Department of History
Society of American Archivists – MTSU Student Chapter
In the fall of 2013, Public History graduate students came together to form a student chapter of the Society of American Archivists. Over the past years, the student-led organization has connected with local archivists in order to provide professional development opportunities for its members. They have hosted and participated in various archival workshops, toured local archives, and participated in community outreach events. In 2014, members of MTSU SAA served as the catalyst for Mayor Burgess naming October 2014 “Rutherford County Archives Month.”
Our mission is to explore the archival profession through scholarly reading and hands-on experience; to promote interaction between students and archival professionals on the university, local, state, and national levels.
Current Activities
The current MTSU SAA chapter strives to improve upon the successful efforts of years past by increasing the organization’s professional network through connections with wider regional influence. Vital to this network expansion is the development of a partnership with the Society of Tennessee Archivists, which included participation in their annual meeting in October 2015. MTSU SAA continues to provide ample skill-building workshops and behind-the-scenes tours of archives. It also provides a fun space for public history students to socialize around shared interests and build a sense of community.

Future Goals
The organization wishes to grow by building its past activities, programs, and organizational history. It will work to assume a more useful and prominent place in the profession by communicating with various professional archival organizations. It will increase its value by creating and maintaining professional relationships that will benefit its members in a variety of ways, including making members more aware of internship, job, and residency opportunities, while notifying employers of potential candidates. Furthermore, it will continue to provide a haven to MTSU students interested in archives.
Faculty Advisor
2015-2016 Officers:
President: Bradley Harjehausen
Vice President: Gena Hendersen
Secretary: TBA
Treasurer: Bradley Boshers
Main Office
Peck Hall 223
Department Chair
Emily Baran
(615) 904-8164
(615) 898-5798
Other Inquiries
(615) 898-2631