Dr. Rhonda M Hoffman
Professor | Director of Horse Science

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1997)
- MS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1994)
- BS, Truman State University (1992)
Areas of Expertise
Experienced Professor with multiple teaching awards and a demonstrated history of working in Animal and Horse Science higher education. Skilled in student development, horse science curriculum, academic advising, and equine nutrition research. Diplomate of the American College of Animal Nutrition.
Dr. Rhonda Hoffman is a Professor and Director of Horse Science in the School of Agriculture at Middle Tennessee State University. She is a board-certified Diplomate of the American College of Animal Nutrition and member of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists. She received the MTSU Outstanding Teacher Award in 2013. Nominated by students and selected from over 900 faculty, it is the university’s highest teaching recognition.
Dr. Hoffman joined ...
Dr. Rhonda Hoffman is a Professor and Director of Horse Science in the School of Agriculture at Middle Tennessee State University. She is a board-certified Diplomate of the American College of Animal Nutrition and member of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists. She received the MTSU Outstanding Teacher Award in 2013. Nominated by students and selected from over 900 faculty, it is the university’s highest teaching recognition.
Dr. Hoffman joined the faculty of the School of Agriculture as an Associate Professor of Animal Science/Horse Science in 2003, and she was promoted to Professor in 2011. She has been the Director of Horse Science since February 2017. Dr. Hoffman was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal & Poultry Sciences at Virginia Tech from 2000-2003, and an Assistant Professor and Horse Extension Specialist in the Department of Animal Science at the University of Connecticut from 1997-2000.
Classes she teaches at MTSU include undergraduate Equine Nutrition and Feeding, Horse Breeds and Genetics, Horse Production, Elements of Animal Science, and graduate level Advanced Equine Nutrition, Research Methods in Agriculture, and Graduate Seminar in Agriculture. She helped develop the Horse Science undergraduate and M.S. curriculum at MTSU. She mentors undergraduate Horse Science majors, undergraduate honors students, and research of students working towards M.S. and Ph.D degrees.
Dr. Hoffman believes teaching excellence is a skill that must be continually pursued, attained, and nurtured. She was awarded the Equine Science Society's Outstanding Educator Award in 2021. This national award recognizes the development of programs that are exceptionally effective at disseminating research-based information in a manner that affects the long-term well-being of horses or the horse industry. She created a life-sized model of an equine digestive tract to facilitate teaching and learning of horse nutrition. This instructional model has been used in collegiate teaching for over 20 years and was reviewed and published by the Equine Science Society in 2003. Most recently, she collaborated with Drs. Warren Evans, Jessica Petersen, and Dale Van Vleck to author The Horse, 3rd Ed (2021), a comprehensive horse science textbook.
Evans, J. W., R. M. Hoffman, J. L. Petersen, and L. D. Van Vleck. 2021. The Horse, 3rd Ed., Waveland Press, Inc., Long Grove, IL.
SELECTED PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (*denotes mentored student authors)
*Layton, K., H. S. Spooner, A. L. Higgins, and R. M. Hoffman. 2022. Outside the classroom: an evaluation of equine internships. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 111:103859.
*Smith, C. R., H. S. Spooner, A...
Evans, J. W., R. M. Hoffman, J. L. Petersen, and L. D. Van Vleck. 2021. The Horse, 3rd Ed., Waveland Press, Inc., Long Grove, IL.
SELECTED PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (*denotes mentored student authors)
*Layton, K., H. S. Spooner, A. L. Higgins, and R. M. Hoffman. 2022. Outside the classroom: an evaluation of equine internships. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 111:103859.
*Smith, C. R., H. S. Spooner, A. L. Higgins, and R. M. Hoffman. 2021. Beyond the ride: the use of psychological skills training in equestrian athletes (Abstr. 128). J. Equine Vet. Sci. 100:103591.
*Wires, C., R. Hoffman, A. Talbert, C. Brady, M. O’Haire, and C. Croney. 2021. Ability to interpret and apply animal behavior and welfare terminology by adults within the horse industry (Abstr. 111). J. Equine Vet. Sci. 100:103574.
*Pritchard, A., H. Spooner, and R. Hoffman. 2019. Influence of long-term furosemide use on bone mineral content, bone metabolism markers, and water weight loss in horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 82:1–6.
*Wires, C., B. Talbert, C. Croney, M. O’Haire, R. Hoffman, and C. Brady. 2019. Interpretation and understanding of equine behavior terminology of participants at the 2018 International Society for Equitation Science conference. Proc. 15th Intl. Equitation Sci. 15:82. Univ. Guelph, Ontario.
*Kenderdine, S., H. S. Spooner, D. Jousan, A. L. Herrin, and R. M. Hoffman. 2019. College and career plans of horse oriented youth. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 76:115.
*Oliver, N. E., H. S. Spooner, and R. M. Hoffman. 2019. Perceptions of veterinarians on the use of nutritional supplements in the horse industry. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 76:91.
*Wires, C., B. Talbert, C. Croney, M. O’Haire, R. Hoffman, and C. Brady. 2019. Interpretation and understanding of equine behavior terminology and learning theory in undergraduate students. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 76:116.
*Swirsley, N., H. Spooner, and R. Hoffman. 2017. Supplement use and perceptions: a survey of U.S. horse owners. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 59:34–39.
*Macon, E. L., P. M. Graham-Thiers, K. L. Bowen. 2017. Plasma and muscle amino acid concentrations in insulin resistant compared to normal horses in the fed and fasted state. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52:50.
*Wires, C., R. M. Hoffman, A. M. Brzezicki, and J. C. Haffner. 2017. Exploring horse reactivity and habituation across work types. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52:114.
*Collins, J., R. M. Hoffman, and H. S. Spooner. 2015. The effect of dry versus soaked hay on glycemic response in horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35:425.
*Martin, K. M., R. M. Hoffman, J. C. Haffner, and H. S. Spooner. 2015. The effect of fat supplementation on behavior and glycemic response in horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35:385.
*Schultz, J. A., M. Wooten, J. C. Haffner, R. M. Hoffman, and H. S. Spooner. 2015. The effect of chiropractic treatment on lesson horse performance and behavior. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35:393.
*Hubbs, L. J., A. M. Brzezicki, R. M. Hoffman, and W. W. Gill. 2014. Equine extracurricular activities affect student GPA and persistence in a university horse program. Page 32 in Proc. 6th Natl. Assn. Equine Affl. Acad.
Hoffman, R. M. 2013. Carbohydrates. Pages 156–167 in: Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition. Geor, R. J., P. A. Harris, and M. Coenen (Eds). Saunders Elsevier, Edinburgh.
*Lowrey, E. D., W. W. Gill, and R. M. Hoffman. 2013. Demographics and perceptions of Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration attendees. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33:381
*Hubbs, L. J., R. M. Hoffman, and W. W. Gill. 2013. Equine extracurricular activities affect student success in a university horse program. Proc. Intl. Equitation Sci. 9:62.
Hoffman, R. M. 2011. Nutrition: Carbohydrates. Pages 779–780 in: Clinical Veterinary Advisor: The Horse. David Wilson (Ed.) Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.
Hoffman, R. M. 2011. Fescue toxicity in horses: complications, concerns and prevention. Pages 101–106 in Proc. Mid-Atlantic Nutrition Conference, Timonium, MD.
Hoffman, R. M. 2009. Carbhydrate metabolism and metabolic disorders in horses (Metabolismo de carboidratos e disfunções metabólicas em equinos). Revista Brasileria de Zootecnia 38:270–276 (supl. especial).
Hoffman, R. M., J. C. Haffner, *C. A. Crawford, H. Eiler, K. A. Fecteau. 2009. Nonstructural carbohydrate and glycemic response of feeds: how low is “low” starch? J. Equine Vet. Sci. 29:379–380.
Haffner, J. C., H. Eiler, R. M. Hoffman, K. A. Fecteau, and J. W. Oliver. 2009. Effect of a single dose of dexamethasone on glucose homeostasis in healthy horses by using the combined intravenous glucose and insulin test. J. Anim. Sci. 87:131–135.
Hoffman, R. M. 2003. Carbohydrate metabolism in horses. In: Recent Advances in Equine Nutrition 1. S. L. Ralston, and H. F. Hintz, eds. International Veterinary Information Service http://www.ivis.org, Ithaca, NY.
Hoffman, R. M., R. C. Boston, D. Stefanovski, D. S. Kronfeld, and P. A. Harris. 2003. Obesity and diet affect glucose dynamics and insulin sensitivity in Thoroughbred geldings. J. Anim. Sci. 81:2333–2342.
Hoffman, R. M., D. S. Kronfeld, W. L. Cooper, and P. A. Harris. 2003. Glucose clearance in grazing mares is affected by diet, pregnancy and lactation. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1764–1771.
Hoffman, R. M. 2003. The ins and outs of digestive physiology: an equine nutrition teaching tool. Pages 333–334 in Proc. 18th Equine Nutr. Physiol. Soc., Lansing, MI.
Hoffman, R. M., J. A. Wilson, D. S. Kronfeld, W. L. Cooper, L. A. Lawrence, D. Sklan and P. A. Harris. 2001. Hydrolyzable carbohydrates in pasture, hay and horse feeds: direct assay and seasonal variation. J. Anim. Sci. 79:500–506.
Hoffman, R. M., L. A. Lawrence, D. S. Kronfeld, J. J. Dascanio, and W. L. Cooper. 1999. Dietary carbohydrates and fat influence radiographic bone mineral content of growing foals. J. Anim. Sci. 77:3330–3338.
Hoffman, R. M., D. S. Kronfeld, J. H. Herbein, W. S. Swecker, W. L. Cooper and P. A. Harris. 1998. Dietary carbohydrates and fat influence milk composition and fatty acid profile of mares’ milk. J. Nutr. 128:2708S–2711S.
Hoffman, R. M., D. S. Kronfeld, L. A. Lawrence, W. L. Cooper, J. J. Dascanio and P. A. Harris. 1996. Dietary starch and sugar versus fat and fiber: growth and development of foals. Pferdeheilkunde 12:312–316.
Hoffman, R. M., D. S. Kronfeld, J. L. Holland, and K. M. Griewe-Crandell. 1995. Preweaning diet and stall weaning method influences on stress response in foals. J. Anim. Sci. 73:2922–2930.
Hoffman, R. M., J. C. Haffner, and S. T. Grubbs. 2020. The TRH procedure produces repeatable ACTH concentrations in PPID-Negative and PPID-Positive horses. Global Equine Endocrine Symposium, Gut Ising, Bavaria, Germany.
Hoffman, R. M., and J. C. Haffner. 2020. Insulin dysregulation variables in Equine Metabolic Syndrome are similar in horses with previous non-endocrinopathic founder. American College of Veterinary Internal Medic...
Hoffman, R. M., J. C. Haffner, and S. T. Grubbs. 2020. The TRH procedure produces repeatable ACTH concentrations in PPID-Negative and PPID-Positive horses. Global Equine Endocrine Symposium, Gut Ising, Bavaria, Germany.
Hoffman, R. M., and J. C. Haffner. 2020. Insulin dysregulation variables in Equine Metabolic Syndrome are similar in horses with previous non-endocrinopathic founder. American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum, Baltimore, MD.
Hoffman, R. M., J. C. Haffner, and S. T. Grubbs. 2020. The thyrotropin-releasing hormone procedure produces repeatable ACTH concentrations in PPID-negative and PPID-positive horses. American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum, Baltimore, MD.
Hoffman, R. M. Carbohydrate Metabolism and Metabolic Disorders in Horses. Sociedade Brasileira de Zootechnia (46th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science), Maringá, Parana, Brasil. July 16, 2009.
Hoffman, R. M., J. C. Haffner, C. A. Crawford*, H. Eiler, K. A. Fecteau. 2009. Nonstructural carbohydrate and glycemic response of feeds: how low is “low” starch? 21st Equine Science Society Symposium. Keystone, CO.
Hoffman, R. M. Current Issues in Carbohydrate Nutrition in Horses. Purina International Equine Workshop, organized by Cargill (Purina Global), Meeting in Sevilla, Spain, Nov 30–Dec 3, 2008.
Hoffman, R. M. Carbohydrates in Horse Nutrition. Conference on Equine Nutrition Research, Texas A&M University, May 22–23, 2004.
Horse Owner Expectations for Horse Feed Sales Reps, Purina Equine Livestock Production Specialist Training, May 7, 2019.
Horse Genetics: A Tapestry of Coat Colors. Southern Equine Expo, Feb 22, 2019.
Horse Genetics: Desired vs Deadly Genes. Southern Equine Expo, Feb 23, 2019.
Equine Digestive Anatomy. Rutherford County 4-H, November, 2018.
Fuels for Performance: Does My Horse Run on Gas or Diesel? Purina Horse Owners’ Workshop, April 9, 2018.
Fit or Fat: Understanding Equine Body Condition. Southern Equine Expo, February 23–25, 2018.
Is My Hay as Good as it Looks? Southern Equine Expo, February 23–25, 2018.
Are School Horses Different than Performance Horses? Nutrition for our Teaching Partners. Certified Horsemanship Association International Conference, October 2016.
*Layton, K., H. S. Spooner, A. L. Higgins, and R. M. Hoffman. 2021. Outside the classroom: an evaluation of equine internships. 27th Equine Science Society Symposium, Virtual.
2nd Place Presentation, Equine Teaching & Extension graduate student competition, 2nd Place overall, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science publication award.
*Smith, C. R., H. S. Spooner, A. L. Higgins, and R. M. Hoffman. 2021. Beyond the ride: the use of psychological skills training in equestrian athletes. 27th Equine Science Society Symposium, Virtual.
*Wires, C., R. Hoffman, A. Talbert, C. Brady, M. O'Haire, and C. Croney. 2021. Ability to interpret and apply animal behavior and welfare terminology by adults within the horse industry. 27th Equine Science Society Symposium, Virtual.
*Kenderdine, S., H. S. Spooner, D. Jousan, A. L. Herrin, and R. M. Hoffman. 2019. College and career plans of horse oriented youth. 26th Equine Science Society Symposium, Asheville, NC.
1st Place Presentation, Equine Teaching & Extension graduate student competition, 3rd Place Overall.
*Oliver, N. E., H. S. Spooner, and R. M. Hoffman. 2019. Perceptions of veterinarians on the use of nutritional supplements in the horse industry. 26th Equine Science Society Symposium, Asheville, NC. 2nd Place Presentation, Equine Production Management graduate student competition.
*Wires, C., B. Talbert, C. Croney, M. O’Haire, R. Hoffman, and C. Brady. 2019. Interpretation and understanding of equine behavior terminology and learning theory in undergraduate students. 26th Equine Science Society Symposium, Asheville, NC. 3rd Place Presentation, Equine Teaching & Extension graduate student competition.
*Macon, E. L., P. M. Graham-Thiers, K. L. Bowen, and R. M. Hoffman. 2017. Plasma and muscle amino acid concentrations in insulin resistant compared to normal horses in the fed and fasted state. 25th Equine Science Society Symposium, Minneapolis, MN.
*Wires, C., R. M. Hoffman, A. M. Brzezicki, and J. C. Haffner. 2017. Exploring horse reactivity and habituation across work types. 25th Equine Science Society Symposium, Minneapolis, MN.
*Collins, J., R. M. Hoffman and H. S. Spooner. 2015. The effect of dry versus soaked hay on glycemic response in horses. 24th Equine Science Society Symposium. St Pete Beach, FL.
*Martin, K. M., R. M. Hoffman, J. C. Haffner, and H. S. Spooner. 2015. The effect of fat supplementation on behavior and glycemic response in horses. 24th Equine Science Society Symposium. St Pete Beach FL.
*Schultz, J. A., M. Wooten, J. C. Haffner, R. M. Hoffman, and H. S. Spooner. 2015. The effect of chiropractic treatment on lesson horse performance and behavior. 24th Equine Science Society Symposium. St Pete Beach, FL.
*Swirsley, N. K., H. S. Spooner, and R. M. Hoffman. 2015. Supplement use and perceptions: a survey of U.S. horse owners. 24th Equine Science Society Symposium. St Pete Beach, FL.
*Lowrey, E. D., W. W. Gill, and R. M. Hoffman. 2013. Demographics and Perceptions of Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration Attendees. 23rd Equine Science Society Symposium, Ruidoso, NM.
Equine Science Society Outstanding Educator Award, 2021.
Board certified Diplomate of the American College of Animal Nutrition (ACAN), 2007–present.
Board certified American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists: Horse Species, 1999–present.
College of Basic & Applied Sciences Outstanding Educator, 2021.
MTSU Outstanding Teacher of the Year, 2013.
Equine Science Society Outstanding Educator Award, 2021.
Board certified Diplomate of the American College of Animal Nutrition (ACAN), 2007–present.
Board certified American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists: Horse Species, 1999–present.
College of Basic & Applied Sciences Outstanding Educator, 2021.
MTSU Outstanding Teacher of the Year, 2013.
-Nominated by students and selected from over 900 faculty, this is MTSU’s highest teaching honor.
Excellence in Presentations, MTSU College of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2007.
Outstanding Grantsmanship, MTSU College of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2004.
Most Valuable Asset Award, MTSU Equestrian Team, 2004
Educator of the Year, Virginia Horse Council, 2002
First Place Poster, Life Sciences, 13th Annual Virginia Tech Graduate Research Symposium, 1997
John Lee Pratt Graduate Fellowship in Animal Nutrition, Virginia Tech, 1994-1997
John Lee Pratt Graduate Assistantship in Animal Nutrition, Virginia Tech, 1992-1994
Outstanding Senior in Agricultural Science, Truman State University, 1992
American Society of Animal Science Scholarship Award for Excellence, 1990, 1992
Presidential Combined Ability Scholarship, Presidential Honorary Scholarship, 1987–1991
Board of Governors Scholarship, 1987–1991
Music Service Scholarship (Piano), 1987–1989
Research / Scholarly Activity
Dr. Hoffman’s research emphasizes carbohydrate nutrition in horses. Her early research formulated some of the first low starch, high fat-and-fiber horse feeds. She developed concepts for interpreting laboratory analysis of forage carbohydrates that impact equine digestion and health, and she was the first to quantify equine insulin resistance using the Minimal Model FSIGT. She is particularly interested in carbohydrate metabolism, glucose-insulin dynamics, and insulin dysregulation...
Read More »Dr. Hoffman’s research emphasizes carbohydrate nutrition in horses. Her early research formulated some of the first low starch, high fat-and-fiber horse feeds. She developed concepts for interpreting laboratory analysis of forage carbohydrates that impact equine digestion and health, and she was the first to quantify equine insulin resistance using the Minimal Model FSIGT. She is particularly interested in carbohydrate metabolism, glucose-insulin dynamics, and insulin dysregulation in horses as related to diet, obesity, pregnancy, performance and disease.
Dr. Hoffman is on the Editorial Board of the Veterinary Record, and she is an active member in the Equine Science Society and the American Society of Animal Science. She was an invited peer-reviewer for the 6th Ed. of the Nutrient Requirements for Horses and peer-reviews manuscripts for many scientific journals.
Creative Activity
Having sketched horse images since she could first hold a pencil, Dr. Hoffman's authorship of the The Horse, 3rd Ed, includes over a dozen of her original illustrations.
In the Media
Horse Science Students, alumni shine at virtual symposium; Hoffman named Outstanding Educator.
Recent Podcasts, Interviews and Citations in Horse Industry Publications
Tack Box Talk: Equine Science Teaching Applications. Podcast with Kris Hiney, Betsy Greene, and Sara Mastellar, August 2021. https://www.buzzsprout.com/242373
Your TRH Test Questions Answered, P...
Horse Science Students, alumni shine at virtual symposium; Hoffman named Outstanding Educator.
Recent Podcasts, Interviews and Citations in Horse Industry Publications
Tack Box Talk: Equine Science Teaching Applications. Podcast with Kris Hiney, Betsy Greene, and Sara Mastellar, August 2021. https://www.buzzsprout.com/242373
Your TRH Test Questions Answered, Paul Basilio. Modern Equine Vet, Vol 11, Issue 5, June 2021.
Healthy Hoof, Healthy Horse, Allison Rehnborg. Hoof Beats–U.S. Trotting Assoc., June 2020.
Does Your Horse Need a Low-Starch Diet? Janice Holland. The Horse, June 2020. https://thehorse.com/189304/does-your-horse-need-a-low-starch-diet/
Horse Feeding Basics, Sarah Evers Conrad. The Horse, December 2019. https://thehorse.com/111874/horse-feeding-basics/
Supplements for Success, Allison Rehnborg, Hoof Beats–U.S. Trotting Assoc., October 2019. https://allisonrehnborg.com/supplements-for-success/
ANSC 1410 - Introduction to Animal Science. 3 credit hours. Overview of the science, production, and management of domestic animal species, including beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, horses, and companion animals. Topics include reproduction; breeds, breeding, and genetics; nutrition and feeding; animal health; management; and products processing and marketing.
HORS 3410 - Horse Breeds and Genetics. 3 credit hour...
Read More »ANSC 1410 - Introduction to Animal Science. 3 credit hours. Overview of the science, production, and management of domestic animal species, including beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, horses, and companion animals. Topics include reproduction; breeds, breeding, and genetics; nutrition and feeding; animal health; management; and products processing and marketing.
HORS 3410 - Horse Breeds and Genetics. 3 credit hours. A review of the history of the horse from the prehistoric era to present day with a focus on the development and contributions of horse breeds in the U.S. and state horse industry. Roles of breed associations, principles of genetics, selection of desired traits, genetic abnormalities associated with specific breeds, and matching breeds to disciplines discussed.
HORS 3430 - Horse Production. 3 credit hours. Prerequisite: HORS 1110 or ANSC 1410 or approval of instructor. Scientific principles relevant to production requirements of horses as related to exercise physiology and performance, growth, reproductive physiology and state, age, and clinical support. Facilities management, marketing, legal aspects of horse ownership, and career opportunities covered. Lecture/lab.
HORS 4440 - Equine Nutrition and Feeding. 3 credit hours. Prerequisites: ANSC 1410 and CHEM 1010/CHEM 1011 and CHEM 1020/CHEM 1021 or approval of instructor. Equine digestion and utilization of nutrients, appropriate feeds and feeding management, and diseases with a nutritional component. Nutrient requirements for the horse at various stages, including maintenance, reproduction, growth, performance, age, and clinical support discussed.
ABAS 6000 - Research Methods in Agricultural Science. 3 credit hours. A review of current scientific methods related to experiments in agriculture. Topics include research ethics, welfare of research subjects, literature resources, critical review of scientific literature, experimental design, scientific writing, interpreting data, and data presentation.
HORS 6440 - Advanced Equine Nutrition. 3 credit hours. A class in organic chemistry or biochemistry recommended. A biochemical approach to understanding the nutritional requirements for horses at various life stages, including maintenance, growth, reproduction, performance, age, and clinical support. Feeding management related to nutrient digestion, absorption, and metabolism. Current equine nutrition research and its applications to practical equine management emphasized.