Connect to Argos
How To Use Argos
Once Argos is ready to be released across campus, the appropriate person (managers,
directors, chairs, etc.) must request for an Argos account to be created for each
user via an ITD work order. A work order can contain account requests for multiple
users. To request an account, log into the ITD FootPrints work order system. Create
a new issue. Select "Account Requests/Connectivity/Logon" as the problem type and
"Argos Account" as the category. Next select add, modify, or remove account as the
symptom. Another window will open for the remaining information such as username,
M number, job title, employee type, reason for the account, the user type requested,
the functional group model (student, budget, etc.), and the database system (REPT,
BLUEINFO DW, etc.) to be entered. Finally click Save.
After access has been approved and an account has been created, users should log into Argos with their FSA username and password.
Users can log into the Argos client app or log into the Argos Web Viewer which has
a sleeker appearance. However, the Argos Web Viewer does not replace the client app
for development.
Navigating is simple in Argos. It uses an Explorer Tree similar to Windows Explorer.
This tree view of the folders contains the DataBlocks and reports the user has permissions
to view, modify, or create. Argos lists the actions available to the user on the right
side of the screen for each object. Users can access this same list of available actions
by right-clicking on the object. Actions are available to the users based on their
user type of Report Viewer, Report Writer, or DataBlock Designer. A few examples of
actions include: Run Dashboard, New, Edit, and Delete.
All user types can execute reports for which they have permissions to view. Report
Viewers can only execute reports. Report Writers can create/modify reports for existing
DataBlocks as well as execute reports. DataBlock Designers can create/modify DataBlocks
as well as create/modify reports and execute reports.
A proposed naming convention has been established for naming DataBlocks and reports.
It is as follows.
Datablock –> mnnnn - DataBlockName – n.n
Report –> mnnnnx – ReportName – n.n
- m = module
- nnnn = 0001 – 9999
- x = A – Z, AA to ZZ, AAA to ZZZ, ...
- n.n = version number
- A – Banner Advancement
- F – Banner Finance
- N – Banner HR (Position Control)
- P – Banner HR (Payroll)
- R – Banner Financial Aid
- S – Banner Student
- T – Banner AR
- B – Budget
- C – Academic Affairs
- G – General Campus
- I – IEPR
- MS – MainSaver
Example: General Campus DataBlock could be named "G0001 – Students by Dept and Major – 1.0"
and the reports using this DataBlock could be named "G0001A – All Information without
Address – 1.0" and "G0001B – All Information Including Address – 1.0". Please note
that there would not be another DataBlock named with the prefix G0001, even if it
was in a separate folder in the Explorer Tree structure.
Executing a report can be done by selecting the Run Dashboard action for the dashboard
or report. Some reports may have parameter selections that need to be made prior to
running them or the report could run with the default selections if defaults are set.
The user will select the report they wish to execute for the DataBlock in the Report
Options dropdown list at the top of the window. Depending on the type of report, there
will be options available to preview the report, save the report, email the report,
or print the report. The options available for each report are dependent upon the
report type that was created: banded, csv, or extract.
If a user runs specific reports more frequently than others and does not want to sift
through the Explorer tree to find them, shortcuts can be created for easy access.
Rather than searching the Explorer tab for the reports to run, the user can simply
click on the Shortcuts tab and see only the reports he wants to execute.
Argos has wonderful Help which contains detailed descriptions and instructions concerning
the Argos interface as well DataBlocks, charts, the various report types, scheduling
reports, OLAP cubes, and more. This Help also includes user guides and pre-recorded
training videos for each user type.
About Argos
ITD is currently rolling out an enterprise reporting solution called Argos. Argos
can be used to connect to the Banner database or the BlueInfo data warehouse views
now known as the M: drive.
Argos allows for timely and informed data-driven decision-making and meets MTSU's
various reporting needs. While Argos provides static reports, it also offers advanced
features such as graphics, OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) cubes, dynamic controls,
interactive charts and graphs with "drill down" capabilities that can be used in dashboards,
and more. While Argos reports can be run at any time, they can also be scheduled to
operate on specific days and times and distributed to whomever should receive the
Argos users are categorized as Report Viewers, Report Writers, and DataBlock Designers.
Report Viewers can execute reports that have already been created. Most individuals
will have this role. Report Writers will be able to execute reports as well as modify
existing reports and create new ones. DataBlock Designers can execute, create, and
modify reports as well as build the DataBlocks that Report Writers and Viewers use
to get their data. DataBlocks are the foundation for any report written in Argos and
contain the user input forms and queries used to retrieve data and information from
one or more data sources.
Argos will become a common location for various divisions to house their reports.
Rather than waiting for ad hoc data requests to be fulfilled, individuals will be
able to run previously created Argos reports whenever they need them. While this will
provide campus the ability to do much of their own reporting, there will always be
specific requests that will require new DataBlocks and reports to be created via ad
hoc data requests.
This is a great step forward for the University when it comes to a common location
for reporting and the advanced reporting styles available in Argos.
Some divisions are already using Argos to create new reports and recreate existing
reports. Over time, Argos will be released campus-wide as the General Campus Access
reporting database is recreated in Argos.
Will Argos replace Access?
It will take a while for various departments to convert all Access queries and reports
to Argos. Access will not be replaced immediately but it will at some point in the
future after departments have been allowed adequate time to convert existing reports
and switch to Argos.
Will Argos replace the General Campus reporting database?
General Campus will not go away immediately, but over time the General Campus reports
will be recreated in Argos in a similar "general campus" hierarchy. Once this is complete,
the Access version of General Campus will be disabled.
How do I get an Argos account?
To request an account, have the appropriate person (managers, directors, chairs, etc.)
log in to FootPrints and create a new issue.
- Problem Type: "Account Requests/Connectivity/Logon"
- Category: "Argos Account"
- Symptom: "Add Account"
- Another window will open for the remaining information such as username, M number,
job title, employee type, reason for the account, the user type requested, the functional
group model (student, budget, etc.), and the database system (REPT, BLUEINFO DW, etc.)
to be entered. Complete this information.
- Click Save.
How can I request that a DataBlock and/or report be created?
Create a new issue in FootPrints.
- Problem Type: "ERP Programming/BlueInfo"
- Category: "Argos DataBlock" or "Argos Report"
- Complete the rest of the required information as well as anything else that will be
helpful to the ITD programmer assigned.
- Click Save.
What do I do if the Evisions launcher fails?
It is likely that you do not have Java installed on your computer. Install Java and try it again. Also, a new and separate version of Argos called Web Viewer is
available on the Argos login page which does not require Java on your computer. It
is a new product and while it should work as well as the Java-based version of Argos,
it has not been as fully tested and is only meant for running reports not developing reports.
How do I access Argos using a Mac?
To log in to Argos via a Mac, you must be a member of the appropriate Active Directory
security group (FSA\VDI - ERP Web Apps). Also, the Citrix Receiver will need to be downloaded to your machine. To do this,
have the appropriate person create a new issue in FootPrints.
- Problem Type: "Account Requests/Connectivity/Logon"
- Category: "VDI – Virtual Desktop"
- Symptom: "XenApp Published App"
- Enter an appropriate description explaining your issue and purpose. Then complete
the rest of the required information as well as anything else that will be helpful
to the ITD programmer assigned.
- Click Save.