Dr. Nate Callender


Dr. Nate Callender
(615) 898-5983
(615) 904-8273
Room BAS S240, Business & Aerospace Building (BAS)
MTSU Box 67, Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Office Hours

BAS S240 or S116:


MW   9:30-11:30

TR     9:00-9:40, 2:30-3:30

Other times by appointment


Appointment only




By appointment




AERO 3440: Online

AERO 4410: Independent Study/Research

AERO 4440: TR 9:40-11:05, 11:20-12:45, 1:00-2:25

Degree Information

  • PHD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (2013)
  • MS, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (2003)
  • BS, Middle Tennessee State University (1999)

Areas of Expertise

Small Propeller/Rotor Noise Reduction

Low Re Aerodynamics

Fixed Wing Glide Performance and Flight Testing


Mark N. Callender worked as a flight test engineer for the U.S. Army Technical Test Center (ATTC) conducting performance and systems flight testing of various Army aircraft. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Aerospace at MTSU where he coordinates the Aerospace Technology Concentration and teaches aerodynamics and aircraft performance and provides research mentorship to undergraduate and graduate students. His research interests include low Reynolds number fluid mechanics, active and p...

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Mark N. Callender worked as a flight test engineer for the U.S. Army Technical Test Center (ATTC) conducting performance and systems flight testing of various Army aircraft. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Aerospace at MTSU where he coordinates the Aerospace Technology Concentration and teaches aerodynamics and aircraft performance and provides research mentorship to undergraduate and graduate students. His research interests include low Reynolds number fluid mechanics, active and passive flow control, micro air vehicle (MAV) lift production, force balance design, and the philosophy of time.

Philosophy of Teaching
My philosophy of teaching is addressed by the four-fold definition of philosophy as given in Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition followed by reflections on the Greek origin of the word. First, Merrium-Webster defines philosophy as:
1. “all learning…”
My specific discipline is not an island. Many disciplines are interwoven and my teaching reflects this. A blending of physics, mathematics, practical aviation, and language skills is incorporated into my classes.
2. “pursuit of wisdom”
To inspire individuals to want to learn, by exemplifying my own desire for wisdom and knowledge, is intentional.
3. “a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity…”
The courses I regularly teach present just this. They offer the theory behind the aerodynamic forces of lift, drag, and thrust necessary for understanding flight. The theory by which aircraft performance and stability are predicted and verified is also presented. These theories provide insight and undergird student research endeavors whether it be designing, constructing, and flying gliders; performing in-flight testing of aircraft; or exploring novel ideas through wind tunnel or computational experiments.
4. “calmness of temper and judgment…”
I hope to interact with the learners in (and out of) my classroom with thoughtfulness, respect, and fairness which reflects my preparedness and focus on their education.
When analyzing the Greek origins of the word philosophy, philo and sophos in combination mean the love of wisdom. I am to pass this on to my students, so they will realize the truth of the writer of the proverb: “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding” (Proverbs 3:13).

AERO/EXL 1020, Theory of Flight
AERO/EXL 3440, Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
AERO 4071, Problems in Aerospace
AERO/EXL 4440, Aircraft Performance

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Callender, M. (2023). Innovation in engine-out glide performance from sawtooth descent testing of a beechcraft bonanza. Online Proceedings of the 54th Annual International Symposium of the Society of Flight Test Engineers.

Callender, M. (2023). Pilot's guide to maximum glide performance: optimum bank angles in gliding turns. Collegiate Aviation Review International.

Callender, M. (2022). Sound pressure level measurements with standard and ...

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Callender, M. (2023). Innovation in engine-out glide performance from sawtooth descent testing of a beechcraft bonanza. Online Proceedings of the 54th Annual International Symposium of the Society of Flight Test Engineers.

Callender, M. (2023). Pilot's guide to maximum glide performance: optimum bank angles in gliding turns. Collegiate Aviation Review International.

Callender, M. (2022). Sound pressure level measurements with standard and low noise propellers on a phantom 4 pro+. Current Trends in Engineering Science.

Callender, M. (2020). A mobius analogy to the Trinity. Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. 

Callender, M. (2018). Uas rotor sound pressure level reduction through leading edge, upper surface, and trailing edge modification. Proceedings of AUVSI’s XPonential 2018 Conference.

Callender, M. (2017). Uas propeller/rotor sound pressure level reduction through leading edge modification. Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering. 6:254. doi:10.4172/2168-9873.1000254.

Callender, M., Robinson, V. (2016). Small uas propeller/rotor sound pressure level and thrust testing: bioinspired modifications for uas noise reduction. Proceedings of AUVSI’s XPonential 2016 Conference.

Callender, M. (2015). Rotating cylindrical bodies at low Re. Proceedings of the 45th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference.

Callender, M., Campbell, D. (2015). Design considerations for a martian unmanned aerial system. Proceedings of the AUVSI Unmanned Systems 2015 Conference.

Callender, M. (2014). The theoretical extension of Prandtl’s inviscid lifting line theory to the viscous flow over rotating cylinders. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 89(1).

Callender, M., Dornan, W. A., Craig, P., Beckman, W., & Gossett, S.  (2009).  Transfer of skills from microsoft flight simulator x to an aircraft.  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, USA, 221-226.

Operational test director’s quick reference target guide.  (2008).  Murfreesboro, TN:  Middle Tennessee State University.

Craig, P. A., Beckman, W. S., Callender, M., Gossett, S., & Dornan, W.  (2008).  Results from the first faa industry training standards (fits) commercial pilot training course – a student’s perspective.  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, USA, 402-407.

Callender, M. N.  (2007).  Transfer and cost effectiveness as guides to simulator/flight training device use.  Collegiate Aviation Review.  26(1), 28-32.

Beckman, W. S., Callender, M. N., Gossett, S., Dornan, W. A., & Craig, P. A.  (2007).  Moving fits training  from the laboratory to the flight line.  Manuscript submitted for publication.  Collegiate Aviation Review.  26(1), 21-27.

Pupalaikis, R., Smith, C. F., & Callender, N.  (2001).  Preliminary airworthiness evaluation of the ah-64d helicopter equipped with the digital electronic control (dec) 2000 (DTC Project No. 4-AI-100-LBA-063/KF).  Fort Rucker, AL:  U.S. Army Aviation Technical Test Center.

Ernst, C., Miller, W., Correia, J., Callender, N., Warren, J., Paris, S., Fell, W., & Chapman, A.  (2001).   Nondevelopment item 2.75-Inch rocket motor airworthiness qualification test on the ah-64a helicopter (DTC Project No. 4-MU-014-000-057/KF).  Fort Rucker, AL:  U.S. Army Aviation Technical Test Center.

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The National Association of Flight Instructors Summit 2024. January 15th, 2025.
Engine-Out Glide Performance.

The National Training Aircraft Symposium 2024. February 27th, 2024.
Enhancing the Glide Performance of Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft.

The 54th Annual International Symposium of the Society of Flight Test
Engineers. October 19th, 2023. Innovation in Engine-Out Glide Performance
from Sawtooth Descent Testing of a Beechcraft Bonanza.

2023 UAA ...

Read More »

The National Association of Flight Instructors Summit 2024. January 15th, 2025.
Engine-Out Glide Performance.

The National Training Aircraft Symposium 2024. February 27th, 2024.
Enhancing the Glide Performance of Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft.

The 54th Annual International Symposium of the Society of Flight Test
Engineers. October 19th, 2023. Innovation in Engine-Out Glide Performance
from Sawtooth Descent Testing of a Beechcraft Bonanza.

2023 UAA Collegiate Aviation Education Conference. September 28th, 2023.
Pilot’s Guide to Maximum Glide Performance: Optimum Bank Angles in
Gliding Turns.

11th International Conference on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering.
September 21st, 2023. Innovation in Engine-Out Glide Performance from
Sawtooth Descent Testing of a Beechcraft Bonanza

101st Airborne Division/EagleWerx and MTSU Aerospace Collaboration.
October 26th, 2022. An Investigation and Optimization of Coaxial Rotors for
UAS Noise and Thrust.

Jones College of Business Executive Education Series: Rethinking Church
Leadership. October 13th, 2022. Components of Culture: 1) A Participating
Population and 2) Intellectual Engagement.

10th International Conference on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering.
September 22nd, 2022. An Investigation and Optimization of Coaxial Rotors
for UAS Noise Reduction

Annual Conference of the International Society of Christian Apologetics.
March 25th, 2022. A Möbius Analogy to the Trinity.

Living Sent Ministries. April 14th, 2021. Platforms.

Open Arms Faculty and Staff Fellowship. October 23rd & November 13th,
2020. The Trinity.

9th International Conference on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering.
September 16th, 2021. Utilizing Automated and Randomized Quizzes and
Exams in Undergraduate Aerodynamics: Lessons Learned from a Year of
Remote Instruction.

LT&ITC Workshop. September 15th, 2021. D2L Quizzes: Tips for Increasing
the Effectiveness of Numeric and Non-numeric Quizzes.

8th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and
Aerodynamics 2020 Webinar. September 17th, 2020. Autonomous Lecture
Capture in Undergraduate Aerodynamics: System Description,
Demonstration, and Benefits for Traditional and Remote Instruction.

Beginnings: International Christian Embassy Jerusalem’s 2019 North
America Conference. May 24th, 2019. Class Has Begun: Lessons from the
Beginning about the Beginner.

MTSU Aerospace Department’s Aerospace Innovative Research Seminar
(AIRS). February 14th, 2019. Quieter Props and Tastier Hops.

MTSU College of Liberal Arts Lifelong Learning Program. May 7th, 14th, and
21st, 2018. Science and God.

AUVSI’s XPonential 2018 Conference. May 2018. UAS Rotor Sound
Pressure Level Reduction Through Leading Edge, Upper Surface, and
Trailing Edge Modification.

Providence Christian School’s (PCA) School of Rhetoric. April 2018. A
Characteristic of God: A Mathematical Investigation of His Power.
City College Student Club Meeting. April 8th, 2018. Christian Worldview of

The Orchard Student Club Meeting. November 14th, 2017. A Christian
Worldview of Life in the Academy.

5th International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering. October 2017. UAS Rotor Sound Pressure Level Reduction
Through Leading Edge, Upper Surface, and Trailing Edge Modification.
MTSU LT&ITC Workshop. January 26th, 2017. There’s a Robot in my

MTSU LT&ITC Fall Faculty Fair. October 26th, 2016. The Swivl System for
Lecture Capture.

MTSU College of Basic and Applied Sciences (CBAS) Teaching Exchange
Panel. October 14th, 2016. The Swivl System for Lecture Capture.

Southern Illinois University Applied Sciences and Arts Multidisciplinary
Research Symposium. October 2016. A Bioinspired Modification for UAS
Propeller/Rotor Noise Reduction.

4th International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering. October 2016. UAS Propeller/Rotor Sound Pressure Level
Reduction Through Leading Edge Modification.

AUVSI’s XPonential 2016 Conference. May 2016. Small UAS
Propeller/Rotor Sound Pressure Level and Thrust Testing: Bioinspired
Modifications for UAS Noise Reduction.

AUVSI’s XPonential 2016 Conference. May 2016. A Student Robot
Challenge using the Meccanoid G15KS Personal Robot.

Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Emerging Mobile Technologies and
Immersive Virtual (VR) and Augmented Realities (AR) Faculty Forum and
Hands-On Exploration. February 11th, 2016. The Swivl System for Lecture

3rd International Meeting and Exposition on Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering. October 2015. Theoretical Optimization of a Cylindrical Body
of Rotation Using Magnus Effect Lift.

Open Arms Faculty and Staff Fellowship. September 24th, 2015. Mere

45th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference. June 2015. Rotating Cylindrical
Bodies at Low Re.

AUVSI Unmanned Systems 2015 Conference. May 2015. The Design
Considerations for a Martian Unmanned Aerial System.

MTSU Research Exchange Luncheon of the College of Basic and Applied
Sciences (CBAS). Spring 2015. Aerospace Technology Laboratory Research.
Open Arms Faculty and Staff Fellowship. Fall 2014. Love the Lord With All
of Your Mind.

MTSU Research Exchange Luncheon of the College of Basic and Applied
Sciences (CBAS). Spring 2014. Aerospace Technology Laboratory Research.
Campus Crusade for Christ Student Club Meeting. September 6th, 2013. My
Science and My Faith.

2013 Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 2013. The Theoretical
Extension of Prandtl’s Inviscid Lifting Line Theory to the Viscous Flow over
Rotating Cylinders.

Alpha Omega (AO) Student Club Meeting. October 5th, 2009. The 2nd Law of
Thermodynamics and Its Implications.

2009 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. 2009. Transfer of
Skills from Microsoft Flight Simulator X to an Aircraft.
MTSU Scholars Week. 2009. Transfer of Skills from Microsoft Flight
Simulator X to an Aircraft.

2008 University Aviation Association’s (UAA) National Fall Conference.
2008. Transfer and Cost Effectiveness as Guides to Simulator/Flight Training
Device Use.

Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Murfreesboro Chapter Meeting.
July 10th, 2008. Aerodynamics.

University Aviation Association’s (UAA) National Fall Conference.
September 29th, 2006. The Introduction of Aerospace Students to Flight: A
Five-Hour Flight Experience.

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MTSU Outstanding Honors Faculty Award: 2017-2018 

MTSU Outstanding Achievement in Instructional Technology Award Nominee: 2016

MTSU Outstanding Teacher Award: 2015-2016 

LEGACY Most Challenging Class Award: 2012 

CBAS Excellence in Teaching Award: 2010 

MTSU "Person Who Makes a Difference": 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi "Influential Facutly Member": 2014, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022

MTSU Outstanding EXL Collaborations: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010


AERO 1020

AERO 3440

AERO 4071

AERO 4440

AERO 6611