Dr. Vicky MacLean
Professor | Graduate Program Director | Women's and Gender Studies Director
![Dr. Vicky MacLean](/faculty-information/images/vmaclean.jpg)
Departments / Programs
- Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Sociology
- Sociology [M.A.]
- Women's and Gender Studies
- Women’s and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate
Degree Information
- PHD, Duke University (1992)
- MA, Duke University (1984)
- BS, University of Tulsa (1981)
Areas of Expertise
- Diverse Histories of American Sociology
- Qualitative Methodology
- Race/Class/Gender
- Social & Feminist Theory
- Women's and Minority Health
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2016. Settlement Sociology in the Progressive Years: Faith, Science, and Reform. Chicago: Haymarket Books. (Republished in paperback).
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2015. Settlement Sociology in the Progressive Years: Faith, Science, and Reform. Boston: Brill.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Williams, Jo...
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2016. Settlement Sociology in the Progressive Years: Faith, Science, and Reform. Chicago: Haymarket Books. (Republished in paperback).
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2015. Settlement Sociology in the Progressive Years: Faith, Science, and Reform. Boston: Brill.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2020. "In Search of Neighborhood: South End House and its Legacy for Sociology and Social Work," Journal of Sociology and Social Work, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 48-60. American Research Institute for Policy Development.
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2020. "In Pursuit of Justice: The Scholar-Activism of Feminist Settlement Workers in the Progressive Era (1890s-1920s)," Sociology Between the Gaps: Forgotten and Neglected Topics: Vol. 5.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.providence.edu/sbg/vol5/iss1/3. Providence College: Digital Commons. - Williams, Joyce E. and MacLean, Vicky M. 2018. "The Sociology of Social Class: Recovering the Contributions of the Women Founders," Sociology Between the Gaps: Forgotten and Neglected Topics: Vol. 4.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.providence.edu/sbg/vol4/iss1/1. Providence College: Digital Commons. - MacLean, Vicky M. and Joyce E Williams. 2012. "Ghosts of Sociologies Past: Settlement Sociology in the Progressive Era at the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy." American Sociologist. online first DOI 10.1007/s12108-012-9158-1. Springer.
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2012. "In Search of the Kingdom: The Social Gospel, Settlement Sociology, and the Science of Reform in America's Progressive Era." Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. Fall 2012, Vol 48:3. Wiley-Blackwell.
- MacLean, Vicky M. and Carolyn Rozier. 2009. "From Sport Culture to the Social World of the 'Good PT': Masculinities and the Career Development of Physical Therapists." Men and Masculinities, Vol. 11, 3: 286-306. Sage Publications.
- MacLean, Vicky M. and Joyce E. Williams. 2008. "Shifting Paradigms: Sociological Presentations of Race."; American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 51, 5: 599-624. Sage Publications.
- MacLean, Vicky M., Patricia Parker and Melissa Sandefur. 2007. "Public Health Care for Low-Income and Minority Women with Children in an Age of Welfare Reform." Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Vol. 24, 209-238. Elsevier Press.
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2005. "Studying Ourselves: Sociology Discipline-Building in the U.S., 1880s-1940s,"; American Sociologist, Vol. 36, 1, 111-133. Transaction Publishers.
- MacLean, Vicky M. and Joyce Williams. 2005. "Sociology at Women's and Black Colleges, 1880s-1940s,"; 260-316 in Diverse Histories of American Sociology, A. Blasi (ed.), Brill Academic Publishers.
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2005. "The Legacy of Community Studies," 370-404 in Diverse Histories of American Sociology, A. Blasi (ed.), Brill Academic Publishers.
- Fincher, Contessa, Joyce Williams, Vicky M. MacLean, Allison Jeroan, Catrina Kiefe, and John Canto. 2004. "Racial Disparities in Coronary Heart Disease: A Sociological View of the Medical Literature on Physician Bias." Ethnicity and Disease, 14, 3: Summer, 360-371.
- MacLean, Vicky M. and Joyce E. Williams. 2003. "The History of the American Cemetery and Some Reflections on the Meaning of Death,"; 743-756 in The Handbook of Death and Dying, Vol 2, C. Bryant (ed.), Sage Publications.
- MacLean, Vicky M. 1999."Opportunity for Advancement, the Interpersonal Environment, and Satisfaction with Supervisory Relations: A Case for Rethinking Gender and Job Models." Working Papers in Race, Class and Gender. Mary Washington College.
- O'Rand, Angela and Vicky M. MacLean. 1986. "Labor Markets, Pension Rule Structure, and Retirement Benefit Promise for Long-term Employees." Social Forces, 65, 1: September, 224-240.
Encyclopedia Entries
- MacLean, Vicky M. 2011. "Poverty, 'Feminization' of." Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, 1135-38. Sage.
- MacLean, Vicky M. 2011. "Women's Health Clinics." Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, 1572-75. Sage.
- MacLean, Vicky M. 2011 (republished). "Feminist Pedagogy." Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell Reference Online http://www.sociologyencyclopedia.com.
- MacLean, Vicky M. and Patricia Parker. 2011 (republished). "Beauvoir, Simone de (1908-86)." Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell Reference Online http://www.sociologyencyclopedia.com.
- MacLean, Vicky M. and Joyce E. Williams. 2009. "Cemeteries." Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience. Sage Publications.
- Williams, Joyce E. and Vicky M. MacLean. 2009. "Cemeteries, Unmarked Graves and Potter's Field." Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience. Sage Publications.
- Sandefur, Melissa and Vicky M. MacLean.2009. "Anorexia and Bulimia." Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience. Sage Publications.
- MacLean, Vicky M. 2009. "Hull-House." Encyclopedia of Gender & Society. Sage Publications.
- MacLean, Vicky M. and Katie Ross. 2009. "Hidden/Invisible Health Care." Encyclopedia of Gender & Society. Sage Publications.
- MacLean, Vicky M. 2007. "Feminist Pedagogy."; Encyclopedia of Sociology, 1706-1710. Blackwell Publishing.
- MacLean, Vicky M. 2007. "Komarovsky, Mira (1905-99)."; Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2485-2489. Blackwell Publishing.
- Sandefur, Melissa and Vicky M. MacLean. 2007. "Goldman, Emma (1869-1940)."; Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2004-2007. Blackwell Publishing.
- MacLean, Vicky M. and Patricia Parker. 2007. "Beauvoir, Simone de (1908-86)."; Encyclopedia of Sociology, 251-255. Blackwell Publishing.
- Williams, Joyce and Vicky M. MacLean. 2007. "Bernard, Jessie (1903-96)."; Encyclopedia of Sociology, 270-273. Blackwell Publishing.
- MacLean, Vicky M. et al. (co-researcher). 2005. Report to the Tennessee Department of Health. 2005. Tennessee Maternal and Child Health Needs Assessment. Center for Health and Human Services, Middle Tennessee State University.
- MacLean, Vicky M. , Tabitha Sharp, and Jan Colvin. 2002. Planning for Community-Oriented Health Systems: Utilization Patterns and Needs of the Uninsured. Report Commissioned by the United Way of Denton County.
- Williams, Joyce, Vicky M. MacLean, Gina Sibbald and Ginger Davidson. 1999. Community Assessment 1999: Denton County, Texas. Report Commissioned by the United Way, Flow Health Foundation and City of Denton.