Dr. John Paul DiVincenzo

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of Delaware (1996)
- MS, University of Delaware (1994)
- BA, University of Delaware (1987)
Areas of Expertise
Fate of contaminants in soil-water environments
Urban Geochemistry
Reactions and environmental impacts of organic pollutants
Water Quality Analysis
Dr. DiVincenzo has an interdisciplinary training with a BA in biology, MAS in environmental engineering, and a PhD in soil chemistry. He has publications in International Journal of Environmental Engineering, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Archives of Environmental Contamination Toxicology, Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Environmental Quality and has given over 30 presentations nationally and regionally.
Technical Skills: Gas ...
Read More »Dr. DiVincenzo has an interdisciplinary training with a BA in biology, MAS in environmental engineering, and a PhD in soil chemistry. He has publications in International Journal of Environmental Engineering, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Archives of Environmental Contamination Toxicology, Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Environmental Quality and has given over 30 presentations nationally and regionally.
Technical Skills: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Ion Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography, Fluorescent Spectrometry, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, UV-Vis Spectrometry, Solid Phase Extraction, Fluorescent Microscopy
Weatherly J., A. Tirumala, S. Arefin, J.P. DiVincenzo. Fly ash amended pervious concrete: a laboratory study on the removal potential for organic constituents. International Journal of Environmental Engineering. In Preparation.
Otter R.R., B. Bachner, J. Weatherly, S. Gilson, H. Brown, J.P. DiVincenzo (2016) Fly ash amended pervious concrete: a laboratory study on the removal potential for inorganic constituents. International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 8(1):12-29<...>
Read More »Weatherly J., A. Tirumala, S. Arefin, J.P. DiVincenzo. Fly ash amended pervious concrete: a laboratory study on the removal potential for organic constituents. International Journal of Environmental Engineering. In Preparation.
Otter R.R., B. Bachner, J. Weatherly, S. Gilson, H. Brown, J.P. DiVincenzo (2016) Fly ash amended pervious concrete: a laboratory study on the removal potential for inorganic constituents. International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 8(1):12-29
James, R.R., P. Wilbon, and J.P. DiVincenzo (2010) Pervious and impervious urban stormwater runoff in a rapidly urbanizing region: Occurrence of fluoranthene and pyrene. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 85:32-36.
Ogden, A.E., R.R. James, and J.P. DiVincenzo (2006) Ground water tracing results for springs in Rutherford county, Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science, 81(3-4), 66-72.
James, R.R., A.E. Ogden, and J.P. DiVincenzo (2006) A water quality study in Rutherford county, Tennessee: Student group project. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Science Education, 35, 118-126.
Rogers, M.R., G.J. Clark and J.P. DiVincenzo (2006) Analysis of chlorpyrifos by gas chromatography: methodology concerns. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 5(5), 1509-1514.
Coimbra, M, Z Forbes, E Manovic, C Oldham, K Summers, I Zecevic, JP DiVincenzo (2018) Assessment of Pesticide Impacts on Soil Microbial Viability Using Fluorescent, Nitrate, and Carbon Dioxide Assays, SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Sacramento, CA, November 4-8.
Roeser, A, E Best, A Green, A Lopez Alvarez, S McCollough, T Orr, JP DiVincenzo (2016) Investigating the Effect of Pesticides on Soil Microbe Cultures, 126th meeting,...
Read More »Coimbra, M, Z Forbes, E Manovic, C Oldham, K Summers, I Zecevic, JP DiVincenzo (2018) Assessment of Pesticide Impacts on Soil Microbial Viability Using Fluorescent, Nitrate, and Carbon Dioxide Assays, SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Sacramento, CA, November 4-8.
Roeser, A, E Best, A Green, A Lopez Alvarez, S McCollough, T Orr, JP DiVincenzo (2016) Investigating the Effect of Pesticides on Soil Microbe Cultures, 126th meeting, Tennessee Academy of Science, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Nov 19.
Kayla Cowan, Martha Fonseca, MaKayla King, Robert Miller, Megan Schulz*, Sophia Britt Faculty Advisor: Dr. John P. DiVincenzo (2016) Nutrient Retention in Pervious Concrete, National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Ashville, NC, April 7-9.
Kayla Cowan, Martha Fonseca, MaKayla King, Robert Miller, Megan Schulz*, Sophia Britt Faculty Advisor: Dr. John P. DiVincenzo (2016) Nutrient Retention in Pervious Concrete, Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (TLSAMP), Knoxville, TN, February 25.
DiVincenzo, JP, B Bachner, J Weatherly, S Gilson, RR Otter, H Brown (2014) Fly Ash Amended Pervious Concrete: Leaching and Removal of Inorganic Contaminants, Southeast Regional Meeting of American Chemical Society, Nashville, TN, October 16-19.
Bachner, B, J Weatherly, JP DiVincenzo (2011) Leaching and Adsorption of Storm Water Contaminants Associated With Fly Ash-Amended Pervious Concrete, 21st Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN, April 12-14.
Otter, RR, S Gilson, FC Bailey, JP DiVincenzo, H Brown (2010) Pervious Concrete: Mixing Engineering and Science. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry MidSouth Chapter annual meeting, Memphis, TN, May 20-21.
DiVincenzo, JP, FC Bailey, H Brown, S Gilson, J Mongrain, J Weatherly, R Otter (2009) Pervious concrete: An alternative to impervious surfaces (leaching, removal, and toxicity of various compounds in pervious concrete formulations). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 30th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Nov 19-23.
Wilbon, P. and J.P. DiVincenzo (2007) Gas chromatography analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediment and stormwater runoff samples collected in Murfreesboro, TN. 17th Annual Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Burns, TN. April 17-19.
Weatherly, J., H. Brown and J.P. DiVincenzo (2006) Leaching and adsorption of contaminants associated with fly ash amended pervious concrete. Annual meeting, Tennessee Academy of Science, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Nov 16-17.
James, R.R., A.E. Ogden and J.P. DiVincenzo (2005) EPA Method-1664, SPE, and GC-MS for analysis of organics in runoff. 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, New Orleans, January 23-26
Ogden, A.E., R.R. James and J.P. DiVincenzo (2004). Quantifying organic constituents of urban runoff in Murfreesboro, Tennessee: Potential Impact on Spring Water Chemistry. 14th Annual Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Burns, TN. March 31-April 2.
Ogden, A.E., R.R. James and J.P. DiVincenzo (2003). Ground water tracing and water quality results for springs in Rutherford County, Tennessee. 13th Annual Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Burns, TN. April 9-11.
Ogden, A.E., J. Bales, J.P. DiVincenzo, R.R. James, C. Kennedy, M. Niese and M. Rebecca (2003). Seasonal changes in spring water quality in Rutherford County, Tennessee. National Speleological Society Convention, Porterville, CA. August 4-8.
Cameron Oldham-undergraduate MTSU-URECA Spring 2019, $1000. The Effects of Pesticide Chemicals on the Microorganisms Responsible for Nitrification and How It Affects Soil Fertility
Alissa Green-REU, Mississippi State University, Summer 2017, $5,000
Araceli Lopez Alvarez-undergraduate MTSU-URECA Spring 2017, $1000. Observing the effect of pesticides on the soil’s ecosystem through soil columns
Alissa Green-undergraduate MTSU...
Cameron Oldham-undergraduate MTSU-URECA Spring 2019, $1000. The Effects of Pesticide Chemicals on the Microorganisms Responsible for Nitrification and How It Affects Soil Fertility
Alissa Green-REU, Mississippi State University, Summer 2017, $5,000
Araceli Lopez Alvarez-undergraduate MTSU-URECA Spring 2017, $1000. Observing the effect of pesticides on the soil’s ecosystem through soil columns
Alissa Green-undergraduate MTSU-URECA Spring 2017, $1000. Investigating the effect of pesticides on soil microbe cultures
Araceli Lopez Alvarez-undergraduate MTSU Experiential Learning (EXL) Award Spring 2017, $500, Chemistry Internship program
Ashleigh Roeser-undergraduate MTSU-URECA Fall 2016, $1000. Use of fluorescent spectrometry to investigate the effects of pesticides on soil microbe cultures
Araceli Lopez Alvarez-undergraduate MTSU-URECA Fall 2016, $1000. Effects of pesticides on soil and water microbial ecosystems
Megan Schultz-undergraduate MTSU-URECA Fall 2015, $500. Establishment of microbial communities in pervious concrete to aid in nutrient pollution remediation
Sophia Britt-undergraduate researcher, TN Department of Health Internship, summer 2015
Research / Scholarly Activity
Dr. DiVincenzo's research group currently focuses on the impact of pesticdes on soil quality. Using various techniques such as fluorescent spectrometry and microscopy, ion chromatography, respiration chambers, MPN, plating, and soil columns, the group has looked at the viability of both general soil microbes and those involved in the nitrogen cycle, to help quantiy the effects of commonly used pesticdes.
Introduction to Environmental Chemistry (CHEM 4600)
Environmental Chemistry (CHEM 4610)
Chemical Toxicology (Topics in Biochemistry - CHEM 4520)