The Record, July 12, 2010, V19.01
- Summer School: Teaching the teachers—Math workshops adding up to new skill sets
- Summer School: Institute helps instructors with pre-K licensing
- Concrete, aerospace partner with Metro 'academies'
- In Brief: Splash into water fitness
- Camp ENRGY still going strong in second year
- TBR approves tuition increase to help recover lost state funds
- Mulraine takes reins of recording industry
- Center helps amplify Voices We Haven't Heard
- A learning experience
- 5 named to 2010 class of Blue Raider Hall of Fame
- InfoSearch eases access to library books, journals
- Teachers fly higher at aerospace workshop
- Ag develops cool way to keep veggies fresher
- Adams Chair releases 'Allied Health' study for 2010
- Center for Popular Music names interim leader
- People Around Campus: Creating new traditions
- Faculty-Staff Update
- Campus Calendar
Click here to view the PDF version
Summer School: Teaching the teachers—Math workshops adding up to new skill sets
by Randy Weiler
Between the off-campus Foundation House next to Tennessee Miller Coliseum, Cantrell
Hall in the Tom H. Jackson Building and venues in Knoxville, Chattanooga and Clarksville,
secondary-school mathematics educators are honing their skills for the return to their
classrooms this fall.
Thirteen Master Teaching Fellows met June 14-18 at the Foundation House. Throughout
the week, they reported on their Year 1 activities, which included teacher enhancement
plans and action research plans, said Karen Case, assistant director and National
Science Foundation grants coordinator for the Tennessee Math, Science and Technology
Education Center.
They also shared news with their peers from making presentations at conferences and
other workshops, Case said.
Working with their respective mentors, the Master Teaching Fellows developed strategies
for their upcoming second year of the five-year program.
On- and off-campus, Drs. Mary B. Martin and Dovie Kimmins and their aides embarked
on the Algebra I Employment Standards Training.
"Middle-school teachers are trying to be eligible to teach the ninth grade,"; Martin
said. "To be eligible, you have to take this training and pass the middle-school praxis.
State law says they have to do that, and we offer the training.";
"I think it's wonderful,"; said Fran Ramsey, a Memphis City Schools teacher. "I've
been going many years to workshops; this is the first time I did not want to leave
early. It got more enjoyable every day. I learned an awful lot, and it was very well-organized.";
Larry Phillips of Page High School in Williamson County closed the June 14-18 session
with a "Coach's Casino.";
For teachers, Phillips said, learning is about "getting kids to do things and learn
themselves, through a lab that's interesting and fun, and be able to reach their own
conclusions. They learn about probability and make decisions based on math.";
An earlier session was a math-science partnership, UMath, for teachers in third through
fifth grades. About 70 teachers attended sessions held in Murfreesboro, Chattanooga
and Clarksville, Martin said.
In all, about 150 teachers took part in the Algebra I training and UMath, she added.
MAKING IT COUNT—Kim Keith, who teaches math and social studies at Greenbrier Middle
School, counts change in the first photo above in an exercise in Algebra I Employment
Standards Training during a June math workshop in the Tom Jackson Building.
In the second photo, Larry Phillips, left, of Page High School in Williamson County
confiscates a little "cash"; from Sam Arnold during the "Coach's Casino"; learning
experiment at a math workshop for secondary-school educators in the Tom Jackson Building.
photos courtesy of Pat Govan
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Summer School: Teaching the teachers—Institute helps instructors with pre-K licensing
by Tom Tozer
Approximately 35 kindergarten through eighth-grade teachers from across the state
attended a weeklong intensive Pre-K Summer Institute at MTSU to obtain their endorsement
to teach at the pre-K level.
MTSU was first approached by the Tennessee Department of Education's Office of Early
Learning to offer the pre-K endorsement. Coordinated through the College of Education,
key sessions focused on child development, curriculum and instruction, diversity and
exception needs, family relationships and assessment.
"We consider it a privilege to offer training in early-childhood education to a group
of dedicated teachers,"; said Dr. Lana Seivers, education dean. ";The expertise and
knowledge of the MTSU faculty further prepare these skilled professionals with developmentally
appropriate curricula and information to use in their classrooms. Through endeavors
such as the Pre-K Institute, Tennessee's youngest learners will be given a foundation
upon which to grow and develop.";
"This has been great, and in a one-week course we are getting all the information
we need,"; said Katie Dowis, who teaches in Alcoa, Tenn. "This will help me get my
endorsement to become a pre-K teacher next year.";
Dowis will take the Praxis II Education of Young Children test in July, which all
aspiring pre-K teachers must pass, along with meeting other criteria, before they
earn licensure.
"I've always wanted my pre-K endorsement,"; said Ruby Hunt from Huntingdon, Tenn.
"I've learned about the development of the child and the stages they go through—how
their hearing progresses and their writing skills, what age they should be scribbling,
what age they should be making shapes and designs and drawing pictures. This has been
a very valuable experience.";
Candace Washington from Memphis has a pre-K class waiting for her this summer as
soon as she adds a pre-K endorsement to her teaching license.
"I come from middle school,"; she said, "so I have problems getting children who
are behind on their reading level. I spend a lot of time with them. And I thought,
well, if I'm doing this in middle school, I need to be in kindergarten where I can
lay a foundation. If I can teach the 20 children I have in kindergarten to read, then
I have a good running start in the other grades.";
Dr. Kathy Burriss, a professor in MTSU's Department of Elementary and Special Education
and one of the instructors for the institute, said teaching in an institute like this
is the "greatest opportunity because these people want to be here. They want to know
how to make things happen for children in the most appropriate way—and they are willing
to meet state standards. They're just very enthusiastic; you can see it!";
Debbie Simpson, director of the Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance at MTSU,
served as coordinator of the institute.
"I just believe that if something good is happening for teachers in the state of
Tennessee, MTSU should be involved,"; Simpson said. "One participant said that we
were the reason she would have a job this fall. The enthusiasm was contagious! They
seemed to really form a bond over the five-day event.";
BREAKING THE ICE—Pre-K Summer Institute participants experience a "summer snowball";
ice-breaking exercise led by Dr. Cheryl Hitchcock, an assistant professor of human
sciences and facilitator in a session dealing with family relationships. Each person
wrote a brief synopsis about an experience she had working with a family. Participants
then wadded up their papers and had a "snowball fight";, shown above. Then each person
picked up a "snowball"; and responded to a situation.
photo by News & Media Relations
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Concrete, aerospace partner with Metro 'academies'
by Randy Weiler
MTSU's nationally recognized Department of Aerospace and the Concrete Industry Management
Program are among 82 groups partnering with Metro Nashville Public Schools for specialized
career- and theme-based academies at 12 zoned high schools.
The plan was announced June 18 at the Pinnacle Building in downtown Nashville.
McGavock High School will be home to The Academy of Aviation and Transportation.
Adjunct aerospace faculty member Chris Carnett will serve as instructor, said Dr.
Wayne Dornan, department chair. Dornan attended the event with Dr. Bill Badley, interim
vice provost for academic affairs and director of general education.
Cane Ridge High School will house The Academy of Architecture and Construction. CIM alumna Samantha Summers Hart has accepted a teaching position with the academy
and will be teaching the concrete portion, said Dr. Heather Brown, CIM director, who
also attended the ceremony.
Along with the principals from McGavock and Cane Ridge, Dornan and Brown signed a
pledge of support for their programs' involvement. Both the CIM and aerospace academies
will begin this fall.
"We have already been active with them this spring as we had their students down
for a half-day of lab activities,"; Brown said. "We are transplanting three of our
CIM courses into dual-credit courses.";
The Academies of Nashville 2010: A Celebration of Current and Future Business-Education
Partnerships is a collaboration of businesses, universities, community partners and
others. Dornan and Badley said they credit Michelle Blackwell, director of the Office
of Transfer Student Services, with laying the groundwork for MTSU's role in the academies.
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In Brief: Splash into water fitness
Have fun in the water and make money, too! A Water Fitness Instructor Class is set
Saturday, July 31, to prepare participants to lead basic water-fitness classes. The
primary level is for beginning instructors and costs $247, while the master's level
($277) is for instructors with a minimum one year or 100 hours' experience. For information,
visit or call 615-898-2255.
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Camp ENRGY still going strong in second year
by Lisa L. Rollins
Although many physically disabled youths miss out on adaptive-recreation opportunities
as part of their lifestyle, Camp ENRGY's creators hope their summer-camp template
will soon catch on.
Now in its second year, Camp ENRGY, which stands for Excellence 'N' Recreation and
Games for Youth, is a weeklong camp designed and implemented by Dr. Don Morgan, director
of the Center for Physical Activity and Health in Youth at MTSU, and two of his doctoral
students, Sandy Stevens and Jenny Hutchens.
In August 2009, Morgan, along with camp co-directors Stevens and Hutchens and a handful
of volunteers, led the inaugural Camp ENRGY as a free five-day camp for physically
challenged youth ages 10 to 17. This year, the camp is back with an expanded participant
age range (5 to 18) and an added emphasis on nutrition.
Set July 26-30 on the MTSU campus, Stevens said the camp's registration roster filled
quickly. Seven of this year's participants are returning campers.
"The mission of the camp is to provide a positive experience for each child in a
variety of activities,"; she explained. "Our goal is to facilitate participation in
lifelong physical activity, which improves their quality of life and reduces the burden
of their disability. On a personal level, I want each child to leave with great memories
of their time at camp.";
Like last year, the 2010 camp will include yoga, swimming, nature trails, dance,
indoor soccer, martial arts and GPS-based activities as well as baseball, golf, strength/flexibility
training and football.
Because a third of this year's Camp ENRGY participants are second-year campers, organizers
have worked hard to find to new ways to engage the youngsters.
"To keep them interested, we are adding a variety of new activities,"; Stevens confirmed.
"For example, this year the campers will be able to participate in gymnastics, kayaking
in the pool, playing Wii and hosting a touch-football game.";
Also among this summer's activities will be a tried and true favorite: singing camp
"One of our counselors this year is the son of a Grammy-winning songwriter (Marcus
Hummon),"; Stevens said. "He will be providing music at various times throughout the
week. … Plus, we are hoping that we may even be able to have his father perform at
our camp graduation event or maybe at the evening meal.";
Meanwhile, Morgan, a professor in the Department of Health and Human Performance,
said that by sponsoring an activity camp for children with disabilities, he hopes
MTSU's CPAHY will forge the way for others.
"We hope that this summer camp will become a template for other camps for physically
challenged youth here in Tennessee and throughout the nation,"; he said. "We also
hope that we can raise awareness of the need for local recreation groups and organizations
to provide meaningful activity and sports opportunities for these kids.";
Although registration for Camp ENRGY is currently full, organizers will accept names
for a first-come, first-serve "standby"; list. For more information, contact Morgan
JUMP RIGHT IN—Camp ENRGY Site Co-Director Sandy Stevens, above, catches 2009 camper
Jahlin Huell as he jumps off the side during a session in the Student Health, Wellness
and Recreation Center pool. More fun is set for the 2010 Camp ENRGY session.
MTSU Photographic Services file photo by Andy Heidt
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TBR approves tuition increase to help recover lost state funds
The Tennessee Board of Regents voted unanimously June 25 to approve the tuition increases
recommended by the Committee on Business and Finance at its June 8 meeting.
Next year's tuition will increase 6.3 percent or less for more than 72 percent of
university and community-college students, with the remaining students paying more
because they are taking more hours. Technology-center students, who are charged per
trimester rather than based on hours of instruction, will see a per-trimester increase
of $112 over last year.
The tuition increases are aimed at recovering only 80 percent of lost state funding
and inflation costs and are designed to ensure that increases in tuition and mandatory
fees combined for students taking 15 hours (the number of semester hours necessary
to graduate in four years) are under 10 percent. These students will see a total increase
ranging from 6.1 percent at Austin Peay State University to 8.2 percent at the community
The full report, available at the TBR website via, shows how much the hourly rate will be at each institution and how much students
at each level of hours will pay compared with last year. The Business and Finance
Committee met four times to discuss tuition from a variety of perspectives, a process
that culminated in the recommendation that was approved by the full board.
Over the past three years, the TBR system has lost 25 percent of its state funding—almost
$186 million. While numbers at specific institutions vary, the university sector has
lost 29.7 percent of its state funding, the community colleges 20.8 percent and the
technology centers 15 percent.
All institutions have undertaken budget-reduction measures, but a tuition increase
has proven to be unavoidable, TBR officials said. Given the decision to replace only
80 percent of the reduced state funding with tuition, institutions will have to continue
reducing spending and will have fewer dollars per student to spend. Enrollment is
expected to continue to increase significantly.
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Mulraine takes reins of recording industry
by Gina E. Fann
Dr. Loren Mulraine is ready for a fresh polish on one of MTSU's crown jewels—the
Department of Recording Industry.
The longtime associate professor took on the chairman's job July 1, replacing the
retiring Chris Haseleu and already anticipating a challenging new academic year for
the 33-year-old department.
"Our consensus has been that we don't want to solely be reactionary to the industry
but to give thought to how we can lead the industry,"; explains Mulraine, an entertainment
law attorney who's taught at MTSU since 1998 and served two stints as interim associate
dean of the College of Mass Communication.
"It's important that we find a way to steer the ship into uncharted territory, which
is precisely where the industry is headed. We can expand and diversify our programs
so we're not just focusing on 'recording industry' but entertainment, and that means
music for film, TV and gaming … "We have to continue to create opportunities for our
students to be well-rounded. If we don't put a good product on the street, we lose
our credibility. When we started more than 30 years ago, we were unique. Now we have
all sorts of competition.";
The department, which is the largest of its kind in the United States, boasts more
than 1,200 majors and 28 full-time faculty members. It's regularly expanded its course
offerings and concentrations, creating partnerships within and outside MTSU to form
programs like the Master of Fine Arts in Recording Arts and Technology and the commercial
songwriting concentration, which has strategic alliances with the American Society
of Composers, Authors and Publishers. Faculty ties with industry professionals have
led to classroom training by multiplatinum artists and producers, participation in
international trade shows and even Grammy nominations for professors.
"The good news is that our students are well-prepared when they leave here. Wherever
MTSU RIM students go, they shine,"; notes Mulraine, a gospel artist and songwriter
who also runs Ten 21 Entertainment, Inc., which includes recording, publishing, booking
and artist-management divisions, and a consulting company, The Mulraine Firm, which
handles legal issues.
Taking the next steps will include expanding the department's presence on Music Row,
developing a greater online presence with more distance-learning courses and creating
more industry partnerships to help maintain program quality in the wake of ongoing
funding cuts.
"Our greatest challenge is finding a way to maintain and increase the quality of
our students' education in a world of diminished resources,"; the new chairman says.
"It's never enough to stay where we were. We must continuously strive to get better.";
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Center helps amplify Voices We Haven't Heard
by Gina K. Logue
Expressions of confidence, faith, defiance, togetherness, satire and sobriety characterize
the second edition of Voices We Haven't Heard, a publication of MTSU's June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students.
The latest Voices, available since July 1, is larger than last year's edition and includes feminist
poetry and prose complemented by photographs of students engaged in center activities.
Center Director Terri Johnson says the magazine empowers students by providing them
with a creative outlet for their observations on racism, sexism, classism, homophobia
and other forms of oppression.
For example, in "Ghetto Poetry,"; sophomore Precious Creavalle anticipates the surprise
her readers might feel in discovering that verbal talent can emerge from harsh conditions.
She writes, "Ebonics and old English all in one./Yeah I was locked up, but only for
a fortnight./That's right, broken English and Webster's best/All in the same verse./How
else could I use a term like/Government sanctioned self-contained purgatory and/'Hell
Yeah' in the same line?";
Brenda (Kidd) Navarro, a junior majoring in global studies and Spanish, overturns
conventional thinking about womanhood and invites the readers to consider numerous
possibilities in "Flesh, Mind, and Soul.";
Her poem states, "I am Mother Nature, Gaia is my name./A renegade bitch that'll drive
you insane./I'm loyal, confident, motivated, and rare …/… and when I walk by everyone
stares./I am the truth that can set every man free./Masculine, Feminine, Androgynous—that's
The centerpiece of Voices is Lawrence Tumpag's "O Brother, Where Art Thou?,"; a chronicle of Tumpag's struggles
in defining manhood during a life marked by encounters with some of the worst examples
of manhood imaginable.
Of his hard-working single mother, the senior social-work major writes, "Interspersed
throughout my childhood, she would come across men she hoped could be companions,
caretakers, role models, father figure(s). ... (U)nfortunately, many of them would
turn out to be individuals who took advantage of her assets (and) dreams to have a
'whole or complete family,' and finally one would use his own income to give a sense
of financial security in exchange for subservience and dehumanization.";
For comic relief, Gina Logue of News & Media Relations provides an essay on the relative
absence of commercials for feminine-hygiene products on prime-time television compared
to the overwhelming saturation campaigns for erectile-dysfunction drugs.
"The Viagra spots are so preposterously over the top that they almost make one yearn
for the straightforward Bob Dole solicitations of yesteryear,"; she writes. "Targeting
the older demographic is fine; insulting their taste is not. Viagra commercials have
all the class of an orange leisure suit, circa 1977.";
Voices We Haven't Heard is free and is available from the June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional
Students in its new home, Room 320 of the Keathley University Center. For more information,
call 615-898-5989 or go to .
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A learning experience
ACTIVISM IN ACTION—Five MTSU undergraduates traveled to Providence, R.I., to present
their original research in a June 19 session, "Supporting, Engaging, Inspiring: Students as Agents and Architects of Democracy,";
at the national conference of the American Democracy Project of the American Association
of State Colleges and Universities. Representing five departments and four MTSU colleges,
the students, all members of MTSU's ADP student organization, turned their student
activism into an experiential-learning program course for spring 2010 to earn EXL
hours for original research. The students are, front row, Liz Thomason, a senior nursing major, and Kiara Hall,
a junior majoring in pre-law; and back row, Matthew Foriest, a junior history minor;
Nicholas Crosby-Walton, a sophomore majoring in computer information systems; and
Andrew King, a sophomore majoring in advertising/public relations.
photo courtesy of Dr. Mary Evins
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5 named to 2010 class of Blue Raider Hall of Fame
from MT Athletic Communications
A quintet of some of the top athletic achievers in MTSU history will be inducted
into the Blue Raider Hall of Fame in September.
Baseball is represented by Steve Peterson, current head coach, and former pitcher
Dave Richardson, while football assistant coach Ed Bunio, track All-American Dwight
Johnson and tennis All-American Fred Niemeyer round out the Class of 2010. They will
bring the total number of inductees to 117 since the Hall of Fame opened in 1976.
The induction ceremony will be held before the home football game with Austin Peay
on Saturday, Sept. 11, in the courtyard behind the Blue Raider Athletic Hall of Fame.
There is no admission charge, and Blue Raider fans are encouraged to attend.
Bunio joined Middle Tennessee in 1979, where he served as defensive coordinator and
linebacker coach until he retired after the 1994 season. He was a driving force in
rebuilding the Blue Raiders' football fortunes with his great defenses in the 1980s.
His nominator described him as "a great teacher of young men, a great co-worker and
a great friend.";
Johnson was the dominant force in Ohio Valley Conference track in the mid-1980s,
earning All-American honors in the long jump in 1984 and 1985. He helped continue
the success of MTSU's "Grasshopper Gang,"; a group of Blue Raider jumpers nationally
known for their exploits in the long and triple jump.
Perhaps the best tennis player in MTSU history, Niemeyer earning All-American honors
three times during his years with the Blue Raiders. His best season was his senior
year, 1997, when he earned All-American honors in singles after posting a 36-8 record
and receiving his third consecutive OVC Player of the Year award.
Peterson has been the head coach at MTSU since 1988, following six years in two separate
stints as an assistant to John Stanford. He has coached MTSU to eight OVC championships,
seven OVC tournament titles and nine NCAA tournament appearances, and his Sun Belt
teams have won three conference titles and two tournament championships.
Richardson, a left-handed pitcher from Nashville, had a senior season in 1988 with
a school record 13 wins against only five losses. He was All-OVC and was drafted by
the St. Louis Cardinals and ranks first in career wins (29) and complete games (23).
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InfoSearch eases access to library books, journals
by Gina K. Logue
Students using MTSU's James E. Walker Library will see a big change when they log
on to the library's website.
The institution's new search engine is now online, providing even more options and
user-friendly access to resources for both on-campus students and distance learners
at .
Using federal stimulus funds, the library has replaced its Voyager search system,
which has been in place for about 10 years, with Millennium software that the library
has christened InfoSearch.
"It looks a little bit more like modern-day Web interfaces,"; says Electronic Resources
Librarian Mary Ellen Pozzebon. "It doesn't look as outdated as Voyager does.";
InfoSearch enables users to conduct basic searches by entering keywords without limiting
the search to title or subject. Users also will be able to find out the resource's
location within the library and whether it has been checked out.
"The catalog will also include some, but not all, holdings from the Gore Center and
the Center for Popular Music,"; Pozzebon says. "It will include all the holdings from
the (Howard) Music Library and the Instructional Media Resources Library and, of course,
all of the materials here.";
Systems Librarian David Robinson says the new system offers "a quick and intuitive
search interface"; with many new search tools, including content categories, tag clouds
(which are hyperlinked words used to describe comments on sites), spell-checking,
recently added materials suggestions and relevance ranking. The search engine even
has a "Did you mean …?"; feature.
Another advantage of InfoSearch over Voyager is access to Google previews. Patrons
will be able to click on a picture of a book and read an overview of it before deciding
whether it suits their needs.
"Book-cover art, table of contents, content summary and other features will be available,";
Robinson says. "Users can add descriptive tags to books in the catalog and can rate
books on usefulness.";
"There's a very robust user community that shares tips and tricks and adjustments
that they've made,"; adds Pozzebon. "We can borrow implementations that other libraries
have done.";
A smart-phone-enabled interface will allow users to search the library catalog from
a cell phone by pointing the phone's browser to .
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Teachers fly higher at aerospace workshop
ADVENTURES IN EDUCATION—Field trips, speakers and hands-on projects highlight the
52nd annual Tennessee Aerospace Education Workshops for basic and advanced participants.
In the photo below, area teachers build a balloon near the Student Health, Wellness
and Recreation Center.
Aerospace faculty member Terry Dorris, at right, helps workshop participant David
Perry, left, who is working on a master's degree in aerospace education, prepare a
rocket for blast-off.The teachers also flew in MTSU's airplane fleet and heard other
key presenters during their sessions.
photos submitted
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Ag develops cool way to keep veggies fresher
by Randy Weiler
MTSU's School of Agriculture has developed a cool way to make the MTSU Farm's harvest
of vegetables and fruits remain fresher longer.
Two 10-foot-by-10-foot air-conditioned walk-in packing sheds have been built on the
approximately 450-acre farm property on Guy James Road, just off Halls Hill Pike east
of campus.
With more crops being harvested, the packing sheds are holding more produce such
as tomatoes, lettuce, onions and watermelons, keeping them cooler—and fresher—for
this summer's Student Farmers Market Fridays at the Horticulture Center.
Wheels began turning when Dr. Warren Gill, the department chair, worked with state
Commissioner Ken Givens to secure $34,300 in state agriculture enhancement money.
MTSU's Office of Research and Sponsored Programs then "matched it to help the student
program and allowed us to sponsor student research,"; Gill said.
Daniel Messick, president of the Plant and Soil Science Club, conceived a geothermal
idea for the packing sheds, making it more ecologically friendly, Gill said. Messick
and assistant professor Dr. Nate Phillips then collaborated on a $27,000 grant to
make the project happen.
"I did a lot of research (about the geothermal method) and organized interviews (with
prospective companies),"; said Messick, a junior ag-science major and environmental
science minor from Shelbyville. "Dr. Phillips and I came together on the proposal.";
"The student became the teacher"; is how Gill summarizes Messick's creative thinking.
"This is hands-on learning,"; said Tim Redd, MTSU's Farm Lab director. "This is a
student lab, pure and simple.";
"It gives the students more access to experiential learning—what they'll see in their
future careers,"; Phillips added.
The university contracted with Precision Air to build the packing sheds and provide
the geothermal method, digging a 6 1/2-inch hole 300 feet into the ground adjacent
to the facility housing the packing sheds. It brings a constant 55-degree temperature
to the cooling units.
"It's 70 percent more efficient and doubled the lifespan of the cooling unit,"; Messick
"This has been a great experience. It's nice to have a part in something that's going
to be here a long time. We have a more efficient way to sustain the cost on running
the unit.";
CHILLING OUT—Dr. Nate Phillips, left, and Dr. Warren Gill, right, join agriculture-science
major Daniel Messick to inspect the new packing sheds at the MTSU Farm off Halls Hill
Pike in the photo above. Messick suggested that the sheds, which are used to keep
produce fresh for the Student Farmers Market, use geothermal technology to keep temperatures
consistent and remain ecologically friendly. In the photo at left, Messick inspects
the geothermal tubing in a trench near the new packing sheds at the MTSU Farm.
photos by News & Media Relations
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Adams Chair releases 'Allied Health' study for 2010
from Staff Reports
MTSU's Adams Chair of Excellence in Health Care Services released the fourth edition
of "Allied Health in Tennessee: A Supply and Demand Study"; in June.
The study analyzes supply and demand for various allied health professions in Tennessee,
said Cynthia Chafin, project director and consultant with the Adams Chair. It was
released through the MTSU Center for Health and Human Services, which has a grant
with the Nashville Career Advancement Center and the Tennessee Hospital Association
Center for Health Workforce Development in Tennessee to produce the fourth edition.
The fourth edition includes national and local data as well, Chafin said, adding
that it is called "the"; source for allied health supply and demand information by
academic institutions, employers and students.
"At the national level, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Occupational Employment
Projections to 2016 (from November 2007) indicate that jobs in health care and social
assistance are expected to have the fastest rate of growth over the next 10 years,
with the addition of a projected 4 million new wage and salary jobs, or 27 percent
of all nonagricultural wage and salary jobs,"; said Dr. Jo Edwards, Adams Chair of
Excellence in Health Care Services and CHHS director.
"Jobs in health care are not going away,"; Edwards added. "These statistics should
capture the attention of students making career decisions, academicians and state
and local governments. The publication addresses the many challenges associated with
a changing health care landscape.";
For more information on MTSU's Adams Chair and the CHHS, please visit .
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Center for Popular Music names interim leader
Dr. Dale Cockrell is the interim director of the Center for Popular Music and will
serve for one year while a search is under way for a new leader for the center, Dean
Roy Moore of the College of Media and Entertainment has announced.
"Dr. Cockrell has a very distinguished academic, scholarly and professional record
in popular music,"; Moore said, adding that Cockrell is currently on a research leave
from his post as professor of musicology at Vanderbilt University.
"I want to thank Dr. Loren Mulraine for serving as interim director during the past
three months after the retirement of Paul Wells as director. "
The Tennessee Board of Regents approved Cockrell's appointment at its June 24-25
meeting, making it effective July 1.
Cockrell is the author of Demons of Disorder: Early Blackface Minstrels and Their World, Excelsior: Journals of the Hutchinson Family Singers, 1842-1846 and more than 100 other books, articles, papers and monographs devoted to the study
of American popular music. His The Ingalls Wilder Family Songbook (a critical edition of the music referenced in the Little House books) will be published this summer.
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People Around Campus: Creating new traditions
FUN AND FELLOWSHIP—Past presidents of MTSU's Faculty Senate gather at a May 27 forum
and luncheon at The Heritage Center of Murfreesboro and Rutherford County to share
and record MTSU memories, build connections and brainstorm ideas to celebrate the university's past, present and
future. The Faculty Senate, which was formed in 1966, promotes policies that set and
maintain the university's academic programs and advocates for faculty and academic
policies within the university community.
Above, past presidents and guests choose selections from the buffet.
At right, three Faculty Senate leaders pause for a photo. From left are Dr. Warner
Cribb, geosciences, 2010-11 Faculty Senate president; Professor Deborah Belcher, human
sciences, 2009-10 president; and Dr. L Diane Miller, mathematical sciences and Faculty
Senate president for the 1999-2000 academic year.
Below, retired Faculty Senate secretary Nancy Lanier joins current secretary Gay
Johnson for a laugh. During the gathering, members heard presentations from Joe Bales,
director of Development and University Relations, on MTSU's upcoming Centennial Celebration;
Patti Miller of Campus Planning on the exciting changes coming to the university;
Ginger Freeman, director of Alumni Relations, on the many opportunities for alumni to stay involved at MTSU; and Diane Turnham, assistant director
of athletics, who discussed the MTSU Athletic Department and the importance of supporting
the university's student-athletes. "The opportunity to visit and share with past presidents
is a wonderful experience and benefit,"; Belcher said. "The Faculty Senate looks forward
to engaging our past presidents and continuing this tradition.";
photos submitted
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Faculty/Staff Update
Kathy Davis (University Honors College), Lisa Eddy (Campus Recreation), Gina Poole (economics and finance) and Jennifer Tweedie (engineering technology) recently received their Certified Professional Secretary
Dr. Ron Henderson (physics and astronomy) attended the Hybrid Organic Photovoltaic Conference in Assisi,
Italy, in May.
Dr. Padgett Kelly (biology and Center for Environmental Education) will co-chair this year's National
Marine Educators Association "From the Mountains to the Sea"; conference July 18-24
in Gatlinburg.
Dr. Nate Smith (physics and astronomy) visited his native Australia in May and attended a research
conference in Germany.
Dr. Daniel Erenso (physics and astronomy) is working with faculty at universities near the city of
Addis Ababa in his native Ethiopia on curricular and research issues.
Dr. Nate Smith (physics and astronomy) is a co-thrust leader in a $20 million National Science Foundation
Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research grant, "Tennessee Solar Conversion
and Storage using Outreach, Research and Education,"; that involved several Tennessee
universities. Approximately $372,000 of the recently funded grant will be directed
to MTSU as a sub-award over the next five years.
Dr. William Yelverton (music) performed spring-semester solo guitar and lute concerts at Indiana University
Bloomington; the University of Southern Mississippi; Appalachian State University;
the University of Louisville; Eastfield College in McKinney and Collin College in
Mesquite, Texas; Bethel University; and at the Nashville Public Library's "Virtuoso
Series."; He also adjudicated the Texas International Guitar Competition at the University
of Texas at Dallas and the University of Louisville Guitar Competition. Yelverton
also directed the Eighth Annual Tennessee Guitar Festival at MTSU and led the new
classical guitar seminar at the Tennessee Governor's School for the Arts.
Personnel Changes
Patricia Abogado is the new secretary in the Engineering Technology Department. She replaces Elizabeth Lamb, who is now executive aide for the College of Basic and Applied Sciences.
Dr. Don Hong (mathematical sciences) made a presentation June 9 to 19 Tennessee guidance counselors
during MTSU's fourth annual Griffith Education Foundation workshop.
Dr. Ron Luo (mathematical sciences) presented "Independence number and hamiltonicity of edge
chromatic critical graphs"; at the 2010 Conference on Combinatorics and Graph Theory
May 30 at the University of Science and Technology of China in Heifei. He also made
a colloquium talk, "An introduction on integer flows,"; at Anhui University in Heifei
on June 1 and at Beijing Normal University on June 10.
Deputy U.S. Labor Secretary Seth D. Harris cited research on "Misclassified Construction
Employees in Tennessee"; conducted by Dr. William Canak (sociology) and Dr. Randall Adams of Tennessee Tech during Harris's testimony on
worker misclassification before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and
Pensions on June 17.
Get noticed in The Record !
Submit your Faculty/Staff Update items and other news tips to by 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 14, for the July 26 edition of The Record or 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 28, for the Aug. 9 Record.
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Campus Calendar July 12-25, 2010
Please note: Event dates, times and locations may change after press time. Please
verify specifics when making plans.
TV Schedule: "Middle Tennessee Record";
Cable Channel 9: Monday-Sunday, 7 a.m., 5 p.m.
NewsChannel 5+: Sundays, 1:30 p.m.
Visit for other cable-outlet airtimes or for a complete show archive.
Radio Schedule: "MTSU On the Record";
8 a.m. Sundays, WMOT 89.5-FM
Podcasts available anytime at .
Fridays all summer
Student Farmers Market
sponsored by the Plant and Soil Science Club
1-3 p.m. Fridays (except holidays), Horticulture Center
For information, contact: 615-494-8985.
Monday, July 12
July Term Classes Begin
July 13-14
CUSTOMS Orientation
Basic and applied sciences and undeclared majors
7:30 a.m., campuswide
For information, visit or contact: 615-898-2454.
Tuesday, July 13
Tennessee Sixth Congressional District Candidate Forum
6 p.m., Tennessee Livestock Center.
Wednesday, July 14
Tornado Siren Test Date
(no action needed by building runners or others)
11:15 a.m., campuswide
For information, contact: 615-898-2424.
July 16-17
CUSTOMS Orientation
Business, liberal arts, mass comm and undeclared majors
For information, visit or contact: 615-898-2454.
Wednesday, July 21
Red Cross Blood Drive
10 a.m.-3 p.m., Student Health, Wellness and Recreation Center
Visit , click the blue "Make a blood donation appointment"; box and enter "MTSU19"; sponsor
code, or for information, contact:615-494-8704.
July 22-23
CUSTOMS Orientation
Basic and applied sciences, education and undeclared majors
7:30 a.m., campuswide
For information, visit or contact: 615-898-2454.
July 23-25
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' and Exhibitors' Association World Versatility Walking
Horse Championships
Tennessee Miller Coliseum
For information, visit .
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