Transfer Equivalencies
There are 329 transfer equivalencies on file for University of Montevallo
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
AC 022101 | Accounting I | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
AC 0222 | Accounting II | ACTG 2120 | Principles of Accounting II |
ANTH 0200 | Intro Anthropology | ANTH ELLD | LD: Intro Anthropology |
ANTH 032001 | Cultural Anthropolo | ANTH 2010 | Cultural Anthropology |
ART 010001 | Art Awareness | ART ELLD | LD: Art Awareness |
ART 010101 | Foundations of Art | ART ELLD | LD: Foundations of Art |
ART 011201 | Drawing I | ART ELLD | LD: Drawing I |
ART 011301 | Drawing II | ART ELLD | LD: Drawing II |
ART 012201 | 2-D Design | ART ELLD | LD: 2-D Design |
ART 013201 | 3-D Design | ART ELLD | LD: 3-D Design |
ART 0218 | History of Art I | ART 1910 | Survey of Non-Western Art |
ART 0218 | History of Art I | ART 1910 | Survey of Non-Western Art |
ART 0219 | History of Art II | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
ART 0219 | History of Art II | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
ART 022201 | Design I | ART ELLD | LD: Design I |
ART 022401 | Ceramics I | ART 2810 | Ceramics I |
ART 022701 | Special Studies | ART ELLD | LD: Special Studies |
ART 022801 | Painting I | ART 2710 | Painting I |
ART 0230 | Printmaking | ART 2130 | Printmaking I |
ART 023201 | Design II-3d | ART ELLD | LD: Design II-3d |
ART 0233 | Sculpture I | ART 2510 | Sculpture I |
ART 0250 | Intro to Computer Gr | ART ELLD | LD: Intro to Computer Gr |
ART 0304 | Nineteenth Cent Art | ART 4900 | Nineteenth-Century Art |
ART 0313 | Adv Drawing Perspec | ART ELUD | UD: Adv Drawing Perspec |
ART 0314 | Adv Draw/Human Fig | ART 3650 | Figure Drawing |
ART 0325 | Ceramics III | ART 3830 | Ceramics III |
ART 0330 | Printmaking II | ART 4130 | Advanced Printmaking |
ART 0331 | Adv Print/Screenprin | ART ELUD | UD: Adv Print/Screenprin |
ART 0332 | Sculpture II | ART 3520 | Sculpture II |
ART 142 | Digital Foundations | ART 1650 | Foundations Digital Art/Design |
BIO 010001 | Prin of Biology | BIOL 1030 | Exploring Life |
BIO 0101 | General Botany | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BIO 0102 | Gen Zoology | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIO 0105 | Intro Biology I | BIOL 1030 | Exploring Life |
BIOL 0100 | Prin of Biology | BIOL 1030 | Exploring Life |
BIOL 010101 | General Biology | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 010201 | General Biology | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BL 0283 | Legal Environment | BLAW ELLD | LD: Legal Environment |
CA 010101 | Found of Oral Comm | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
CA 014001 | Intro Public Speaki | COMM ELLD | LD: Intro Public Speaki |
CHEM 010001 | Fund of Chemistry | CHEM ELLD | LD: Fund of Chemistry |
CHEM 0121 | Gen Chemistry | CHEM 1010 | Intro General Chemistry I |
COMS 0101 | Found Oral Comm | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
COMS 0102 | Honors Found of Oral Comm | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
CS 0161 | Intro Comp & Info Sc | INFS 1000 | Introduction to Computers |
DATA 347 | Intro Website Dev/Data Visual | BIA ELUD | UD:Intro Website Dev/Data Visu |
EC 023101 | Macroeconomics | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
EC 0232 | Microeconomics | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ED 0101 | Early Field Exper | FOED ELLD | LD: Early Field Exper |
ED 023701 | Microcomp Literacy | INFS ELLD | LD: Microcomp Literacy |
ED 032001 | Prin Ele & HS Tch | ELED ELLD | LD: Prin Ele & HS Tch |
ED 0334 | Instructional Tech | ELED ELUD | UD: Instructional Tech |
ED 0335 | Instructional Tech I | ELED ELUD | UD: Instructional Tech I |
ED 0336 | Instructional Tech | FOED ELUD | UD: Instructional Tech |
ED 0375 | His Foundations Ed | FOED ELUD | UD: His Foundations Ed |
ENG 0101 | Freshman English | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENG 010201 | Found In Writing | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENG 010301 | Honors English | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENG 010401 | Honors English | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENG 018001 | Theatre In the Mind | ENGL ELLD | LD: Theatre In the Mind |
ENG 018101 | Theatre In the Mind | ENGL ELLD | LD: Theatre In the Mind |
ENG 023101 | World Literature | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENG 023201 | World Literature | ENGL ELLD | LD: World Literature |
ENG 023301 | Honors World Litera | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENG 023401 | Honors World Litera | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENG 024101 | Major British Write | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENG 024201 | Major Brit Writers | ENGL ELLD | LD: Major Brit Writers |
ENG 034101 | American Literature | ENGL ELLD | LD: American Literature |
ENG 034201 | American Lit | ENGL 3310 | 19th Century American Lit |
ENG 035001 | Adv Grammar | ENGL ELLD | LD: Adv Grammar |
ENG 041001 | Literary Criticism | ENGL ELUD | UD: Literary Criticism |
ENG 0422 | Milton | ENGL 4180 | Milton |
ENG 0435 | Studies In Composing | ENGL ELUD | UD: Studies In Composing |
ENG 0461 | Victorian Lit | ENGL 3230 | English Lit Victorian Period |
ENG 100 | Composition Practicum | ENGL ELLD | LD:Composition Practicum |
ENG 261 | Intro to Creative Writing | ENGL 2500 | Intro to Creative Writing |
ENGL 023201 | World Literature | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
EP 0330 | Ed Psychology | FOED ELUD | UD: Ed Psychology |
ES 200 | Environment & Society | ENVS ELLD | LD:Environment & Society |
ESCI 100 | Environmental Science | BIOL ELLD | LD:Environmental Science |
EXNS 102 | Pilates/Yoga | PHED 1270 | Yoga |
EXNS 120 | Health Wellness | HLTH 1530 | Health and Wellness |
FCS 0170 | Intro Food Sci Prep | NFS ELLD | LD: Intro Food Sci Prep |
FCS 0402 | Marriage & Family Re | SOC 2500 | Marriage and Family |
FCS 265 | Fashion Fundamentals | TXMD 1170 | Intro to Fashion Industry |
FCS 291 | Individual & Family Devlpmnt | CDFS ELLD | LD:Individual/Family Devlpmnt |
FCS 435 | Professional & Career Dev | FCSE ELUD | UD:Professional & Career Dev |
FI 0270 | Personal Finance | FIN 2010 | Personal Financial Planning |
FI 372 | Business Finance | FIN 3010 | Principles of Corp Finance |
FILM 011601 | Integrated Arts | ART ELLD | LD: Integrated Arts |
FILM 038501 | Special Topics:Film | ENGL ELUD | UD: Special Topics:Film |
FL 303 | Origin & History of Language | HUM ELUD | UD:Origin & History of Languag |
FRE 020101 | Inter French | FREN 2010 | Intermediate French I |
FRE 020201 | Inter Fren | FREN 1020 | Elementary French II |
FRN 010101 | Elem French | FREN 1010 | Elementary French I |
FRN 0102 | Elem French | FREN 1020 | Elementary French II |
FSP 0100 | Freshman Seminar | UNIV ELLD | LD: Freshman Seminar |
GB 0100 | Intro to Business | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
GB 0205 | Bus Communication | BCED ELLD | LD:Bus Communication |
GB 101 | Survey of Business | BCED ELLD | LD:Survey of Business |
GEOG 0231 | World Regional Geog | GEOG 2000 | Intro to Regional Geography |
GEOL 011001 | Physical Geology | GEOL 1030 | Introduction to Earth Science |
GEOL 011001 | Physical Geology | and GEOL 1031 | Intro to Earth Science Lab |
GEOL 011501 | Historical Geology | GEOL 1050 | Historical Geology |
GEOL 0120 | Intro to Planetary | GEOL ELLD | LD: Intro to Planetary |
GER 0101 | Elem German | GERM 1010 | Elementary German I |
GER 0102 | Elem German | GERM 1020 | Elementary German II |
GER 0201 | Inter German | GERM 2010 | Intermediate German I |
GSD 295 | Tabletop Role-Playing Games | IAM ELLD | LD:Tabletop Role-Playing Games |
HE 0291 | Indv & Fam Devel | CDFS ELLD | LD: Indv & Fam Devel |
HE 040201 | Marriage & Family R | SOC 2500 | Marriage and Family |
HED 011701 | Health Wellness | HLTH 1530 | Health and Wellness |
HIST 0101 | World Civ I | HIST 1110 | Survey World Civilization I |
HIST 010201 | World Civ II | HIST 1120 | Survey World Civilization II |
HIST 0103 | Hist of World Civ for Honors | HIST 1110 | Survey World Civilization I |
HIST 010301 | Honors World Civ | HIST 1110 | Survey World Civilization I |
HIST 010401 | Honors World Civ | HIST 1120 | Survey World Civilization II |
HIST 021101 | Hist of United Stat | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HIST 021201 | Hist of US | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
HIST 027001 | American Indians | HIST ELLD | LD: American Indians |
HIST 029001 | His of Africia | HIST ELLD | LD: His of Africia |
HIST 030201 | Civil Rights Moveme | HIST ELUD | UD: Civil Rights Moveme |
HIST 031001 | Intro to Hist Study | HIST ELUD | UD: Intro to Hist Study |
HIST 034201 | The US Since 1913 | HIST ELLD | LD: The US Since 1913 |
HIST 040001 | Hist of Russia | HIST ELUD | UD: Hist of Russia |
HIST 046001 | History of the Sout | HIST ELUD | UD: History of the Sout |
HIST 411 | History of Ireland | HIST 4380 | History of Ireland |
HIST 473 | African-American History | AST ELUD | UD: African-American History |
IIS 0360 | Int Cr La & Cult | ELEC ELUD | UD: Int Cr La & Cult |
KNES 0103 | Aerobics | PHED 1180 | Aerobic Walking |
KNES 0117 | Health Fitness | HLTH ELLD | LD: Health Fitness |
KNES 0126 | Beg Golf | PHED 2020 | Beginning Golf |
KNES 0165 | Ballroom Dance | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Ballroom Dance |
KNES 0245 | Beg Ballet | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Beg Ballet |
KNES 120 | Health Wellness | HLTH 1530 | Health and Wellness |
KNES 127 | Beginning Swimming | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Beginning Swimming |
KNES 202 | Basketball | PHED 1210 | Beginning Basketball |
KNES 215 | Weight Training | PHED 1200 | Beginning Weight Training |
MATH 013001 | Intro to College Ma | MATH ELLD | LD: Intro to College Ma |
MATH 0131 | Intermed Algebra | DSPM ELLD | LD: Intermed Algebra |
MATH 0132 | Plane Trig | MATH 1720 | Plane Trigonometry |
MATH 014401 | College Algebra | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MATH 0147 | Finite Mathematics | MATH ELLD | LD:Finite Mathematics |
MATH 0149 | Plane Trigonometry | MATH 1720 | Plane Trigonometry |
MATH 015001 | Pre Calculus Math | MATH ELLD | LD: Pre Calculus Math |
MATH 0157 | Intro Statistics | MATH 1530 | Applied Statistics |
MATH 0170 | Calculus I | MATH ELLD | LD: Calculus I |
MATH 0171 | Calculus II | MATH 1920 | Calculus II |
MATH 0250 | Statistics | STAT ELLD | LD: Statistics |
MATH 0320 | College Geometry | MATH 3070 | College Geometry |
MATH 0350 | Differential Equatio | MATH 3120 | Differential Equations I |
MATH 1490 | Plane Trigonometry | MATH 1720 | Plane Trigonometry |
MATH 154 | The Nature of Math | MATH ELLD | LD:The Nature of Math |
MC 0100 | Intro to Mass Comm | JOUR 1020 | Intro to Media & Entertainment |
MC 0100 | Intro to Mass Comm | JOUR 1020 | Intro to Media & Entertainment |
MC 0200 | Intro to Mass Media Writing | JOUR ELLD | LD:Intro to Mass Media Writing |
MC 0215 | TV Production | EMC ELLD | LD: TV Production |
MC 0234 | Media Production Pra | EMC ELLD | LD: Media Production Pra |
MC 023501 | Audio Production | EMC ELLD | LD: Audio Production |
MC 0255 | Basic Copywriting Fo | EMC ELLD | LD: Basic Copywriting Fo |
MC 0315 | TV Production II | EMC ELUD | UD: TV Production II |
MC 032501 | Survey of American Cinema | COMM ELUD | UD:Survey of American Cinema |
MC 0411 | Broadcast Engineerin | EMC ELUD | UD: Broadcast Engineerin |
MC 0412 | Broadcast Engineerin | EMC ELUD | UD: Broadcast Engineerin |
MC 0415 | TV Production II | EMC ELUD | UD: TV Production II |
MC 0450 | Sem: Digital Video | EMC ELUD | UD: Sem: Digital Video |
MC 0455 | Media Law | EMC ELUD | UD: Media Law |
MC 0460 | Electronic Media Mgt | EMC ELUD | UD: Electronic Media Mgt |
MC 210 | Intro to Media Production | EMC ELLD | LD:Intro to Media Production |
MC 353 | Media History | EMC ELUD | UD:Media History |
MC 360 | Mass Comm Theory & Media Effec | EMC ELUD | UD:Mass Comm Theory & Media Ef |
MC 491 | Directed Study | EMC ELUD | UD:Directed Study |
MG 0361 | Org Theory & Behavio | MGMT 3610 | Principles of Management |
MG 365 | Global Leadership | MGMT ELUD | UD:Global Leadership |
MG 381 | Sports & Event Management | MGMT ELUD | UD: Sports & Event Mgmt |
MG 467 | Organizational Behavior | MGMT ELUD | UD: Organizational Behavior |
MIS 016101 | Introduction to Mis | INFS 1000 | Introduction to Computers |
MIS 0367 | Management Info Sys | MGMT ELUD | UD:Management Info Sys |
MK 0351 | Principles of Marketing | MKT 3820 | Principles of Marketing |
MUP 0102 | Univ Chorus/Women | MUEN 3220 | Soprano Alto Chorale |
MUP 0103 | Concert Choir | MUEN 3200 | Concert Chorale |
MUP 0120 | Voice | MUAP 2371 | Private Instruction Voice |
MUP 0129 | Class Piano I | MUS 1530 | Class Piano I |
MUP 0130 | Class Piano II | MUS 1540 | Class Piano II |
MUP 126 | Elective Voice | MUAP ELLD | LD:Elective Voice |
MUPE 0143 | Clarinet | MUAP 2441 | Private Instruction Clarinet |
MUPE 0145 | Saxophone | MUAP 2461 | Private Instruction Saxophone |
MUPE 0153 | Trombone | MUAP 2491 | Private Instruction Trombone |
MUPE 0175 | Guitar | MUAP 2411 | Private Instruction Guitar |
MUPF 0143 | Fr Cllarinet 1st | MUAP 2442 | Private Instruction Clarinet |
MUPF 014501 | Saxophone | MUAP 2461 | Private Instruction Saxophone |
MUPF 0153 | Fr Trombone 1st | MUAP 2491 | Private Instruction Trombone |
MUPF 0220 | So Voice 1st | MUS ELLD | LD: So Voice 1st |
MUPF 0243 | So Clarient 1st | MUAP 2441 | Private Instruction Clarinet |
MUPF 0245 | So. Saxaphone | MUAP 4461 | Private Instruction Saxophone |
MUPF 0253 | So Trombone 1st | MUAP 2492 | Private Instruction Trombone |
MUPF 0353 | Jr Trombone 1st | MUAP 4491 | Private Instruction Trombone |
MUPO 0145 | Saxophone | MUAP 2461 | Private Instruction Saxophone |
MUPO 0152 | Trumpet | MUAP 2471 | Private Instruction Trumpet |
MUPS 0142 | Fr Clarinet 2nd | MUAP 2442 | Private Instruction Clarinet |
MUPS 0145 | Fr Saxaphone | MUAP 2462 | Private Instruction Saxophone |
MUPS 0153 | Fr Trombone 2nd | MUAP 2491 | Private Instruction Trombone |
MUPS 0220 | So Voice 2nd | MUS ELLD | LD: So Voice 2nd |
MUPS 0253 | So. Trombone 2nd | MUAP 2492 | Private Instruction Trombone |
MUPS 035301 | Jr. Trombone 2nd | MUAP 4491 | Private Instruction Trombone |
MUS 0100 | Recital & Concert At | MUS ELLD | LD: Recital & Concert At |
MUS 0101 | Early Field Experi I | MUS ELLD | LD: Early Field Experi I |
MUS 0102 | Early Field Exper I | MUS ELLD | LD: Early Field Exper I |
MUS 0111 | Prin of Music Theory I | MUTH ELLD | LD:Prin of Music Theory |
MUS 0112 | Voice Lab I/Eng Lang Diction | MUPD ELLD | LD:Voice Lab I/Eng Lang Dictio |
MUS 0113 | Prin of Music Theory II | MUTH ELLD | LD:Prin of Music Theory II |
MUS 0114 | Music Skills II | MUTH ELLD | LD:Music Skills II |
MUS 011601 | Integrated Arts | MUS ELLD | LD: Integrated Arts |
MUS 012101 | Intro to Mus Lit | MUS ELLD | LD: Intro to Mus Lit |
MUS 0122 | Invit to Listening | MUPD ELLD | LD: Invit to Listening |
MUS 0133 | Voice Lab I/Eng Lang Diction | MUS ELLD | LD:Voice Lab I/Eng Lang Dictio |
MUS 0134 | Voice Lab II/Ital Lang Diction | MUPD ELLD | LD:Voice Lab II/Ital Lang Dict |
MUS 0151 | Surv of Music Literature | MUHL ELLD | LD: Surv of Music Literature |
MUS 0152 | Surv of Mus Lit II | MUHL ELLD | LD: Survey of Music Lit II |
MUS 0191 | Music Fund I | MUED ELLD | LD: Music Fund I |
MUS 0192 | Music Fund II | MUED ELLD | LD: Music Fund II |
MUS 0221 | Prin of Mus Theory I | MUTH ELLD | LD: Prin of Mus Theory I |
MUS 0222 | Prin of Mus Theo II | MUTH ELLD | LD: Prin of Mus Theo II |
MUS 0228 | Acoustics of Music | MUTH ELLD | LD: Acoustics of Music |
MUS 0251 | Survey of Music Literature | MUS ELLD | LD:Survey of Music Lit |
MUS 032301 | Prin Music Thero II | MUTH ELLD | LD: Prin Music Thero II |
MUS 0324 | Prin of Music Theory | MUTH ELLD | LD: Prin of Music Theory |
MUS 0351 | Music History I | MUS ELUD | UD: Music History I |
MUS 0352 | Music History II | MUS ELUD | UD: Music History II |
MUS 0376 | Instrument Repairs | MUS ELUD | UD: Instrument Repairs |
MUS 0381 | Brass Pedagogy | MUPD ELUD | UD: Brass Pedagogy |
MUS 0382 | Woodwind Pedagogy | MUPD 4140 | Advanced Woodwind Pedagogy |
MUS 0383 | Percussion Pedagogy | MUPD ELUD | UD: Percussion Pedagogy |
MUS 0384 | String Pedagogy | MUPD ELUD | UD: String Pedagogy |
MUS 0395 | Basic Conducting | MUS 3140 | Conducting I |
MUS 0397 | Instrumental Conduct | MUS 3150 | Conducting II Instrumental |
MUS 110 | Music Fundamentals | MUTH ELLD | LD:Music Fundamentals |
MUS 125 | American Music Culture | MUHL ELLD | LD:American Music Culture |
MUSC 0126 | Class Percussion | MUED 1320 | Percussion Techniques |
MUSC 012901 | Class Piano I | MUS 1530 | Class Piano I |
MUSC 0130 | Class Piano II | MUS 1540 | Class Piano II |
MUSC 0229 | Class Piano III | MUS 2530 | Class Piano III |
MUSC 0230 | Class Piano IV | MUS 2540 | Class Piano IV |
MUSG 000501 | Wind Ensemble | MUS ELLD | LD: Wind Ensemble |
MUSG 000601 | Jazz Ensemble | MUEN 3400 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUSG 0101 | Chamber Choir | MUEN 3210 | Tenor Bass Chorale |
MUSG 0103 | Chamber Choir | MUEN 3200 | Concert Chorale |
MUSG 0105 | Wind Ensemble | MUS ELLD | LD: Wind Ensemble |
MUSG 0106 | Jazz Ensemble | MUEN 3400 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUSG 0109 | Chamber Music Ens | MUEN ELLD | LD: Chamber Music Ens |
MUSG 0115 | Clarinet Choir | MUS ELLD | LD: Clarinet Choir |
MUSG 0117 | Saxophone Quartet | MUEN ELLD | LD: Saxophone Quartet |
MUSP 004001 | Percussion | MUED 1320 | Percussion Techniques |
MUSP 004401 | String Bass | MUAP 2401 | Private Instruct String Bass |
MUSP 004501 | Guitar | MUAP 2411 | Private Instruction Guitar |
MUSP 014501 | Guitar | MUAP 2411 | Private Instruction Guitar |
MUSP 034501 | Guitar | MUAP 2411 | Private Instruction Guitar |
PE 0103 | Aerobics | PHED 1180 | Aerobic Walking |
PE 0122 | Archery | PHED 1160 | Beginning Archery |
PE 012301 | Beg Badminton | PHED 1150 | Beginning Badminton |
PE 0124 | Beg Bowling | PHED 1080 | Beginning Bowling |
PE 012601 | Golf Beginning | PHED 2020 | Beginning Golf |
PE 0128 | Beg Tennis | PHED 1040 | Beginning Tennis |
PE 0135 | Chance Mo of Teach B | PHED ELLD | LD: Chance Mo of Teach B |
PE 0215 | Weight Training | PHED 1200 | Beginning Weight Training |
PE 026501 | Beg Jazz | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
PE 0312 | Varsity Basketball | PHED 1210 | Beginning Basketball |
PHE 012601 | Beg Golf | PHED 2020 | Beginning Golf |
PHE 013601 | Inter Golf | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity |
PHE 016501 | Social Dance | PHED 1020 | Beginning Social Dance |
PHIL 0110 | Intro Philosophy | PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 0180 | Critical Reasoning | PHIL 2110 | Elem Logic Critical Thinking |
PHIL 0220 | Ethics | PHIL 3150 | Ethics |
PHIL 0221 | Honors Ethics | PHIL ELLD | LD:Honors Ethics |
PHIL 0290 | Modern Philosophy | PHIL ELLD | LD:Modern Philosophy |
PHIL 031001 | Hist of Modern Phil | PHIL ELLD | LD: Hist of Modern Phil |
PHYS 0100 | Intro Physics | PHYS ELLD | LD: Intro Physics |
POS 020001 | Amer Natl Govt | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
POS 0300 | State & Local Gov | PS 2020 | State and Local Government |
POS 0340 | World Politics | PS ELUD | UD: World Politics |
POS 250 | State & Local Government | PS 2020 | State and Local Government |
PSY 020101 | Gen Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSY 033001 | Educational Psy | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
PSYC 010101 | General Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSYC 0201 | Foundations in Psyc | PSY ELLD | LD:Foundations in Psyc |
QM 0235 | Quantitative Methods | BIA 2610 | Statistical Methods |
QM 236 | Quantitative Methods BUS II | BIA ELLD | LD:Quantitative Methods BUS II |
REL 0300 | Lit of Bible & Koran | RS ELUD | UD: Lit of Bible & Koran |
SOC 0101 | Intro Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOC 023001 | Intro Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOC 024001 | Social Problems | SOC 2010 | Social Problems |
SOC 0331 | Marriage & Family | SOC 2500 | Marriage and Family |
SPAN 010101 | Elem Spanish | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPAN 010201 | Ele Span | SPAN 1020 | Elementary Spanish II |
SPCH 010101 | Found Oral Comm | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SPCH 012001 | Intro to Theatre | THEA ELLD | LD: Intro to Theatre |
SPCH 0141 | Intro Interp Comm | COMM 2300 | Interpersonal Communication |
SPCH 0445 | Super Spch Thea Act | THEA ELUD | UD: Super Spch Thea Act |
SPMC 0215 | Intro to TV Producti | EMC ELLD | LD: Intro to TV Producti |
SPMC 0220 | Intro to Broadcastin | EMC ELLD | LD: Intro to Broadcastin |
SPMC 0225 | Intro to Film Prod | EMC ELLD | LD: Intro to Film Prod |
SPMC 0233 | Media Practicm | EMC ELLD | LD: Media Practicm |
SPMC 0375 | Electronic News | EMC ELUD | UD: Electronic News |
SPMC 0434 | Media Praticum | EMC ELUD | UD: Media Praticum |
SPN 010101 | Elem Spanish | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPN 0102 | Introductory Spanish II | SPAN 1020 | Elementary Spanish II |
SPN 020101 | Intermediate Spanis | SPAN 2010 | Intermediate Spanish I |
SPN 150 | Accel Intro Spanish | SPAN ELLD | LD:Accel Intro Spanish |
SPN 250 | Accel Intermediate Spanish | SPAN ELLD | LD:Accel Intermediate Spanish |
SPTH 0120 | Intro to Theatre | THEA 1030 | Introduction to Theatre |
SWK 0250 | Soc Welfare In Soc | SW 2570 | Introduction to Social Work |
T E 0100 | High Per Driving | ELEC ELLD | LD: High Per Driving |
TE 0100 | High Perform Driving | ELEC ELLD | LD: High Perform Driving |
THEA 011601 | Integrated Arts | THEA ELLD | LD: Integrated Arts |
THEA 012001 | Intro to Theatre | THEA 1030 | Introduction to Theatre |
THEA 0121 | Acting Non Majors | THEA ELLD | LD: Acting Non Majors |
THEA 0340 | Voice Improvement | THEA ELUD | UD: Voice Improvement |
THEA 231 | Ballet I | THEA ELLD | LD:Ballet I |
THEA 250 | Stagecraft I | THEA 1025 | Stage Craft I |
THEA 270 | Directing I | THEA 3700 | Fundamentals of Play Directing |
THEA 300 | Play Analysis/Theory&Criticism | THEA ELUD | UD:Play Analysis/Thry & Crtcsm |
THEA 304 | Applied Theatre-Management | THEA ELUD | UD:Applied Theatre-Mgmt |
THEA 306 | App Theatre-Stage Management | THEA ELUD | UD:App Theatre-Stage Managemnt |
THEA 340 | Voice I | THEA 3520 | Voice for the Actor I |
THEA 361 | Musical Theatre Styles I | THEA ELUD | UD:Musical Theatre Styles I |
THEA 380 | Stage Movement I | THEA 3500 | Stage Movement |
THEA 414 | Seminar:Career Preparation | THEA ELUD | UD:Seminar:Career Preparation |
THEA 424 | Theatre History II | THEA 4810 | Thea Hist II: Restor-Present |
UE 010001 | University Experien | ELEC ELLD | LD: University Experien |