Dr. Lisa Schrader
Distance Learning Full-Time Lecturer

Departments / Programs
Areas of Expertise
- Relationships between positive mental health and academic performance among college students
- College student health and well-being
- Assessment
- Program implementation
Dr. Schrader has dedicated her professional career to making healthy choices easier choices for college students. As a full-time distance learning lecturer, she facilitates online courses in healthcare leadership and management, health research, and public health assessment to returning adult and traditional college student learners. Previously, she spent nearly 20 years in Student Affairs positions in counseling and health services positions where she conducted student health assessments, de...
Read More »Dr. Schrader has dedicated her professional career to making healthy choices easier choices for college students. As a full-time distance learning lecturer, she facilitates online courses in healthcare leadership and management, health research, and public health assessment to returning adult and traditional college student learners. Previously, she spent nearly 20 years in Student Affairs positions in counseling and health services positions where she conducted student health assessments, developed health programs and services, and created policies to better the living, learning, and working environment of her campus communities. She continues to serve on executive committees and governing boards of both state and local prevention coalitions, and she participates with the MTSU Exercise is Medicine committee. In her spare time, Dr. Schrader enjoys spending time with her family, reading, traveling, watching college sports, live music or comedy, and doing pretty much anything outdoors.
Oswalt, S. B., Lederer, A. M., Schrader, L. T. (2015). Institutional Characteristics and the Connection to College Student Health. American Journal of Health Behavior, 39(4), 475-486.
- Schrader, L. T., NASPA Conferences on Student Success in Higher Education, "Framing Mental Health Support to Increase Flourishing: An Inclusive Strategy that can Open Doors, Increase Engagement, AND Boost Student Success," National Association for Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), Hilton Anaheim, Anaheim, CA. (June 24, 2024).
- Schrader, L. T., NASPA Strategies Conference, "Getting the Data Off Your Desk and into Your Campus Dialogues," NASPA, New Orleans, LA. (January ...
- Schrader, L. T., NASPA Conferences on Student Success in Higher Education, "Framing Mental Health Support to Increase Flourishing: An Inclusive Strategy that can Open Doors, Increase Engagement, AND Boost Student Success," National Association for Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), Hilton Anaheim, Anaheim, CA. (June 24, 2024).
- Schrader, L. T., NASPA Strategies Conference, "Getting the Data Off Your Desk and into Your Campus Dialogues," NASPA, New Orleans, LA. (January 18, 2022).
- Schrader, L. T., Partners in Prevention, "Prevention 101: Things to Know when Prevention was NOT your Training Background," Coalition for Healthy and Safe Campus Communities, Nashville. (May 22, 2019).
- Nominated for: Outstanding Online Faculty Award, University College. (April 2023).
- 1st Place, Graduate Student, MTSU Scholars Week, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. (March 24, 2023).
- Baxter Award, Coalition for Healthy and Safe Campus Communities. (May 2018).
- The annual Baxter Award recognizes the extraordinary contributions of CHASCo members who have gone above and beyond their everyday work to achieve excellence in higher education prevention ...
- Nominated for: Outstanding Online Faculty Award, University College. (April 2023).
- 1st Place, Graduate Student, MTSU Scholars Week, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. (March 24, 2023).
- Baxter Award, Coalition for Healthy and Safe Campus Communities. (May 2018).
- The annual Baxter Award recognizes the extraordinary contributions of CHASCo members who have gone above and beyond their everyday work to achieve excellence in higher education prevention programming.
- Outstanding Advisor, BACCHUS Network Area 8. (March 2011).
- Award given to an outstanding peer education group advisor based on nominations from students and a peer review process.
- Healthcare Research (HETH 3110)
- Healthcare Leadership and Management (HETH 4100)
- Trends and Issues in Healthcare (HETH 4110)
- Health and Wellness (HLTH 1530)
- Assessment in Community and Public Health (HLTH 3320)
- Women's Health (HLTH 4390)