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MT Unions

Student Union Building

The Student Union Building includes over 211,000 square feet of lounge, conference, event, food service and banquet space. MT Unions offer safe, comfortable places to do the things you do when you’re not in class, including grabbing a bite to eat, catching a movie, studying and listening to live music.

First floor

The first floor of the Student Union Building is the center of daily student life! Stop by the atrium to visit a rotating series of tabling events, listen to live music in the food court or catch up with friends in our various lounge spaces. On this floor, you will also find:

Blue Print
Food court, Farmers Market and POD
Game room
Information desk and Lost & Found
Phillips Bookstore

Second floor

The second floor of the Student Union Building houses the majority of our event spaces, including the Student Union Ballroom, meeting rooms and the video theater. Visit MT Unions Event Services to learn more.

The second floor is also home to the new Level Up Arena! Stop by and play a game between classes, or watch a competition with the MTSU Esports club!

Third floor

Interested in getting plugged in to Campus Life? Stop by the third floor of the Student Union Building which is home to the following offices:

Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (SU 330)
Student Government Association (SU 306)
Student Programming & Raider Entertainment (SPARE) (SU 330)
Student Union and Event Services (SU 340)

Quick Links

Building Hours

Monday - Friday

6:00 AM - 10:00 PM


8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


12:00 PM - 10:00 PM

*Closed Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, MLK Day
**We also may be closed or have alternative hours during University Holidays and Breaks