Dr. E. Anthon Eff

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of Texas at Austin (1989)
- BA, University of Louisville (1981)
Eff, E. A. & Klein, C. C. (2017). Economics and Finance in the MBA Core: Sequence of Core Course Completion and Student Performance. Journal for Economic Educators 17 (2), 29-42.
Ballard, J. S. & Eff, E. A. (2014). Working for the Weekend: A Time Allocation Model for Student Workers. Journal for Economic Educators 14 (1),108-119.
Dow, M. M., & Eff, E. A. (2013). When One Wife is Enough: A Cross-Cultural Study of the D...
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Eff, E. A. & Klein, C. C. (2017). Economics and Finance in the MBA Core: Sequence of Core Course Completion and Student Performance. Journal for Economic Educators 17 (2), 29-42.
Ballard, J. S. & Eff, E. A. (2014). Working for the Weekend: A Time Allocation Model for Student Workers. Journal for Economic Educators 14 (1),108-119.
Dow, M. M., & Eff, E. A. (2013). When One Wife is Enough: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Determinants of Monogamy. Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 7 (3), 211-238.
Eff, E. A., & Maiti, A. (2013). A Measure of Technological Level for the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. World Cultures, 19(1).
Eff, E. A., Klein, C. C., & Kyle, R. (2012). Identifying the Best Buys in U.S. Higher Education. Research in Higher Education, 53, 860-887.
Majumder, Md. A., & Eff, E. A. (2012). The Link between Economic Growth and Financial Development: Evidence from Districts of Bangladesh. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (99), 106-118.
Eff, E. A., & Rionero, G. (2011). The Motor of Growth? Parental Investment and per capita GDP. World Cultures, 18 (1).
Eff, E. A., & Routon, P. W. (2011). Farming and Fighting: An Empirical Analysis of the Ecological-Evolutionary Theory of the Incidence of Warfare. Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences, 5 (2), 1-33.
Brown, C., & Eff, E. A. (2010). The State and the Supernatural: Support for Pro-Social Behavior. Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences, 4 (1), 1-21.
Eff, E. A. (2010). A Scale for Markets and Property in the Societies of the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample: a Linear Programming Approach. World Cultures, 17 (2), 1-20.
Eff, E. A., & Klein, C. C. (2010). What Can We Learn from Education Production Studies. Eastern Economic Journal, 36 (4), 450-479.
Dow, M. M., & Eff, E. A. (2009). Cultural Trait Transmission and Missing Data as Sources of Bias in Cross-Cultural Survey Research: Explanations of Polygyny Re-examined. Cross-Cultural Research, 43 (2), 134-151.
Dow, M. M., & Eff, E. A. (2009). Multiple Imputation of Missing Data in Cross-Cultural Samples. Cross-Cultural Research 43 (3), 206-229.
Eff, E. A., & Dow, M. M. (2009). How to Deal with Missing Data and Galton's Problem in Cross-Cultural Survey Research: A Primer for R. Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences, 3 (3), Article 1.
Njoroge, P. K., & Eff, E. A. (2009). The Environment of Microfinance Institutions: The Role of Economic Freedom. Journal for Economic Educators, 9 (1), 42-47.
Dow, M. M., & Eff, E. A. (2008). Global, Regional, and Local Network Autocorrelation in the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. Cross-Cultural Research, 42 (2), 148-171.
Eff, E. A. (2008). Weight Matrices for Cultural Proximity: Deriving Weights from a Language Phylogeny. Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences, 3 (2), Article 9.
Hooper, Z. A., & Eff, E. A. (2008). Social Mobility in the United States as a Markov Process. Journal for Economic Educators, 8 (1), 15-37.
Eff, E. A., & Livingston, S. G. (2007). Is there a Rural/Urban Export Gap? Journal of Regional Science, 47 (2), 339-363.
Eff, E. A. (2004). An Endogenous Measure of Class Participation. Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 3 (1), 38-47.
Eff, E. A. (2004). Does Mr. Galton Still Have a Problem?: Autocorrelation in the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. World Cultures, 15 (2), 153-170.