Zeny Sarabia-Panol
Associate Dean & Professor

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- EDD, Oklahoma State University (1993)
- MA, University of the Phillipines (1984)
- BJOU, Silliman University (1977)
Areas of Expertise
International public relations, corporate social responsibility, international communication
Countries: Southeast Asia, UAE
Zeny Sarabia-Panol, professor and associate dean is the past editor of the International Communication Research Journal and the co-author of the book: Corporate Social Responsibility, Public Relations and Community Engagement. She is an alumna of the HERS Bryn Mawr Leadership Institute and the Journalism and Mass Communication Leadership Institute for Diversity. She served as interim director of the School of Journalism in 2008-09 and has been on accreditation visiting teams.&...
Read More »Zeny Sarabia-Panol, professor and associate dean is the past editor of the International Communication Research Journal and the co-author of the book: Corporate Social Responsibility, Public Relations and Community Engagement. She is an alumna of the HERS Bryn Mawr Leadership Institute and the Journalism and Mass Communication Leadership Institute for Diversity. She served as interim director of the School of Journalism in 2008-09 and has been on accreditation visiting teams.
Dr. Sarabia-Panol holds degrees from Silliman University (magna cum laude), University of the Philippines and Oklahoma State University. Her research has been published in Journalism Studies, Public Relations Review, Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, Disability Studies Quarterly and Media Asia. She has authored a number of book chapters and presented research at conferences of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Public Relations Society of America-Academy, Research Colloquium of the World Public Relations Forum, International Communication Association, International Association for Media and Communication Research and the International History of Public Relations.
Her teaching areas are PR campaigns, PR Communication Principles of PR and International PR. She has served as external examiner for public relations degree programs.
Journal Articles
“We are What We Teach: The Impact of Persuasive Communication on Philippine PR History and Contemporary PR Education.” Public Relations Review. (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2016.03.004. Marianne D. Sison, second author.
“International Public Relations and the Circuit of Culture: An Analysis of Gawad Kalinga.” Asia Pacific Public Rel...
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“We are What We Teach: The Impact of Persuasive Communication on Philippine PR History and Contemporary PR Education.” Public Relations Review. (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2016.03.004. Marianne D. Sison, second author.
“International Public Relations and the Circuit of Culture: An Analysis of Gawad Kalinga.” Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, 2013.
“Who’s to Blame for the GFC? Insights from Southeast Asia.” Journalism Studies. Vol. 11. No. 2. (April 2010). With Marianne D. Sison, second author.
“Bridging the Digital and Health Divide in Rural Asia: Cases for Empowering Disadvantaged People.” Media Asia. Vol. 33 no. 3–4 (2006).
“Disability Images in Print Advertising: Exploring Attitudinal Impact Issues.” Disability Studies Quarterly. Vol. 21, No. 2. Pp. 41-58 with Michael McBride, second author (2001).
“The Filipino Public Relations Practitioner: Status and Challenges” Media Asia. An Asian Mass Communication Quarterly. Vol. 27. No. 2. 2000.
“Philippine Public Relations: An Industry and Practitioner Profile.” Public Relations Review. Summer 2000.
“Gearing Up for the Next Millennium: Are Some Asian Countries Closing the Gap?” Media Asia, Vol. 26. No. 1. 1999. With Sandhya Rao, first author.
“Who’s Who Among Journalism and Mass Communication Authors: A Study of the Structure of Influence in U.S. JMC Departments.” OATE Journal [Oklahoma Association of Teacher Education], Vol. 3. Spring 1999. With David Webster, second author.
“Teleworking Trends in the United States.” Critique, A Review of Indian Journalism. Vol. 3. No. 5. 1999.
“Academic Quality Rankings of Mass Communication Programs in the United States: A 25-Year Review of the Rating Game.” Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1998. Lead Article.
“Teleworking: Some Texas Initiatives,” Texas Business Review, Bureau of Business Research, College and Graduate School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, Oct.1997.
Book Chapters
“Bayan Ko and Other Songs: The Soundtrack of Philippine Political Activism.” In Politics as Message; Music as Platform: A Global Study of Musicians and Political Communication. Onyebadi, U. (Ed). PA: IGI Global Publishing. (2017). With Rosario Maxino-Baseleres, second author.
“Philippines” in Asian Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations. Watson T. (ed.). UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 2014. With Marianne D. Sison, first author.
“Public Relations in Malaysia and the Philippines: A Comparative Snapshot and Preliminary Assessment.” Asian Communication Handbook. Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Centre & Wee Kim Wee School of Communication, Nanyang Technological University. pp. 76-85 (2012). With Marianne D. Sison, second author.
“Fractured Images: Disability Advertising Effects on Filipino Audiences,” in International Media Communication in a Global Age, Guy Golan, Thomas Johnson & Wayne Wanta (Eds.), UK: Routledge. (2009).
“Public Relations: Profile and Analysis of Philippine Public Relations Profession,” Philippine Communication Today. Edited by Crispin Maslog. Quezon City, Philippines: New Day Publishers (2007).
“The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on America: Media Frames From the Far East,” How the World’s News Media Reacted to 9/11. Edited by Tomasz Pludowski. Spokane, WA: Marquette Books. (2007).
“Avon’s ‘Kiss Goodbye to Breast Cancer’ Campaign in the Philippines,” International and Intercultural Public Relations Campaign Cases. Edited by Michael Parkinson and Diradireck Ekachai. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. (Allyn and Bacon). (2006).
“Public Relations in the Philippines: A Cultural, Historical, Political and Socio-economic Perspective,” Public Relations in Asia, edited by Krishnamurthy Sriramesh. Singapore: Thomson Learning. (2004). With Trina Lorenzo-Molo, University of Asia and the Pacific, Philippines, second author.
“Taiwan: An Epicenter in the High-Tech World.” In Cyberpath to Development in Asia, edited by Sandhya Rao and Bruce Klopfenstein. Westport, CT: Praeger. (2002). With Sandy Rao, second author.
“Vietnam,” Handbook on the Media in Asia, edited by Shelton Gunaratne, New Delhi, India: Sage Publications. (2000).With Yen Do, second author.
Abstracts/Conference Proceedings
“Colonial and Other Influences in the History of Public Relations in the Philippines.” The Proceedings of the International History of Public Relations Conference. Bournemouth University, July 6-7, 2011. With Marianne D. Sison, Caterina Lorenzo- Molo & Ritzi Villarico-Ronquillo.
“New Media in Rural Asia: Tools of Participation, Empowerment and Change?” Program of the IAMCR 2004 Congresso Internacional de Comunicacao. Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 25-30, 2004.With Sandhya Rao, first author.
“Disability and Advertising: A Philippine Context,” Proceedings of the 2003 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising Asia-Pacific Conference. Lead Article.
“Academic Integrity in a Connected World: Student Perceptions of Ethical Behavior.” Proceedings of the Fifth International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference. 2002. With Bruce Renfro and Fred Blevens, second authors.
“Advertising Portrayals of the Disabled: An Issues Approach to Measuring Attitudinal Effects.” Proceedings of the 2000 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising. With Michael McBride, second author. “Citation Analysis and the Impact of Journalism and Mass Communication Publications in the United States [1970-1990],” Journalism Abstracts, 1993. “Citation Analysis and the Impact of Journalism and Mass Communication Publications in the United States [1970-1990],” Dissertation Abstracts International. Vol. 54. No. 5. November 1993.
“Philippine Political Activism: Memorializing and Retelling Struggles Through Songs.” Presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference, July 27-31, 2016. Leicester, UK. With Rosario Maxino-Baseleres, second author.
“A Comparative Analysis of Twitter in the Aftermath of Floods in India and the Philippines Using the Participatory Communication Model.” Presented...
“Philippine Political Activism: Memorializing and Retelling Struggles Through Songs.” Presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference, July 27-31, 2016. Leicester, UK. With Rosario Maxino-Baseleres, second author.
“A Comparative Analysis of Twitter in the Aftermath of Floods in India and the Philippines Using the Participatory Communication Model.” Presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research conference, July 27-31, 2016. Leicester, UK. With Sandy Rao, first author; Natesan, Chinna & Singleton, Charlotte R. third and fourth authors.
“Contemporary Public Relations Education in the Philippines: Its Origins, Influences and Challenges,” International History of Public Relations Conference, Bournemouth University, UK, July 8-9, 2015. “
"Toward A Cultural Values Model of Public Relations: A Philippine Case Study.” Research Colloquium, World Public Relations Forum, Melbourne, Australia. Nov. 18-20, 2012. With Marianne D. Sison & Ritzi Villarico Ronquillo, second & third co-authors.
“Print Media Reporting of Health and Medicine in Selected ASEAN Countries.” 94th Annual Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. St. Louis, MO. Aug. 10-13, 2011.
“Public Relations Education in Malaysia and the Philippines: A Comparative Snapshot and Assessment.” 20th AMIC (Asian Media Information and Communication Centre) Annual Conference, Hyderabad, India, June 24-27, 2011.
“The ASEAN Press and the Global Financial Crisis.” 2010 International Association for Media and Communication Research conference, Braga. Portugal, July 18-22. With Marianne D. Sison, second author.
“The Global Financial Meltdown: Perspectives from Southeast Asia.” 92nd Annual Convention, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Aug. 5-8, 2009, Boston. With Marianne D. Sison, second author.
“Reaching Audiences via Interactive Web sites: A Comparative Analysis of Web sites of Multinational Public Relations Firms and Multinational Corporate Entities.” 2008 International Association for Media and Communication Research conference, University of Stockholm, Sweden, July 20-25, 2008. Co-author: Sandhya Rao.
“A Participatory Response Model for an Environmental Crisis: The Case of Guimaras Island Oil Spill.” 50th International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference, Paris, France. July 23-25, 2007.
“From Differentiated Citizenship to Differentiated Consumerism: Analyzing the Ecology of Diasporic Advertising.” 50th International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference, Paris, France. July 23-25, 2007.
“Community-Based Response Models for Environmental Crisis: Some Asian Cases.” 50th International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference, Paris, France. July 23-25, 2007.
“Negotiating Ethnic Media Spaces: The Case of Filipinas Magazine.” Presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 19-23, 2006.
“Filipinas Magazine: An Exploration of Diasporic Cultural Production.” Presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research 2006 Conference, Cairo, Egypt, July 23-28, 2006.
“Participatory Health Initiatives and New Media in Rural Asia: Instruments for Empowering Disadvantaged Populations?” Presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research 2006 Conference, Cairo, Egypt, July 23-28, 2006.
“The News Media and Higher Education: Realizing the Advocacy Potential for WHET,” Panel presentation at the 2005 Professional Development Conference of the Women in Higher Education in Tennessee.” University of Memphis, April 8, 2005. With Dr. Jennifer Woodard, assistant professor in electronic media communication, MTSU; Dr. Marcie Hinton, assistant professor of public relations, MTSU and Dr. Clare Bratten, assistant professor in electronic media communication, MTSU.
“The Cultural/Persuasive Industries and the European Union: When Does Size Really Matter?” International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, The Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, May 24-26, 2004.
“New Media in Rural Asia: Tools of Participation, Empowerment and Change?” 2004 International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference on Communication and Democracy: Perspectives for a New World. With Sandhya Rao, first author. Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 25-30, 2004.
“Disability and Advertising: A Philippine Context,” Presented at the American Academy of Advertising’s Asia-Pacific Conference, May 28, 2003, Tokyo, Japan. "There are More Women in my Public Relations Classes: Do I Need to Adjust Course Content and Pedagogy?" Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Kansas City, Aug. 2, 2003.
“Minority-Owned Public Relations Firms: An Exploratory Study in Texas,” presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication, Southwest Texas State University, Nov. 1-2, 2002. With Anthony Mauzy and Frank Y. Panol, second and third authors, respectively.
“The World Watched Us: How Selected Asian Newspapers Covered the September 11 Terrorist Attacks,” presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) National Conference, Miami, Florida, Aug. 7-10, 2002.
“Academic Integrity in a Connected World: Student Perceptions of Ethical Behavior.” presented at the Fifth International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Educators Academy, Miami, Florida, March 8-10, 2002. With Bruce Renfro and Fred Blevens, second authors.
“Effects of ‘Socially Responsible’ Corporate Image-Building Messages on International Public Attitudes,” presented at the Fourth International, Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference, Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Educators Academy, Miami, Florida, March 23-25, 2001. “
The Cellular/Mobile Phone Invasion: Changing the Face of Communication and the Philippine Economy,” presented at the 24th Annual Third World Studies Conference, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Oct. 5, 2001.
“Advertising Portrayals of the Disabled: An Issues Approach to Measuring Attitudinal Effects.” Presented at the 2000 American Academy of Advertising Conference, April 14-17, 2000. Providence, RI. With Michael McBride, second author.
“World Class Lessons: How to Infuse Globalism and Test Cultural Literacy,” Teaching panel paper presented at the 83rd Annual AEJMC convention, Aug. 12, 2000, Phoenix, AZ. With Annette Aw, second author.
“Print Advertising Images of the Disabled: Exploring the Impact on Non-disabled Consumer Attitudes.” Media and Disability Track, presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication [AEJMC] Annual National Convention, New Orleans, Aug. 7, 1999. With Michael McBride, second author.
“From Sick Man of Asia” to “Tiger Cub:” Harnessing the Benefits of Improved Telecommunications and New Information Technologies in the Philippine Economic Transition” presented at the Southwest Conference on Asian Studies, Southwest Texas State University, Oct. 22, 1999.
“Practicing Public Relations in a Multicultural Environment,” presented at the 68th Annual Convention of the Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX, April 2, 1998.
“The Internet Opportunity: Are Some Asian Countries Closing the Information Gap” presented at the Third World Studies Conference, Oct. 10, 1998. With Sandy Rao, first author.
“Citation Analysis and the Impact of Journalism and Mass Communication Publications in the United States [1970-1990],” presented at the Rocky Mountain Education Research Association, Edmond, OK, Nov. 5-6, 1998. With David S. Webster, second author.
“Academic Quality Rankings of Mass Communication Programs in the United States: A 25-Year Review of the Rating Game,” presented at the 1995 Annual Southwestern Mass Communication Conference, San Angelo, TX, Oct. 1-2, 1995.
Public Relations Campaigns
Public Relations Communication
Principles of Public Relations
International Public Relations
Applied Research
Public Opinion