When printing on campus, keep two colors in mind:

BlueID card graphicThink Blue...

Your BlueID card is needed to print!

 If you have not had your BlueID Card made, you will not be able to print on campus.

Student printing is available at all University computer labs, several residential halls, and many departmental computer labs. We monitor and analyze student printing on campus and can make adjustments if needed by charging or by limiting printing privileges for excessive or continuous abusers.

recycle graphicThink Green...

To avoid possible printing charges in the future, print responsibly now!

The vast majority of students (96.5 percent) are being responsible by printing less than 500 print clicks per semester. In fact, of that group 81 percent are generating less than 100 print clicks per semester, which is remarkable and truly responsible. However, about 3.5 percent of students have abused printing privileges by printing excessively. If you fall into this category, expect to be notified of your future options.

A very small portion of your MTSU Technology Access Fees goes toward your academic printing needs on campus. Because this portion is very limited, we ask that you be frugal when making printing decisions and not print unnecessarily or excessively. Printing should always be reserved for academic purposes only and not used for personal gain, advertising flyers, etc. Such nonacademic printing should be performed at Blue Print Solutions in the Student Union Building.

ITD Service Desk

Summer Operating Hours

Mon-Fri: 8am-4:30pm
Sat: 10am-4:30pm
Sun: 12pm-5pm

(615) 898-5345
Submit a Request or
Report an Incident 


Request Equipment (Faculty / Staff ONLY)