The new Mac computers in 228 were installed this year under Category 0 - replacement without funding for the latest software to make the lab reflective of the current needs of the professions. The design-related software requested -– Adobe Creative Suite (Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and GoLive), Macromedia Studio (Freehand, Dreamweaver, Flash and Fireworks) and QuarkXPress will provide the necessary software for the labs to be functional and contemporary with current business practices. Suitcase and Norton System Works are utilities to make the computer run more efficiently, productively and virus free. Currently, the available software in this lab is at least three to four upgrades behind the current version.
The Media Design lab in 110 also uses the same software, but its software is outdated too. Some of the design software is two upgrades behind since installation. By using the same software in all the Mac labs within the school, makes the process of instruction, troubleshooting, maintaining and servicing the computers more successful and efficient.
The Macs in the open lab 108 were upgraded in 2003 under Category 0. However, the software and peripheral equipment were not replaced. Current software, scanners and printers are outdated. The server and most of the peripheral hardware, scanners and printers, were purchased over 8 years ago.
The open lab mainly serves students taking classes in Media Design, Advertising, Public Relations and News/Editorial students. In addition to the standard software (MS Office) and network (Internet) access, the lab has specialized software used specifically for publication and web design and for the enhancement of visual images. The open lab serves approximately 150-200 students per week. It will now house the research LexisNexis computers. The server serves as a file manager for the Open lab 108 and classrooms 110 and 228 that have Mac computers. This process duplicates a professional working environment. For compatibility of software across all sequences, ease of troubleshooting, consistent maintenance all the classrooms require a uniform standard.
The College of Mass Communication has been upgraded to gigabit Ethernet making possible for the faster transfer of files. Funding for an XServe will take advantage of the speed and provide more efficient retrieval of information and file transfers. The external drives will provide additional storage and archiving. The new scanners and printers will replace the old technology, which continually have issues with the new operating system. Unlimited Power Supply (UPS) units for each computer are needed in 228 and 108 to give each machine a longer life span due to power fluctuations in Mass Communication building.
Although the open lab is geared mainly for students in Media Design and the School of Journalism, it also is open to any student at MTSU.