The Record, Oct. 4, 2010, V19.07

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Tornado-drill change means less disruption

by Tom Tozer

Good news for faculty, staff and students: MTSU's next tornado-warning drill, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 10:30 a.m., will not require leaving offices and classrooms and may only interrupt the regular schedule for a few minutes instead of the usual 30.

The new measure is called a "stay-in-place"; drill, and though it's much less disruptive to classes and university services, faculty and staff still will be sharing important safety information during those few minutes.

  • Faculty will be asked to read a brief script, provided in advance, to their classes.
  • Staff will share the same scripted information with office personnel and guests.
  • Building runners will make their usual rounds to assist with disseminating information.

To prepare for the new drill, think about your location on Oct. 27 at 10:30 a.m., then go to . The chart will show each building's recommended area for safety during an actual tornado warning. (If the chart doesn't show your area, email

Then, on Oct. 27 at 10:30 a.m., when the alert sounds and the text message goes out, pause for a few minutes to recall your location's "safe place"; and to listen to a few safety tips. Building runners will check with each office and classroom in their area to make sure that faculty and staff have the appropriate information to share.

The script will soon be emailed across campus with this important information. We hope that all faculty and staff—and all those who are in charge of an area common to both campus personnel and guests—will stop and read the script to those within hearing distance.

You won't have to leave your office or classroom. After sharing the information, everyone may return to their usual activities. We think this "stay-in-place"; drill will create much less interruption and still provide an opportunity to inform and educate the campus community.

More reminders will be forthcoming. At least once a year, the university must conduct an actual tornado drill, where campus occupants go to designated safe areas. That drill will be conducted next spring.

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Tops in science

TIMELY RECOGNITION—Tennessee Board of Regents member Greg Duckett, second from right, presents Dr. Saeed Foroudastan, center, associate dean of basic and applied sciences, with the TBR Academic Excellence Award for MTSU's Master of Science in Professional Science program Sept. 23 at MTSU. Also pictured are, from left, TBR Chancellor Charles Manning; Jim Monsor, BioMimetic Therapeutics senior vice president; MTSU President Dr. Sidney McPhee; TBR member J. Stanley Rogers; and Dr. Paula Short, TBR vice chancellor for academic affairs. 

MTSU Photographic Services photo by Andy Heidt

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RIM, ASCAP reaffirm 'Partners in Craft'

by Gina E. Fann

MTSU's Department of Recording Industry and the Nashville office of ASCAP are turning education into careers with a successful songwriting partnership, "Partners in Craft.";

The program began in 2006 at MTSU and matches students with veteran songwriting and publishing mentors. MTSU and ASCAP celebrated on Sept. 24 as fall-semester mentors met with students in Commercial Songwriting and Advanced Songwriting classes at the ASCAP building in Nashville.

Partners in Craft grew out of a long relationship between ASCAP and the Department of Recording Industry, said MTSU Assistant Professor Hal Newman. Talented students used to set their own career paths, he said, but Partners in Craft has provided networking and training opportunities as well as specialized courses tailored to students' career goals—and, in spring 2009, led to the commercial-songwriting concentration for recording-industry majors.

Newman's songwriting classes also are part of MTSU's experiential-learning program, which merges classroom knowledge with real-world work environments.

"It's really helped my classes learn, and it gives our students a distinct advantage,"; said Newman, one of the creators of Partners in Craft and coordinator of the commercial-songwriting concentration.

"We're only in our fourth full semester of this program and we already have 53 student majors! We've had eight successful internships, and our ninth and 10th students have their songwriting internships this semester.

"I'm excited about working with the new team at ASCAP and very happy with the interest in the partnership and the efforts to maintain and strengthen our relationship.";

Several MTSU graduates already have found songwriting success; one of the most recent is Eric Paslay, whose internship at Cal IV Entertainment helped refine his songwriting abilities and turned into a publishing contract. The 2005 grad is close to signing a record deal with a major label and is now being booked by the William Morris Agency.

Tim DuBois, ASCAP Nashville's new vice president and managing executive, recently put the performing-rights organization's new creative manager, Ryan Beuschel, in charge of coordinating the mentors for Partners in Craft.

"What you do is the purest process in the world; it's noble and worthwhile,"; DuBois told the student writers and faculty guests, including RIM professors Dr. Jim Piekarski and Matthew O'Brien and department chair Dr. Loren Mulraine. "Our industry is facing a lot of challenges right now, and we'd like to see you work hard with us on intellectual property rights.";

"This is a town full of lawyers, agents and publicists, but none of us would be here if it weren't for the song,"; added Mulraine. "This is a great opportunity for you to hone your craft.";

This semester's commercial-songwriting mentors include producer-writer-artist-engineer Walt Aldridge, Greg Becker of Sony/Tree, Jon Nite of EMI, singer-songwriter Mando Saenz and MTSU alumnus Rich Karg. The advanced-songwriting course mentors are Matthew Miller of Carnival Music, Freeman Wizer of Universal Music Publishing, MTSU alum B.J. Hill of Warner-Chappell Music, Sarah Johnson of Bug Music and Jesse Frasure of Major Bob Publishing.

"You are the ones doing us a favor,"; Beuschel told the students. "All these mentors said they would love to be here and help out. They honestly believe in what the program is doing and where it can go.";

Commercial-songwriting students participating in the project include Desiree Blevins, Jason Cantrell, Travis Colby, Mercedes Davis, Sebastian Garcia, Chris Goble, Faith Jamison, Brent Ledford, Lance Lormand, Scott Lyles, Michael Margadonna, Gary Nichols, Kait Payne, Donnie Renner, Milton Threet, Beth Tucker, Fain Watson and Andrea Yohe. Advanced-songwriting participants are Hannah Aldridge, Jacob Bozarth, Elaina Campbell, Danny Clark, Johnna Day, Kevin Duff, Josh Harvill, Paris Jones, Jane Kopecky, Rachel Martin, Jace McLain, Jeffrey Owens, Kris Price, Jake Powell, Amy Ritter, Jamie Saylor, Beth Tucker, Stephen West and Shaun Willis.

"Remember, the songs your mentors will be advising you on are from this semester, not something you wrote last summer or back in high school,"; Newman cautioned the students as some scribbled lyrics in note pads or checked tuning apps on their phones. "They're going to treat you just like any other writer who comes in off Music Row and asks for their help.

"Ideally, they'll hear something they like from you all before the semester is over.";

For more information, visit the Recording Industry website

GETTING ACQUAINTED—Commercial-songwriting students in singer-songwriter Mando Saenz's mentoring group listen as Faith Jamison, second from left, makes a point during their first "Partners in Craft"; meeting at ASCAP Nashville headquarters. From left are group leader Desiree Blevins, Jamison, Andrea Yohe, Donnie Renner and Saenz.

TALKING IT UP—Three members of the fall 2010 mentors' group for the Advanced Songwriting course listen as RIM Professor Hal Newman makes a point during a Sept. 24 meeting with students at the ASCAP Nashville headquarters. From left are Jesse Frasure of Major Bob Music, Matthew Miller of Carnival Music, MTSU alumnus B.J. Hill of Warner-Chappell Music and Newman.


JUST ONE PHOTO—Organizers and supporters of the Partners in Craft songwriters' mentoring program pose for a photo while students and mentors meet in Nashville. From left are RIM professor Dr. Jim Piekarski, ASCAP Creative Manager Ryan Beuschel, ASCAP Vice President and Managing Executive Tim DuBois, RIM department chair Dr. Loren Mulraine and Partners in Craft coordinator/RIM Professor Hal Newman.

photos by News & Media Relations

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New minor's focus: global communication

by Gina K. Logue

As technological developments revolutionize communication with unprecedented speed, MTSU is offering a new International Media Studies minor this fall.

This study track is designed to help students understand how various types of media are used around the world. It will offer textual analyses of media messages and audience interpretations, including insight through audience ethnographics.

Dr. Richard Pace, professor of anthropology, helped develop the minor with Dr. Robert Spires, professor of electronic media communication. The minor includes classes from both disciplines as well as foreign languages and sociology.

Pace, who has been conducting research in the Amazon River region of Brazil since 1981, says the small community of rubber-tappers he knows there recently gained access to the Internet.

"You have some that embrace it and immediately use it within their own culture context,"; Pace says. "We see that with video, for example. Many indigenous groups will take it and record their cultural heritage or certain political messages like preservation of land or lifestyles, and then spread that around to other indigenous communities.";

Then again, Pace notes, some groups are resistant to new media because they don't want its impact to interfere with their cultural values.

Another intriguing aspect of this minor is its potential for examining political media through various cultural lenses.

"We're very much interested in the ideological messages of media,"; Pace says. "Regardless of your political system, media will be used by the nation-state to try to basically create good citizens. It's not always successful, and it's not always done in a systematic way.";

Of course, since journalism is a conduit for much global communication, the ways in which different cultures report and perceive newsworthy events also is of interest.

"Journalism becomes very cultural, very political, very ideological when you put it within this context,"; Pace says.

In entertainment media, including movies and television, American exports are very popular overseas. However, in this country, with a few exceptions, imported movies and TV shows don't seem to get as much traction. Pace says it's a matter of volume; the United States simply produces more movies and TV shows.

"The same thing will happen once they have enough of their own domestically produced products,"; Pace says of the global entertainment market. "The problem is if you don't have enough in your own language, if your industry's not producing as much material, then you import and you dub.";

No media will go ignored in the new minor; even graffiti is fair game. In some cultures, it's considered art, while in others it's considered vandalism.

"We look at how it is perceived, how it is produced and how it is consumed in all these different contexts, and that's what makes it a very interesting study,"; Pace says.

Some of the courses that can be taken for successful completion of the minor include Global News and World Media Cultures, Media and Emotions in Global Perspective, Anthropology of Music, Topics in French Film and Cultural Images of Gender.

Students who pursue the International Media Studies minor must complete 15 semester hours. The core course required is Cross-Cultural Media Studies. An additional 12 hours of electives are required from among courses in at least two disciplines.

For more information about the International Media Studies minor, contact Pace at 615-904-8058 or

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In Brief: Buy pecans through Oct. 15

Need pecans for holiday cooking, gift-giving and good old snacking? MTSU's Association of Secretarial and Clerical Employees is accepting orders through Friday, Oct. 15. Cost is $7 per pound, and all proceeds go to the ASCE Scholarship Fund. Delivery is expected by month's end. For more information, contact Pansey Carter at 615-898-2508 or at

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For the Record: Health Services asks students to 'Be One of the Majority!'

by Lisa Thomason Schrader

After completing two student-health assessments last year, MTSU Health Services is pleased to announce the beginning of a social-norms marketing campaign on substance use—and the lack of it—by MTSU students.

Over the next few weeks, you may notice posters, magnets and other items touting the campaign slogan "Be One of the Majority!"; The campaign highlights the large percentage of our students who are choosing not to use substances like tobacco and marijuana and/or limiting their consumption of alcohol.

The survey results guiding the "Be One"; campaign include:

  • 79 percent of MTSU students did not use marijuana in the last 30 days;
  • 66 percent of MTSU students did not smoke cigarettes in the last 30 days;
  • 64 percent of MTSU students drink three or fewer drinks when they party; and
  • 60 percent of MTSU students drink one or fewer alcoholic drinks in an average week.

We fully expect that these messages will surprise students, faculty, staff and administrators and may even be challenged. But these "Be One"; messages stand in stark contrast to stereotypes about college-student behavior, which frequently are exploited in movies like "Old School"; and "Animal House.";

Our statistics, however, are supported by multiple national research studies, which consistently document a large gap between what students perceive about substance use by their peers and what is the reality based on reported use.

Both of our assessments, which collected data from more than 1,100 randomly selected students across campus, were web-based, confidential and voluntary to minimize bias. The demographics of students who responded to our survey are quite similar to the demographics of the overall student population.

While many alcohol- and drug-prevention efforts have negative undertones and use scare tactics and extreme examples, social-norms campaigns stick to the positive. The "Be One"; campaign recognizes the many students who are already making responsible choices when it comes to alcohol and other drugs. At the same time, it informs those who currently may not be making responsible choices that their experiences are not indicative of the "true"; college experience.

Social-norms campaigns like this one are recognized by the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention as effective strategies to change the environment and culture of a campus community. The "Be One"; campaign is funded through grants provided by the Coalition for Healthy and Safe Campus Communities.

We hope that this campaign will generate conversation and discussion across campus. To help facilitate the discussion, Health Services has created a website with survey-data information and the opportunity to post comments and replies. Please visit the site and join the discussion at

When it comes to the use of alcohol and other drugs, Be One of the Majority!

Lisa Thomason Schrader is MTSU's director of health promotion. She can be reached at or at 615-494-8704. More information about the health-promotion services at MTSU can be found at

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Profiler Hinman sets Oct. 7 lecture

by Gina E. Fann

Criminal profiler Dayle Hinman, whose investigative skills aided in the prosecutions of serial killers Ted Bundy and Aileen Wuornos, is bringing her expertise to MTSU on Thursday, Oct. 7, for the Fall 2010 William Bass Legends in Forensic Science Lectureship.

Hinman will speak beginning at 7 p.m. in the Tennessee Room of the James Union Building. Her free lecture, "The Devil is in the Details,"; is open to the public.

"Criminal profiling has been the subject of countless movies, television programs and novels,"; Hinman notes. "The profilers are frequently portrayed as individuals with special psychic abilities.

"Far from a magical event, profiling is an investigative technique that was developed and refined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is a process of systematically reviewing and analyzing crime-scene information.";

MTSU's Forensic Institute for Research and Education, which is co-sponsoring the lecture, established the series to bring internationally known experts in forensic science to MTSU each fall and spring, said Dr. Hugh Berryman, FIRE director.

Hinman, who is one of only a handful of women in her field, began her 26-year career in law enforcement as a police officer at Florida State University. She worked for the Leon County, Fla., Sheriff's Department and wound up at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, successfully investigating hundreds of crimes perpetrated by murderers, rapists and sexual offenders. She was trained in criminal profiling at the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit at Quantico, Va., and is a court-certified expert in crime-scene assessment.

Hinman now lectures nationally and internationally on criminal profiling, crime-scene analysis, threat assessment and serial offenders. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the host of TruTV's "Body of Evidence: From the Case Files of Dayle Hinman.";

During her lecture, Hinman says she'll use specific case examples to help attendees understand how complicated cases were resolved. "Participants will gain a greater understanding of criminal profiling and better appreciate the collaborative working relationships between the various professional disciplines involved in criminal investigation,"; she says.

In addition to FIRE, Hinman's campus visit is being made possible by sponsorship from the College of Liberal Arts and College of Basic and Applied Sciences and MTSU's sociology and anthropology, political science, psychology, biology, chemistry and criminal justice departments.

For more information on the Oct. 7 lecture, please call 615-494-7713 or visit the FIRE website

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Theatre, dance season launches

by Gina E. Fann

MTSU brings the funny beginning Wednesday, Oct. 6, when it launches the 2010-11 Theatre and Dance Season with "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee"; in Tucker Theatre.

The award-winning one-act musical focuses on a middle-school spelling bee, where the perfectionists are on both sides of the microphone. Performances are set Oct. 6-9 and Oct. 13-15.

"'Bee' rehearsals are well under way, and I think the MTSU and local community will really enjoy this quirky musical,"; said Professor Jeff Gibson, interim chair of the Department of Speech and Theatre. "The characters and the situations are hilarious!";

The Oct. 6 "Bee"; show will be preceded at 6:30 p.m. by a "grand reopening"; ceremony on the front steps of Tucker Theatre, which has just completed a $1.4 million, six-month renovation project.

"Bee"; audiences, be warned: You can participate in the show, but using spelling apps on your phone is a no-no. Also, there's some adult content, so it's for M-A-T-U-R-E audiences only.

The season continues Nov. 17-20 with a new version of "A Flea in Her Ear,"; the classic Georges Feydeau farce updated by David Ives. The Belle Époque tale focuses on a jealous wife's attempts to nab her husband with a letter from an imaginary admirer suggesting a hotel tryst; chaos and hilarity ensue.

The Fall Dance Concert, showcasing the artistic works of MTSU's Dance Theatre, is next on the itinerary. Performances are set Dec. 2-4.

The season resumes on a tragic note in February with performances of Euripides' "Medea,"; a seminal drama of love, betrayal and revenge. The powerful tragedy is scheduled for performances Feb. 23-26.

More Broadway comes to Champion Way March 30 through April 2 and April 6-9 with MTSU's performances of the Pulitzer Prize-winning rock opera "Rent,"; based loosely on Puccini's "La Boheme.";

The show, whose signature song "Seasons of Love"; has become a pop standard, follows a year with seven friends living the disappearing Bohemian lifestyle in New York's East Village as AIDS and its physical and emotional complications begin to pervade their lives.

Concluding the 2010-11 season April 21-23 is the Spring Dance Concert, where MTSU Dance Theatre members will perform.

"This is a dynamic season with plenty of music, comedy and drama for everyone,"; Gibson noted. "We are confident our audiences will enjoy what they see and will want to return for more.";

All 2010-11 season performances are set for 7:30 p.m. in Tucker Theatre. For each show's ticket information, call 615-494-8810 or visit the Tucker Theatre website.

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Arts, education partnership 'creates' academy

by Tom Tozer

MTSU's College of Education will partner with the Tennessee Arts Commission and the state Department of Education to develop the first Creativity in Education Academy, which will take place at MTSU next July.

Create2011, a program jointly sponsored by the arts commission and TDOE, was designed to foster creativity and innovation in Tennessee schools. The academy, an outcome of Create2011, is a professional-development opportunity for educators to strengthen teaching, improve student achievement and affect school performance.

"Create2011 emerged out of the arts commission's highly successful Value Plus Schools initiative, an art-integration model funded by a $906,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education,"; said Rich Boyd, the arts commission's executive director. "We are thrilled to be a partner in this statewide opportunity.";

Kim Leavitt, director of arts education for the commission and creator of Value Plus, piloted the program with six schools and saw firsthand the impact of the arts on student performance.

"The six pilot schools made greater academic gains than the control schools, despite having larger numbers of economically disadvantaged students,"; Leavitt noted. The results countered research showing that high-poverty schools typically perform lower on standardized tests.

This will be the first academy of its kind in Tennessee, and officials said that MTSU, with its roots as a teacher-training institution, will be the ideal setting for the weeklong event. The academy will offer sessions for teachers, arts specialists, special-education and resource teachers serving kindergarten through 12th grades as well as for principals and superintendents.

MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee said the university is "pleased to partner with the Tennessee State Department of Education and the Tennessee Arts Commission and play host to the first Creativity in Education Academy next summer. We are committed to developing well-rounded individuals who will become productive citizens in their communities.";

MTSU's new 87,000-square-foot education building will be completed in spring 2011 and ready for use by the July 10-14 academy.

"The College of Education welcomes the opportunity to work with our partners to provide professional development for educators from across the state,"; added Dr. Lana Seivers, MTSU education dean and former state education commissioner. "It is only fitting that this partnership between higher education and K-12 will be the first event hosted in our new building. We're extremely pleased to be a part of this effort.";

Boyd also acknowledged another grant of more than $1 million from the DOE for an arts-integration program for Knox County Schools called Arts 360 o.

"Neither Value Plus nor Arts 360 o would be possible without the leadership of Gov. Bredesen and continued support from the Tennessee General Assembly,"; he said.

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Rewarding renovation

FIRST INSPECTION—MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee, right, talks with Dr. Robert E. Corlew, history professor emeritus and former vice president of academic affairs, Sept. 9 after a brief ceremony commemorating the $10.9 million remodeling and reopening of Corlew Hall. The seven-story dormitory, opened in 1967 and known as "High-Rise"; for decades, was renamed for Corlew, who also was dean of the College of Liberal Arts and served the university from 1949 to 1990. The renovation project expanded McCallie Dining Hall and created a new south entrance on the building's first floor as well as adding classroom space.

MTSU Photographic Services photo by Andy Heidt

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Phi Kappa Phi chapter earns national acclaim

from Staff Reports

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi recently recognized the campus chapter at MTSU as a Chapter of Excellence.

MTSU received the award at the organization's national biennial convention last month in Kansas City, Mo., for its efforts in recognizing and promoting academic excellence in all fields of higher education and engaging the community of scholars in service to others.

"Those chapters that have earned Chapter of Excellence status are led by committed officers who give generously of their time and talent to honor outstanding students,"; said Perry A. Snyder, the society's executive director. "Officers of award-winning chapters live out their personal commitment to honor and excellence through Phi Kappa Phi.";

By receiving the Chapter of Excellence distinction, MTSU's chapter is being recognized as a thriving organization that meets frequently, holds annual initiations and applies frequently for Phi Kappa Phi's select scholarships, grants and fellowships. The Chapter of Excellence Award includes a citation from the society president; a commendation letter sent to chapter officers and campus administration; special recognition on the society website, publications and at Phi Kappa Phi's national convention; a specially designed logo for use in chapter communications; and a $500 award.

"This is really a prestigious honor for MTSU and for its Phi Kappa Phi chapter,"; said MTSU Honors Dean Dr. John Vile, PKP board member and past president. "This is just one of a number of awards that MTSU organizations, students and faculty have earned over the past year. MTSU has consistently nominated students who have won scholarships from Phi Kappa Phi, and this recognition signifies that accomplishment.";

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MTSU's champion

ENTERPRISING EFFORT—Stephen B. Smith, right, chairman of the board of Haury & Smith Contractors Inc., accepts the 2010 Jennings A. Jones Champion of Free Enterprise Award during MTSU's recent Economic Outlook Conference. Making the presentation are Jones College of Business Dean Dr. Jim Burton, center, and Jones Chair of Excellence in Free Enterprise chairholder Aubrey Harwell, left. The annual award recognizes an honoree "who exemplifies the ideals of free enterprise through any combination of entrepreneurship, governmental involvement, participation in civic and charitable affairs and education."; Smith, whose name is synonymous with Blue Raider baseball, is active in community affairs and has won numerous awards for his public service.

MTSU Photographic Services photo by J. Intintoli

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Near 5% increase topples fall enrollment records

by Randy Weiler

MTSU's tremendous growth pattern continues as yet another record number of students are taking regular and online courses this fall, Enrollment Services officials said.

MTSU's total fall enrollment of 26,430 students registered is 1,242 more than in 2009—a 4.93 percent increase from the 25,188 students taking classes a year ago. The fall census data recently was submitted to the Tennessee Board of Regents.

"The large increase continues to reflect the outstanding academic programs available to students attending MTSU,"; said Dr. Deb Sells, vice president for student affairs and vice provost for enrollment services.

"In addition to our quality academic programs,"; Sells added, "we continue to hear from students and parents that they are also attracted to MTSU because of our small class sizes and individual attention that our students get from faculty and staff throughout the university.";

There are a total of 23,401 undergraduates and 3,029 graduate students enrolled. Also, there are 6,447 students—3,684 undergrads and 2,763 grad students—taking classes part-time.

New records were set in the following categories: first-time freshmen (3,777); new transfers (2,254); total new undergrads (6,057); total new students (6,785); returning freshmen (1,960), juniors (4,038) and seniors (6,203); and others.

"The big improvement is in students crossing the junior and senior thresholds in much larger numbers (6.29 percent and 8.12 percent, respectively), which is a signal more students are getting closer to successfully graduating,"; Sells said.

There also are more returning master's candidates (1,572), more total returning grad students (1,976) and total returnees (17,938) than ever before, information from the Office of Enrollment Technical Systems revealed.

Sells said another trend of note is that "our percentage of minority students continues to increase, with minorities making up 23.28 percent of the total student body. That's an increase of a full percentage point over last year. African-American students make up 17.15 percent of our total enrollment, an increase of 12.65 percent over 2009.";

Sells said the entire campus is to be commended for the efforts leading to these increases.

"The whole university—enrollment-management staff, faculty and other administrators and staff—have worked overtime to help each student make a smooth and efficient transition to the university, improving every part of their experience from processing of admissions applications to answering financial-aid questions to attending the CUSTOMS orientation program to receiving quality academic advising,"; she said.

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Dyslexia information forum slated for parents, teachers

A free dyslexia information forum will be held on Thursday, Oct. 14, from 6:25 to 8 p.m. at Murfreesboro's Linebaugh Public Library.

The session targets teachers, parents and others who have an interest in the reading disability that affects an estimated 15 percent of the U.S. population.

A panel of local teachers and school psychologists, along with staff from MTSU's psychology department and the Tennessee Center for Study and Treatment of Dyslexia, will provide valuable information and answer questions. Participants also will receive literature.

The event is promoting October as Dyslexia Awareness Month. It's being sponsored by the Tennessee Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, Linebaugh Library, Read to Succeed and the MTSU dyslexia center. Free parking will be available in the city garage under the library at 105 W. Vine St.

Research shows that a person with dyslexia has at least average intelligence and good language- comprehension skills; however, he or she may need help in reading, spelling and putting thoughts into writing. Dyslexia is inherited and can vary in degree from mild to severe. Using the 15 percent estimate, approximately 7,000 of the 46,200 students in Rutherford County and Murfreesboro schools may have some form of the disorder.

For more information, contact Janet Camp at 615-896-5987 or visit the Center for Dyslexia website. 

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Distinguished Lecture Series welcomes Tulane's Fauci

from Staff Reports

Tulane University's Dr. Lisa Fauci will bring her mathematics and computational-science expertise to MTSU Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 11-12, as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series.

Fauci, a math professor and associate director of Tulane's Center for Computational Science, will present a lecture on Oct. 11 at 3 p.m. in Kirksey Old Main Room 207. That evening at 7, she will present a general talk in the State Farm Lecture Hall, Room S102, in the Business and Aerospace Building.

On Oct. 12, she plans to meet for breakfast with the director and faculty in the computational-science doctoral program and members of Women in Science and Engineering, said Dr. Wandi Ding, assistant professor of mathematical sciences at MTSU.

"Mathematical modeling has become an important component of biological research,"; Fauci explained in an email. "With tremendous advances in laboratory technology, scientists are now able to acquire data at incredible levels of detail at the molecular and cellular levels.

"Concurrently, with tremendous advances in computer technology, computational scientists are now able to simulate complex dynamical systems with speed and accuracy. Interdisciplinary teams of investigators are recognized as essential to scientific investigation.

"In this talk, we will describe our efforts to use mathematical modeling and computational fluid dynamics to shed light on the mechanics of microorganism motility.";

Fauci, a 1992-94 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, has been a member of the Tulane math faculty since 1986. She is the founding director of the Center for Computational Science at Tulane and Xavier universities and associate editor for the SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, produced by the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Fauci's visit is sponsored by the Department of Mathematical Sciences, the Computational Science Ph.D. Program, the College of Basic and Applied Sciences, WISTEM (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Center) and WISE.

For more information, call Ding at 615-494-8936 or email

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Golf for construction program

Organizers of the second MTSU Commercial Construction Management Golf Classic are seeking teams, individual players and hole sponsors.

The 18-hole scramble event, which benefits the MTSU Commercial Construction Management Program, can accommodate 120 players or 30 teams. It will be played Monday, Oct. 18, at the Hermitage Golf Course at 3939 Old Hickory Blvd., 20 minutes from downtown Nashville.

The tourney will have registration and lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be a 1 p.m. shotgun start.

Sponsorship levels include platinum ($1,500), gold ($800) and silver ($500) for company teams or groups of four players and hole sponsorships for $250. Individual golfers can play for $125 each.

Participants should register by Friday, Oct. 8. For more information, call Sally Swoape at 615-898-5009.

Sponsors include Skanska, Turner Universal, Hardaway Construction Corp., Enterprise Electric LLC and J.E. Crain & Son Inc.

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Family Weekend is Oct. 22-23

Family Weekend will be held Friday and Saturday, Oct. 22-23, during MTSU's homecoming festivities, officials in the Office of New Student and Family Programs said.

Since Family Weekend will be held in conjunction with homecoming, attendees should consult the homecoming schedule of events. Go to and click on the "Homecoming 2010 Bright Lights, Blue City!"; icon at the top of the home page.

Students can buy discounted tickets for family members and friends for the Saturday, Oct. 23, homecoming game against Louisiana-Monroe, which kicks off at 3:30 p.m.

For ticket information, call 615-898-2103 or visit .

For questions about Family Weekend or MTSU's Parent and Family Association, call 615-898-2454 or visit .

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Student nurses aid Botswanan colleagues

from Staff Reports

Students in MTSU's School of Nursing are teaming up to help their embattled colleagues half a world away—in Botswana, where nurses are often the only health care practitioners citizens ever see.

The university's Student Nurses' Association plans a "Bake for Botswana" event on Tuesday, Oct. 5, to raise funds to support a national campaign, "I Am Proud to Be a Nurse." It's aimed at improving the image and increasing the number of Botswanan nurses and midwives and ultimately improving health care options for the South African nation.

The "I Am Proud to Be a Nurse" campaign, held in conjunction with the 2010 International Year of the Nurse, allows participants to purchase buttons for each of Botswana's 7,500 nurses as a show of support for their efforts. The buttons, which also can be purchased by and for U.S. nurses, are $5 each. The Oct. 5 bake sale will be held on the second floor of the Keathley University Center and on the Knoll from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; all bake-sale and button proceeds go to the Botswanan button effort.

"Many nurses work in difficult circumstances in Botswana, exposed to shortages of equipment, medicines and poor practice environments. Retaining nurses in the profession has become an even bigger challenge due to compromised working conditions, high workloads and the expanded scope of practice," said Dr. Debra Rose Wilson, MTSU nursing professor, who met with leaders of Botswana's nursing community this summer, including the Nurses Association of Botswana and the country's Ministry of Health, to discuss a plan of action for the nursing shortage.

"In the United States and Canada, there are between 10 and 15 nurses per 1,000 people, depending on the state or province," Wilson continued. "The ratio of nurses is about 3.8 per 1,000 in Botswana. Opportunities for education, both a bachelor's degree and a three-year diploma in nursing, are available there, but recruitment is challenged because of the limited number of local options available to high-school graduates." 

Wilson noted that the image of nursing in Botswana has become somewhat tainted because of complaints of substandard care, workplace violence and other issues that most nurses in North America never face.

"The nursing leaders in Botswana recognize that the image of nursing is influenced by nurses' professional conduct, appearance, commitment, confidentiality, knowledge and skills base and, most of all, a caring approach to patient care," Wilson explained.

"In North America, the high standards of education, tightly regulated practice, recognition of nursing as an esteemed profession and the greater availability of resources contribute to effective and honorable nursing practice. In Botswana, however, the compromised circumstances in which nurses often work have affected the image of nursing negatively." 

For more information, email Wilson at

GETTING READY—Members of MTSU's Student Nurses' Association prepare for a fundraising project to show support for nursing colleagues in Botswana. Nurses in the South African nation are the subject of a national campaign, "I Am Proud to Be a Nurse,"; aimed at improving their image. From left are Kari Wilder, SNA Representative Aaron Vantrease, Alyssa Johnson, Bethany Powell, nursing Assistant Professor Janice Harris, SNA President Callie Sloan, Keya Clay, faculty adviser Dr. Debra Wilson, Chase Moore, Abigail Bailey, Chelaia Brooks and Inglish Wilson.

photo submitted

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Events Around Campus: Todd Gallery draws state's fine crafts, First Lady

by Gina E. Fann

The finest work of Tennessee's craft artists will be on display through Friday, Oct. 15, at MTSU's Todd Gallery in a free public exhibit, "2010 TACA Biennial: The Best of Tennessee Fine Craft.";

Tennessee's First Lady, Andrea Conte, plans to speak at the exhibit's 6-8 p.m. opening reception on Monday, Oct. 4. She'll discuss the use of fine craft in remodeling the Governor's Mansion as well as in her personal collection, Todd Gallery Coordinator Eric Snyder said.

A public reception is planned for Saturday, Oct. 2, from 5 to 7 p.m. as well. All events are free and open to the public.

The Tennessee Association of Craft Artists is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging, developing and promoting crafts and craftspeople in Tennessee. Through its programming, TACA works to expose the residents of Tennessee to the art of fine craft while providing a forum for creative and personal expression for the artists.

This special exhibit at MTSU will feature 48 original works of fine craft created by almost 35 Tennessee artists, including clay artist Sylvia Hyman, furniture maker Craig Nutt and mixed-media artist Sherri Warner Hunter.

"We are excited about the interaction our students will have with this new work,"; said John Donovan, chair of the Todd Hall Art Gallery Committee. "We hope that artists associated with the TACA organization take this opportunity to visit our program and see what we are up to. This exhibit will help connect our academic program to the greater regional art community and foster a lasting dialogue between the two.";

TACA has been producing the biennial exhibition since 1966, a year after the organization was founded. The biennial event not only encourages and promotes the quality and design among the state's fine craft artists but also provides public visibility and recognition for the quality and diversity of craft found in Tennessee.

The Todd Gallery is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, contact TACA's Katie Haile at 615-385-1904 or or MTSU's Snyder at 615-898-2455 or

FINE ARTS—Works from the new Todd Gallery exhibit, "2010 TACA Biennial: The Best of Tennessee Fine Craft,"; on display through Oct. 15, are shown above. A bench called "Kabambamussassa ... It is I"; by Graham Campbell of Smithville, Tenn., is at far left, followed by a bracelet by Sadie Wang of Silver Point, a goblet by Mark Russell of Greeneville, a necklace from MTSU alumna Ramsey Hall of Murfreesboro and a chair by Craig Nutt of Nashville.

photo submitted

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Faculty/Staff Update


Dr. David Hatfield (construction management) is the 2010 chair of the student National Association of Home Builders Advisory Board, made up of 30 construction teachers and construction-industry personnel. Hatfield attended the fall board meeting in New York City Sept. 22-25 along with Assistant Professor Duane Vanhook (construction management), an advisory board member.

Dr. Judith Iriarte-Gross (chemistry, WISTEM Center) was reappointed as a Science Education for a New Civic Engagement and Responsibilities Leadership Fellow for 2010-13 at the 2010 SENCER Summer Institute in Asheville, N.C. At the institute, she co-presented a workshop on "Enhancing the Participation of Women and Underrepresented Minorities in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).";


Dr. Judith Iriarte-Gross (chemistry, WISTEM Center) presented an invited talk, "Five Years of Change in the MTSU General Education STEM Curriculum: Where We Began, Where We are Now and Where We Are Going,"; on Aug. 25 for the National Science Foundation Catalyzed Innovations in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum Symposium at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston. Co-authors on the paper included Dr. Mari Weller (physics and astronomy) and Kathy Greer (mathematical sciences undergraduate student). At the same conference, freshman Tara Greer, a Project SEED II scholar, presented her research, "Preparation of Sol-Gel Substrates for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Analysis of Melamine with Computational Confirmation of Spectral Vibrational Frequencies,"; on Aug. 23. Co-authors included Iriarte-Gross and Drs. N. Sing Chong and Bill Ilsley (chemistry). Greer also was recognized at the ACS Committee on Minority Affairs luncheon with other U.S. Project SEED II scholars.


Professor Marc J. Barr
(electronic media communication) has two computer-designed tea sets included in the "2010 TACA Biennial: The Best of Tennessee Fine Craft"; exhibit on display through Oct. 15 in MTSU's Todd Gallery.


MTSU was featured on WGNS Radio on Sept. 20. Leigh Gostkowski and Sally Millsap (MTeach Center) discussed MTeach, a new approach to educating secondary math and science teachers at MTSU, and Dr. Patrick Kayser (agribusiness and agriscience) spoke on the new master's degree in horse science. A third segment featured Drs. Dwight Patterson (chemistry) and Nathanael Smith (physics and astronomy), who discussed MTSU's participation in a coalition of 11 public and private universities in Tennessee that received a $20 million solar-research grant from the National Science Foundation.

The U.S. Department of State has placed a link to "MTSU on the Record,"; the 30-minute public-affairs radio program hosted by Gina Logue (News & Media Relations), on its Fulbright Program Facebook page. Logue conducted the interview with Dr. Sean Foley (history) and Marianne Craven, managing director for academic programs at the State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.


Dr. Jo Edwards
(Adams Chair of Excellence, Center for Health and Human Services) and Cynthia Chafin (CHHS) participated in the Tennessee Public Health Association's annual meeting in Franklin, Tenn., Sept. 15-17.A display highlighting MTSU and the projects of the CHHS was set up for viewing by conference participants, and Edwards and Chafin were available for questions. Edwards was acknowledged for her role as the organizing chair of the Tennessee Obesity Task Force on Sept. 17, when the Tennessee Statewide Nutrition and Physical Activity Plan, to which she contributed, was released.


Universal Music Group Nashville has named Beverly Keel (Seigenthaler Chair of Excellence, recording industry) as senior vice president of media and artist relations, where she'll be responsible for developing and implementing media campaigns for the company's artists. She'll continue her work with MTSU.


Dorothy "Dot"; W. Harrison (university relations), 75, passed away Sept. 8. She was preceded in death by her parents, Eugene J. and Sybil Wood. She is survived by her husband, Kendrick Sloan; son and daughter-in-law, Lance and Donna Harrison; daughter and son-in-law, Pam Harrison and Robbie Calvo; stepson, Bruce Sloan; grandchildren Chanda Boese, Joel Harrison and Emily Calvo; a great-grandchild, Caleb Boese; a sister, Barbara (Luc) Novovitch; and a brother, Jim (Pam) Wood. Ms. Harrison became MTSU's director of public relations in September 1976 and continued until her retirement in December 2000. During her distinguished career, she received an international award from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education for establishing a program for retired faculty members at MTSU and the Otis Floyd Award from the Tennessee College Public Relations Association. She was the first MTSU staff member to receive the Outstanding Public Service Award from the MTSU Foundation. From 1972 to 1976, Ms. Harrison was the "People in Focus"; editor at the Daily News Journal and, after retirement, wrote a column for the DNJ. She was active for more than 30 years with the Murfreesboro Little Theater for many years in all areas of production. She was a founding member of the Cultural Arts Commission and the Center for the Arts and was honored with a DNJ Five-Star Women's Trailblazer Award. Ms. Harrison was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, The Center for the Arts or the St. Paul's Episcopal Church Building Fund.

Dr. Larry Wayne Morris (psychology), 71, passed away Sept. 10. Born in 1939 in Amarillo, Texas, and raised in Guymon, Okla., he graduated from the University of Texas in Arlington in 1966 and earned a doctorate in psychology from Vanderbilt University in 1970. He joined the MTSU Psychology Department in 1969 and served as the department chairman from 1983 until his retirement in 2003. He researched, published and made significant contributions in the fields of anxiety, its components and its effects on performance and the personality theories of extraversion and introversion. He was preceded in death by his parents, Larry and Alice Morris, and his sister Barbara Ernest of Denver, Colo. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Cooper Morris; a sister, Patricia (Richard) Shelby of Little Rock, Ark., an aunt, Virginia Whitfield of Murfreesboro; four children: Wayne (Rhonda) Raney of Murfreesboro, Kae (David) Allen of Murfreesboro, Jennifer (Jeff) Roberts of Marietta, Ga., and Scott (Sandra) Morris of Smyrna, Ga.; and eight grandchildren. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to The Alzheimer's Association, 4205 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, Tenn., 37215, or the charity of your choice.


Dr. John P. DiVincenzo (environmental chemistry) published "Pervious and Impervious Urban Stormwater Runoff in a Rapidly Urbanizing Region: Occurrence of Fluoranthene and Pyrene"; in the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2010, 85:32-36). Former master's students Rebecca James and Perry Wilbon co-authored the paper.

Dr. Jid Lee (English) will present her new book, To Kill a Tiger, at the Southern Festival of Books at 2 p.m. Oct. 10 at the Capitol Library in Nashville's War Memorial Plaza. Dr. June McCash (professor emeritus, foreign languages and literatures) will discuss her first historical novel, Almost to Eden, at SFB at 3 p.m. Oct. 9.

Dr. David Penn (Business and Economic Research Center) provided a Midstate/regional economic update at the Sept. 20 Nashville Rotary Club meeting at the Wildhorse Saloon.


Dr. Michaele Chappell (mathematical sciences) served as guest editor for the 42nd volume of the New England Mathematics Journal. It was published in May 2010, and the theme was "Empowering and Supporting New Teachers of Mathematics."; She also co-presented posters at two international conferences over the summer: "Films: Cultural Media for Exploring Mathematics"; at the Fourth International Conference on Ethnomathematics in Towson, Md., July 25-30, and "Exploring Mathematics in the United States from a Cultural Perspective"; at the Fifth East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education in Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 18-22.

Drs. Thomas Powers and Rachel Wilson (business communication and entrepreneurship) published "Management Perspectives of High Technology Strategic Alliance Outcomes"; in the Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2010, pp. 4-19.

Dr. Sherry J. Roberts (BCEN) and Master of Business Education degree candidates Marlena Dixon, Dana Taylor and Joshua Siemer co-authored "Generational Differences in Text Messaging: Personal and in the Workplace"; in the Wisconsin Business Education Journal (Spring 2010, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp 8-15).

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Campus Calendar

Oct. 4-17, 2010

Please note: Event dates, times and locations may change after press time. Please verify specifics when making plans.

TV Schedule: "Middle Tennessee Record";
Cable Channel 9: Monday-Sunday, 7 a.m., 5 p.m.
NewsChannel 5+: Sundays, 1:30 p.m.
Visit for other cable-outlet airtimes or for a complete show archive.

Radio Schedule: "MTSU On the Record";
8 a.m. Sundays, WMOT 89.5-FM
Podcasts available anytime at .

Sports @ Home
Oct. 5: Football vs. Troy, 7 p.m.
Oct. 6: Volleyball vs. Western Kentucky, 7 p.m.
Oct. 15: Women's Soccer vs. Louisiana, 7 p.m.
Oct. 17: Women's Soccer vs. Louisiana-Monroe, 1 p.m.
For information, visit .

Through Oct. 15
Art Exhibit: "2010 TACA Biennial: The Best of Tennessee Fine Craft";

8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Todd Gallery
Opening reception: 6:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 4, with Andrea Conte, Tennessee's First Lady
For information, contact: 615-898-2455.

Through Oct. 18
Photo Exhibit: "New York, September 11";

Baldwin Photo Gallery, Learning Resources Center
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday; noon-4 p.m. Saturday
For information, visit or contact: 615-898-2085.

Monday, Oct. 4
Fall Honors Lecture Series—Dr. Bob Spires, "Distortions and Stereotypes: Representations of the United States and China";

3-3:55 p.m., Room 106, Honors Amphitheatre
For information, visit or contact: 615-898-2152.

Faculty Jazz Recital: Jamey Simmons
8 p.m., Hinton Music Hall
For information, visit or contact: 615-898-2493.

Tuesday, Oct. 5
MTSU Student Nurses' Association "Bake for Botswana"; Fundraiser

10 a.m.-2 p.m., Keathley University Center Knoll and second-floor lobby
For information, see page 7 or email

Brown Bag Enrichment and Development Series:
Dr. Janet McCormick, "Conflict and Leadership/Communication Styles During Times of Organizational Change";

Noon-1 p.m., Room N127 (SunTrust Room), Business and Aerospace Building
For information, contact: 615-898-5989.

MTSU Faculty Blackout: Faculty Senate Tailgate Event
4-7 p.m., James Union lawn
Admission: $8 (includes Troy game ticket, food and drink)
For information, contact: 615-898-2582.

Oct. 6-9 and Oct. 13-15
MTSU Theatre: "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee";

7:30 p.m., Tucker Theatre
(mature audiences only)
Tickets: $10 general admission, $5 MTSU faculty and staff; MTSU students free with ID
For information, visit the Tucker Theatre website or contact: 615-494-8810.

Wednesday, Oct. 6
Tucker Theatre Grand Reopening Ceremony

6:30 p.m., front steps of Tucker Theatre (preceding "Putnam County Spelling Bee";)
For information, visit the Tucker Theatre website.

MTSU Commercial Music Ensemble
7:30 p.m., Hinton Music Hall
For information, visit .

Thursday, Oct. 7
Career Development Workshop: "How to Work a Career Fair";

3 p.m., KUC 316
RSVP via Lightning JobSource
For information, visit .

Anthropology in Action Lecture Series—Dr. F. Kent Reilly, "Warfare, Transformation and Hallucinogenic Trance in Olmec Style Art";
2:40 p.m., Tennessee Room, JUB
No admission charge
For information, email or contact: 615-898-5958.

Legends in Forensic Science Lectureship—Criminal Profiler Dayle Hinman, "The Devil is in the Details";
7 p.m., Tennessee Room, JUB
No admission charge
For information, visit the FIRE website or contact: 615-494-7713.

Sunday, Oct. 10
MTSU Women's Chorale

3 p.m., Hinton Music Hall
For information, visit .

Monday, Oct. 11
Fall Honors Lecture Series—Dr. L. Diane Miller, "MTSU and China: Our Past, Present and Potential";

3-3:55 p.m., HONR 106
For information, visit .

Faculty Senate Meeting
4:30 p.m., JUB 100
For information, visit e or contact: 615-898-2582.

Monday, Oct. 11
MT Baseball "Grand Slam Fish Fry";

6 p.m., Tennessee Livestock Center
Tickets: $20 per person; children under 6 eat free
For information, contact: 615-898-2210 or 898-2450.

MTSU Chamber Winds/Brass Ensemble
7:30 p.m., Hinton Music Hall
For information, visit .

Oct. 12-13
TIAA-CREF Meetings

8 a.m.-5 p.m., KUC 313
For information and to make an appointment with Elaine Hostetter, contact: 866-842-2336.

Tuesday, Oct. 12
Tornado Siren Test Date

(no action needed)
12:20 p.m., campuswide
For information, contact: 615-898-2424.

Wednesday, Oct. 13
2010 Fall Career Fair

10 a.m.-3 p.m., Murphy Center
For information, visit .

Faculty Recital: Tonya Lawson, clarinet; Sarah Brown, piano
8 p.m., Hinton Music Hall
For information, visit .

Thursday, Oct. 14
Retired Faculty/Staff Coffee

9:30 a.m., Foundation House
For information, contact: 615-898-2922.

MTSU Wind Ensemble/ Symphonic Band
7:30 p.m., Hinton Music Hall
For information, visit .

Friday, Oct. 15
Annual Enrollment Deadline for Employee Benefits

Oct. 16-19
Fall Break

No classes; university offices open as usual Oct. 18-19.

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