Office of the University Counsel

The Office of the University Counsel provides legal assistance to all areas of Middle Tennessee State University to support the University in accomplishing its mission. The Office of the University Counsel supplies legal services and advice to Middle Tennessee State University administrators, faculty and staff acting within the course and scope of their employment. The Office advises the University administration on a broad range of initiatives, policy matters, and issues. Other duties include serving as a liaison between the University and its related and affiliated entities on legal and policy issues; review of University contracts and agreements; and representing the University before federal and state administrative bodies. 

This web site was developed so that the Middle Tennessee State University community may become more familiar with this Office and its functions and operations. We also want to inform members of the Middle Tennessee State University community about legal issues of importance in their role as administrators, faculty or staff. You are invited and encouraged to contact our office for assistance on matters affecting the University. The Office cannot provide legal services or advice to employees or students in their personal or individual capacities. 

Disclaimer: The Middle Tennessee State University Office of the University Counsel has published this web site for general information purposes only. The pages are not intended to provide specific legal advice for any specific situation. Legal advice can be provided only in the course of an attorney-client relationship with reference to all the facts of a specific situation. Therefore, this information must not be relied on as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a licensed attorney. Although every effort is made to provide complete and accurate information, the Office of the University Counsel makes no guarantee, express or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or correct sequencing of the information contained on this web site or linked sites.