Dr. Vincent Cobb
Departments / Programs
- Department of Biology
- Biology
- Pre-Medical (Allied Health Science)
- Biology, M.S.
- Biomedical Sciences, M.S.
Degree Information
- PHD, Idaho State University (1994)
- MS, University of Texas at Tyler (1989)
- BA, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (1987)
Areas of Expertise
Behavioral and physiological ecology of reptiles; Thermal biology; Animal telemetry
Joined the faculty at MTSU in 2002. I am always interested in talking to prospective graduate and undergraduate students interested in herpetology, thermal biology, reptile ecology, or animal telemetry.
Professional Memberships
Sampling of Pubs
- Cobb, V.A. 2004. Diet and prey size in the flathead snake (Tantilla gracilis). Copeia 2004:396-401.
- Cobb, V.A., J.J. Green, T. Worrall, J. Pruett, and B. Glorioso. 2005. Initial den location behavior in a litter of ...
Sampling of Pubs
- Cobb, V.A. 2004. Diet and prey size in the flathead snake (Tantilla gracilis). Copeia 2004:396-401.
- Cobb, V.A., J.J. Green, T. Worrall, J. Pruett, and B. Glorioso. 2005. Initial den location behavior in a litter of neonate Crotalus horridus (Timber Rattlesnakes). Southeastern Naturalist 4:723-730.
- Hanna, C.J. and V.A. Cobb. 2006. Effect of temperature on hatching and nest site selection in the Green Lynx Spider, Peucetia viridans (Araneae:Oxyopidae). Journal of Thermal Biology 31:262-267.
- Cobb, V.A. and D.L. Shirk. 2006. Living with timber rattlesnakes - our silent neighbors. Tennessee Wildlife 29(6):21-24.
- Hanna, C.J. and V.A. Cobb. 2007. Critical thermal maximum of the Green Lynx Spider, Peucetia viridans (Araneae:Oxyopidae). Journal of Arachnology 35:153-156.
- Cobb, V.A. and C.R. Peterson. 2008. Thermal ecology of hibernation in a population of Great Basin Rattlesnakes, Crotalus oreganus lutosus. Pp. 291-302 in The Biology of Rattlesnakes. Loma Linda University Press.
- Bailey, F.C., V.A. Cobb, T.R. Rainwater, T. Worrall, and M. Klukowski. 2009. Adrenocortical effects of human encounters on free-ranging Cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus). Journal of Herpetology 43:260-266.
- Jenkins, C.L., C.R. Peterson, S.C. Doering, and V.A. Cobb. 2009. Microgeographic variation in reproductive characteristics among Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus) populations. Copeia 2009:774-780.
- Glorioso, B.M., M.L. Niemiller, and V.A. Cobb. 2010. Feeding times of Amphiuma tridactylum at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 85:87-90.
- Jaeger, C.P. and V.A. Cobb. 2012. Comparative spatial ecologies of female Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) and Red-eared Sliders (Trachemys scripta) at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 11:59-67.
- B.M. Glorioso and V.A.Cobb. 2012. Diel and temporal activity indicated by feeding in the Eastern Musk Turtle, Sternotherus odoratus, at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Herpetological Conservation and Biology.
- J.B. Hall, A.J. Pritchard, V.A. Cobb, and A.B. Cahoon. 2013. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Crotalus horridus (timber rattlesnake). Mitochondrial DNA 24:94-96.
- Nordberg, E.J. and V.A. Cobb. 2016. Midwinter emergence in hibernating timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus). Journal of Herpetology 50:203-208.
- Webb, A.C., L.D. Chick, V.A. Cobb, and M.K. Klukowski. 2017. Effects of moderate food deprivation on plasma corticosterone and blood metabolites in common watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon). Journal of Herpetology 51:134-141.
- Nordberg, E.J. and V.A. Cobb. 2017. Body temperatures and winter activity in overwintering timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) in Tennessee. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12:606-615.
- Grisnik, M., J.E. Leys, D. Bryan, R.H. Hardeman, D.L. Miller, V.A. Cobb, C. Ogle, C. Simpson, J.R. Campbell, R.D. Applegate, M.C. Allender, E.J. Nordberg, A.A. Hoekstra, and D.M. Walker. 2018. Host and geographic range of snake fungal disease in Tennessee, USA. Herpetological Review 49:682-690.
Research / Scholarly Activity
- 1994-98: Assistant Professor, Ouachita Baptist University
- 1998-02: Assistant Professor, Northeastern State University
- 2002-07: Associate Professor, Middle Tennessee State University
- 2007- Professor, Middle Tennessee State University
Current Courses at MTSU
- Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II
- General Biology II
- Tropical Biology in Costa Rica