Dr. Sungyoon Lee
Assistant Professor
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Or by appointemnt
Global Expertise
Countries and/or Territories of Expertise
- South Korea
Languages Spoken
- Korean
Areas of Global Specialization
Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Texas A&M University (2019)
- MED, Seoul National University (2010)
- BED, Seoul National University (2003)
Areas of Expertise
- Reading Comprehension
- Content Area Reading
- Reading Process
- Teacher Education
Degree Information Correction:
- MED, Seoul National University of Education (2010)
- BED, Seoul National University of Education (2003)
I am an Assistant Professor of Elementary Education at Middle Tennessee State University. I graduated from Texas A&M University with a Ph.D. in Reading and Literacy Education and obtained a Master's and Bachelor's at Seoul National University of Education. My research progr...
Read More »Degree Information Correction:
- MED, Seoul National University of Education (2010)
- BED, Seoul National University of Education (2003)
I am an Assistant Professor of Elementary Education at Middle Tennessee State University. I graduated from Texas A&M University with a Ph.D. in Reading and Literacy Education and obtained a Master's and Bachelor's at Seoul National University of Education. My research program centers on the contributions of cognitive and linguistic factors to reading processes and learning outcomes. Particularly, with my scholarship, I am examining how cognitive and linguistic factors are associated with coherence formation while reading illustrated texts and whether instructional interventions can target them. The long-term goals of my research are: a) to further examine the individual differences in expository text reading and b) to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve K-12 students’ coherence formation of texts with multiple modalities. Before my doctoral study in the U.S., I was an elementary school teacher in South Korea.
List of Publication (Selected)
Lee, S. (2023). The role of spatial ability and attention shifting in reading of illustrated scientific texts: An eye tracking study. Reading Psychology, 1-21.
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Lee, S. (2023). The role of spatial ability and attention shifting in reading of illustrated scientific texts: An eye tracking study. Reading Psychology, 1-21.
Lee, S., Kuo, L.-J., Xu, Z., & Hu, X. (2022). The effects of technology-integrated classroom instruction on English language learners’ literacy development: A meta-analysis study. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(5-6), 1106-1137. [Journal Impact Factor: 5.964]
Lee, S., Woltering, S., Prickett, C., Linda, H., Shi, Q., & Thompson, J. (2022). Exploring the associations between reading skills and eye movements in elementary children’s silent sentence reading. Reading Psychology, 42(1), 85 - 103. DOI: 10.1080/02702711.2021.2020189
Stough, M. L., & Lee, S. (2021). Grounded theory approaches used in educational research journals. International Journal of Qualitative Research Methods, 20 [Journal Impact Factor: 4.828]
Moody, S. M., Hu, X., Kuo, L.-J., Jouhar, M., Xu, Z., and Lee, S. (2018). Vocabulary instruction: A critical analysis of theories, research, and practice. Education Sciences. 8(4), 180
Hall, K., Suárez, M. I., Lee, S., and Slattery, P. (2017). Currere and prolepsis: A literary analysis. The Currere Exchange Journal, 1(1), 101-110.
Lee, S., Kuo, L.-J., Moody, S. M., & Chen, Z. (2017). Reviews of research funded by U.S. Institute of Educational Sciences: A case of reading development and instruction. Cogent Education, 4(1), 1401444.
Lee, S., Hwang, H., & Shin, Y. (2023, December). The relationships among teaching presence, social presence, and digital literacy in elementary students' online learning self-efficacy. 2023 Annual meeting of Literacy Research Association. Place: At...
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Lee, S., Hwang, H., & Shin, Y. (2023, December). The relationships among teaching presence, social presence, and digital literacy in elementary students' online learning self-efficacy. 2023 Annual meeting of Literacy Research Association. Place: Atlanta, GA. Date: Nov. 29-Dec. 2, 2023
Lee, S., (2021, December). Fourth and fifth grade students’ reading of illustrated science texts. 2021 Annual meeting of Literacy Research Association. Place: Atlanta, GA. Date: Dec 1-4, 2021
Lee, S., (2020, July). The role of working memory in integrative reading of text and picture. 2020 Annual meeting of Society for Text and Discourse. Place: Atlanta, GA. Date: July 21-23, 2020
Lee, S., Prickett, C., Shi, Q., Sun, H., Thompson, J., and Woltering, S. (2020, April). The effects of oral reading fluency on student’s reading behaviors in silent sentence processing: An eye-tracking study. 2019 Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association. Place: San Francisco, CA. Date: April 17-21, 2020
External Grant
PI, MTSU STARTALK Korean Program ($117,039), STARTALK, 2023 - 2025
PI, Korean language teachers' technology integration: knowledge and instructional practice ($12,374), Academy of Korean Studies, 2022 - 2023
Internal Grant
PI, MTSU Instructional Enhancement Grant ($1,800), 2023-2024
PI, MTSU Technology Access Fee Grant ($73,300), 2023-2024
Co-PI, Developing a Task-Oriented Writing Ass...
Read More »External Grant
PI, MTSU STARTALK Korean Program ($117,039), STARTALK, 2023 - 2025
PI, Korean language teachers' technology integration: knowledge and instructional practice ($12,374), Academy of Korean Studies, 2022 - 2023
Internal Grant
PI, MTSU Instructional Enhancement Grant ($1,800), 2023-2024
PI, MTSU Technology Access Fee Grant ($73,300), 2023-2024
Co-PI, Developing a Task-Oriented Writing Assessment Mobile Application ($4,500), Womack Faculty Enhancement Grant, Middle Tennessee State University, 2023 - 2024
PI, Learner-Generated Drawing in Sicence Text Reading: The Moderating Effects of Support Level and Spatial Information in Text ($10,000), Faculty Research and Creative Activity Grant, Middle Tennessee State University, 2019 - 2020
- ELED3400 Teaching Science and Social Studies through Literacy
- READ6750 Research in Literacy
- LITS7010 Literacy Development and Language Learning