Dr. Rongjin Huang

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Texas A&M University (2010)
- MS, East China Normal University (1993)
- BS, Zhejiang University (1988)
Areas of Expertise
- Mathematics classroom research
- Mathematics teacher education
- Comparative mathematics education
- Lesson study
Dr. Rongjin Huang was a high school mathematics teacher and a university faculty member in China before joining MTSU. He was one of the Chinese team leaders for the Learner's Perspective Study. His research interests include mathematics classroom research, mathematics teacher education, comparative mathematics education, and lesson study.
Liang, J., Qi, C., Huang, R., Zuo, H., & He, J. (2024). Mathematics teachers' interaction patterns and role changes in online Research-Practice Partnerships: A social network analysis. Computers & Education, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2024.105077.(SSCI)
Li, J., Goei, S., & Huang, R. (2024). Unveiling maker mindsets: A journey of rormation and transformation through design thinking-making pedagogy with...
Read More »Liang, J., Qi, C., Huang, R., Zuo, H., & He, J. (2024). Mathematics teachers' interaction patterns and role changes in online Research-Practice Partnerships: A social network analysis. Computers & Education, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2024.105077.(SSCI)
Li, J., Goei, S., & Huang, R. (2024). Unveiling maker mindsets: A journey of rormation and transformation through design thinking-making pedagogy within a lesson study context. Frontiers in Education (Vol. 9, p. 1343492). https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2024.1343492 (SSCI)
Huang, R., Weaver, J. C., Matney, G., Huang, X., Wilson, J., & Painter, C. (2024). Exploring teacher learning through a hybrid cross-cultural lesson study in China and the United States. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 13 (1), 41-55. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-07-2023-0093 (SSCI).
Esteley, C., Huang, R., Mellone, M., Soto, G., Eden, R., & Coles, A. (2024). Contexts, Forms, and Outcomes of Mathematics Teacher Collaboration. In H. Borko & D. Potari (Eds.), Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups: The 25th ICMI Study(pp.69-134). New York: Springer
Ding, M., Huang, R., Beckowski, C. P., Li, X., & Li, Y. (2023). A review of Lesson Study in mathematics education from 2015-2022: implementation and impact. ZDM Mathematics Education. https:/doi.org/10.1007/s11858-023-01538-8.(SSCI)
Ding, M., Huang, R., Beckowski, C. P., Li, X., & Li, Y. (2023). A scoping review of mathematics teachers' learning and professional growth through Lesson Studies. Asian Journal for Mathematics Education, https://doi.org/10.1177/27527263231213406(SSCI)
Huang, R., Bonnesen, C.T., Heath, A.L. and Suh, J.M. (2023). Teacher educator learning to implement equitable mathematics teaching using technology through lesson study. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 315-329. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-05-2023-0049(SSCI)
Huang, R., Helgevold, N., Lang, J., & Jiang, H. (2023). Teacher professional learning through lesson study in virtual and hybrid environments: opportunities, challenges, and future directions. New York, NY: Routledge.
Ding, R., Huang, R., & Deng, X. (2023). Multiple pathways for developing functional thinking in elementary mathematics textbooks: A case study in China. Educational Studies in Mathematics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-023-10237-w(SSCI)
Huang, X., Huang, R., & Skott, C. K. (2023). Research-informed instruction through lesson study: A case of boundary crossing. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-023-10371-0. (SSCI)
Huang, X., Huang, R. (2023). Characterizing teachers' collective learning through lesson study as document development: a case study in China. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 12 (1), 92-105. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-03-2022-0035 (SSCI)
Huang, R., da Ponte, J.P. & Clivaz, S. (2023). Guest editorial: Networking theories for understanding and guiding lesson study. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 12 (1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-01-2023-128.(SSCI)
Huang, X., Huang, R., & Trouche, L. (2023). Teachers’ learning from addressing the challenges of online teaching in a time of pandemic: a case in Shanghai. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 112, 103-121. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-022-10172-2 (SSCI)
Weaver, J., Matney, G., Huang, R., Huang, X., Painter, C., & Wilson, J. (2023). Teacher learning Teachers’ learning through a cross-cultural lesson study in China and the USA. In R., Huang, N., Helgevold, J., Lang, & H., Jiang (Eds.), Teacher professional learning through lesson study in virtual/hybrid environments: opportunities, challenges, and future directions (pp.34-50). New York: Routledge.
Huang, R., Helgevold, N., Lang, J., & Jiang, H. (2023). Introduction. In R., Huang, N., Helgevold, J., Lang, & H., Jiang (Eds.), Teacher professional learning through lesson study in virtual/hybrid environments: opportunities, challenges, and future directions (pp.1-16). New York: Routledge
Huang, R., Helgevold, N., Lang, J., & Jiang, H. (2023). Conclusion. In R., Huang, N., Helgevold, J., Lang, & H., Jiang (Eds.), Teacher professional learning through lesson study in virtual/hybrid environments: opportunities, challenges, and future directions (pp.259-267). New York: Routledge
Fang, Y., Paine, L.,& Huang, R. (2022). Continuity and change: Chinese lesson study redefined in the context of key competencies-based reform. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 11(2),149-159 https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-04-2022-0057 (SSCI)
Huang, X., Lai, M. Y., & Huang, R. (2022). Teachers’ changes when addressing the challenges in unexpected migration to online mathematics teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study in Shanghai. ZDM-Mathematics Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-022-01378-y (SSCI)
Wei G., & Huang, R. (2022). Research-practice partnerships in lesson and learning studies: a review from Asian experiences, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42:1, 138-153, DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2022.2031876(SSCI)
Zhao, W., Huang, R., Cao, Y., Ning, R. and Zhang, X. (2022). A teacher's learning of transforming curriculum reform ideas into classroom practices in lesson study in China. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 11(2),133-146. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-07-2021-0056 (SSCI)
Qi, C., Cao, C., & Huang, R. (2021). Teacher learning through collaboration between teachers and researchers: A case study in China. Int J of Sci and Math Educ. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-021-10241-7(SSCI)
Huang, X., Huang, R.,& Lai, M.Y. (2022), Exploring teacher learning process in Chinese lesson study: a case of representing fractions on a number line. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 11(2),121-132. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-03-2021-0026(SSCI)
Huang, X., Huang, R., & Bosch, M. (2021). Analyzing a teacher’s learning through cross-cultural collaboration: a praxeological perspective of mathematical knowledge for teaching. Educational Studies in Mathematics 107, 427–446 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-021-10057-w (SSCI)
Huang, R., Helgevold, N., & Lang, J. (2021). Digital technologies, online learning, and lesson study. International journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 10(2) 105-117. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-03-2021-0018. (SSCI)
Huang, X., Lee, M. Y., & Huang, R. (2021). Teachers’ learning through an online lesson study: An analysis from the expansive learning perspective. The International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 10(2), 202-216. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-09-2020-0076(SSCI).
Huang, R., & Cao, Y. M. (2021). The theory and practice of mathematics teachers’ collaborative learning in China: An international perspective. Journal of Mathematics Education (in Chinese) (CSSI)
Huang, R., Zhang, Q. Q., & Chen, X. C. (2021). Implementing learning trajectory-based elementary mathematics instruction. Elementary mathematics instruction, 3, 9-12. (in Chinese)
Huang, R., Kimmins, D., Winters, J., & Rushton, G. (2020). Does a technology assisted lesson study approach enhance teacher learning while eliminating obstacles of traditional lesson study? Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 20(4), 618-659. Retrieved February 19, 2021 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/213827/.
Li, Y., & Huang, R. (Eds.) (2020) (Translated by Xie M. C et al.). How Chinese teach mathematics and improve teaching. [in Chinese]. Shanghai, China: East China Normal University Press.
Huang, R., & Li, Y. (2020) (Translated by Dong J. G.). Teaching and learning mathematics through variations: Confucian heritage meets western theories. [in Chinese] Shanghai, China: East China Normal University Press.
Li, Y., & Huang, R. (2019) (Translated by Li, J.). How Chinese teacher acquire and improve mathematics knowledge for teaching. [in Chinese]. Shanghai, China: East China Normal University Press.
Huang, R., Zhang, Q., Chang, Y., & Kimmins, D. (2019). Developing students’ ability to solve word problems through learning trajectory-based and variation task-informed instruction. ZDM Mathematics Education, 51(1), 169-181.
Sun, X. H., Xin, Y. P., & Huang, R. (2019). A commentary survey on the current state of teaching and learning of Whole Number Arithmetic and connections to later mathematical content.ZDM Mathematics Education, 51(1), 1-12 (SSCI)
Huang, R., Takahashi, A., & da Ponte, J. (2019). Theory and Practices of Lesson Study in Mathematics: An international perspective. New York, NY: Springer.
Sun, X., Huang, R. Novotná, J., & Venkat, H.(2019).Whole number arithmetic and its teaching and learning. ZDM- Mathematics Education, 51(1), 1-226.(SSCI)
Strutchens, M. E., Huang, R.,Potari, D., & Losano, L.(2018). Educating prospective secondary mathematics teachers: knowledge, identify, and pedagogical practices. New York: Springer.
Li, Y., & Huang, R.(2018). How Chinese teacher acquire and improve mathematics knowledge for teaching. Rotterdam: Sense.
Huang, R., Fang, Y., & Chen, X. (2017). Chinese lesson study and its adaptation in other countries. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 6(4), 270- 395 (SSCI)
Huang, R., & Li, Y. (2017). Teaching and learning mathematics through variations: Confucian heritage meets western theories. Rotterdam: Sense.
Huang, R., Haupt, M., & Barlow, A. (2017). Developing high-leverage practices as deliberate practice through lesson study. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 6(4),365-379 (SSCI)
Huang, R., Zhang, J., Mok, I., Zhou, Y., Wu, Z., & Zhao, W. (2017). Perceived professional knowledge and competence of mathematics specialists and its development in China. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 6(4),321-335.(SSCI)
Huang, R., & Shimizu, Y. (2016). Improving teaching, developing teachers and teacher developers, and linking theory and practice through lesson study in mathematics: An international perspective. ZDM Mathematics Education, 48 (4), 439-587.(SSCI)
Strutchens, M. E., Huang, R., Losano, L., Potari, D., Cristina de Costa, M., Cyrino, T., et al. (2016). The mathematics education of prospective secondary teachers around the world. Berlin: Spring.
Huang, R., Prince, K., & Barlow, A. (2016). The same task, different learning opportunities: An analysis of two exemplary lessons in China and the US from a perspective of variation. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 41, 141-158.
Huang, R.,& Shimizu, Y. (2016). Improving teaching, developing teachers and teacher developers, and linking theory and practice through lesson study in mathematics: An international perspective. ZDM Mathematics Education, 48(4), 439-587.(SSCI)
Huang, R., Gong, Z., & Han, X. (2016). Implementing mathematics teaching that promotes students’ understanding through theory-driven lesson study. ZDM- Mathematics Education, 48, 425–439.(SSCI)
Huang, R., Ye, L., & Prince, K. (2016). Professional development system and practices of mathematics teachers in Mainland China. In B. Kaur, K. O. Nam, & Y. H. Leong (Eds.), Professional development of mathematics teachers: An Asian Perspective (pp.17-32). New York: Springer
Huang, R., & Han, X. (2015). Developing mathematics teachers’ competence through parallel Lesson study. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 4(2), 100-117.(SSCI)
Huang, R., Miller, D., & Tzur, R. (2015). Mathematics teaching in Chinese classroom: A hybrid-model analysis of opportunities for students’ learning. In Fan, L., Wong, N. Y., Cai, J., & Li, S (Eds.), How Chinese teach mathematics: Perspectives from insiders (pp. 73-110). Singapore: World Scientific
Huang, R., Prince, K., & Schmidt, T. (2014). Exploration of patterns in a Calendar. Mathematics Teacher, 108 (5), 337-342.
Huang, R., Su, H., & Xu, S. (2014). Developing teachers’ and teaching researchers’ professional competence in mathematics through Chinese Lesson Study. ZDM Mathematics Education, 46, 239–251.(SSCI)
Huang, R., & Jaworski, B. (2014). Interactive practices in promoting professional development of didacticians and teachers of mathematics: An international perspective. ZDM Mathematics Education, 46 (2), 173-333.(SSCI)
Huang, R. (2014). Prospective mathematics teachers’ knowledge of algebra: A comparative study in China and the Untied States of America. Wiesbaden Germany: Springer.
Huang, R., & Jaworski, B. (2014). Interactive practices in promoting professional development of didacticians and teachers of mathematics: An international perspective. ZDM Mathematics Education, 46(2), 173-333(SSCI)
Jaworski, B., & Huang, R., (2014). Teachers and didacticians: key stakeholders in the processes of developing mathematics teaching. ZDM Mathematics Education, 46, 173-188.
Li, Y., & Huang, R. (Eds.) (2013). How Chinese teach mathematics and improve teaching. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Huang, R., & Li, Y. (2012). What matters most: A comparison of Chinese expert and novice teachers’ noticing of classroom events? School Science and Mathematics, 112, 420-432.
Huang, R., & Kulm, G. (2012). Prospective middle grade mathematics teachers’ knowledge of algebra for teaching. The Journal Mathematical Behavior, 31, 417–430.
Huang, R., Li, Y., Zhang, J., & Li, X. (2011). Developing teachers’ expertise in teaching through exemplary lesson development and collaboration. ZDM-Mathematics Education, 43 (6-7), 805-817.(SSCI)
Huang, R., & Cai, J. (2011). Pedagogical representations to teach linear relations in Chinese and U.S. classrooms: Parallel or hierarchical. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 30, 149–165.
Research / Scholarly Activity
Research projects:
PI. Project. Collaborative Research: Framework for Integrating Technology (FIT) for Equity (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and teaches). Funded by National Science Fundation (305,000), 2024-2027
Co-PI. Project INSPRIE II-Increasing Numeracy with Successful Practices in Instruction with Rigor Embedded (Mathematics and Science Partnership Program). Funded by Tennessee Department of Education ($390,000), 2017-2018.
Co-PI. Project IN...
Read More »Research projects:
PI. Project. Collaborative Research: Framework for Integrating Technology (FIT) for Equity (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and teaches). Funded by National Science Fundation (305,000), 2024-2027
Co-PI. Project INSPRIE II-Increasing Numeracy with Successful Practices in Instruction with Rigor Embedded (Mathematics and Science Partnership Program). Funded by Tennessee Department of Education ($390,000), 2017-2018.
Co-PI. Project INSPRIE I- Increasing Numeracy with Successful Practices in Instruction with Rigor Embedded (Mathematics and Science Partnership Program). Funded by Tennessee Department of Education ($400,000), 2016-2017.
PI. Project UnPACK - Understanding Progressions, Assessment and Content Knowledge in Mathematics (Improving Teacher Quality Grant). Funded by Tennessee Higher Education Commission ($75,000), 2015-2016.
Co-PI. Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching for All Students through Lesson Study. Mathematics and Science Partnership Program. Funded by Tennessee Department of Education ($39,000), 2014-2015.
Co-PI. Project TeAM – Teaching Algebra and More! (Improving Teacher Quality Grant). Funded by Tennessee Higher Education Commission ($75,000), 2013-2014.
PI. Project - Learning about effective mathematics teaching through comparative studies on mathematics classroom instruction in the U.S. and China. Funded by Faculty Research and Creative Activity Grant Funded ($3,000) by Middle Tennessee State University, 2012-2013.
Professional Services:
Invited Speaker, International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME 14) Shanghai, China, 2021).
IPC member, ICMI Study 25, Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups (2018-2020)
Council member, The World Association of Lesson Studies (2018- )
Panelist, Use of Lesson Study to support quality mathematics teaching. International Congress of Mathematicians 2018, August 1-9, 2018, Rio, Brazil.
Co-Chair, ICME 13 (Hamburg, Germany 2016), TSG 48 Pre-service mathematics education of secondary teachers.
Guest Editor, ZDM Mathematics Education(2014, 2016, 2019)
Guest Editor, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies (2017, 2021, 2022, 2023)