function[sol]= fourth_order_RK_method(f,x0,y0,xn,h) % This program estimates the solution of the first order differential % equation of the form y'=f(x,y) at given point using RK4 Method % Input -> f : function in the equation which is passed as a string. % x0 : initial x value. % y0 : initial y value. % h : step-size length. % xn : end point where corresponding value of y to be estiamted. % Output -> The computed table for x and y values are displayed. % clc; % clear all; % close all; tic; % ************************************************************************* % f=@(x,y) y; %right side term of the DE % x0=0;y0=1;xn=1;h=0.1; % ************************************************************************* x=x0:h:xn; n=length(x); y(1)=y0; iteration=0; for i=1:n-1 k1=h*f(x(i),y(i)); k2=h*f(x(i)+h/2,y(i)+k1/2); k3=h*f(x(i)+h/2,y(i)+k2/2); k4=h*f(x(i)+h,y(i)+k3); y(i+1)=y(i)+(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6; iteration=iteration+1; end sol=y; e_time=toc; error=norm(y-exp(x),inf); M=[x;y]; % it stores the values of x and y. fprintf('\n\n----------------------RK4 Mehod------------------------\n\n'); fprintf('This program was written by Mr. Harish Bhatt on 02,08/2013'); fprintf('\n\n\t\t x-values\t\t y-values\n'); fprintf('\t\t ---------\t\t ---------\n\n'); fprintf('\t\t %f \t\t%f \n',M); fprintf('\n\n\t\tThe estimated value of y at %f is %f\n',x(end),y(end)); fprintf('\n\n\t\tThis method took %3d step to get the solution\n',iteration+1); fprintf('\n\n\t\t The elasped time is %f\n',e_time); fprintf('\n\n\t\t The maximum error is %f\n',error); % % ------------------------Graphical Representation------------------------- % %Plot of the numerical solution VS analytical solution y=e^x % plot(x,y,'^-r',x,exp(x),'-'); % title('Numerical solution with RK4 VS Analytical Solution') % xlabel('x-values') % ylabel('y-values') % legend('Numerical sol','Analytical sol')