fenolio, T.K. Pauley, B.T. Miller, and J.R. Holsinger. 2010. Conservation status and habitat use of the West Virginia Spring Salamander (Gyrinophilus subterraneus) and Spring Salamander (G. porphyriticus) in General Davis Cave, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5:32-43.
Niemiller, M.L., B.T. Miller, and B. Fitzpatrick. 2009. Systematics and evolutionary history of subterranean salamanders of the genus Gyrinophilus, p. 242-248. In W. B. White (ed.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Speleology, Kerrville, Texas.
Niemiller, M.L., and B.T. Miller. 2009. A survey of the cave-associated amphibians of the eastern United States with an emphasis on salamanders, p. 249-256. In W. B. White (ed.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Speleology, Kerrville, Texas.
Niemiller, M.L., D. Fenolio, G.O. Graening, and B.T. Miller. 2009. Observations on oviposition and reproduction of the Cave Salamander, Eurycea lucifuga (Caudata: Plethodontidae), from Arkansas and Tennessee, USA. Speleobiology Notes 1:17-19.
Niemiller, M.L., B.M. Glorioso, C. Nicholas, J. Phillips, J. Rader, E. Reed, K. L. Sykes, J. Todd, G. R. Wyckoff, E.L. Young, and B.T. Miller. 2009. Notes on the reproduction of the Streamside Salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, from Rutherford County, Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist 8:37-44.
Miller, B.T., M.L. Niemiller, and R.G. Reynolds. 2008. Observations on egg-laying behavior and interactions among attending female Red Salamanders (Pseudotriton ruber) with comments on the use of caves by this species. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 3:203-210.
Niemiller, M.L., B. Fitzpatrick, and B.T. Miller. 2008. Recent divergence with gene flow in Tennessee Cave Salamanders (Plethodontidae: Gyrinophilus) inferred from gene genealogies. Molecular Ecology 17:2258–2275.
Miller, B.T. and M.L. Niemiller. 2008. Distribution and relative abundance of Tennessee Cave Salamanders (Gyrinophilus palleucus and Gyrinophilus gulolineatus) with an emphasis on Tennessee populations. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 3:1-20.
Niemiller, M.L. and B.T. Miller. 2007. Subterranean reproduction of the Southern Two-lined Salamander (Eurycea cirrigera) from Short Mountain, Tennessee. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:105-111.
Niemiller, M.L., B.M. Glorioso, C. Nicholas, J. Phillips, J. Rader, E. Reed, K.L. Sykes, J. Todd, G.R. Wyckoff, E.L. Young, and B.T. Miller. 2006. Status and distribution of the Streamside Salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, in middle Tennessee. American Midland Naturalist 156:394-399.
Miller, B. T. and J. L. Miller. 2005. Prevalence of physical abnormalities in Eastern Hellbender ( Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) populations of middle Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist 4:513-520.
Miller, B. T., J. W. Lamb, and J. L. Miller. 2005. The herpetofauna of Arnold Air Force Base in the Barrens of Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist 4:51-62.
Miller, B. T. and M. L. Niemiller. 2005. The Tennessee Cave Salamander complex. Pp. 91-94 in: J. Schenck Brown and S. Simon, eds. 2005 NSS Convention Guidebook. National Speleological Society. Huntsville, Alabama.
Miller, B. T. and J. W. Lamb. 2004. A Tennessee conundrum: The Gopher Frog at Arnold Air Force Base. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 79:8-12.
Mynatt, M. and B. T. Miller. 2002. Feeding Habits of Seepage-Dwelling Dusky Salamanders ( Desmognathus fuscus) of Short Mountain, Cannon County, Tennessee. Journal Tennessee Academy of Science 77:88-90.
Pritts, G. and B. T. Miller. 2001. Identification of gray treefrog populations in middle Tennessee: chromosome counts from squashed tadpole tail tips. Journal Tennessee Academy of Sciences 76:65-67.
Mitchell, J. C., T. K. Pauley, D. I. Withers, P. V. Cupp, Jr., A. L. Braswell, B. T. Miller, S. M. Roble, and C. S. Hobson. 1999. Conservation status of the southern Appalachian Herpetofauna. Virginia Journal of Science 50:1-36.
Miller, B. T. and J. L. Miller. 1998. Gill structure in embryonic and hatchling zig-zag salamanders, Plethodon dorsalis. Herpetological Natural History 6:51-54.
Larsen, J. H. Jr., J. T. Beneski, Jr., and B. T. Miller. 1996. Structure and function of the hyolingual system in Hynobius and its bearing on the evolution of prey capture in terrestrial salamanders. Journal of Morphology 227:235-248.
Miller, B. T., and J. H. Larsen, Jr. 1990. Comparative kinematics of terrestrial prey capture in salamanders and newts (Amphibia:Urodela:Salamandridae). Journal of Experimental Zoology 256:135-153
Miller, B. T., and J. H. Larsen, Jr. 1989. Feeding performance in aquatic, postmetamorphic newts (Urodela:Salamandridae): are bidirectional flow systems necessarily inefficient? Canadian Journal of Zoology 67:2414-2421.
Murphy, M. E., B. T. Miller, and J. R. King. 1989. A structural comparison of fault bars with other feather defects known to be nutritionally induced. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67:1311-1317.
Peterson, C. R., D. E. Metter, B. T. Miller, R. F., Wilkinson, and M. S. Topping. 1988. Demography of the hellbender Cryptobranchus alleganiensis in the Ozarks. American Midland Naturalist 119:291-303.
Gasser, K. W., and B. T. Miller. 1986. Osmoregulation of larval blotched tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum melanostictum, in saline environments. Physiological Zoology 59:643-648.
Recent Technical Reports
Miller, B.T. 2017. Demography of the Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) in the Little Buffalo River at Laurel Hill Wildlife Management Area. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Final Report. 28 pp.
Miller, B.T. and E. Mattison. 2014. Terrestrial movement and habitat use of the Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri) in the Central Basin of Tennessee. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Final Report. 38 pp.
Miller, B.T. 2013. Survey for the Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) in streams of Middle Tennessee (2011 – 2013). Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Final report. 61 pp.
Niemiller, M.L., B.T. Miller, and B.M. Fitzpatrick. 2010. Status and distribution of the amblyopsid fishes Forbesichthyes agassizii, and Typhlichthys subterraneus in Tennessee. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Final report. 60 pp.
Miller, B.T., D. Estabrooks, G. Reynolds, and M.L. Niemiller. 2009. Status review of the Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri) in Tennessee. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Final Report. 42 pp.
Miller, B.T. and M.L. Niemiller. 2007. Distribution and phylogenetics of the Tennessee Cave Salamander complex (Gyrinophilus p. palleucus, G. p. necturoides, and G. gulolineatus). Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Final report. 45 pp.
Miller, B.T., J. Spiess, and M.L. Niemiller. 2005. Inventory of amphibians and reptiles of Stones River National Battlefield. United States Park Service, Final Report. 31 pp. Miller, B.T. and M.L. Niemiller. 2005. The Tennessee Cave Salamander complex: Distribution, demography, and phylogenetics. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Final report. 71 pp.
Graduate Student Theses
Gardner, Leigh. 2023. Just Your Friendly, Neighborhood Park Ranger: How Park Rangers can help facilitate environmental learning in the classroom, an experience with snakes
Tate, Alexander D. 2019. A divergence time analysis of butterflies in the paradigm of the Pleistocene refugia hypothesis. (I became chair of committee after departure of Dr. Andrew Brower).
Morrow, Hunter. 2018. Elemental composition of enamel in the teeth of adult Marbled Salamanders, Ambystoma opacum, from middle Tennessee.
Floyd, Erin N. 2017. Sex estimation utilizing dimensions from the occipital bone, atlas, and axis.
Foster, Alison Jordan. 2015. Characterization of a cortical defect of the ulna found in the Fernvale archeological population (40WM51) of the South Harpeth River valley in middle Tennessee.
Parker, Herschell. 2015. Age study of red efts (Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens) from a Cannon County, Tennessee metapopulation.
Campbell, Joshua R. 2013. Demography, topographic orientation, and migratory patterns of two ambystomatid communities on the Southern Cumberland Plateau in Franklin County, Tennessee.
Estabrooks, Daniel. 2010. Range, population density and habitat preference of Tennessee populations of the Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri).
Landry, David. 2010. A survey of the turtle community at Murfree Spring Wetlands and Lytle Creek in urban middle Tennessee.
Jarrett, Matthew C. 2007. A skeletochronological study of cave-dwelling species of Gyrinophilus.
Niemiller, Matthew L. 2006. Systematics of the Tennessee Cave Salamander complex (Gyrinophilus palleucus) in Tennessee.
Wyckoff, G. Richie. 2006. Migratory patterns and demographics of a diverse ambystomatid community at Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee.
Spiess, Jeremy K. 2004. An inventory of the herpetofauna of Stones River National Battlefield, Tennessee.
Gerald, Gary. 2003. Habitat use, activity patterns, and home range analysis of the northern pine snake, Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus, at Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee.
West, Adrienne . 2003. The prevalence of Salmonella enterica enterica (subspecies I) in captive and wild reptiles.
Berthel, Tamara. 2002. Seasonal activity of the common snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina, in a seasonally drying wetland.
Samoray, Steve. 2002. Bat utilization of Barrens restoration sites on Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee.
Lamb, John. 2001. Movement of the slider, Trachemys scripta elegans, at Black Fox Wetland in middle Tennessee
Regester, Kurt. 2000. Chemosensory assessment of predation risk in plethodontid salamanders: snake cue detection, predator diet sensitivity, and refuge use.
Dowd, Stacy. Shapiro. 1997. A Skeletochronological study of Desmognathus fuscus (Family: Plethodontidae).
Garrison, R. Gregg. 1996. The ontogeny of the dentition in the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum).
Dowd, Peter. 1996. A Skeletochronological study of Plethodon mississippi (Family: Plethodontidae) from Carroll, Gibson, and Henderson Counties, Tennessee.
Morgan, Katie. 1996. The ontogeny of the dentition of the marbled salamander, Ambystom opacum.
Pritts, Gary. 1995. Identification and distribution of the gray treefrog complex ( Hyla chrysoscelis/Hyla versicolor) in the Central Basin of middle Tennessee.
Varner, Murlin. 1995. Demographics of a turtle community in an urban wetland in middle Tennessee.
Mynatt, Melissa. 1992. The diet of seepage dwelling plethodontids of Short Mountain, Cannon County, Tennessee (Amphibia:Urodela:Plethodontidae)
Candella, Nancy. 1991. The ontogeny of the dentition of the red-spotted newt, Notophtalmus viridescens.