Dr. Frank Lambert
Associate Professor

Generally, Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:00-1:00; or, by appointment. Always available via email: Frank.Lambert@mtsu.edu
I am always happy to meet with students and colleagues via Skype, Zoom, and other online meeting applications.
Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of Western Ontario (2008)
- MLIS, University of Western Ontario (2002)
- BA, University of Western Ontario (1992)
Areas of Expertise
I possess extensive experience in conducting empirical (primarily quantitative, some qualitative) basic and applied research in Informatics (community and e-government), Informetrics (Webometrics, citation analysis, and Web log data analysis), information organization (classification and descriptive metadata standards), information literacy, and, to a lesser extent, research methods that has resulted in substantial and impactful peer-reviewed scholarly publications. This experience has ...
Read More »I possess extensive experience in conducting empirical (primarily quantitative, some qualitative) basic and applied research in Informatics (community and e-government), Informetrics (Webometrics, citation analysis, and Web log data analysis), information organization (classification and descriptive metadata standards), information literacy, and, to a lesser extent, research methods that has resulted in substantial and impactful peer-reviewed scholarly publications. This experience has been applied to and reflected in an extensive and effective teaching background in in-person, online, and distributed video formats. To compliment my research and pedagogical skills, I possess a strong variety of professional library capabilities in cataloguing and reference services along with a long history of management experiences from a number of challenging private- and public-sector environments. The skills I developed through these professional experiences have been enhanced significantly by my work in a large and diverse number of service-based activities for my employers, the academy, my disciplinary profession, and my colleagues. As a consequence of my combined academic, professional, and service/volunteer experiences, I seek a career environment in the public or private sector that will continue to challenge me intellectually while I attempt to make beneficial contributions to humankind concerning information, its creation, its organization, how it is made available and accessed, and how it is used by various communities of persons.
Rosenzweig, J., Lambert, F., & Thill, M. (2021). It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts: Analyzing Student Use of Sources in Composition Research Papers. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) 16(4). https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/eblip/index.php/EBLIP/article/view/30026/22468. Lambert responsible (33.3%) for data analysis, writing up findings, contributing to the discussion, articulating and writing the research...
Read More »Rosenzweig, J., Lambert, F., & Thill, M. (2021). It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts: Analyzing Student Use of Sources in Composition Research Papers. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) 16(4). https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/eblip/index.php/EBLIP/article/view/30026/22468. Lambert responsible (33.3%) for data analysis, writing up findings, contributing to the discussion, articulating and writing the research questions, proofreading full paper.
Lambert, F., Thill, M., & Rosenzweig, J. (2021). Making sense of student source selection: Using the WHY Method to analyze authority in student research bibliographies. College and Research Libraries (CNRL), 82(5). https://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/article/view/25013/32890-Citations – Google Scholar, 1; Scopus, 1
Hebert, H. & Lambert, F. (2019). Providing voter registration and election information in libraries: a survey of public libraries in Tennessee. Public Library Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/01616846.2019.1688079. Lambert responsible (50%) for questionnaire modifications, data analysis, write up of findings, editing final paper.
Panchyshyn, Roman, Lambert, F., & McCutcheon, Sevim. (2019). Resource Description and Access (RDA) implementation in public libraries in the United States. Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS), 63(2), 119-130. Lambert responsible (33.3%) for creation and dissemination of data collection tool, data analysis, writing up findings, proofreading full paper. -Citations - Google Scholar, 5
Rosenzweig, J., Thill, M., & Lambert, F. (2019). Student constructions of authority in the framework era: A bibliometric pilot study using a faceted taxonomy. College and Research Libraries (CNRL), 80(3), 401-420. Lambert responsible (33.3%) for data analysis, writing up findings, proofreading full paper. -Citations - Google Scholar, 5; Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), 1; Scopus, 5
Gracy, Karen and Lambert, F. (2014). Who’s ready to surf the next wave? A study of perceived challenges to implementing new and revised standards for archival description. American Archivist, 77(1), 96-132. Lambert responsible (50%) for original research problem and research question articulation, original design and dissemination of data collection instrument (self-administered questionnaire), statistical data analysis, writing up findings, and proofreading full paper. -Class reading - INLS 757-1 Principles and Practices of Archival Description; School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina, Spring 2015. -Citations – Google Scholar, 11; Scopus, 7
Blundell, Shelley and Lambert, F. (2014). Information anxiety from the undergraduate student perspective: A pilot study of second-semester freshmen. Journal of Education in Library and Information Science (JELIS), 55(4), 261-273. Lambert responsible for supervising student Blundell, confirming validity of data analysis and write up of findings, and proofreading full paper. -Citations – Google Scholar, 47
Lambert, F. (Dec. 2014). Virtual trace: A framework for applying physical trace research methodology in a virtual electronic context. QQML-Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 1001-1018. -Citations – Google Scholar; 2
Lambert, F., Panchyshyn, Roman, and McCutcheon, Sevim. (2013). Resource Description and Access (RDA) and Ohio public libraries. Public Library Quarterly, 32(3), 187-203. Lambert responsible (33.3%) for data analysis, writing up findings, proofreading full paper. -Citations – Google Scholar, 16; Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), 8; Scopus, 9
Lambert, F. (2013). Seeking information from government resources: A comparative analysis of two urban communities' Web searching of municipal government Web sites. Government Information Quarterly, 33, p.99-109. -Citations – Google Scholar, 15; Scopus, 9
Lambert, F. (2011). Do provenance-based classification schemes have a role still in libraries and information centres? The case of government classification schemes. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 49(3), 208-222. -Class reading - LIS 598 Government Information: Local, Provincial and Federal; School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Winter 2012. -Citations – Google Scholar, 2; Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), 1; Scopus, 1
Lambert, F. (2010). Online community information: The queries of three communities in southwestern Ontario. Information Processing & Management, 46(3), 343-361. -Class reading - INF2186H Metadata Schemas and Applications; Faculty of Information (iSchool), University of Toronto. -Citations – Google Scholar, 15; Web of Science Citation Index, 2; Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), 1; Scopus, 5
Lambert, F. (2005). Assessing the authoritativeness of Canadian and American government health documents: A comparative analysis using informetric methodologies. Government Information Quarterly. 22(2), 277-296. -Citations – Google Scholar, 2
Lambert, F. (2004). Applying informetric methods to empirically assess the authoritativeness of Health Canada electronic documents. Government Information Quarterly. 21(3), 305-318. -Citations – Google Scholar, 3
Published/Accepted Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Conference Presentations with Proceedings
Rosenzweig, J., Thill, M., & Lambert, F. (2019). Beyond CRAAP: An updated approach to source evaluation. Accepted for presentation at the 2019 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. Acceptance rate: 23%.
Rosenzweig, J., Thill, M., & Lambert, F. (2018). A model for analyzing and understanding how novice researchers ...
Read More »Published/Accepted Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Conference Presentations with Proceedings
Rosenzweig, J., Thill, M., & Lambert, F. (2019). Beyond CRAAP: An updated approach to source evaluation. Accepted for presentation at the 2019 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. Acceptance rate: 23%.
Rosenzweig, J., Thill, M., & Lambert, F. (2018). A model for analyzing and understanding how novice researchers construct source authority. Visual presentation presented at the 2018 Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 10-14, 2018. Acceptance rate: 50%. Lambert responsible for data analysis, writing up findings, and writing and submitting the short paper (2 pages) to be published in the proceedings.
Lambert, F. (2010). Web searching to meet everyday information needs: A comparative longitudinal study of queries submitted to an online community information system. Prato Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) Conference 2010: Tales of the Unexpected: Vision and Reality in Community Informatics. CIRN -DIAC Conference: Monash University Centre, Prato, Italy 27-29 October 2010. Larry Stillman and Ricardo Gomez, eds. ISBN: 978-0-9581058-8-0. Available through KSU Libraries.
Lambert, F. (2009). Can communities be empowered still with a ‘top-down’ approach to ICT conceptualization, design, and implementation? The case of mycommunityinfo.ca. Prato Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) Conference 2009: Empowering communities: learning from community informatics practice at Monash University Prato Centre, Prato, Italy. November 4-6, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-9581058-5-9. Available through KSU Libraries.
Lambert, F. (2006). The mycommunityinfo.ca approach to online networked community information provision. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science held with the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities of Canada at York University Toronto, Ontario, June 1 - 3, 2006. Full paper available at http://www.cais-acsi.ca/proceedings/2006/lambert_2006.pdf (August 21, 2006).
Accepted Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Conferences: Presentations without Proceedings; Posters; and, Other Works
Rosenzweig, J., Thill, M., & Lambert, F. (2021). It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts: Analyzing Student Use of Sources in Composition Research Papers. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2021 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference & Exhibition Virtual, June 23-29, 2021.
Harper, M., Lambert, F., and Blundell, S. (2015). Conceptualizing and implementing dispositional assessments for students at the Kent State University (KSU) School of Library and Information Science (SLIS). Poster presented at the 2015 Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) annual conference’s Works in Progress Session, Chicago, IL, January 27-30, 2015.
Gracy, K. and Lambert, F. (2013). Who’s ready to surf the next wave? A study of perceived challenges to implementing new and revised standards for archival description. Society of American Archivists 7th Annual-2013 Research Forum, Foundations and Innovation. Held at ARCHIVES | New Orleans 2013, Joint Annual Meeting of the Council of State Archivists and the Society of American Archivists, Tuesday, August 13, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lambert, F. (2011). Seeking information from government resources: A comparative analysis of two communities' Web searching of municipal government Web sites. Poster presented at the 2011 American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. Acceptance rate: 44% (85/195). Extended (5 pages) abstract published in proceedings.
Lambert, F. (2008). The social shaping of an online community information provider. Presented at the 4th annual SIG Social Informatics Research Symposium at the 2008 American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, October 25, 2008.
Lambert, F. (2007). Rewriting the "rules" of online networked community information services: A case study of the mycommunityinfo.ca model. Poster presentation at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) annual conference’s Doctoral Poster Session, Seattle, WA, January 15-18, 2007.
Lambert, F. (2004). Assessing the authoritativeness of Canadian and American government health documents: A comparative analysis using informetric methodologies. Presented at Connections 2004 Great Lakes Conference, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, May 15-16, 2004. Conference abstract published in Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 28(3), 114.
2020-2021 Awarded Outstanding Achievement in Instructional Technology Award, MTSU. Value: $3,000
Research / Scholarly Activity
I am working currently on a number of research projects: 1) the potential utility of public libraries hiring new information professionals with a social work background and how the two professions may work together better to serve the public; 2) the potential need for Library and/or Information Science schools to educate such professionals; 3) and, the WHY (Who, How, whY) Method of information literacy instruction
In the Media
2021 American Library Association considers MTSU master’s degree proposal
2021 ‘Mastering Library Science’: Listen to March 23 ‘MTSU On the Record’
2021 ‘MTSU On the Record’ examines library science maste...
Read More »2021 American Library Association considers MTSU master’s degree proposal
2021 ‘Mastering Library Science’: Listen to March 23 ‘MTSU On the Record’
2021 ‘MTSU On the Record’ examines library science master’s degree process
2011 Interviewed by John Caniglia, The Plain Dealer. Quoted in “Cuyahoga County Public Library begins $100 million renovation, construction project,” Thursday, September 22, 2011.
- LIBS 6020 Organization of Information
- LIBS 6030 Information Technology for Information Professionals
- LIBS 6060 Understanding Research for Evaluation in Libraries
- LIBS 6820 Advanced Metadata Management (under development)