Dr. Hanna Terletska
Associate Professor
![Dr. Hanna Terletska](/faculty-information/images/hterletska_0.jpg)
Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Florida State University (2011)
- MS, Minnesota State University, Mankato (2005)
- BS, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University (2002)
Areas of Expertise
- Condensed matter theory; Computational many-body physics
- Strongly correlated electrons
- Quantum criticality
- Disordered systems and localization
- Metal-Insulator transitions
- Superconductivity
H. Terletska, S. Iskakov, T. Maier, and E. Gull, “DCA study of the extended Hubbard model”, in preparation, (2020).
Ostlin, A., Zhang, Y., Terletska, H., Beiu, F., Popescu, V., Byczuk, K., Vitos, L., Jarrell, M., Vollhardt, D., Chioncel, L., “Ab initio typical medium theory of substitutional disorder”, Phys. Rev. B, 101(1), 014210 (2020).
H. Terletska, S. Iskakov, T. Maier, and E. Gull, “DCA study of the extended Hubbard model”, in preparation, (2020).
Ostlin, A., Zhang, Y., Terletska, H., Beiu, F., Popescu, V., Byczuk, K., Vitos, L., Jarrell, M., Vollhardt, D., Chioncel, L., “Ab initio typical medium theory of substitutional disorder”, Phys. Rev. B, 101(1), 014210 (2020).
Y. Zhang, H. Terletska, K. -M. Tam,Wang, Y., Eisenbach, M., Chioncel, L., Jarrell, M, “Locally self-consistent embedding approach for disordered electronic systems”, Phys. Rev. B, 100(5), 054205 (2019).
Paki, J., Terletska, H., Iskakov, S., Gull, E., “Charge order and antiferromagnetism in the extended Hubbard model”, Phys. Rev. B, 99(24), 245146 (2019).
Zhang, Y., Nelson, R., Tam, K.-M., Ku, W., Yu, U., Vidhyadhiraja, N. S., Terletska, H., Moreno, J., Jarrell, M., Berlijn, T., “Origin of localization in Ti-doped Si”. Phys. Rev. B, 98(17), 174204 (2018).
Terletska, H., Zhang, Y., “Review: Systematic quantum cluster typical medium method for the study of localization in strongly disordered electronic systems”, App. Sci., 8(12) (2018).
Terletska, H., Chen, T., Paki, J., Gull, E.,”Charge ordering and nonlocal correlations in the doped extended Hubbard model”, Phys. Rev. B, 97(11), 115117 (2018).
M. Wallerberger, S. Iskakov, A. Gaenko, J. Kleihenz, I. Krivenko, R. Levy, J. Li, H. Shinaoka, S. Todo, T. Chen, X. Chen, J. P. F. LeBlanc, J. E. Paki, H. Terletska, M. Troyer, E. Gull, “Updated Core libraries of the ALPS Project”, submitted to Comput. Phys. Commun, arXiv 1811.08331 (2018).
H. Terletska, Y. Zhang, L. Chioncel, D. Vollhardt, M. Jarrell, “Typical-medium, multiplescattering theory for disordered systems with Anderson localization”, Phys. Rev. B 95, 134204 (2017).
H. Terletska, T. Chen, E. Gull, “Effects of non-local Coulomb interactions in two-dimensional electron systems”, Phys. Rev. B 95, 115149 (2017).
S. Sen, H. Terletska, J. Moreno, N. S. Vidhyadhiaraja, M. Jarrell, “A local theory for MottAnderson localization”, Phys. Rev. B 94, 235104 (2016).
Y. Zhang, H. Terletska, C. Moore, C. Ekuma, K.-M.Tam, T. Berlijn, W. Ku, J. Moreno, M. Jarrell, “Study of multiband disordered systems using the typical medium dynamical cluster approximation”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 205111 (2015).
C. E. Ekuma,C. Moore, H. Terletska, K.-M. Tam, N. S. Vidhyadhiraja, J. Moreno, M. Jarrell “Finite Cluster Typical Medium Theory for Disordered Electronic Systems”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 014209 (2015).
C. E. Ekuma, S. -X. Yang, H. Terletska, K.-M. Tam, N. S. Vidhyadhiraja, J. Moreno, M. Jarrell, “Metal-insulator-transition in a weakly interacting Disordered Electron System ”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 201114 (2015).
H. Terletska, C. E. Ekuma, C. Moore, K. M. Tam, J. Moreno and M. Jarrell, “Study of offdiagonal disorder using the typical medium dynamical cluster approximation ”, Phys. Rev. B 90, 094208 (2014).
C. E. Ekuma, H. Terletska, Z. Y. Meng, K. M. Tam, J. Moreno and M. Jarrell, “A Typical Medium Dynamical Cluster Approximation for the study of Anderson localization in three dimensions ”, Phys. Rev. B 89, 081107(R) (2014).
Chinedu E. Ekuma, Hanna Terletska, Zi Yang Meng, Juana Moreno, Mark Jarrell, Samiyeh Mahmoudian, Vladimir Dobrosavljevic, “Effective Cluster Typical Medium Theory for Diagonal Anderson Disorder Model in One- and Two-Dimensions ”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26 274209 (2014).
S.-X. Yang, P. Haase, H. Terletska, T. Pruschke,J. Moreno, and M. Jarrell “Dual-fermion approach to interacting disordered fermion systems”, Phys. Rev. B 89, 195116 (2014).
S.-X. Yang, H. Terletska, Z. Y. Meng, J. Moreno, M. Jarrell, “Mean-field embedding of the dual fermion approach for correlated electron systems”, Phys. Rev. E 88, 063306 (2013).
J. Vučičević, H. Terletska, D. Tanasković, and V. Dobrosavljević, “Finite-temperature crossover and the quantum Widom line near the Mott transition”, Phys. Rev. B 88, 075143 (2013).
H. Terletska, S.-Y. Yang, J. Moreno and M. Jarrell, “Dual fermion method for disordered electronic systems” Phys. Rev. B 87, 134208 (2013).
H. Terletska, J. Vucicevic, D. Tanaskovic and V. Dobrosavljevic, “Quantum Critical Transport near the Mott Transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 026401 (2011).
H. Terletska and V. Dobrosavljevic, “Fingerprints of intrinsic phase separation: magnetically doped two-dimensional electron gas”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 , 186402 (2011).
Y. Pramudya, H. Terletska, S. Pankov, E. Manousakis and V. Dobrosavljevic, “Nearly-frozen Coulomb liquids”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 125120 (2011).
Y. Pramudya, H. Terletska, S. Pankov, E. Manousakis and V. Dobrosavljevic, “Geometrically-frustrated pseudogap phase of Coulomb Liquids ”, Physica B 407 (11), 17111714 (2012).
H. Terletska and V. Dobrosavljevic, “Experimental signatures of intrinsic phase separation in magnetically doped two-dimensional electron gas”, AIP Conf. Proc., 1297 (1), 438-442 (2010).
I. Kogoutiouk and H. Terletska, “The investigation of the band-filling and pressure effects in the two-band periodic Anderson model”, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter v. 378-380, 696 (2006).
- I. Kogoutiouk and H. Terletska, “Investigation of the density of states in the non half-filled two band periodic Anderson model”, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 20, No. 21, 3101 (2006).
Vanderbilt CM Seminar (invited talk), "Numerical studies of quantum materials with strong electron-electron interactions and disorder.", 11/6/2020.
Texas Tech University, Physics Colloquium (talk), "Understanding quantum materials with strong electron-electron interactions and disorder through computational tools", 10/20/2020.
Vanderbilt CM Seminar (invited talk), "Numerical studies of quantum materials with strong electron-electron interactions and disorder.", 11/6/2020.
Texas Tech University, Physics Colloquium (talk), "Understanding quantum materials with strong electron-electron interactions and disorder through computational tools", 10/20/2020.
“Electron Localization”, virtual conference, Japan, August 24-29, 2020.
ORNL CNMS virtual annual meeting, August 11, 2020.
Virtual workshop talk:” Modeling quantum materials with disorder”, July 2020.
Invited talk, Aspen Winter workshop, ”Quantum critical in Hubbard model and beyond”, March 2020.
Invited talk, Louisiana State University, Mark Jarrell Symposium, February 2020.
Invited talk, “Modeling electron localization in disordered materials," TETI All-Hands Meeting, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States of America,
Invited talk, “Numerical Studies of Competing Phases of Matter in Hubbard Model and Beyond", CNMS Annual Meeting 2019, Oak Ridge National Lab, August 13, 2019.
Invited talk, MTSU Chemistry Department seminar, "Invited talk:
Understanding quantum material challenges using computers.," Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, United States of America., October 25, 2019.
Hanna Terletska, “Numerical studies of quantum materials”, invited talk, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, JIAM, 04/26/2019.
Hanna Terletska, "Understanding quantum materials using computational methods ", invited talks, Case Western Reserve University, condensed matter seminar, Cleveland, OH, 02/27/2019.
Hanna Terletska, H. Paki, S. Iskakov, E. Gull, “ Electron localization in 2D extended Hubbard model”, APS March meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 03/04/2019- 03/09/2019.
“Electron localization in 2D extended Hubbard model”, invited talk, Brookhaven Nat. Lab., Center of Computational Sciences 2018 Fall 2018 workshop, 09/30/2018.
“Electron localization in two-dimensional extended Hubbard model”, APS Southeastern section, Knoxville , 11/9/2018.
“Electron localization in Hubbard model and beyond”, invited talk, material science and technology division materials theory group, Oak Ridge National Lab (05/04/2018).
“Understanding quantum materials through computational methods”, Colloquium, Center of Computational Science, MTSU (04/20/2018).
DCA study of two-dimensional extended Hubbard model”, cond. matter. physics seminar, University of Michigan (01/11/2018).
“Charge order and non-local correlations in the doped two-dimensional extended Hubbard model”, APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA (03/06/2018).
“Phase transitions in 2D extended Hubbard model”, talk at 2017 Simons Collaboration on the Many Electron Problem Summer School, 06/16/2017-06/23/2017.
“Understanding Correlated Electron Systems Through Computational Methods”, invited talk, Physics Seminar, Lawrence Technological University , March 2, 2017.
“Numerical Studies of Correlated Electron Systems ”, invited talk, Physics Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater , February 22, 2017.
“Understanding Correlated Electron Systems Using Computational Methods”, invited talk, Physics Seminar, University of Texas-El Paso , January 26, 2017.
“Numerical Studies of Correlated Electron Systems ”, invited talk, Physics Seminar, Middle Tennessee State University , January 19, 2017.
“Effect of non-local interactions and correlations in two-dimensional extended Hubbard model”, talk presented at APS March Meeting, New Orleans, March 17, 2017.
“Continuous time auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo study of charge ordering in two-dimensional extended Hubbard model”, talk presented at APS March Meeting, Baltimore, March 16, 2016.
“Anderson localization for chemically realistic systems”, invited talk at APS March Meeting, San Antonio, March 5, 2015.
“Dynamical cluster approximation and typical medium analysis of systems with off-diagonal disorder”, talk presented at APS March Meeting,Denver, March 4, 2014.
“Dual fermion method for disordered electronic systems”, talk presented at APS March Meeting, Baltimore, March 21, 2013.
“Cluster Typical Medium Theory for Disordered Systems “, invited talk at LONI HPC user symposium, LSU June 7, 2012.
“Extension of Dual-fermion Method to Systems with Disorder”, invited talk at the Department of Physics, Georgetown University April 4, 2012.
“Application of dual fermion method to systems with disorder”, talk at Condensed Matter Group meeting, Department of Physics and Astronomy, LSU, March 9, 2012.
“Application of dual fermion method to systems with disorder”, talk at Condensed Matter Group meeting, Department of Physics and Astronomy, LSU, March 9, 2012.
“Extension of dual-fermion formalism towards disordered systems”, talk presented at APS March Meeting, Boston, February 27, 2012.
“Disorder and localization: extension of dual-fermion formalism towards disordered systems”, talk at CMCSN Meeting, Boston , February 26, 2012.
“Unconventional transport around metal-insulator transition”, invited talk, CM seminar Brookhaven National Lab, September 27, 2011.
“Towards a multiscale formalism for disordered systems”, invited talk, applied analysis seminar, Department of Mathematics, LSU, October 17, 2011.
“Quantum Critical Transport Near the Mott Transition”, group talk at 280 Nicholson Hall, LSU August 12, 2011.
“Theoretical perspective on nearly frozen coulomb liquids”, talk presented at APS March Meeting, Dallas, 2011.
“ Finite temperature quantum critical transport near the Mott transition”, talk presented at APS March Meeting, Portland, 2010.
“ Nano-scale phase separation in magnetically doped two-dimensional electron gas”, talk presented at XIV Training course in the Physics of SCS, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, 2009.
“Fingerprints of intrinsic phase separation”, talk presented at APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, 2009.
- NSF Early CAREER Award, 2020-2025
- NSF OAC DMR grant 2019-2022
- KITP visiting Scholar Award 2018-2020
- ORNL CNMS grant 2018-2019, 2020-2021
- NSF XSEDE 2020-2021
- FRCAC grant “Computational studies of complex behavior in strongly correlated and disordered quantum materials”, Summer 2018.
- “Effect of non-local Coulomb interactions on correlated phases in the extended Hubbard model”, CNMS User P...
- NSF Early CAREER Award, 2020-2025
- NSF OAC DMR grant 2019-2022
- KITP visiting Scholar Award 2018-2020
- ORNL CNMS grant 2018-2019, 2020-2021
- NSF XSEDE 2020-2021
- FRCAC grant “Computational studies of complex behavior in strongly correlated and disordered quantum materials”, Summer 2018.
- “Effect of non-local Coulomb interactions on correlated phases in the extended Hubbard model”, CNMS User Proposal, Oak Ridge National Lab, 2018-2020.
- APS “Women in Physics Group Grant” to support newly established Women in Physics Group at MTSU, Fall 2018-Fall 2019
- Dirac-Hellman Award in Theoretical Physics, awarded for excellence in research by Physics Department of Florida State University, 2011.
- Second place in poster competition at International School & Symposium on Multifunctional Molecule-based Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, March 2011.
- Distinguished Thesis Award, Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools, for the 2005-2006 Academic Year.
- Ukrainian government stipend for undergraduate study at Drohobych State Ivan Franko University.
In the Media
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfl8LAOe4uk
- https://mtsunews.com/pair-receive-prestigious-nsf-grants/
- https://mtsunews.com/terletska-shares-research-at-major-international-conference/
- Murfreesboro news: “MTSU Physics Faculty Member Recieves Prestigious Kavli Schlar Award” (Dec. 2017) http://murfreesboro.com/mtsu-physics-faculty-member-receives-prestigious-kavli-scholar-award/
- CBAS Innovation magazine Fall 2018, https://www.mtsu.edu/cbas/Innovations-Fall-2018.pdf
- Phys 2011
- ASTR 1031
- Research Thesis