Dr. Trey Martindale

Associate Vice Provost of Online Learning

Dr. Trey Martindale
+1 615-494-8909
Room 2117, Miller Education Center (MEC)
MTSU Box 54, Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Areas of Expertise

  • online teaching and learning
  • instructional design
  • instructional strategies




Trey Martindale has served in higher education since 1998 as a professor and administrator. His leadership and supervisory roles have included Program Coordinator, Associate Department Chair, Center Director, Teaching Fellow, Accessibility Coordinator, Department Head, Chief Online Learning Officer, and now Associate Vice Provost for Online Learning.

His career has been marked by pioneering and entrepreneurial work in designing, studying, and implementing online degree programs. This ...

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Trey Martindale has served in higher education since 1998 as a professor and administrator. His leadership and supervisory roles have included Program Coordinator, Associate Department Chair, Center Director, Teaching Fellow, Accessibility Coordinator, Department Head, Chief Online Learning Officer, and now Associate Vice Provost for Online Learning.

His career has been marked by pioneering and entrepreneurial work in designing, studying, and implementing online degree programs. This work includes developing one of the nation’s first online master’s degrees in instructional technology, and one of the nation’s first online doctoral degrees in instructional technology.  

His research expertise is in the design of online learning environments, as well as the affordances and constraints of such environments. His external funding ($5,200,000 for 24 projects) has come from agencies including the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Veteran’s Administration, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Science Foundation, multiple state governments, and corporations such as Microsoft, IBM, Cengage, and International Paper.  

He is a frequent national and international speaker and consultant to industry and educational institutions related to online learning environments. In 2019 he served as President of the flagship international scholarly organization in his field, the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). His most recent book (October 2024), is the Handbook of Research in Online Learning, from Brill Publishing.

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National/International Book Chapters

1. Martindale, T. & Dowdy, M. (2016). Issues in research, design, and development of personal learning environments. In G. Veletsianos (Ed.) Emerging Technologies in Distance Education (2nd edition). Athabasca Press. (Link)
2. Martindale, T. & Russell, R. (2011). Connecting, collaborating, and learning online. In S. Blake, D. Winsor, & L. Allen (Eds.) Child Development and the Use of Technology: Perspectives, Applications, and Ex...

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National/International Book Chapters

1. Martindale, T. & Dowdy, M. (2016). Issues in research, design, and development of personal learning environments. In G. Veletsianos (Ed.) Emerging Technologies in Distance Education (2nd edition). Athabasca Press. (Link)
2. Martindale, T. & Russell, R. (2011). Connecting, collaborating, and learning online. In S. Blake, D. Winsor, & L. Allen (Eds.) Child Development and the Use of Technology: Perspectives, Applications, and Experiences (pp. 47-58). IGI Global Publishing.
3. Martindale, T. & Dowdy, M. (2010). Personal learning environments. In G. Veletsianos (Ed.) Emerging Technologies in Distance Education (pp. 152-164). Athabasca Press.

Articles in National/International Journals

1. Martindale, T., Lim, C., Ryu, J., and Kim, N. (2019). Learning, Design, and Technology in South Korea: a Report on the AECT-Korean Society for Educational Technology Panel Discussion. Tech Trends: The Journal of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 63, 503-505.
2. Sugar, W., Martindale, T., & Crawley, F. (2007). One professor’s face-to-face teaching strategies while becoming an online instructor. Quarterly Review of Distance Education 8(4), 365–385.
3. Martindale, T., Pearson, L.C., Curda, L.K., & Pilcher, J. (2005). Effects of an online instructional application on reading and mathematics standardized test scores. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 37(4), 349–360.
4. Martindale, T., & Wiley, D.A. (2005). Using weblogs in scholarship and teaching. Tech Trends: The Journal of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 49(2), 55–61.
5. Martindale, T., Cates, W.M., & Qian, Y. (2005). Analysis of recognized web-based educational resources. Computers in the Schools, 21(3/4), 101–117.
6. Martindale, T. (2005). Design and development annual activities report. Tech Trends: The Journal of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 49(1), 23–25.
7. Sugar, W., Martindale, T., Kester, D., & Sheerer, M. (2004). Perspectives on the role of an instructional design and technology program within a college of education: Professor, Department Chair, Dean. Educational Technology, (44)4, 50–54.
8. Bolliger, D.U., & Martindale, T. (2004). Key factors for determining student satisfaction in online courses. International Journal on E-Learning, 3(1), 61–67.
9. Martindale, T., & Cates, W.M. (2003). Educational Web sites: a classification system for educators and learners. Educational Technology, 43(6), 47–50.
10. Ahern, T.C., Van Cleave, N., Martindale, T., & Smorgun, J. (2003). Curator: learning object construction matrix. Frontiers in Education: Journal of the American Society for Engineering Education, 33, 19–24. Invited refereed paper.
11. Martindale, T., & Ahern, T.C. (2002). Designing reusable learning objects: Matching delivery models to content. Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 20, 325–329.
12. Martindale, T. (2002). Understanding computer-based digital video. Tech Trends: The Journal of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 46(4), 19–22.
13. Martindale, T., & Ahern, T.C. (2001). The effects of three web-based delivery models on undergraduate college student achievement. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications, 7(4), 379–392.
14. Ryan, S., Marzilli, S., & Martindale, T. (2001). Using digital cameras for motor learning assessment. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 72(8), 7–10.

National/International Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

1. Gregory, R., & Martindale, T. (2016). Faculty development for online instruction in higher education. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers of the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology. Vol.2, (pp. 213-223). http://www.aect.org/pdf/proceedings16/2016i/16_08.pdf
2. Khan, H., Hossain, G., and Martindale, T. (2016). Assessing adaptive learning gain and its relation to task difficulty. In Workshop on Computational Models for Learning Systems and Educational Assessment (CMLA 2016), IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). (PDF).
3. Zammit, J., Elliot, S., Kelly, C., & Martindale, T. (2014). Engaging the online language learner: theory and practice. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers of the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
4. Khan, H. & Martindale, T. (2014). A review of research on collaboration via blogs in online learning. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers of the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
5. Alderson, L., Lowther, D. & Martindale, T. (2013). Laying the groundwork for an International online collaboration project between Indonesian and American students in higher education. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers of the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
6. Zammit, J. & Martindale, T. (2013). Strategies for Increasing Engagement and Information Seeking in a Multi-Section Online Course: Scaffolding Student Success through the ARCS-V Model. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers of the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
7. Alderson, L., Lowther, D. & Martindale, T. (2012). Engaging employees in continuous learning and development with mobile devices: current research and practice. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers of the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
8. Brown, D. & Martindale, T. (2012). A Review of Intercultural Training in the Workplace. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers at the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
9. Jain S. & Martindale, T. (2012). Facilitating Continuous Learning: A Review of Research and Practice on Individual Learning Capabilities and Organizational Learning Environments. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers at the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
10. McCraw, M. & Martindale, T. (2012). Teaching College Courses with Students from Multiple Generations. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers at the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
11. Sweeney, J. & Martindale, T. (2012). Increasing Employee Participation in Voluntary Training: Issues and Solutions. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers at the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
12. Zammit, J. & Martindale, T. (2012). Social Media Networks in the Workplace. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers at the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
13. Weaver, C. & Martindale, T. (2009) Mentoring student teachers as they form communities of practice: An analysis of online discussion groups. Proceedings of Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology.
14. Craig, S. D., Graesser, A., Brittingham J., Williams J., Martindale, T., Williams, G., Gray R., Darby, A., & Gholson, B. (2008). An implementation of vicarious learning environments in middle school classrooms. In K. McFerrin, R. Weber, R. Weber, R. Carlsen, & D. A. Willis (Eds.), The Proceedings of the 19th International Conference for the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (pp. 1060–1064). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
15. Hu, X., & Martindale, T. (2008). Enhancing learning with ITS-style interactions between learner and content. Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education (2008)8218, 1-11.
16. Martindale, T., Qian, Y., & Cates, W.M. (2001). Categorizing exemplary educational websites. Annual Proceedings of Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, 323–329.
17. Bolliger, D.U., & Martindale, T. (2001). Student satisfaction in an online master’s degree program in instructional technology. Annual Proceedings of Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, 23–38.
18. Martindale, T. (2000). Lessons from delivering instruction in an interactive video-based classroom. Annual Proceedings of Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, 181–185.
19. Martindale, T. (1999). Alternate teaching models for non-classroom-based instruction. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, 1999(1), 610–615.
20. Martindale, T., & Ahern, T. (1998). Using the concept attainment model for web-based interventions in self-paced classes. Technology and Teacher Education Annual, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 157–159.
21. Ahern, T.C., Martindale, T., & Burleson, C. (1997). Authoring lessons for the Internet: Factors in design. Technology and Teacher Education Annual, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 463–466.

National Research Reports and Reviews

1. Martindale, T., Lowther, D.L., Strahl, J.D., & Ross, S.M. (2007). VaNTH: Module development at the University of Memphis. Prepared for the Center for Research in Educational Policy, The University of Memphis: Memphis, TN.
2. Lowther, D.L., Ross, S.M., Martindale, T., Strahl, J.D., Weems, G., & Nunnery, J. (2005). 2004–2005 evaluation report of CompassLearning. Prepared for the Little Rock School District by the Center for Research in Educational Policy, The University of Memphis: Memphis, TN.
3. Pearson, L.C., & Martindale, T. (2003). [Review of Attitudes Toward Industrialization.] From B. S. Plake, J. C. Impara, & R. A. Spies (Eds.). The Fifteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, (pp. 78–79). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.
4. Pearson, L.C., & Martindale, T. (2003). [Review of Principles of Adult Mentoring Inventory.] From B. S. Plake, J. C. Impara, & R. A. Spies (Eds.). The Fifteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, (p. 696). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.


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Research / Scholarly Activity

Externally Funded Research Grants and Contracts

Total external funding: $5,189,015

1. Virtual Reality Training for Nursing Skills State of Mississippi Workforce Innovation Junfeng Ma, Adam Pervez, Hiafeng Wang, Carlton Young Co-Principal Investigator (20%) $250,000 2020-2022
2. Support for Spouses and Families of Deployed Personnel U.S. Veteran’s Administration Linda Nichols, Jennifer Martindale Designer and Developer (20%) $690,000 2015-2019
3. EdX Mas...

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Externally Funded Research Grants and Contracts

Total external funding: $5,189,015

1. Virtual Reality Training for Nursing Skills State of Mississippi Workforce Innovation Junfeng Ma, Adam Pervez, Hiafeng Wang, Carlton Young Co-Principal Investigator (20%) $250,000 2020-2022
2. Support for Spouses and Families of Deployed Personnel U.S. Veteran’s Administration Linda Nichols, Jennifer Martindale Designer and Developer (20%) $690,000 2015-2019
3. EdX Massive Open Online Course Pilot Course Development (Health and Wellness Promotion) Tennessee Board of Regents Roy Bowery Co-Principal Investigator
(20%) $40,000 2014
4. PULSAR E-Learning Evaluation U.S. Department of Defense: Army Research Laboratory Xiangen Hu Senior Researcher (10%) $10,000 2014
5. Coursera Massive Open Online Course Pilot Course Development (World Politics) Tennessee Board of Regents Roy Bowery Co-Principal Investigator
(30%) $40,000 2013-2014
6. Project FitWizard
State of Tennessee Department of Health Gerhild Ullmann Co-Principal Investigator
(20%) $489,287 2013-2016
7. GIFT: Generalized Intelligent Framework of Tutoring U.S. Department of Defense: Army Research Laboratory Xiangen Hu Senior Researcher (10%) $500,000 2012-2014
8. Design Institute Baptist College of Health Luther Bradfute Principal Investigator
(40%) $1,000 2013
9. Safety Procedures Orientation Course Development Baptist College of Health Luther Bradfute Principal Investigator
(10%) $3,500 2012
10. Liberal Arts Summer School Online (LASSO) Instructional Design Coaching University of Mississippi Kris King Principal Investigator
(20%) $32,500 2011-2012
11. Integrating Web 2.0 Tools in Secondary Instruction IBM, Inc. Luther Bradfute, Jay Brooksby Principal Investigator
(15%) $10,000 2011-2012
12. Martin Institute Summer Meeting Promotion Martin Institute for Professional Development Luther Bradfute, Jay Brooksby Principal Investigator (10%) $750 2010
13. Instructional Video Scenarios for Crisis Intervention Counseling Cengage Wadsworth Inc. Richard James Principal Investigator (20%) $10,200 2010-2011
14. Teachers Learning in Networked Communities III United States Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education Kathleen Fulton, Cindy Gutierrez Principal Investigator
(15%) $32,000 2010-2012
15. Corporate Partnership with Corporate ADL Co-lab International Paper Xiangen Hu Co-Principal Investigator
(5%) $60,000 2006–2008
16. Joint Knowledge Development and Distribution Capability (JKDDC) and Interactive Learning Environments United States Department of Defense Art Graesser, Xiangen Hu Senior Researcher (10%) $225,000 2007–2009
17. Teachers Learning in Networked Communities II United States Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education Kathleen Fulton, Cindy Gutierrez Principal Investigator
(20%) $150,000 2007–2010
18. TLINC: Teachers Linked in Networked Communities Microsoft Corporation Kathy Cooter Principal Investigator
(20%) $200,000 2005–2007
19. An implementation of vicarious learning with deep-level reasoning questions in middle school and high school classrooms Institute of Education Sciences, United States Department of Education (R305H050169) Barry Gholson, Brent Morgan, Josh Bynum, Roby Coles Co-Principal Investigator
(20%) $1,050,000 2005–2009
20. Vanderbilt-Northwestern-Texas-Harvard/MIT Engineering Research Center for Bioengineering Education National Science Foundation Steven Ross, Deborah Lowther Researcher
(5%) $357,250 2003–2007
21. Preparing all Learners for Success State of Florida Pam Northrup Instructional Designer
(10%) $144,528 2002
22. School Health Programs to Prevent Obesity and other Serious Health Problems United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Stu Ryan Instructional Designer
(25%) $175,000 2002
23. Reading in the Content Areas: Web-Based Professional Development Santa Rosa County, Florida Pam Northrup Instructional Designer
(10%) $113,000 2001
24. Promoting Quality Literacy Instruction for Students with Visual Impairments United States Department of Education Alan Koenig, Kay Holbrook Instructional Designer
(10%) $561,000 2001–2004
25. A Multimedia Instructional Package for In-service Training for Appropriate Literacy Media Selection for Visually Impaired Students. United States Department of Education Alan Koenig, Kay Holbrook Instructional Designer
(20%) $294,000 1999–2002

Internally Funded Grants and Contracts

Total internal funding: $486,480

1. Graduate Recruiting Grant Office of Graduate Studies, Mississippi State University Principal Investigator Whitney Peterson $5000 2019-2020
2. Virtual Reality Academy Office of the Provost, Mississippi State University Co-Director Dan Gadke, Teresa Jayroe, Kasee Stratton-Gadke $78,000 2018
3. Graduate Recruiting Grant Office of Graduate Studies, Mississippi State University Principal Investigator Whitney Peterson $5000 2018-2019
4. Mechatronics Simulation for Industrial Technology Office of the Provost, Mississippi State University Project Leader John Wyatt $150,000 2018
5. Graduate Recruiting Grant Graduate School, Mississippi State University Principal Investigator Whitney Peterson $5000 2017-2018
6. Design of Master’s Degree Program in Health Care Leadership Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, University of Memphis Designer and Developer Roy Bowery $35,000 2014-15
7. Faculty Course Development Initiative: IDT 8100 Research in Instructional Design and Technology Office of Extended Programs, University of Memphis Designer and Developer $4000 2013-2014
8. E-learning and Materials Safety Course Environmental Health and Safety, University of Memphis Principal Investigator Joseph Sweeney $1380 2012
9. Continuous Learning Research Coalition FedEx Institute of Technology Co-Principal Investigator Deborah Lowther $25,000 2011-2013
10. Faculty Course Development Initiative: IDT 7095 Development of Interactive Learning Environments II Office of Extended Programs, University of Memphis Designer and Developer $4000 2011
11. Faculty Course Development Initiative: IDT 7072/8072 Seminar in Online Instruction: Web-Based Teaching Office of Extended Programs, University of Memphis Designer and Developer $4000 2011
12. Faculty Course Development Initiative: IDT 7074/8074 Theories and Models of Instructional Design Office of Extended Programs, University of Memphis Designer and Developer $4000 2011
13. Faculty Course Development Initiative: IDT 7090/8090 Development of Interactive Learning Environments I Office of Extended Programs, University of Memphis Designer and Developer $4000 2010
14. Equipping the IDT Studio Instruction and Curriculum Leadership, University of Memphis Principal Investigator Clif Mims, Michael Grant $35,000 2010-2011
15. Creating the IDT Studio Office of the Provost, University of Memphis Principal Investigator Clif Mims, Michael Grant $100,000 2010-2011
16. Faculty Course Development Initiative: IDT 7062/8062 Authoring Instructional Courseware Office of Extended Programs, University of Memphis Designer and Developer $4000 2008
17. Faculty Course Development Initiative: Instructional Video Design and Production Instruction and Curriculum Leadership, University of Memphis Designer and Developer $700 2007
18. Program to Recruit Doctoral Students in Instructional Design and Technology Instruction and Curriculum Leadership, University of Memphis Director Clif Mims $1400 2007
19. Online Certificate in Instructional Computing Applications Office of Extended Programs, University of Memphis Designer and Developer Clif Mims $21,000 2006–2008

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Creative Activity

National Media and Curricula

1. Martindale, T., Nichols, L., & Martindale, J. (2020). Support for Families of Deployed Armed Services Personnel. Veteran’s Administration. [13 e-learning modules]. Memphis, TN.
2. Martindale, T. (2014). Project FitWizard: Online database and resource for teacher-contributed activities aligned with elementary and secondary curricular standards. [Website]. Funded by State of Tennessee Department of Health.
3. Koenig, A.J., Holbrook,...

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National Media and Curricula

1. Martindale, T., Nichols, L., & Martindale, J. (2020). Support for Families of Deployed Armed Services Personnel. Veteran’s Administration. [13 e-learning modules]. Memphis, TN.
2. Martindale, T. (2014). Project FitWizard: Online database and resource for teacher-contributed activities aligned with elementary and secondary curricular standards. [Website]. Funded by State of Tennessee Department of Health.
3. Koenig, A.J., Holbrook, M.C., Edmonds, A.R., White, D., Wang, Q., & Martindale, T. (2005). Project SLATE: Quality literacy instruction for students with visual impairments [DVD, 4-volume set]. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.
4. Koenig, A.J., Holbrook, M.C., Edmonds, A.R., White, D., Wang, Q., & Martindale, T. (2005). Project SLATE: Learning media assessment for students with visual impairments—Additional case studies [CD-ROM, 6-volume set]. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.
5. Ryan, S., & Martindale, T. (2002). Fitness Fun Forever. [Curriculum Resource]. Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, Division of Public Schools and Community Education, Florida Department of Education, Tallahassee, FL.
6. Ryan, S., & Martindale, T. (2002). Fitness Fun Forever. [Videotape]. Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, Division of Public Schools and Community Education, Florida Department of Education, Tallahassee, FL.
7. Ryan, S., & Martindale, T. (2002). Fitness Fun Forever. [CD-ROM]. Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, Division of Public Schools and Community Education, Florida Department of Education, Tallahassee, FL.
8. Ryan, S., & Martindale, T. (2002). Fitness Fun Forever. [Website]. Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, Division of Public Schools and Community Education, Florida Department of Education, Tallahassee, FL.
9. Koenig, A.J., Holbrook, M. C., Price, R., Nes, S., Martindale, T., & White, D. (1998). Introduction to learning media assessment [Videotape]. (All videotapes in this series are available from Texas Tech University, Programs in Visual Impairment, Box 41071, Lubbock, TX 79409-1071)
10. Koenig, A.J., Holbrook, M.C., Price, R., Nes, S., Martindale, T., & White, D. (1998). Initial selection of the literacy medium [Videotape].
11. Koenig, A.J., Holbrook, M.C., Price, R., Nes, S., Martindale, T., & White, D. (1998). Continuing assessment of literacy media [Videotape].
12. Holbrook, M.C., Koenig, A.J., Price, R., Nes, S., Martindale, T., & White, D. (1998). Learning media assessment for students with additional disabilities [Videotape].
13. Koenig, A.J., Holbrook, M.C., Price, R., Martindale, T., White, D., Nes, S., & McFarland, M. (1998). Identifying sensory channels [CD-ROM]. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.
14. Koenig, A.J., Holbrook, M.C., Price, R., Martindale, T., White, D., Nes, S., & McFarland, M. (1998). Selecting the initial literacy medium [CD-ROM]. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.
15. Koenig, A.J., Holbrook, M.C., Price, R., Martindale, T., White, D., Nes, S., & McFarland, M. (1998). Exploring continuing needs for literacy media [CD-ROM]. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.
16. Holbrook, M.C., Koenig, A.J., Price, R., Martindale, T., White, D., Nes, S., & McFarland, M. (1998). Conducting learning media assessment for students with additional disabilities [CD-ROM]. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.

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