

Animation Minor

Media Arts 

The Animation minor requires the completion of 17 credit hours.

Required Courses (13 hours)

  • ANIM 1090 - Image and Video Foundations

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Animation majors only; others permission of instructor. Focuses on the basics of aesthetics and techniques for shooting, lighting, composing, and editing of digital photography and video as it applies to the production of animation and motion graphics. Students will get hands-on experience using DSLR cameras to understand camera anatomy, operations, and handling. Digital editing techniques and image manipulation explored in-depth to give specific foundations that apply to the animation field.

  • ANIM 1350 - Bodies in Motion  3 credit hours  

    ANIM 1350 - Bodies in Motion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: ART 1620 with minimum grade of C (2.0).

    Introduces students to the concept of drawing shapes and volumes for animation. Students work from simple objects to sophisticated anatomical figures. Covers principles of animation applicable to the drawing of movement. Requires use of digital tools in preparation for the creation of digital animation.

    Six hour studio course

  • ANIM 3000 - History of Animation

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Animation majors only or permission of instructor.

    Covers the historic evolution of animation and the animation industry. Explores the origins of cinema and animation, the individual artists, and the studios and organizations that shaped the animation field today. Familiarizes students with the technological developments that allowed the rise of the field. Covers the history of animation following lectures, videos research, readings, quizzes, and written tests.

  • ART 1620 - Drawing I  3 credit hours  

    ART 1620 - Drawing I

    3 credit hours

    Develops observational drawing skills and a formal drawing vocabulary; introduces various drawing materials. Six-hour studio course. TBR Common Course: ART 1045

Electives (4 hours)

Choose one:

  • ANIM 2300 - Introduction to 3D Animation  3 to 4 credit hours  
    4 credit hours(4 credit hours)  dotslash:(4 credit hours) title:4 credit hours 
    (4 credit hours) 

    ANIM 2300 - Introduction to 3D Animation

    3 to 4 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ANIM 1090 with C or better and ANIM 1350 (can be taken concurrently). Animation majors only; others permission of instructor.

    Three-dimensional computer graphics and animation. Emphasis on the aesthetics and techniques for building, lighting, texturing, animating, and rendering of three-dimensional models to be used in designing and producing three-dimensional computer-generated animations. Includes a broad survey of the process and techniques involved with creating digital media quality three-dimensional animations and techniques and aesthetics incorporated into traditional methods of animations for contrast and comparison.

    Must be taken no later than first semester of the sophomore year.

    Six-hour studio course

  • ANIM 2350 - 2D Animation I  3 to 4 credit hours  
    4 credit hours(4 credit hours)  dotslash:(4 credit hours) title:4 credit hours 
    (4 credit hours) 

    ANIM 2350 - 2D Animation I

    3 to 4 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ANIM 1350 with C or better and ANIM 1090 (can be taken concurrently). Animation majors only; others, permission of instructor.

    Introduces traditional techniques and history of animation. Explores production from planning to execution. Topics include history, story, storyboarding, timing, 2D animation techniques, and stop-motion animation techniques.

    Six-hour studio course

Interactive Media

Interactive Media Minor

Media Arts

The Interactive Media minor requires the completion of 15 credit hours.

Required (9 hours)

  • IAM 2500 - Survey of Interactive Media

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: EMC 1020/JOUR 1020. An overview of systems and methods of interactive and emerging media message delivery. Explores cultural, social, ethical, historical, and legal challenges of new and emerging media.

  • IAM 3060 - Writing for Interactive Experiences

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020 with C or better. Introduces fundamental principles of writing for interactive experience for specific audiences. Encourages students to explore content development; looks at creation of meaning in interactive media while providing skills in content development.

  • IAM 3065 - Audiences and Messaging

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: IAM 2500 and IAM 3060 with grades of C (2.0) or better.

    Analysis of communication objectives, audience needs, and appropriate media in solving communication problems. Involves theoretical and practical application of mass communication theories.

Elective (6 hours)

Choose two:

  • IAM 3070 - Introduction to Social Media Practice

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: IAM 3060 with grade of C (2.0) or better. Introduces social media history, approaches, and practical application. Overview of social media usage within and on behalf of organizations and institutions through a practical analysis approach that focuses on the application of social media techniques.

  • IAM 3210 - Interactive Media Applications

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: VFP 1060 or VFP 2130 or permission of department.

    The application of video for online, mobile, and other interactive media delivery channels. Explores transformations inherent in the digital domain and the associated social and cultural ramifications. Students will create productions that reflect these concepts. Laboratory required.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

    Fall only

  • IAM 3250 - Gender and Representation in Interactive Media

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: IAM 2500.

    Examines the intersection of gender, technology, and interactive media. Students will critically analyze theories of materiality and embodiment in digital media, as well as explore how the interactivity of the web affects performativity of power relations and socially constructed identities.

  • IAM 3610 - Fundamentals of Game Theory and Design

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of department.

    Introduces game theory to students with diverse academic backgrounds. Focuses on the basics of game theory from strategic reasoning to sequential games and turn taking. Students required to design and build a basic mobile game.



  • IAM 3670 - Digital Media Law and Policy

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: IAM 2500 or permission of instructor. Introduces the laws, regulations, judicial decisions, and government policy in the United States and internationally which affect the digital space including the Internet, the World Wide Web, online video and audio, and mobile technology, etc. Students will be taking a critical thinking approach to issues such as privacy, copyright, violence, gender issues, and issues around access to Internet services and other related topics.

  • IAM 3950 - Content Strategy and Management

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: IAM 3065; candidacy in Interactive Media.

    Introduces the concepts of content strategy; the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content; and provides practical experience in implementing a content strategy with database enabled content management systems.

  • IAM 4350 - User Experience Fundamentals

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of department.

    Explores facets of the user experience discipline: interaction design, user research, usability, navigation, and information architecture. Students apply theory and skills from the class in real world projects developing apps or websites for small businesses or non-profits or as entrepreneurial ventures.

  • IAM 4450 - Understanding Digital Analytics

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of department.

    Introduces the measurement and analysis of traffic, engagement, and other parameters of online, mobile, emergent communication, and entertainment technology. Students will work with real world clients to analyze current digital media traffic trends and create measurement strategies and tactics. Students may earn applicable certifications as available as part of their coursework.

Media Management

Media Management Minor

Media Arts 

The Media Management minor requires the completion of 15 credit hours. Artists must learn to create, manage, fundraise, distribute and promote their projects, and this is an excellent minor for the director, writer, musician or other artist whose career will be self-guided and independent.

Required (12 hours)

  • EMC 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    EMC 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment

    3 credit hours

    (Same as JOUR 1020/RIM 1020.) An introduction to media and entertainment, exploring the history of media and entertainment as it pertains to ethics, law, free expression, diversity and inclusion, economics, research, globalization, and other important concepts. Examines the evolution of technology, from the first printing presses to social media and gaming, as well as media industries that include advertising and public relations.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)

  • JOUR 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    JOUR 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment

    3 credit hours

    (Same as EMC 1020/RIM 1020.) An introduction to media and entertainment, exploring the history of media and entertainment as it pertains to ethics, law, free expression, diversity and inclusion, economics, research, globalization, and other important concepts. Examines the evolution of technology, from the first printing presses to social media and gaming, as well as media industries that include advertising and public relations.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)

  • RIM 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment

    3 credit hours

    (Same as EMC 1020/JOUR 1020.) An introduction to media and entertainment, exploring the history of media and entertainment as it pertains to ethics, law, free expression, diversity and inclusion, economics, research, globalization, and other important concepts. Examines the evolution of technology, from the first printing presses to social media and gaming, as well as media industries that include advertising and public relations.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)


  • VFP 2410 - History of American Television

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite:VFP major or permission of department.

    Organization, structure and function, historical development, and social aspects. Designed to give the major, as well as the nonmajor, a general working knowledge of television networks.

  • EMC 4430 - Media Management  3 credit hours  

    EMC 4430 - Media Management

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: VFP 2410; admission to candidacy in Media Management or upper division status with permission of department. An analysis of the problems involved in operating an electronic media facility including personnel, internal control systems, business ethics, community relations, sales, and promotion. Involves case study method.


  • EMC 4250 - Media Law  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    EMC 4250 - Media Law

    3 credit hours

    (Same as JOUR 4250.) Prerequisites: EMC 1020; junior standing. Examines legal guarantees and restrictions on the flow of information using the case study method. Focuses on libel, privacy, obscenity, and the special restrictions placed on advertising, broadcasting, cable TV, and the Internet.

  • JOUR 4250 - Media Law  3 credit hours  

    JOUR 4250 - Media Law

    3 credit hours

    (Same as EMC 4250.) Prerequisites: JOUR 1020 and JOUR 2710; junior standing. Examines legal guarantees and restrictions on the flow of information using the case study method. Focuses on libel, privacy, obscenity, and the special restrictions placed on advertising, broadcasting, cable TV, and the Internet.

Elective (3 hours)

Choose one:

  • EMC 3030 - Electronic Media Advertising

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: VFP 2410. Principles, techniques, and methods of electronic media advertising including commercial story boards and copywriting.

    Usually offered Fall only

  • EMC 3110 - Radio Station Operations

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: VFP 2410; instructor approval.

    Theory and techniques of sound production, recording, microphones, taping, and board equipment. Analysis of creative efforts and responsibilities in writing, production, and direction.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

  • EMC 4010 - Media Sales  3 credit hours  

    EMC 4010 - Media Sales

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: VFP 2410. Theories of marketing and selling the intangible products of the electronic media industries. The fundamentals of positioning, theory and use of ratings, and local, regional, and national buying and selling strategies presented.

    Offered Spring only.

  • EMC 4140 - Media Programming  3 credit hours  

    EMC 4140 - Media Programming

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: VFP 2410. Development of techniques, program organization, audience analysis, recording, and directing through projects. Provides practical conceptual knowledge of the problems and procedures followed in planning and producing programming.

Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics Minor

Media Arts 

A total of 18 hours is required for the Motion Graphics minor. The Motion Graphics minor gives students an understanding of media aesthetics and the principles of moving visual graphics used in media and entertainment and a variety of industries.

Required Courses (18 hours)

  • EMC 1010 - Orientation to Media Arts

    1 credit hour

    Introduces Media Arts majors to its degree programs, degree requirements, descriptions of curriculum, student resources and opportunities, career options, and critical goals for graduating seniors. Meetings may include lectures, guest lecturers, and site visits. Freshmen should enroll in this course no later than their second semester. Transfer students should enroll in this course during their first semester at MTSU. This course or a pre-approved substitute is required for candidacy in all majors in the Department of Media Arts.


  • EMC 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    EMC 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment

    3 credit hours

    (Same as JOUR 1020/RIM 1020.) An introduction to media and entertainment, exploring the history of media and entertainment as it pertains to ethics, law, free expression, diversity and inclusion, economics, research, globalization, and other important concepts. Examines the evolution of technology, from the first printing presses to social media and gaming, as well as media industries that include advertising and public relations.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)

  • JOUR 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    JOUR 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment

    3 credit hours

    (Same as EMC 1020/RIM 1020.) An introduction to media and entertainment, exploring the history of media and entertainment as it pertains to ethics, law, free expression, diversity and inclusion, economics, research, globalization, and other important concepts. Examines the evolution of technology, from the first printing presses to social media and gaming, as well as media industries that include advertising and public relations.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)

  • RIM 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment

    3 credit hours

    (Same as EMC 1020/JOUR 1020.) An introduction to media and entertainment, exploring the history of media and entertainment as it pertains to ethics, law, free expression, diversity and inclusion, economics, research, globalization, and other important concepts. Examines the evolution of technology, from the first printing presses to social media and gaming, as well as media industries that include advertising and public relations.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)

NOTE: Students taking EMC/JOUR/RIM 1020 for their major or minor will be required to complete an appropriate 3-hours minor course substitution. Seek minor advising in the College of Media and Entertainment.


  • ANIM 1090 - Image and Video Foundations

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Animation majors only; others permission of instructor. Focuses on the basics of aesthetics and techniques for shooting, lighting, composing, and editing of digital photography and video as it applies to the production of animation and motion graphics. Students will get hands-on experience using DSLR cameras to understand camera anatomy, operations, and handling. Digital editing techniques and image manipulation explored in-depth to give specific foundations that apply to the animation field.

  • VFP 2121 - Media Aesthetics in Film and TV

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Video and Film Production or Media Management major; B- (2.67) or better in EMC 1020/JOUR 1020/RIM 1020.

    Explains and illustrates the principles and practices of effective and recognized high quality use of pictorial composition, shot sequencing, lighting, and sound design as used in a variety of visual/aural creative work.


  • VFP 2410 - History of American Television  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    VFP 2410 - History of American Television

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite:VFP major or permission of department.

    Organization, structure and function, historical development, and social aspects. Designed to give the major, as well as the nonmajor, a general working knowledge of television networks.

  • VFP 2510 - History of American Cinema  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    VFP 2510 - History of American Cinema

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: VFP major.

    The development and role of motion pictures in America, including the history of films and filmmakers, the development of film technique and genres, and the role of films in culture and society.

  • MODE 3610 - Theory and History of Motion Design

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Upper-division status recommended but not required. Examines the history, theory, and practice of motion design.


  • MODE 3040 - Motion Graphics I  3 to 4 credit hours  
    4 credits required(4 credit hours required)  dotslash:(4 credit hours required) title:4 credits required 
    (4 credit hours required) 

    MODE 3040 - Motion Graphics I

    3 to 4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: ANIM 1090 or VFP 1080 and PHOT 1050 or VCOM 2950 and either VFP 1060 or JOUR 2720 with minimum grade of C (2.0) or permission of instructor. Aesthetics, principles, and processes of designing motion graphics for video production, broadcast television, film, and the Internet. Emphasizes freedom of expression while respecting diversity of media audiences. Six-hour studio course.


Photography Minor

Media Arts

The Photography minor requires 18 hours.

Required (18 hours)

  • PHOT 1050 - Basic Digital Photography

    3 credit hours

    Introduces simple and multiple image photography, principles, methods, theory, and practice for both Photography majors and non-Photography majors. Explores digital camera anatomy, operating, and handling while discussing proper in-camera exposure, metering, focusing, shutter speeds, apertures, depth of field, and camera accessories. Basic principles of lighting, design, and image composition discussed. Digital darkroom techniques and image manipulation using tools such as Photoshop included. Emphasis placed on  cameras with manual controls. Students required to own a digital camera with manual controls. Must have working knowledge of the Macintosh computer system.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

  • PHOT 1800 - Narrative Strategies in Photography

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: PHOT 1050 

    Explores the capacity to tell a story as a predominant aspect of still photography and photo-related imagery. Sequence, series, the grid, linear and nonlinear approaches, and literary models explored as the deep structure of subject. Includes lectures, films, readings, writing, and workshops aimed at helping students understand these strategies and their practical applications.

  • PHOT 2000 - History of Photography

    3 credit hours

    Investigates intersections between photography and artistic, cultural, political, and societal concerns prior to and since the introduction of photography. Photographers, photographic processes, and movements within photography framed through ideas and topics as they relate to broader concepts of how photography has shaped and been shaped by outside forces.

    Normally offered Fall only

  • PHOT 2500 - Photographic Lighting I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites:  PHOT 1050 and PHOT 1800 

    Introduces and uses artificial light sources to establish foundational lighting control techniques. Demonstrates the use of various lighting sources such as on-camera flash, battery powered off-camera flash, constant lights, and related tools to modify light. Balancing artificial light with existing natural or ambient light sources.

  • PHOT 3200 - Intermediate Digital Photography

    3 credit hours

    Prequisite: PHOT 1050. Use of digital cameras and flatbed scanners as image capture devices and digital printers as image output devices. Software programs, applications, and discussion topics focus on camera operation, file formats, and the aesthetic and ethical issues surrounding photography. Software applications used to explore creative and experimental possibilities for processing and manipulating photographs.

    Three-hour lecture plus up to three-hour lab per week.

  • PHOT 3900 - Photography Seminar

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: PHOT 3200 or permission of instructor.

    Helps students develop a sense of analysis, synthesis, assessment, and self-reflection regarding their own photographic production and the work of their peers. Engages students in critiques, readings, writing, and class discussions while working to prepare a professional portfolio of images that best present their overall aptitude and interests. Serves as a culminating experience for minors and as a preparatory experience for the photo major candidacy.

Video and Film

Video and Film Production Minor

Media Arts 

The Video and Film Production minor requires the completion of 18 credit hours.

Required (15 hours)

  • EMC 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    EMC 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment

    3 credit hours

    (Same as JOUR 1020/RIM 1020.) An introduction to media and entertainment, exploring the history of media and entertainment as it pertains to ethics, law, free expression, diversity and inclusion, economics, research, globalization, and other important concepts. Examines the evolution of technology, from the first printing presses to social media and gaming, as well as media industries that include advertising and public relations.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)

  • JOUR 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    JOUR 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment

    3 credit hours

    (Same as EMC 1020/RIM 1020.) An introduction to media and entertainment, exploring the history of media and entertainment as it pertains to ethics, law, free expression, diversity and inclusion, economics, research, globalization, and other important concepts. Examines the evolution of technology, from the first printing presses to social media and gaming, as well as media industries that include advertising and public relations.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)

  • RIM 1020 - Introduction to Media and Entertainment

    3 credit hours

    (Same as EMC 1020/JOUR 1020.) An introduction to media and entertainment, exploring the history of media and entertainment as it pertains to ethics, law, free expression, diversity and inclusion, economics, research, globalization, and other important concepts. Examines the evolution of technology, from the first printing presses to social media and gaming, as well as media industries that include advertising and public relations.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)


  • VFP 1060 - Basic Video Production

    3 credit hours

    Focuses on the basics of creating videos by shooting good video, recording good audio, editing raw footage into a coherent story or presentation, and sharing finished videos. Exposes students to camera, lighting, composition, sound, graphics, perspective, movement, and other tools of the motion picture language. Students must provide their own video cameras (smartphones acceptable), computers for editing videos, video editing software (iMovie, Windows Movie maker, or better), and microphones that work with their chosen cameras.

  • VFP 1080 - Post-Production I  3 credit hours  

    VFP 1080 - Post-Production I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: VFP major

    Explores non-linear editing techniques and practices, as well as the history and theory of film/video editing. Topics include post-production workflow, video formats and compression, narrative and documentary storytelling, exporting, sound design, color correction, multicam editing, and motion graphics. Three hours per week combined lecture/lab.

  • EMC 2120 - Sight, Sound, and Motion

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Media Arts majors only; others, permission of instructor. Production elements and technology of the electronic media industry. Creative conceptualizations; elements of composition, the production process included. Basic visual and aural technology demonstrated.

  • VFP 3020 - Screenwriting I  3 credit hours  

    VFP 3020 - Screenwriting I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020; VFP 2020; Media Arts major

    Techniques of creating and writing for film and video production in both the studio and field environment. Integrates writing for visual impact and audio/integration of sound and examines formatting needs of varying non-fiction and fiction story platforms for screen-based media.

Elective (3 hours)

  • VFP 2410 - History of American Television

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite:VFP major or permission of department.

    Organization, structure and function, historical development, and social aspects. Designed to give the major, as well as the nonmajor, a general working knowledge of television networks.

  • VFP 2510 - History of American Cinema

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: VFP major.

    The development and role of motion pictures in America, including the history of films and filmmakers, the development of film technique and genres, and the role of films in culture and society.

  • VFP 4500 - International Cinema

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: VFP major; upper division status with permission of department

    Explores how culture and the contours of history influence filmmaking. Illustrates how foreign filmmakers both emulate and challenge mainstream U.S. fare.

  • EMC 4820 - Race, Gender, and Class in Media

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing or permission of instructor. Critical examination of diversity in mass communication with particular emphasis on media representations of race, gender, and class. Also examines audience interpretations of media texts.