Psychology Department Research Pool Information Page—Researchers

Students - looking for the research participation page for students? 

     Please follow this link:

Pool Policies
  • The last day to participate in research is the Monday of the last full week of the semester. All studies will end by 11:59 pm (central time zone) on that day.
  • ALL researchers MUST abide by the detailed policy posted below. It is your responsibility to read the policy and pay attention to the rules. Research supervisors are responsible for maintaining student and research assistant compliance with the policy.
  • To have Qualtrics online studies automatically grant credit, use the Qualtrics job aid.
  • To get an account on SONA, follow the procedure based on your category below:
    • Faculty: Request an account (email the research pool director; address below).
    • Student researchers: Please read the Research Pool User Policy S2023, then complete the pool policy quiz available here: 
      •  The quiz will automatically be emailed to the faculty supervisor.
      •  The faculty supervisor will forward the quiz to the research pool director.
      •  If the student wants access in a later semester, they may email the research pool director and indicate that they have a quiz on file.
  • Visit for IRB forms and instructions.
    • The IRB form requires sign-up information (to approve the language you will use to solicit participants). Please include the following information with your IRB application:
      • Project title (the same title you will use in Sona; it does not have to be the same as the title used for the IRB form itself).
      • Brief abstract (a sentence or two describing the project for the experiments list). (NOTE: The system labels this as optional, but MTSU policy requires a brief abstract.)
      • Detailed description (a full description, including risks and benefits, that will enable students to make an informed choice about signing up).
    • Once you have IRB approval for the sign-up language, you can copy that information into the experiment description used by the system.
The research pool server is located at:
Faculty: Download the Full MTSU Research Pool Policy (for faculty)
For problems or questions, contact the research pool director at
Reserving rooms:
Room reservation customs are available here. Faculty should be sure that students have reviewed these customs.
For lab reservations, follow these steps:
  • Go to t
  • ACB 309 is a 24-person group testing room. It has <equipment>. Please instruct participants to wait for research in this room in <location>. <This room has the following restrictions...>
  • ACB 320 is a 10-person group testing room. It has <equipment>. Please instruct participants to wait for research in this room in <location>. <This room has the following restrictions...>
  • ACB 321 is a 2-person testing room. It has <equipment>. Please instruct participants to wait for research in this room in <location>. <This room has the following restrictions...>
  • ACB 324 is a 10-person group testing room. It has <equipment>. Please instruct participants to wait for research in this room in <location>. <This room has the following restrictions...>
  • ACB 327 is a 2-person testing room. It has <equipment>. Please instruct participants to wait for research in this room in <location>. <This room has the following restrictions...>
  • ACB 329 is a 2-person testing room. It has <equipment>. Please instruct participants to wait for research in this room in <location>. <This room has the following restrictions...>
  • ACB 372 is a 2-person testing room. It has <equipment>. Please instruct participants to wait for research in this room in <location>. <This room has the following restrictions...>
  • ACB 382 is a 10-person group testing room. It has <equipment>. Please instruct participants to wait for research in this room in <location>. <This room has the following restrictions...>

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Schedule Advising Appointment

Use your Pipeline username and password for log in.

Department of Psychology
Academic Classroom Building (ACB)
Suite 240

Hours: 8AM - 4:30PM,

(615) 898-2706