Frequently Asked Questions

Parking and Transportation Services Tips

  • Students must pick up their own parking permit. A photo ID is required to pick up permit. Cost of student permits is included in tuition fees.
  • Students wanting to park in the parking garages must have a valid permit hanging in their vehicle.
  • Please become familiar with all pavement markings and signage.
  • Register your bike by coming by Parking and Transportation Services.
  • All visitors must have a Visitor Parking Permit.
  • Temporary Loading/Unloading Permits are available through Parking and Transportation Services.
  • Students may appeal citations within fifteen(15) calendar days via the SGA website
  • Never lend your permit to anyone, the owner of the permit is responsible for all citations issued against their permit.
  • Get familiar with the MT Mobile app. The app has parking and shuttle bus information.


  • Where can I pay my citations?
    • Parking Payments for parking citations may be mailed to the MTSU Bursar's Office, Murfreesboro, TN 37132. Do not mail cash; mail check or money order only. To insure proper credit, your M number must be on your check or money order.
    • Any payments, including cash payments, may be made at the MTSU Bursar's Office located in the Student Services and Admissions Center during regular business hours.
    • Students can also make a payment via pipeline. Logon to Pipeline MT and go to Billing and Payment. Then you will need to go to Pay Registration, Balance, or Installment. Click continue to get to payment page.

  • I have a permit, but forgot to hang it. What should I do?
    • If an individual with a current permit receives a violation for not properly displaying a permit, the citation will be canceled only if the citation is taken to the Parking and Transportation Services Office within seven (7) working days of issuance of the citation, and the violator can show the current permit at that time. No more than three (3) such citations will be canceled per semester.