Dr. Yucheng Cao
Assistant Professor, Literacy Studies PhD Program

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of California, Irvine (2022)
- MA, University of California, Irvine (2021)
- MAT, University of Southern California (2016)
- BA, Central South University (2015)
Areas of Expertise
- Reading and Writing Development
- Classroom Instruction
- Teacher Professional Development
Cao, Y., & Kim, Y.-S. G. (2024). Longitudinal relations between literacy instruction and early reading achievement: findings from classroom observations in Grades 1–3. Reading and Writing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-024-10556-1
Graham, S., Cao, Y., Kim, Y.-S. G., Lee, W., Tate, T., Collins, P., Cho, M., Moon, Y., Chung, H. Q., & Olson, C. B. (2024). Effective writing instruction for students in grades 6 to 12: a ...
Read More »Cao, Y., & Kim, Y.-S. G. (2024). Longitudinal relations between literacy instruction and early reading achievement: findings from classroom observations in Grades 1–3. Reading and Writing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-024-10556-1
Graham, S., Cao, Y., Kim, Y.-S. G., Lee, W., Tate, T., Collins, P., Cho, M., Moon, Y., Chung, H. Q., & Olson, C. B. (2024). Effective writing instruction for students in grades 6 to 12: a best evidence meta-analysis. Reading and Writing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-024-10539-2
Graham, S., Kim, Y.-S. G., Cao, Y., Lee, W., Tate, T., Collins, P., Cho, M., Moon, Y., Chung, H. Q., & Olson, C. B. (2023). A meta-analysis of writing treatments for students in grades 6–12. Journal of Educational Psychology, 115(7), 1004–1027. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000819
Ray, A., Torres, C, & Cao, Y. (2023). Improving Informative Writing in Inclusive and Linguistically-DiverseElementary Classes through Self-Regulated Strategy Development. Exceptionality. https://doi.org/10.1080/09362835.2023.2174119
Cao, Y., Kim, Y.-S. G., & Cho, M. (2023). Are Observed Classroom Practices Related to Student Language/Literacy Achievement? Review of Educational Research, 93(5), 679–717. https://doi.org/10.3102/00346543221130687
Cao, Y., & Kim, Y.-S. G. (2021). Is Retell a Valid Measure of Reading Comprehension? Educational Research Review, 32, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2020.100375
Zhou, N., Cao, Y., Jacob, S., & Richardson, D. (2020). Teacher Perceptions of Equity in High School Computer Science Classrooms. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 20(3), https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3410633
Cao, Y., & Kim, Y. S. G. (2023, April). Longitudinal Relations Between Literacy Instruction and Early ReadingAchievement [Poster Session]. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference. AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Cao, Y., Cho, M., & Kim, Y. S. G. (2023, March). Exploring Teacher Language use and Its Relation to Reading Achievement in First Grade [Poster Session]. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Portland, OR.
Cao, ...
Read More »Cao, Y., & Kim, Y. S. G. (2023, April). Longitudinal Relations Between Literacy Instruction and Early ReadingAchievement [Poster Session]. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference. AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Cao, Y., Cho, M., & Kim, Y. S. G. (2023, March). Exploring Teacher Language use and Its Relation to Reading Achievement in First Grade [Poster Session]. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Portland, OR.
Cao, Y., Cho, M., & Kim, Y. S. G. (2021, July). Classroom observation of children's language and literacy achievement: A meta-analysis [Poster Session]. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference.
Cao, Y., Garcia, L., Richardson, D. (2020, December). Supporting underrepresented students in Computer Science-Teacher perception of racial disparities and practices [Poster Session]. In Construction of the ‘Other’: Development, Consequences, and Applied Implications of Prejudice and Discrimination (Society for Research in Child Development-Special Topic Workshops Meeting). Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA. (Conference Canceled).
Cao, Y., & Kim, Y. S. G. (2020, July). A systematic review of status and effectiveness of reading instruction from classroom observation studies [Poster Session]. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference, Newport Beach, CA. (Conference Canceled)
Cao, Y. & Zou, F. (2020, April) Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration in Game Design: Integrating Digital Game Into Mathematics Learning [Poster Session]. AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/vgu9kgs (Conference Canceled)
Zou, F., & Cao, Y. (2019, September). Integrating Educational Content into Game: An Encapsulation Method [Paper presentation]. The Second International Cognitive Cities Conference, Kyoto, Japan.
Zhou, N., Cao, Y., Jacob, S., & Richardson, D. (2019, April). Secondary School Teachers' Conceptualization of Equity Issues in Computer Science Teaching and Learning [Paper presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Cao, Y., & Kim, Y. S. G. (2019, July). The Relation Between Retell and Reading Comprehension: A Meta-Analysis [Paper presentation]. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference, Toronto, Canada.