David Gore
Associate Professor

Degree Information
- MS, Florida Institute of Technology (1970)
- BEE, Georgia Institute of Technology (1967)
Mr. Gore is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Studies. He received his BSEE Degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology and MSEE from the Florida Institute of Technology. He also attended Xavier University and completed MBA coursework in Operations Research, Administrative Operations, and Economics. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Tennessee, and received his Blackbelt training from the Society of Manufacturing Engine...
Read More »Mr. Gore is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Studies. He received his BSEE Degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology and MSEE from the Florida Institute of Technology. He also attended Xavier University and completed MBA coursework in Operations Research, Administrative Operations, and Economics. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Tennessee, and received his Blackbelt training from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. He is a member of several honorary societies -- Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering), Tau Beta Pi (Engineering), and the Briaerean Society (Co-op). His industry experience spans 33 years beginning with Pan-American/Guided Missiles Range Division as the Telemetry Project Engineer on the Titan IIIC and Mariner Mars projects. Afterwards he worked as a Product Manager at Industrial Nucleonics Corporation in development of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems; and, then as the Design Engineering Manager at Chromolox Instruments & Controls. Later, he joined MeasureX Corporation as an Account Manager involved with sales of Computer Control Systems to the Pulp & Paper Industry. He worked as a Department Manager at Nissan for 19 years in several departments -- Plant Engineering, Information Systems, Maintenance & Manufacturing Engineering (power train & fascia injection molding), Body Engineering, and Product Quality Engineering. He teaches courses in Quality (Six Sigma), Productivity Strategies (Lean Manufacturing), Engineering Economy, Operations Management, Plant Layout & Material Handling, Maintenance Management, and manufacturing automation systems; and, is a consultant for MTSU in facilities maintenance. His professional organizations include Society of Manufacturing Engineering (Senior Member), National and Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers. He has served as Vice-President of the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce and as a member of the TSU Engineering Advisory Committee; and, currently serves on the Smyrna Town revitilization committee.