Dr. William L. Canak
Professor Emeritus
Years of Service: 1994 - 2018

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1981)
- MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1975)
- BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1970)
Canak, William L. with Laura Swanson. 1998. Modern Mexico, Boston, McGraw-Hill.
Canak, William L. 1989. Lost Promises: Debt, Austerity and Development in Latin America, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Canak, William L. 1982. The Peripheral State Debate, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Programa de Estudos Comparative Latino-Americanos (PECLA), 77 pgs.
Canak, William L. 2008. "Immigrants, Employment and Labo...
Canak, William L. with Laura Swanson. 1998. Modern Mexico, Boston, McGraw-Hill.
Canak, William L. 1989. Lost Promises: Debt, Austerity and Development in Latin America, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Canak, William L. 1982. The Peripheral State Debate, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Programa de Estudos Comparative Latino-Americanos (PECLA), 77 pgs.
Canak, William L. 2008. "Immigrants, Employment and Labor Unions, Nashville: Prospects for Coalition,"; Tennessee's Business, Volume 17, No. 2.
Canak, William L. with Dan Cornfield. 2007. "Immigrants & Labor in a Globalizing City: Prospects for Unionization in Nashville Tennessee "; in Labor in the NewUrban Battlegrounds,Lowell Turner & Daniel Cornfield (eds.), Cornell University Press.
Canak, William L. 2007. "Sociology: Venezuela & Colombia,"; Handbook of Latin American Studies, Library Of Congress, Vol. 63.
Canak, William L. with Randall Adams. 2006. "Blue Collar Mobility,"; Encyclopedia of Career Mobility, Sage Publications.
Canak, William L. 2005. "Sociology: Venezuela & Colombia"; Handbook of Latin American Studies, Library Of Congress, Vol. 61.
Canak, William L. with Randall Adams. 2004. "Labor Leaders," in Burns, J.M. & G.R. Goethals (eds.), Encyclopedia of Leadership, Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.
Canak, William L. with R. Adams. 2004. "Blue-Collar Careers," in Encyclopedia of Careers, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Canak, William L. 2003. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Boudon, L. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies: No. 59, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas.
Canak, William L. 2000. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Boudon, L. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies: No. 57, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas.
Canak, William L. 1998. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Martin, D. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies: No. 55, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas. (Not on Display).
Canak, William L. 1996. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Martin, D. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies: No. 53, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas. (Not on Display).
Canak, William L. with B. Miller. 1996. "Sociological Perspectives on Labor Law and the Labor Movement: Law as a Cause and Consequence of Public Employee Unionism," Proceedings of the Industrial Relations Research Association, 346-357.
Canak, William L. with B. Miller. 1995. "There Should be No Blanket Guarantee: Employers' Reactions to Public Employee Unionism, C. 1965-1975," Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector, 24, 17-36.
Canak, William L. with B. Miller. 1995. "Laws as a Cause and Consequence of Public Employee Unionism," Proceedings of the Industrial Relations Research Association, 47, 346-357.
Canak, William L. 1994. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Martin, D. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies: No. 51, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas. (Not on Display).
Canak, William L. 1992. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Martin, D. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies: No. 49, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas. (Not on Display).
Canak, William L. 1991. "Dominant Classes, Politics and the State in Latin America," Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 33, 149-159.
Canak, William L. with B. Miller. 1991. "From 'Porkcoppers' to 'Lambchoppers': The Passage of Florida's Public Employee Relations Act," Industrial and Labor Relations, 44, 349-366.
Canak, William L. with B. Miller. 1990. "Gumbo Politics: Unions, Business, and Louisiana Right-to-Work Legislation," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 43, 258-271.
Canak, William L. 1990. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Martin, D. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies: No. 47, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas (Not on Display).
Canak, William L. with D. Levi. 1989. "Social Costs of Adjustment in Latin America," in J. Weeks (ed.), Debt Disaster: Banks, Governments, and Multilaterals Confront the Crisis, New York: New York University Press.
Canak, William L. 1988. "The Caribbean After-Shock," Consumer Markets Abroad, 3, 1-9.
Canak, William L. with B. Miller. 1988. "The Passage of Public Sector Collective Bargaining Laws: Unions, Business and Political Competition in the American States," Political Power and Social Theory, 7, 249-292.
Canak, William L. 1988. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Martin, D. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies, No. 45, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas. (Not on Display).
Canak, William L. with J. Devine. 1986. "Redistribution in a Bifurcated Welfare State: Quintile Shares and the U.S. Case." Social Problems, 33, 391-406.
Canak, William L. 1986. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Martin, D. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies, No. 43, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas. (Not on Display).
Canak, William L. 1985. "Republic of Colombia," International Demographics, 4, 3, 1-8.
Canak, William, L. 1984. "The Peripheral State Debate: State Capitalist and Bureaucratic-Authoritarian Regimes in Latin America," Latin American Research Review, 19, 1, 3-36.
Canak, William L. 1984. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Martin, D. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies, No. 41, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas. (Not on Display).
Canak, William L. 1982. "Colombia and Venezuela," in Martin, D. (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Studies, No. 39, Social Sciences, Austin: Univ. of Texas. (Not on Display).
Canak, William L. with L. Hui. 1981. "The Political Economy of State Policies in Malaysia," Journal of Contemporary Asia, 11, 208-224.
Canak, William L. 1981. "Trends and Priorities for Research on Latin America in the 1980's: A Rapporteur's Report," Working Papers, #112, Latin American Program, The Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.
Canak, William L. with A. Portes. 1981. "Latin America: Social Structures and Sociology," Annual Review of Sociology, 7, 225-48.
Canak, William L. with M. Schulman. 1976. "Pedagogy in Prisons: The Structure and Practice of Teaching Sociology in a 'Total Institution,"; Wisconsin Sociologist, 13, 30-39.