Dr. Daniel Bekele Erenso

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of Arkansas (2003)
- MS, University of Arkansas (2002)
- MS, Addis Ababa University (1997)
- BS, Addis Ababa University (1990)
- D. Erenso Laser Tweezers for Probing the Mechanical Propertiesof Erythrocytes: From Normal Erythrocytes in Humans to Genetically Corrected Sickle Erythrocytes in Mice (2011) Meharry Medical college, Sickle Cell Centerlls in Humans to Genetically Corrected Sickle Cells in Mice (2011) LA Sierra University, San Francisco, California Feb. 20 - 24
- K. Holley, E. Scott and D. Erenso (2010) Refrigerated versus Fresh Human Red Blood Cells Response to ...
- D. Erenso Laser Tweezers for Probing the Mechanical Propertiesof Erythrocytes: From Normal Erythrocytes in Humans to Genetically Corrected Sickle Erythrocytes in Mice (2011) Meharry Medical college, Sickle Cell Centerlls in Humans to Genetically Corrected Sickle Cells in Mice (2011) LA Sierra University, San Francisco, California Feb. 20 - 24
- K. Holley, E. Scott and D. Erenso (2010) Refrigerated versus Fresh Human Red Blood Cells Response to Sheer Stress, American Biophysical Society 54th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California Feb. 20 - 24.
- H. Norris and D. Erenso (2010) Quantum Teleportation of Information with Two Photon Pairs, Posters at the Capitol, Nashville, TN, Feb. 3.
- K. Holley and D. Erenso (2010) Effects of Refrigeration on Elasticity of Human Erythrocytes Under Shear Stress in Human Blood Serum, Posters at the Capitol, Nashville, TN, Feb. 3.
- D. Erenso, S. Humble, and W. Grice (2009) Pump spectral bandwidth, birefringence, and entanglement in type-II parametric down conversion, TAAPT Annual Meeting, Oak Ridge, TN, Mar. 27-28.
- D. Erenso, S. Elrod, T. Barns, A. Farone, and M. Mary (2009) Viscosity Measurement of Biological Fluids Using Optical Tweezer. APS March meeting, Pittsburgh, PN, Mar. 16-20.
- D. Erenso, S. Elrod, T. Barns, A. Farone, and M. Mary (2009) Optical Tweezer as a Viscometer. APS March meeting, Pittsburgh, PN, Mar. 16-20.
- A. Pegram, D. Erenso, R. Bennek, and W. Grice (2008) Optimization of Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion Parameters. DOE Science and Energy Research Challenge (SERCh) competition Oak Ridge, TN, Nov. 9-10.
- J. Curtis, A. Shulman, and D. Erenso (2008) Formation of synthetic structures with micron size silica beads using optical tweezer. Undergraduate Research Posters on Capitol Hill, Washington DC, April 30.
- D. Solus, C. Archer, B. Malone, N. Chesterfield, L. Jackson and D. Erenso (2008) Can airports be a green source of energy? April Meeting of the American Physical Society, April 14.
- J. Curtis, A. Shulman, S. Elrod, and D. Erenso (2008) Formation of synthetic structures with micron size silica beads using optical tweezers. April Meeting of the American Physical Society, April 14.
- C. Archer, D. Solus, and D. Erenso (2008) Can airports be a green source of energy? MTSU Scholars Week, Murfreesboro, TN, March 31-April 4.
- J. Curtis and D. Erenso (2008) Formation of Synthetic Structures with Micron Size Silica Beads Using Optical Tweezers. MTSU Scholars Week, Murfreesboro, TN, March 31-April 4
- T. Barns, T. Farone, and D. Erenso. (2008) Measurement of Mechanical Deformation of Human Erythrocytes without Force Probes. MTSU Scholars Week, Murfreesboro, TN, March 31-April 4
- T. Barns and D. Erenso (2008) Measurement of Mechanical Deformation of Human Erythrocytes without Force Probes in PBS and Serum. TAAPT Annual Meeting, March 27-29.
- D. Erenso (2008) Measurement of mechanical deformation of human erythrocytes without force probes. Joint meeting of the biophysical society 52nd annual meeting & 16th international biophysical congress, Long Beach, California February 2-6.
- T. Barns and D. Erenso (2008) Measurement of Mechanical Deformation of Human Erythrocytes without Force Probes in PBS and Serum. Poster exhibit at the State Capital, Nashville, Tennessee, February 6.
- D. Erenso (2007 invited) Laser Tweezers for Probing the Mechanical Properties of Human Red Blood Cells. Department of Physics, University of the South, Sewanee, TN Nov. 07.
- D. Erenso (2007) Time evolution of entangled excitonic state in two coupled quantum dots interacting with a squeezed coherent field. International conference in quantum information, Rochester, New York, June 13-15.
- D. Erenso (2007) Intensity correlation in a degenerate parametric oscillator injected with a squeezed vacuum. Ninth Rochester conference on coherence and quantum optics, Rochester, New York, June 10-13.
- A. Shulman and D. Erenso (2007) Measurement of the Elasticity of Red Blood Cells using Optical Tweezers. Poster exhibit at the State Capital, Nashville, TN, Feb. 9.
- J. Curtis and D. Erenso (2007) Construction of a three dimensional diamond-like structure from 3.1 micron silica spheres using optical tweezers. Poster exhibit at the State Capital, Nashville, TN, February 9.
- A. Mitra, D. Erenso, and R. Vyas (2006) Generating entanglement via interaction of coupled quantum dots with a quantized field. OSA Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY Oct. 09-11.
- D. Erenso (2006) Nearly perfect squeezing of the signal mode in parametric oscillation with coherent and squeezed pumping. APS March meeting, Baltimore, MD, Mar. 13-17.
- D. Erenso (2005) Subharmonic generation with squeezed and coherent pumping, MTSU Scholars Day, Murfreesboro, TN, Nov. 2.
- A. Quan, D. Erenso, and R. Vyas (2005) Cold atoms in three-dimensional confinement formed by gravity and atomic mirrors. SESAPS Annual Meeting, Gainesville, FL, Nov. 10-12.
- J. Pair, S. Elrod, A. Quan, and D. Erenso (2005) A Quantum Study of a Ball Sliding on a Frictionless Hoop. Undergraduate Research Symposium, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN, Apr. 16.
- D. Erenso (2004) A Wigner function formalism for a degenerate parametric oscillator with injected squeezed vacuum. SESAPS Annual Meeting, Oak Ridge, TN, Nov. 11-13.
- D. Erenso (2004) Conductance in Ballistic Wires. MTSU Scholars Day, Murfreesboro, TN, Oct. 26.
- D. Erenso, S. Siddiqui, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2003) Conditional detection of quantum fluctuations. OSA Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ, Oct. 5-9.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2003) Photon statistics of cavity field interacting with two entangled quantum dots, OSA Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, Sept. 29-Oct. 4.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2002) Collapse and revival of entanglement in coupled Quantum Dots, OSA Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, Sept. 29-Oct. 4.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2002) Collapse and revival of entanglement in coupled Quantum Dots, OSA Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, Sept. 29-Oct. 4.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2002) Exciton in a microcavity injected with squeezed vacuum, OSA Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, Sept. 29-Oct. 4.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2002) Exciton with injected squeezed vacuum in a microcavity, 16th Annual National Conference of Black Physics students, AL A&M, Huntsville, AL, Mar. 13-17.
- D. Erenso, R. Adams, H. Deng, Reeta Vyas, and S. Singh (2001) Higher order photon statistics of intracavity second harmonic generation, Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, Rochester, NY, Jun. 13-16.
- D. Erenso, H. Deng, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2001) Photon correlations in the homodyne detection of squeezed light, Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, Rochester conference, Rochester, NY, Jun. 13-16.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2001) Atomic inversion for an atom coupled to squeezed vacuum in a coherently driven cavity, Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, Rochester conference, Rochester, NY, Jun. 13-16.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2001) Conditional detection of interference and squeezing, OSA Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 14-18.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2001) A single two-level atom in a coherently driven cavity and damped by a squeezed vacuum, OSA Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 14-18.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2001) Nonclassical effects in homodyne detection of light from a coherently driven cavity with a single two-level atom OSA Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 14-18.
- D. Erenso, R. Vyas, and S. Singh (2000) Non-classical effects in photon-statistics of atomic optical bistability, APS the Texas Section Fall Meeting, Houston, TX, Oct. 27-29.
- CBAS Distinguished Research Award (2016)
- Fulbright award (2016)
- CBAS Excellence in Teaching Award (2011)
- MTSU Foundation Creative Projects Award (2008)
- Sigma Xi the Scientific Research Society Aubrey E. Harvey Outstanding Graduate Research Award (2003)
- International Center for Scientific Culture (ICSC) World Laboratory Scholarship Award (2001)
- Abdul Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ASICTP) Award (1998)
Research / Scholarly Activity
- Quantum Information: E Quantum teleportation for faithful information transmission using fully entangled (spectrally, spacially, and polarization) produced by parametric down conversion.
- Synthetic Photonics Crystals: Design and build synthetic photonic band-gap crystals with new optical properties and elctrical properties using laser tweezer.
- Experimental Biophysics: Biophysical Techniques as an alternative way to the measurement of efficacy of gene therapy for Hemo...
- Quantum Information: E Quantum teleportation for faithful information transmission using fully entangled (spectrally, spacially, and polarization) produced by parametric down conversion.
- Synthetic Photonics Crystals: Design and build synthetic photonic band-gap crystals with new optical properties and elctrical properties using laser tweezer.
- Experimental Biophysics: Biophysical Techniques as an alternative way to the measurement of efficacy of gene therapy for Hemoglobin Disorders
- Computational Biophysics: Simulations and free energy calculations on membrane binding of lipidated peptides.
Introductory Physics and Astronomy Courses
- ASTR 1031: Observing the Universe
- PHYS 1300: Discovering Physics
- PHYS 2010/2011: Non-Calculus Based Physics I
- PHYS 2020/2021: Non-Calculus Based Physics II
Advanced Undergraduate Physics Courses
- Theoretical Physics Part I (Mathematical Physics I & II)
- PHYS 3150: Mathematical Methods in Physics I
- PHYS 3160: Mathematica...
Introductory Physics and Astronomy Courses
- ASTR 1031: Observing the Universe
- PHYS 1300: Discovering Physics
- PHYS 2010/2011: Non-Calculus Based Physics I
- PHYS 2020/2021: Non-Calculus Based Physics II
Advanced Undergraduate Physics Courses
- Theoretical Physics Part I (Mathematical Physics I & II)
- PHYS 3150: Mathematical Methods in Physics I
- PHYS 3160: Mathematical Methods in Physics II
- Theoretical Physics Part II (Classical Mechanics)
- PHYS 0000: Classical Mechanics I
- PHYS 0000: Classical Mechanics II
- Theoretical Physics Part III (Electricity & Magnetism I & II)
- PHYS 4310: Electricity & Magnetism I
- PHYS 4330: Electricity & Magnetism II
- Theoretical Physics Part IV (Quantum Mechanics I & II)
- PHYS 4380: Quantum Mechanics I
- PHYS 4390: Quantum Mechanics II
- Theoretical Physics Part V (General Theory of Relativity)
- PHYS 4800: General Theory of Relativity I
- PHYS 0000: General Theory of Relativity II
Graduate-Level Courses
- PHYS 7010: Introduction to Molecular Biophysics
- MOBI 7010: Lab Rotation