Dr. Zainab Suara

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of Hartford (2022)
- MA, University of Hartford (2016)
- MS, Meharry Medical College (2014)
- BS, Howard University (2011)
Areas of Expertise
Minority Mental Health,
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in Mental Health,
Impact of Religion/Spirituality on Mental Health
As for previous clinical experiences, Zainab worked in a variety of populations and with a variety of diagnoses but finds her primary interests include health psychology, specifically mental health disparities, working with individuals who have suffered trauma as well as providing culturally responsive mental health services.
Clay, E., Bush, J., and Suara, Z. (2023, July 22-23). Faith and Mental Health [Panel]. 2023 Health Justice and Mental Health Conference. Nashville, TN, United States
Suara, Z. (2022, March 25-26) Incorporating Religious Content into CBT with Muslims Diagnosed with Depressive Symptoms [Webinar]. 14th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference. New Haven, CT, United States
Clay, E., Bush, J., and Suara, Z. (2023, July 22-23). Faith and Mental Health [Panel]. 2023 Health Justice and Mental Health Conference. Nashville, TN, United States
Suara, Z. (2022, March 25-26) Incorporating Religious Content into CBT with Muslims Diagnosed with Depressive Symptoms [Webinar]. 14th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference. New Haven, CT, United States
Forsythe-Cox, V., Cooper, C., Cooney, E., Suara, Z., Marfo, N., & Shaller, E. (2020, November 19). Doing the best we can and doing better: The path to antiracism in DBT [Webinar] International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Zoom
Suara, Z. (2020, August 29). Muslim youth and mental illness [Webinar] Muslim Youth Health and Masjid Hamza, Zoom.
Suara, Z., Juma Olaleye, Y., Langford, E., & Jaji, A. (2020, July 18). Suicide and depression: How can we help [Webinar]. Ar-Rahman Muslim Society and Ansar-Ud-Deen Society, Zoom
Suara, Z. & Cooney, E. (2019, December 4). I feel triggered by you: A response to trauma and bias [Workshop Presentation]. The Department of Psychiatry at Yale New Haven Hospital Psychiatric Grand Grounds, New Haven, CT, United States
Suara, Z., Young, A., & Burns, K. (2019, October 26-27). Student experiences of WHMP (White Heterosexual Male Privilege) in practicum rotations and professional seminars: Perspective of other advanced students [Symposium] Boston College Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture Diversity Challenge, Boston, MA, United States
Suara, Z., Burns, K., Young, A., Newman, B., Guariniello, V., Culp, M., Broderick, B., & McCloskey, K. (2019 February 28-March 3). Power, prevalence, professionalism: Why being assertive makes you a b**** [Symposium] Association for Women in Psychology Annual Convention, Newport, RI, United States.