Syllabus Development Resources

In the General Education English Office, we see syllabi as living, rhetorical documents in which instructors establish their course's tone and policies that will lead to student success. We encourage instructors to be mindful of their audience as they construct their syllabi. Each syllabus should include a daily schedule of readings/activities as well as short descriptions of major projects. Syllabus copies will be kept on file for accreditation purposes. Finally, the General Education English Committee conducts a syllabus review each Fall Semester, where instructors will be able to receive feedback on their syllabi and see what other faculty members are doing in their courses. This feedback ranges from local concerns like including certain things on the syllabus to global concerns like how an instructor's ethos or teaching persona is portrayed.

Faculty members (including GTAs) also have the opportunity to create their own course for ENGL 2020: Themes in Literature and Culture. If you are interested in this, please consult the course information in the Gen Ed English Faculty Guide and submit the ENGL 2020 Course Proposal.

For grade requirements, please consult the English Course Offering page and the Academic Policies and Procedures page.

Blended Course Application Form

If you are interested in teaching a Blended version of a General Education English course (ENGL 1009, ENGL 1010K, ENGL 1010, ENGL 1020, ENGL 2020, ENGL 2030) for the first time, please complete the Blended Course Application Form. After you complete the form, a member of the General Education English administrative team will review your application; they may also solicit input and recommendations from the General Education English Curriculum Committee. You will receive detailed feedback, and if needed, recommendations for any required changes.
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Contact Information

General Education English Director:

Dr. Christopher Weedman
Peck Hall 324

(615) 898-2579