Transfer Equivalencies

There are 1486 transfer equivalencies on file for Auburn Univ

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
AC 0201 Intro Acct I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
AC 0211 Prin of Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
AC 021201 Prin Accounting II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
AC 021301 Mngrl Cost & Bdgt ACTG ELLD LD: Mngrl Cost & Bdgt
AC 0215 Fnd Grl Cost Acct ACTG ELLD LD: Fnd Grl Cost Acct
AC 201D Intro Acct I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 0211 Prin Actg I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 0212 Prin of Actg II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 0213 Mngrl Cost & Bdgt ACTG ELLD LD: Mngrl Cost & Bdgt
ACCT 0241 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
ACCT 1000 Cornerstone of Bus ACTG ELLD LD: Cornerstone of Bus
ACCT 2110 Principles of Financial Actg ACTG ELLD LD: Principles of Financial Ac
ACCT 2210 Prin of Managerial ACTG ELLD LD: Prin of Managerial
ACCT 2700 Business Law BLAW ELLD LD:Business Law
ACCT 2810 Fundamentals of Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Fundamentals of Accounting
ACCT 2813 Fund of Accounting ACTG ELLD LD:Fund of Accounting
ACCT 2910 Fund of Accounting ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2990 Business Law BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law
ACCT 3110 Intermed Fin Acct I ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 3120 Intermed Fin Acct II ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 3510 Acct Info Systems ACTG ELUD UD: Acct Info Systems
ACCT 3990 Adv Bus Law BLAW ELUD UD: Adv Bus Law
ACCT 4410 Income Tax I ACTG ELUD UD: Income Tax I
ACF 021101 Prin Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACF 0212 Prin Actg II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACF 0311 Intr Actg I ACTG ELUD UD: Intr Actg I
ACF 0361 Prin Bus Finance FIN ELUD UD: Prin Bus Finance
ACTG 0212 Prin of Actg 2 ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ADS 0200 Intro Anim Dh Sci ANSC 1410 Introduction to Animal Science
AEC 0210 Microcomputer Appl INFS ELLD LD: Microcomputer Appl
AERO 2200 Aerospace Fund AERO ELLD LD:Aerospace Fund
AF 010101 Air Force Today MS ELLD LD: Air Force Today
AF 010201 Air Force Today MS ELLD LD: Air Force Today
AF 010301 Air Force Today MS ELLD LD: Air Force Today
AGEC 1000 Global Issues AGBS 1201 Agribusiness: Fund/App
AGEC 3010 Agribusiness Mkt AGBS ELUD UD: Agribusiness Mkt
AGEC 3050 Farm Appraisal AGRI ELUD UD: Farm Appraisal
AGEC 3300 Ag Policies And Trade AGRI 4700 Agriculture in Our Lives
AGEC 4000 Prin of Agribusiness Mgt AGBS 4140 Agribusiness Mgmt
AGEC 4070 Agricultural Law AGBS ELUD UD: Agricultural Law
AGEC 4950 Undergraduate Sem AGRI ELUD UD: Undergraduate Sem
AGEC 5010 Farm Mgmt AGBS ELUD UD: Farm Mgmt
AGRI 1080 Agricultural Communications AGBS ELLD LD: Agricultural Communication
AGRN 1000 Basic Crop Science PLSO 1610 Elements of Plant Science
AGRN 3100 Soils In Ag & Earth PLSO ELUD UD: Soils In Ag & Earth
AH 020001 Intro Anim Husbry ANSC ELLD LD: Intro Anim Husbry
AIRF 1010 Foundations Of US Air Force MS ELLD LD:Foundations Of US Air Force
AIRF 1011 Afrotc Leadership Laboratory MS ELLD LD:Afrotc Leadership Laborator
AM 0101 Intro to Aviation AERO 1010 Introduction to Aerospace
AM 0200 Aero Prb Analysis AERO ELLD LD: Aero Prb Analysis
AM 0201 Elem Aeronautics AERO ELLD LD: Elem Aeronautics
AM 0202 Aerospace History AERO 1010 Introduction to Aerospace
AM 0215 Prin Priv Flight I AERO 2230 Professional Pilot I
AM 030401 Meteorology GEOL 4050 Meteorology
AMLG 2150 Prin Private Flight AERO ELLD LD: Prin Private Flight
AMLG 2230 Prin Instrument Fli AERO ELLD LD: Prin Instrument Fli
AMLG 3050 Aviation Meteorology AERO ELUD UD: Aviation Meteorology
AMLG 3100 Propulsion & Systems AERO ELUD UD: Propulsion & Systems
AMLG 4050 Aviation Safety AERO ELUD UD: Aviation Safety
AMLG 4090 Aviation Law & Safety AERO ELUD UD: Aviation Law & Safety
AMLG 4130 Airport Management AERO ELUD UD: Airport Management
AMLG 4160 Airling Operations AERO ELUD UD: Airling Operations
AMLG 4190 Air Traf Cntrl Fund AERO ELUD UD: Air Traf Cntrl Fund
AMLG 4950 Aviation Seminar AERO ELUD UD: Aviation Seminar
ANSC 1000 Intro Animal & Dairy ANSC 1410 Introduction to Animal Science
ANSC 1100 Orient Anim/Dairy Sc ANSC ELLD LD: Orient Anim/Dairy Sc
ANSC 2000 Animal Mgmt ANSC ELLD LD: Animal Mgmt
ANSC 2010 Animals and Society ANSC ELLD LD: Animals and Society
ANSC 2050 Intro Horse Mgt & T HORS ELLD LD: Intro Horse Mgt & T
ANSC 2910 Livestock Welfare & Management ANSC ELLD LD: Livestock Welfare & Mgmt
ANSC 3400 Animal Nutrition ANSC 4410 Animal Nutrition
ANSC 3500 Animal Breeding ANSC 3420 Animal Breeding and Genetics
ANSC 3600 Reproductive Physiology ANSC ELUD UD: Reproductive Physiology
ANSC 3700 Muscle Foods ANSC ELUD UD:Muscle Foods
ANSC 3800 Careers in Animal Science ANSC 3000 Careers in Animal and Vet Sci
ANT 020101 Cultural Framework ANTH ELLD LD: Cultural Framework
ANTH 0201 Cultural Framework ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 1000 Intro Anthropology ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 1003 Introduction to Anthropology ANTH ELLD LD: Intro to Anthroplogy
ANTH 2000 Ethnographic Methods-Auburn Ab ANTH ELLD LD:Ethnographic Methods-Aub Ab
ANTH 2100 Intro Archaeology ANTH ELLD LD: Intro Archaeology
ANTH 3850 Southeastern Arch ANTH 4520 Southeastern US Archaeology
ANTH 4900 Anthropological Thry ANTH ELUD UD: Anthropological Thry
AR 010001 Career Environment HSC 1010 Career Orientation
AR 010101 Design Fundmentals ART ELLD LD: Design Fundmentals
AR 0105 Freehand Drawing ET ELLD LD: Freehand Drawing
AR 0106 Proj Geometry/Orth ET ELLD LD: Proj Geometry/Orth
AR 0107 Axonmtic/Oblq Proj ET ELLD LD: Axonmtic/Oblq Proj
AR 026101 Hy & Theo of Arch ET ELLD LD: Hy & Theo of Arch
AR 0360 Appreiation of Arch ET ELUD UD: Appreiation of Arch
ARCH 0100 Intro Car Des Cont ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Car Des Cont
ARCH 0101 Basic Design ELEC ELLD LD: Basic Design
ARCH 0102 Basic Design ELEC ELLD LD: Basic Design
ARCH 0103 Basic Design ELEC ELLD LD: Basic Design
ARCH 0260 Appreciation of Arch ET ELLD LD: Appreciation of Arch
ARCH 0360 Appreciation of Arch ET ELUD UD: Appreciation of Arch
ARCH 1000 Careers Design/Const ET ELLD LD: Careers Design/Const
ARCH 1060 Visual Communication ET ELLD LD: Visual Communication
ARCH 2600 Appreciation of Architecture ET ELLD LD: Appreciation of Architectu
ARCH 4900 Special Problems ET ELUD UD: Special Problems
ARTS 0112 Fundamentals ART ELLD LD: Fundamentals
ARTS 0121 Fundamentals ART ELLD LD: Fundamentals
ARTS 0171 History of Art I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ARTS 0171 History of Art I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ARTS 0172 History of Art 2 ART ELLD LD: History of Art 2
ARTS 1110 Drawing I ART 1620 Drawing I
ARTS 1120 Drawing II ART 1640 Drawing II
ARTS 1210 2 D Design & Graphic Design ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1220 3 D Design Art & Graphic Desig ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1510 Looking at Art ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ARTS 1610 Introduction to Art History ART ELLD LD:Intro to Art History
ARTS 1710 Intro Art Hist I ART ELLD LD: Intro Art Hist I
ARTS 1720 Intro Art Hist II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARTS 1720 Intro Art Hist II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARTS 1730 Intro to Art Hist 3 ART ELLD LD: Intro to Art Hist 3
ARTS 2100 Foundations of Art History I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARTS 3010 Elem School Art ART ELUD UD: Elem School Art
AT 010101 Drawing I ART ELLD LD: Drawing I
AT 011101 Fundamentals ART ELLD LD: Fundamentals
AT 011201 Fundamental Art ART ELLD LD: Fundamental Art
AT 0121 Fundamentals ART ELLD LD: Fundamentals
AT 0123 Fundamentals ART ELLD LD: Fundamentals
AT 017101 History of Art I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
AT 017101 History of Art I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
AT 017201 History of Art 2 ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
AT 017201 History of Art 2 ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
AT 017201 History of Art 2 and ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
AT 017201 History of Art 2 and ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
AT 017301 Hist World Art ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
AT 017301 Hist World Art ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
AT 0232 Water Color ART ELLD LD: Water Color
AT 0374 Baroque Rococo Art ART ELUD UD: Baroque Rococo Art
AT 0375 19th Century Art ART ELUD UD: 19th Century Art
AVMF 2150 Principles of Private Flight AERO ELLD LD:Principles of Private Fligh
AVMF 2171 Private Pilot Flight Trng I AERO ELLD LD:Private Pilot Flight Trng I
AVMF 2230 Prin of Instrument Flight AERO ELLD LD:Prin of Instrument Flight
AVMF 2241 Instrument Flight Training I AERO ELLD LD:Instrument Flight Training
AVMF 2251 Instr. Flight Training II AERO ELLD LD:Instr. Flight Training II
AVMG 1010 Intro to Aviation AERO ELLD LD:Intro to Aviation
AVMG 2050 Introduction to UAS AERO ELLD LD:Introduction to UAS
AVMG 2600 Human Factors in Aviation AERO ELLD LD:Human Factors in Aviation
AVMG 3050 Aviation Weather AERO ELUD UD:Aviation Weather
AVMG 3140 Air Trans Industry Development AERO ELUD UD:Air Trans Industry Developm
AVMG 3200 Applied Analysis in Air Trans AERO ELUD UD:Applied Analysis in Air Tra
AVMG 3600 Aircraft Maintenance Mgmt AERO ELUD UD:Aircraft Maintenance Mgmt
AVMG 3810 Pro Development in Aviation AERO ELUD UD:Pro Development in Aviation
AVMG 4130 Airport Management AERO ELUD UD:Airport Management
AVMN 0101 Intro to Aviation AERO ELLD LD: Intro to Aviation
AVMN 0215 Prin Priv Flight AERO ELLD LD: Prin Priv Flight
AVMN 0217 Priv Pilot Train AERO ELLD LD: Priv Pilot Train
AVMN 0304 Elementary Meterology AERO ELUD UD:Elementary Meterology
AVMT 0215 Prin of Priv Flight AERO ELLD LD: Prin of Priv Flight
AVMT 0216 Prin of Private Flig AERO ELLD LD: Prin of Private Flig
AY 0304 Soils PLSO 3340 Fundamentals of Soil Science
AY 0307 General Soils PLSO ELUD UD: General Soils
AY 0310 Earth Science GEOL ELUD UD: Earth Science
AY 0315 Turfgrass Mgt PLSO ELUD UD: Turfgrass Mgt
BCHE 5180 Biochemistry I CHEM ELUD UD: Biochemistry I
BCHE 5181 Biochemistry I Lab CHEM ELUD UD: Biochemistry I lab
BCHE 5190 Biochemistry II CHEM ELUD UD: Biochemistry II
BCHE 5191 Biochemistry II Lab CHEM ELUD UD: Biochemistry II Lab
BI 0101 Prin of Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Prin of Biology
BI 0102 Plant Biology BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BI 010301 Animal Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BI 010401 Bio Human Affairs BIOL ELLD LD: Bio Human Affairs
BI 0105 Perspective In Biolo BIOL ELLD LD: Perspective In Biolo
BI 010601 Human Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Human Biology
BI 010701 Environmental Biolo BIOL ELLD LD: Environmental Biolo
BIOL 0101 Prin of Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Prin of Biology
BIOL 0102 Plant Biology BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 0103 Animal Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0105 Perspective In Bio BIOL ELLD LD: Perspective In Bio
BIOL 0106 Human Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0107 Enviornmental Bio BIOL ELLD LD: Enviornmental Bio
BIOL 1000 Intro to Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1001 Intro to Biology Laboratory BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1010 Prin of Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1011 Prin of Biol I Lab BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1020 Prin of Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1021 Principles of Biology Lab BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1023 Principles of Biology Online BIOL ELLD LD:Principles of Biology Onlin
BIOL 1027 Honors Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1030 Organismal Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Organismal Biology
BIOL 1031 Organismal Biol Lab BIOL ELLD lD:Organismal Biol Lab
BIOL 1037 Honors Organismal Biology BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 2100 Professional Development BIOL ELLD LD:Professional Development
BIOL 2500 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIOL 2501 A&P I Lab BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIOL 2510 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 2511 A&P II Lab BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 3000 Genetics BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIOL 3001 General Genetics Laboratory BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIOL 3010 Comparative Anatomy BIOL 3020 Comparative Anat Vertebrates
BIOL 3011 Comparative Anatomy Laboratory BIOL ELUD UD:Comparative Anatomy Lab
BIOL 3013 Comparative Anatomy BIOL ELUD UD:Comparative Anatomy
BIOL 3020 Genomic Biology BIOL ELUD UD:Genomic Biology
BIOL 3030 Evolution & Systemat BIOL ELUD UD: Evolution & Systemat
BIOL 3033 Evolution and Systematics BIOL 3500 Evolution
BIOL 3040 Biology of Marine Sys BIOL ELUD UD:Biology of Marine Sys
BIOL 3060 Ecology BIOL 3400 General Ecology
BIOL 3100 Plant Biology BIOL ELUD UD:Plant Biology
BIOL 3200 Gen Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 3201 General Micro Lab BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 3500 Perspectives In Immunology BIOL ELUD UD:Perspectives in Immunology
BIOL 4045 Marine Mammals Biol BIOL ELUD UD:Marine Mammals Biolg
BIOL 4100 Cell Biology BIOL ELUD UD:Cell Biology
BIOL 4101 Cell Biology Laboratory BIOL ELUD UD:Cell Biology Laboratory
BIOL 4400 Clinical Physiology BIOL ELUD UD: Clinical Physiology
BIOL 4410 Vertebrate Development BIOL 3010 Embryology
BIOL 4950 Senior Seminar BIOL ELUD UD:Senior Seminar
BIOL 4980 Undergraduate Research BIOL 4280 Undergrad Research in Biology
BIOL 5200 Clinical Microbiology BIOL ELUD UD:Clinical Microbiology
BIOL 5250 Microbial Evolution & Diversit BIOL ELUD UD:Microbial Evolution & Diver
BIOL 5500 Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
BIOL 5600 Biomedical Physiology BIOL ELUD UD:Biomedical Physiology
BLSC 0101 Intro to Build Const CMT ELLD LD: Intro to Build Const
BLSC 0160 Hist of Building CMT ELLD LD: Hist of Building
BLSC 0200 Working Draw & Specs CMT ELLD LD: Working Draw & Specs
BLSC 0202 Materials of Constr CMT ELLD LD: Materials of Constr
BLSC 0204 Construc Systems CMT ELLD LD: Construc Systems
BSC 0160 History of Building ET ELLD LD: History of Building
BSC 016101 History of Bldg I ET ELLD LD: History of Bldg I
BSC 016201 History of Bldg 2 ET ELLD LD: History of Bldg 2
BSC 020201 Mtls & Construction CMT ELLD LD: Mtls & Construction
BSC 020401 Constr Systems CMT ELLD LD: Constr Systems
BSCI 0203 BP Rdg & Wk Drawings CMT ELLD LD:BP Rdg & Wk Drawings
BSCI 0204 Constr Systems CMT ELLD LD:Constr Systems
BSCI 0261 History Bldg I CMT ELLD LD:History Bldg I
BSCI 0315 Applied Structures CMT ELUD UD:Applied Structures
BSCI 0323 Fnds & Soils CMT ELUD UD:Fnds & Soils
BSCI 0324 Constr Survey CMT ELUD UD:Constr Survey
BSCI 0325 Formwork Design CMT ELUD UD:Formwork Design
BSCI 0340 Construct Safety CMT ELUD UD:Construct Safety
BSCI 0352 Building Equip I CMT ELUD UD:Building Equip I
BSCI 0353 Building Equip II CMT ELUD UD:Building Equip II
BSCI 0405 Contracting Bus CMT ELUD UD:Contracting Bus
BSCI 0406 Contracting Bus II CMT ELUD UD:Contracting Bus II
BSCI 0421 Construction Est I CMT ELUD UD:Construction Est I
BSCI 0431 Construction Est II CMT ELUD UD:Construction Est II
BSCI 0434 Constr Scheduling CMT ELUD UD:Constr Scheduling
BSCI 0490 Terminal Project CMT ELUD UD:Terminal Project
BSCI 1100 History & Intro Cons CMT ELLD LD: History & Intro Cons
BSCI 1200 Working Drawing & S ET ELLD LD: Working Drawing & S
BSCI 2200 Construction Documents CMT ELLD LD:Construction Documents
BSCI 2300 Materials/Methods/S CMT ELLD LD: Materials/Methods/S
BSCI 2350 Material/Meth/Equ 2 ET ELLD LD: Material/Meth/Equ 2
BSCI 2400 Structures CMT ELLD LD: Structures
BUAL 2600 Business Analytics BCED ELLD LD:Business Analytics
BUSI 1010 Contemporary Issues BCED ELLD LD:Contemporary Issues
BUSI 2010 Contemp Issues Busi BCED ELLD LD:Contemp Issues Busi
BUSI 2103 Oral Comm for Business BCED ELLD LD:Oral Comm for Business
BY 0101 General Botany BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BY 0306 Fnd Plnt Physiology ANSC ELUD UD: Fnd Plnt Physiology
BY 0460 Sp Prob Ecology AGRI ELUD UD: Sp Prob Ecology
CA 010501 Fund of Clothing TXMD ELLD LD: Fund of Clothing
CA 0113 Housing For Man ELEC ELLD LD: Housing For Man
CA 0115 Clothing and Man ELEC ELLD LD: Clothing and Man
CA 011601 Art Living I ART ELLD LD: Art Living I
CA 0316 Fashions Analysis ELEC ELUD UD: Fashions Analysis
CA 0345 Creative Crafts ELEC ELUD UD: Creative Crafts
CAHS 0116 Art For Living ELEC ELLD LD: Art For Living
CAHS 0121 Spacial Analysis ELEC ELLD LD: Spacial Analysis
CAHS 1600 Textile Indus Compl TXMD ELLD LD: Textile Indus Compl
CAHS 1750 Fund Product Dev TXMD ELLD LD: Fund Product Dev
CAHS 2000 Global Consumer ELEC ELLD LD: Global Consumer
CAHS 2740 Aesthetics for Apparel Design TXMD ELLD LD:Aesthetics for Apparel Dsgn
CAHS 2800 Apparel Prod Mgmt TXMD ELLD LD: Apparel Prod Mgmt
CAHS 3850 Merchandise Planning & Ctrl TXMD ELUD UD:Merchandise Plng & Ctrl
CCP 032201 Hum Rel Trng Te ELEC ELLD LD: Hum Rel Trng Te
CE 0200 Intro to Civil Eng CMT ELLD LD: Intro to Civil Eng
CH 0101 Intro Chemistry I CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CH 0102 Intro Chemistry II CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CH 010301 Funds of Chem I CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CH 010302 Gen Chemistry Lab CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CH 0104 Funds of Chem 2 CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CH 0104 Funds of Chem 2 and CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CH 0105 Funds of Chem 3 CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CH 011101 Gen Chemistry Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CH 020301 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CH 0204 Anyl Chem CHEM ELLD LD: Anyl Chem
CH 0207 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CH 0208 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CH 0209 Organic Chemistry CHEM ELLD LD: Organic Chemistry
CH 0316 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4360 In-depth Phys Chem
CHE 021001 Material Balances CHEM ELLD LD: Material Balances
CHE 021301 Digital Computers CHEM ELLD LD: Digital Computers
CHEM 0101 Intro Chem I CHEM ELLD LD: Intro Chem I
CHEM 0102 Intro Chem 2 CHEM ELLD LD: Intro Chem 2
CHEM 0103 Funds of Chem I CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 0104 Funds of Chem 2 CHEM ELLD LD: Funds of Chem 2
CHEM 0105 Funds of Chem 3 CHEM ELLD LD: Funds of Chem 3
CHEM 0111 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 0112 General Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 0113 General Chemistry CHEM ELLD LD: General Chemistry
CHEM 0172 Hon Gen Chem I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 0173 Hon Gen Chem II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 020701 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 020702 Org Chem Lab CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 020801 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 020802 Org Chem Lab CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 1010 Survey of Chem I CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 1011 Survey of Chem Lab CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 1020 Survey of Chemistry II CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CHEM 1030 Fund of Chem I CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 1031 Fund of Chem I Lab CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 1033 Fund Chem I Online CHEM ELLD LD:Fund Chem I Online
CHEM 1040 Fund of Chemistry II CHEM ELLD LD: Fund of Chemistry II
CHEM 1041 Fund Chem II Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Fund Chem II Lab
CHEM 104L Gen Chem Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Gen Chem Lab
CHEM 1110 Gen Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1111 Gen Chem I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1117 Honors Gen Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1118 Honors General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1120 Gen Chem II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1121 Gen Chem II Lab CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1127 Honors General Chemistry II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1128 Honors Gen Chemistry II Lab CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2070 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 2030 Elements of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2071 Organic Chem I Lab CHEM 2030 Elements of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2077 Hon Org Chem I CHEM 2030 Elements of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2078 Hon Org Chem I Lab CHEM 2030 Elements of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2080 Organic Chemistry II CHEM ELLD LD: Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2081 Organic Chemistry II Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Organic Chemistry II Lab
CHEM 2087 Honors Organic Chemistry II CHEM ELLD LD:Honors Organic Chem II
CHEM 2088 Honors Organic Chemis II Lab CHEM ELLD LD:Honors Organic Chemis II La
CHEM 3000 chemical Literature CHEM ELUD UD: Chemical Literature
CHEM 3050 Analytical Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD: Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 3051 Analytical Chem Laboratory CHEM ELLD LD: Analytical Chem Laboratory
CHEM 4070 Physical Chemistry I CHEM ELUD UD: Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 4071 Physical Chemistry I Lab CHEM ELUD UD: Physical Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 4080 Physical Chemistry II CHEM ELUD UD: Physical Chemistry II
CHEM 4081 Physical Chemistry II Lab CHEM ELUD UD: Physical Chemistry II Lab
CHEM 4980 Undergrad Research in Chem CHEM ELUD UD: Undergrad Research in Chem
CHEM L103 Gen Chem Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Gen Chem Lab
CHEM L104 Gen Chem Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Gen Chem Lab
CHEM L113 Gen Chem Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Gen Chem Lab
CHEN 0101 Intro Chem Eng I CHEM ELLD LD: Intro Chem Eng I
CHEN 0210 Prin of Chem CHEM ELLD LD: Prin of Chem
CHEN 0213 Digital Computers CSCI ELLD LD: Digital Computers
CHEN 0361 Transport I CSCI ELLD LD: Transport I
CHEN 2100 Prin of Chemical Engineering CHEM ELLD LD:Prin of Chem Eng
CMDS 0250 Comm Disorders In So CDIS ELLD LD: Comm Disorders In So
CMDS 0350 Intr Sp Path Audio CDIS 3050 Intro Speech Lang Path Aud
CMJN 2100 Concepts of CMJN JOUR ELLD LD: Concepts of CMJN
COM 010001 Professional Communication COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COM 0141 Group Discuss COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
COM 0202 Intro Hum Comm COMM ELLD LD: Intro Hum Comm
COM 021001 Mass Media & Societ EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COM 021001 Mass Media & Societ EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COM 037501 Advertising Media ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Media
COM 202A Intro Hum Comm COMM ELLD LD: Intro Hum Comm
COMM 0100 Professional Comm COMM ELLD LD: Professional Comm
COMM 0141 Group Discuss COMM ELLD LD: Group Discuss
COMM 0360 Found of Rhetoric & COMM ELUD UD: Found of Rhetoric &
COMM 0415 Wrt Bus Comm BCED 3510 Business Communication
COMM 1000 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMM 1003 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMM 1010 Intro to Human Commm COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMM 2100 Mass Media and Socie JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COMM 2100 Mass Media and Socie JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
COMM 2400 Comm In Organizatio COMM ELLD LD: Comm In Organizatio
COMM 3100 Speaking Before Audi COMM ELUD UD: Speaking Before Audi
COMM 3500 Found Human Comm COMM ELUD UD: Found Human Comm
COMM 3600 Found Rhetoric & Soc COMM ELUD UD: Found Rhetoric & Soc
COMM 4100 Comm Strategies Soci COMM ELUD UD: Comm Strategies Soci
COMP 0100 Personal Comp Appl CSCI ELLD LD: Personal Comp Appl
COMP 0120 Intro to Eng Cmp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
COMP 0207 Intro Computer Prog CSCI ELLD LD:Intro Computer Prog
COMP 1000 Personal Comp Applic INFS 1000 Introduction to Computers
COMP 1003 Personal Computer Applications CSCI ELLD LD: Personal Computer Applictn
COMP 1200 Intro Engr Comp ET ELLD LD: Intro Engr Comp
COMP 1210 Fund Computing I CSCI ELLD LD:Fund Computer I
COMP 1213 Fundamentals of Computing I CSCI ELLD LD:Fund of Computing I
COMP 2200 Fund of Comp Science CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
COMP 2210 Computing II CSCI ELLD LD:Computing II
COMP 2710 Software Construction CSCI ELLD LD:Software Construction
COMP 3000 Object Oriented Prog Eng Sci CSCI ELUD UD:Object Oriented Prog Eng Sc
COMP 3240 Discrete Structures CSCI 3080 Discrete Structures
COMP 3270 Introduction to Algorithms CSCI ELUD UD: Introduction to Algorithms
COMP 3350 Comp Org and Assembly Lang Pgm CSCI ELUD UD: Comp Org & Assembly Lang
COUN 0101 Career Exploration ELEC ELLD LD: Career Exploration
COUN 0321 Leadership Student Developmnt PSY ELUD UD:Leadership Student Developm
COUN 0322 Hum Rel Trng Te MGMT ELUD UD: Hum Rel Trng Te
COUN 1000 Career Orientation ELEC ELLD LD: Career Orientation
COUN 2000 Living & Comm in Div Society ELEC ELLD LD:Living & Comm in Div Societ
COUN 2970 Sp Topic/Peer Mento ELEC ELLD LD: Sp Topic/Peer Mento
CRIM 2000 Crime & Justice In CJA ELLD LD: Crime & Justice In
CRIM 3000 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
CRIM 4550 Serial & Mass Murder CJA ELUD UD: Serial & Mass Murder
CSC 0100 Personal Comp Appl CSCI ELLD LD: Personal Comp Appl
CSE 010001 Personal Comp Appl CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CSE 0120 Intro to Eng Comp ET ELLD LD: Intro to Eng Comp
CSE 020001 Fund Structrl Prog ET ELLD LD: Fund Structrl Prog
CSES 1000 Basic Crop Science PLSO ELLD LD:Basic Crop Science
CTE 0102 Orient El Ed ELEC ELLD LD: Orient El Ed
CTEC 1010 Orientation Tchr Ed-Early Chil ELED ELLD LD:Orintatn Tchr Ed-Early Chil
CTEC 3020 Prim Math and Sci YOED ELUD UD: Prim Math and Sci
CTEE 0102 Orient El Ed ELEC ELLD LD: Orient El Ed
CTEE 4950 Prof Develop Seminar YOED ELUD UD: Prof Develop Seminar
CTM 0102 Orientat Music Ed MUS ELLD LD: Orientat Music Ed
CTR 0370 Fnd Rdg Instr 1 READ ELUD UD: Fnd Rdg Instr 1
CTRD 0571 Redg Content Second READ ELUD UD: Redg Content Second
CTRD 3700 Fund Lang/Literac In YOED ELUD UD: Fund Lang/Literac In
CTS 010201 Orient Science ELEC ELLD LD: Orient Science
CTS 042001 Secondary School ELED ELUD UD: Secondary School
DSSC 0215 Intro Statistics MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
EC 0200 Economics I ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
EC 020201 Economics 2 ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
EC 020601 Socio Econ Fnd Am ECON ELLD LD: Socio Econ Fnd Am
EC 0301 Ec Prin Bus Policy ECON ELUD UD: Ec Prin Bus Policy
EC 200B01 Concepts Bus Econ ECON ELLD LD: Concepts Bus Econ
ECON 0200 Econ I ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 0202 Economics I ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 0203 Economics II ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2010 Economics I Micro ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2020 Prin of Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2027 Honors Prin Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2030 Prin of Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2037 Honors Prin of Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 3020 Intermediate Microeconomics ECON 3520 Intermed Microeconomic Theory
ECON 3030 Intermediate Macroeconomics ECON 3510 Intermediate Macroecon Theory
EDLD 0401 Org Sppt Publ Educ ELED ELUD UD: Org Sppt Publ Educ
EDMD 0200 Educational Media JOUR ELLD LD: Educational Media
EDMD 3300 Utilization Inst Tech for Ed EMC ELUD UD:Util Inst Tech for Ed
EDMD 5100 Media For Children LIBS 4150 Books, Media, Literacy Chldrn
EDMD 6100 Media For Children ELEC ELUD UD: Media for Children
EDN 0090 Study Skills ELEC ELLD LD: Study Skills
EDN 090X Study Skills ELEC ELLD LD: Study Skills
EDUC 1010 Orientation to Teacher Educ FOED ELLD LD:Orientation to Teacher Educ
EDUC 3000 Divers Learn & Setti FOED ELUD UD: Divers Learn & Setti
EE 020101 Intro Comp Prog CSCI ELLD LD: Intro Comp Prog
EE 020102 Intro Elec Engr ET ELLD LD: Intro Elec Engr
EE 026101 Linear Cir Anlys 1 ET ELLD LD: Linear Cir Anlys I
EE 0263 Linear Cir Analysis ET ELLD LD: Linear Cir Analysis
EE 0264 Lin Cir Anyl Lab ET ELLD LD: Lin Cir Anyl Lab
EE 032201 Comb Logic Circuit ET ELUD UD: Comb Logic Circuit
EE 0330 Analy Des Logic Cir ET ELUD UD: Analy Des Logic Cir
EE 0371 Electronics I ET ELUD UD: Electronics I
EE 0374 Electronics 2 ET ELUD UD: Electronics 2
EED 010301 Orient Freshmen UNIV 1010 University Seminar
EED 010401 Intro to Lab Exper ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Lab Exper
EED 0310 Rdg Improvement READ ELUD UD: Rdg Improvement
EGR 0205 App Mech Statics ET ELLD LD: App Mech Statics
EH 0100 Basic English DSPW ELLD LD: Basic English
EH 0101 English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
EH 010201 English Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
EH 0103 English Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
EH 010501 Honors Freshman Eng ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
EH 0106 Freshman English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
EH 0106 Freshman English and ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
EH 011001 English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
EH 011501 Writing Seminar ENGL ELLD LD: Writing Seminar
EH 0118 Honors Writing Sem ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
EH 022001 Great Books I ENGL ELLD LD: Great Books I
EH 022002 Great Books I ENGL ELLD LD: Great Books I
EH 022101 Great Books 2 ENGL ELLD LD: Great Books 2
EH 0250 Hon Survey Eng Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
EH 025301 Surv English Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
EH 025401 Surv English Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
EH 025401 Surv English Lit and ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
EH 025501 Surv English Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
EH 027101 Survey of Amer Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
EH 035701 Survey of Amer Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
EH 036501 Southern Literature ENGL ELUD UD: Southern Literature
EH 0390 Adv Composition ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
EH 0408 Business Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Business Writing
EH 0427 Intro Poetry Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Intro Poetry Writing
EH 101L01 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
EH 102G01 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
EHA 0304 Technical Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Technical Writing
EHA 0315 Bus Prof Rpt Writing BCED ELUD UD: Bus Prof Rpt Writing
EHA 0415 Wrt Bus Communictn BCED ELUD UD:Wrt Bus Comm
ELEC 0307 Intro Electrical Eng ET ELUD UD: Intro Electrical Eng
ELEC 0308 Intro Electrical Eng ET ELUD UD: Intro Electrical Eng
ELEC 2110 Electric Circut Analysis ENGR ELLD LD: Electric Circut Analysis
ELEC 2120 Linear Signals and Sys Analysi ET ELLD LD:Linear Signals & Sys Analys
ELEC 2200 Digital Logic Circuts ET ELLD LD: Digital Logic Circuts
ELEC 2210 Digital Electronics ET ELLD LD:Digital Electronics
ELEC 2220 Computer Systems ET ELLD LD:Computer Systems
ELEC 3310 Fundamentals of Applied Emag ET ELUD UD:Fund of Applied Emag
EM 020001 Educational Media ELEC ELLD LD: Educational Media
EM 0570 Microcomp Educ Medm INFS ELUD UD: Microcomp Educ Medm
ENFB 3140 Essentials of Entrepreneurship ENTR 2900 Entrepreneurship
ENGL 0103 English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0110 English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0112 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 0118 Hon Writing Sem ENGL ELLD LD: Hon Writing Sem
ENGL 0120 Honor Writing Semina UH ELLD LD: Honor Writing Semina
ENGL 0220 Great Books I ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0221 Great Books 2 ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 0281 Honors Great Books ENGL ELLD LD: Honors Great Books
ENGL 0282 Honors Great Books ENGL ELLD LD: Honors Great Books
ENGL 0354 Survey English Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Survey English Lit
ENGL 0400 Intro Linguistics ENGL ELUD UD: Intro Linguistics
ENGL 0411 Intro Linguistics ENGL ELUD UD: Intro Linguistics
ENGL 0420 Intro Fictn Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Intro Fictn Writing
ENGL 0442 Amer Realism & Nat ENGL ELUD UD: Amer Realism & Nat
ENGL 1010 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1020 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 1100 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1120 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 1127 Honor Writ Sem II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 2000 Intro to Creative Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Creative Writing
ENGL 2120 Understanding Poetr ENGL ELLD LD: Understanding Poetr
ENGL 2140 Understanding Ficti ENGL ELLD LD: Understanding Ficti
ENGL 2200 World Literature I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2207 Hon Great Books I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2210 World Literature II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2230 British Lit before 1789 ENGL ELLD LD:British Lit before 1789
ENGL 2240 Survey of British Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2250 American Lit Before 1865 ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2260 American Lit II after 1865 ENGL ELLD LD:American Lit II after 1865
ENGL 2280 AfAm Lit After 1900 ENGL ELLD LD:AfAm Lit After 1900
ENGL 2530 Survey of English Li ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 3080 Business Writing ENGL 3620 Professional Writing
ENGL 3190 Studies Children Lit ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
ENGL 3530 Surv Brit Literature ENGL ELUD UD: Surv Brit Literature
ENGL 3540 Surv British Lit II ENGL 3020 British Lit II: 1700-1918
ENGL 3700 Surv Amer Literature ENGL ELUD UD: Surv Amer Literature
ENGL 3710 Surv Afri Amer Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Surv Afri Amer Lit
ENGL 4010 The Personal Essay ENGL ELUD UD: The Personal Essay
ENGL 4030 Interpreting Texts ENGL ELUD UD: Interpreting Texts
ENGL 4180 Rhetorical Thry & Pr ENGL ELUD UD: Rhetorical Thry & Pr
ENGL 4360 Milton ENGL 4180 Milton
ENGL 4510 American Romanticism ENGL ELUD UD: American Romanticism
ENGL 4520 Amer Realism & Natur ENGL ELUD UD: Amer Realism & Natur
ENGL 4570 Southern Literature ENGL 3330 Southern Literature
ENGL 4610 Arthurian Literature ENGL ELUD UD: Arthurian Literature
ENGL 4710 The Romance ENGL ELUD UD: The Romance
ENGL 4720 Genius In Popular Li ENGL ELUD UD: Genius In Popular Li
ENGR 0201 Thermodynamics I ET ELLD LD: Thermodynamics I
ENGR 0205 App Mech Statics ET ELLD LD: App Mech Statics
ENGR 1100 Engineering Orientat ET ELLD LD: Engineering Orientat
ENGR 1110 Introduction to Engineering ENGR ELLD LD:Introduction to Engineering
ENGR 2010 Thermodynamics ET ELLD LD: Thermodynamics
ENGR 2050 Statics ENGR ELLD LD:Statics
ENGR 2100 Fund of Engineering Mechanics ENGR ELLD LD:Fund of Engr Mechanics
ENT 0204 Insects PLSO ELLD LD: Insects
ENT 0502 Economic Entomolgy AGBS ELUD UD: Economic Entomolgy
ENTM 0204 Insects BIOL ELLD LD: Insects
ENTM 2043 Insect Intro Entomology ELEC ELLD LD:Insect Intro Entomology
ENVI 1020 Fund Envir Science ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
FCD 0110 Contemporary He CDFS ELLD LD: Contemporary He
FCD 0157 Family & Human Devel CDFS ELLD LD: Family & Human Devel
FCD 020001 Mgt For Consumers CDFS ELLD LD: Mgt For Consumers
FCD 026701 Prin Thry Meth CDFS ELLD LD: Prin Thry Meth
FCD 026901 Mate Sel Mar Inter CDFS ELLD LD: Mate Sel Mar Inter
FCD 028701 Careers In Fcd CDFS ELLD LD: Careers In Fcd
FCD 0300 Approach Child Sty CDFS ELUD UD: Approach Child Sty
FCD 030101 Erly Mid Chld Dev CDFS 3310 Human Development (Birth to 8)
FCD 030401 Human Sex Fam Life CDFS ELUD UD: Human Sex Fam Life
FCD 030601 Pattrn Fam Intract CDFS ELUD UD: Pattrn Fam Intract
FCD 030801 Relationshp Conpet SOC ELUD UD: Relationshp Conpet
FCD 030901 Intro Mar & Fam The CDFS 3320 Family Relations
FCD 047301 Infant Development CDFS ELUD UD: Infant Development
FCDV 0157 Family & Human Dev CDFS ELLD LD: Family & Human Dev
FCDV 0269 Mate Sel Mar Inter CDFS ELLD LD: Mate Sel Mar Inter
FCDV 0304 Human Sex Fam Life SOC ELUD UD: Human Sex Fam Life
FDSC 1000 Introductory Food Science NFS ELLD LD:Introductory Food Science
FED 030001 Educ Psychology FOED ELUD UD: Educ Psychology
FI 0361 Prin Busi Finance FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FINC 2400 Personal Finance FIN ELLD LD: Personal Finance
FINC 3250 Principles of Real Estate FIN ELUD UD:Prin of Real Estate
FINC 3610 Prin of Business Fin FIN ELUD UD: Prin of Business Fin
FINC 3640 Investments FIN 3810 Investments
FINC 3810 Foundation of Business Finance FIN ELUD UD:Foundation of Busi Finance
FINC 4250 Real Estate Investme FIN 4550 Real Estate Investment Anlys
FISH 1100 Fisheries Orientation ANSC ELLD LD: Fisheries Orientation
FISH 1110 Dimensions Fisheries AGRI ELLD LD: Dimensions Fisheries
FL 0121 1st Year French I FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FL 0122 1st Year French 2 FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FL 013101 1st Year Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
FL 013201 1st Year Spanish 2 SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
FL 0141 1st Year German I GERM 1010 Elementary German I
FL 0151 1st Yr German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
FL 0152 1st Yr German GERM 1020 Elementary German II
FL 0181 1st Year Chinese I FL ELLD LD: 1st Year Chinese I
FL 0182 1st Year Chinese II FL ELLD LD: 1st Year Chinese II
FL 0183 1st Year Chinese 3 FL ELLD LD: 1st Year Chinese 3
FL 0251 Inter German I GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
FLFR 0101 First Year French I FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FLFR 0102 1st Year French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FLFR 0103 First Year French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FLFR 1010 Elem French I FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FLFR 1020 Elementary French II FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FLFR 2010 Intermed French I FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FLFR 2020 Interm French II FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FLGC 1150 Global Fluency FL ELLD LD:Global Fluency
FLGR 0101 1st Year German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
FLGR 0102 1st Year German II GERM 1020 Elementary German II
FLGR 1010 Elem German I GERM 1010 Elementary German I
FLGR 1020 Elem German II GERM 1020 Elementary German II
FLGR 2010 Intermed German I GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
FLIT 1000 Elementary Italian Abroad ITAL ELLD LD:Elementary Italian Abroad
FLIT 1010 Elem Italian ITAL 1010 Elementary Italian I
FLIT 2000 Intermediate Italian Abroad ITAL ELLD LD:Intermediate Italian Abroad
FLKN 1010 Elementary Korean I ELEC ELLD LD:Elementary Korean I
FLKN 1020 Elementary Korean II ELEC ELLD LD:Elementary Korean II
FLKN 2010 Intermediate Korean I ELEC ELLD LD:Intermediate Korean I
FLSP 0101 1st Year Spanish 1 SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
FLSP 0102 1st Yr Span 2 SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
FLSP 0103 1st Yr Span 3 SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
FLSP 0201 2nd Year Span I SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
FLSP 1010 Elem Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
FLSP 1020 Element Span II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
FLSP 2010 Intermed Spanish I SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
FLSP 2020 Intermed Spanish II SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
FLSP 3030 Spanish Conversation SPAN 3000 Group Conversational Spanish
FLSP 3060 Comm Skills Spanish I SPAN ELUD UD:Comm Skills Spanish I
FOEN 0201 Eng Prin Forst Sys ELEC ELLD LD: Eng Prin Forst Sys
FORY 1010 Intro Renewable Nat ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Renewable Nat
FORY 3100 Dendrology BIOL ELUD UD: Dendrology
FOUN 0300 Educ Psychology PSY ELUD UD: Educ Psychology
FOUN 0350 Cultrl Found of Ed FOED ELUD UD: Cultrl Found of Ed
FOUN 3000 Diversity Learners and Setting FOED ELUD UD:Diversity Learners and Sett
FOWS 1010 Intro Renewable Nat Resources ELEC ELLD LD:Intro Renewable Nat Resourc
FR 0101 1st Year French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FY 035001 Fy For Wdlnd Owner ELEC ELUD UD: Fy For Wdlnd Owner
GEOG 0302 Economic Geog GEOG ELUD UD:Economics Geog
GEOG 1010 Global Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Global Geography
GEOG 1013 Global Geography GEOG ELLD LD:Global Geography
GEOG 1017 Honors Global Geography GEOG ELLD LD:Honors Global Geography
GEOG 2010 Cultural Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Cultural Geography
GEOL 0110 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 0111 Historical Geology GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
GEOL 0300 Weather Climate GEOL ELUD UD:Weather Climate
GEOL 1100 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 1101 Dynamic Earth Lab GEOL ELLD LD:Dynamic Earth Lab
GEOL 1110 Historical Geology GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
GEOL 3060 Lunar & Planetary Geol GEOL ELUD UD:Lunar & Planetary Geol
GEOL 3200 Prin of Paleontology GEOL ELUD UD:Prin of Paleontology
GL 010101 Intro Geology I GEOL ELLD LD: Intro Geology I
GL 010201 Intro Geology 2 GEOL ELLD LD: Intro Geology 2
GL 011001 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GL 0111 Historical Geology GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
GR 010101 1st Year German I GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GR 010201 1st Year German 2 GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GR 010301 1st Year German 3 GERM ELLD LD: 1st Year German 3
GR 0201 Interm German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GSHS 2000 Global Studies Human Sciences GS ELLD LD:Global Studies Hum Sciences
GY 010201 Prin Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GY 0306 Geography of Europe GEOG 3430 Geographical Approach Europe
HA 042101 Legal Struc Hlth HLTH ELUD UD: Legal Struc Hlth
HADM 2100 Medical Terminology HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
HADM 3700 Legal Struct of Hlth Admin ELEC ELUD UD:Legal Struct of Hlth Admin
HADM 4000 Developing Care Organizations ELEC ELUD UD:Developing Care Organizat
HADM 4100 Finance in Hlth Admin ELEC ELUD UD:Finance in Hlth Admin
HADM 4850 Long-term Care Policy ELEC ELUD UD:Long Term Care Policy
HDFS 0157 Family & Human Dev CDFS ELLD LD: Family & Human Dev
HDFS 0200 Mgmt For Consumers MGMT ELLD LD: Mgmt For Consumers
HDFS 0267 Prin Theory & Meth CDFS ELLD LD: Prin Theory & Meth
HDFS 0269 Mate Selection & Mar SOC ELLD LD: Mate Selection & Mar
HDFS 0287 Careers In Hum Dev CDFS ELLD LD: Careers In Hum Dev
HDFS 0301 Early & Middle Chld CDFS ELLD LD: Early & Middle Chld
HDFS 0304 Human Sexuality CDFS ELUD UD: Human Sexuality
HDFS 0306 Patterns of Family CDFS ELUD UD: Patterns of Family
HDFS 0308 Relationship Compete CDFS ELUD UD: Relationship Compete
HDFS 0475 Adolescent & Early CDFS ELUD UD: Adolescent & Early
HDFS 1850 Curr Iss Hum Dev & CDFS ELLD LD: Curr Iss Hum Dev &
HDFS 2000 Marr/Fam Global Cont SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
HDFS 2010 Lifespan Hum Dev/Fam CDFS ELLD LD: Lifespan Hum Dev/Fam
HDFS 2030 Prof Dev & Ethics HSC ELLD LD: Prof Dev & Ethics
HDFS 3010 Child Dev In Family CDFS ELUD Child Dev In Family
HDFS 3030 Adol & Adult Dev In CDFS ELUD UD: Adol & Adult Dev In
HDFS 3040 Human Sex Over Fam Life Cycle SOC ELUD UD:Human Sex Over Fam Life cyc
HDFS 3060 Patterns Family Inte CDFS ELUD UD: Patterns Family Inte
HDFS 3080 Dev Interpersonal Sk CDFS 3330 Dynamics Interpersonal Rel
HDFS 3460 Effective Guidance of Children SOC ELUD UD:Effective Guidance of Child
HDFS 3470 Learning Experiences CDFS ELUD UD: Learning Experiences
HDFS 3910 Practicum CDFS ELUD UD: Practicum
HDFS 4200 Prog Dev & Eval CDFS ELUD UD: Prog Dev & Eval
HDFS 4670 Parent Education CDFS ELUD UD: Parent Education
HDFS 4680 Family In Cross Cult CDFS ELUD UD: Family In Cross Cult
HDFS 4990 Adv Research CDFS ELUD UD: Adv Research
HE 0104 Related Art ART ELLD LD: Related Art
HE 0295 Health Sciences HLTH ELLD LD: Health Sciences
HED 0195 Health Science HLTH ELLD LD: Health Science
HF 0101 Intro to Horticultur PLSO ELLD LD: Intro to Horticultur
HF 0204 Organic Gardening PLSO ELLD LD: Organic Gardening
HF 022201 Trees PLSO ELLD LD: Trees
HF 0223 Evrgrn Shrub Vines PLSO ELLD LD: Evrgrn Shrub Vines
HF 0224 Plant Propagation PLSO ELLD LD: Plant Propagation
HF 0321 Decid Shrb & Vine PLSO ELUD UD: Decid Shrb & Vine
HF 0390 Undergrad Seminar AGRI ELUD UD: Undergrad Seminar
HF 0410 Hrbaceous Orn Plnt PLSO ELUD UD: Hrbaceous Orn Plnt
HF 0412 Intr Plantscaping PLSO ELUD UD: Intr Plantscaping
HF 0415 Retl Grdn Cntr Mgt PLSO ELUD UD: Retl Grdn Cntr Mgt
HF 0426 Minor Problems ELEC ELUD UD: Minor Problems
HF 0427 Intermd Lnd Scp Des PLSO ELUD UD: Intermd Lnd Scp Des
HF 0521 Landscape Bidding PLSO ELUD UD: Landscape Bidding
HF 0523 Nursery Management PLSO ELUD UD: Nursery Management
HHP 010201 Orient Tr Students ELEC ELLD LD: Orient Tr Students
HHP 011801 Con of Ind Act I PHED ELLD LD: Con of Ind Act I
HHP 019501 Health Science HLTH ELLD LD: Health Science
HHP 048501 Social Recreation REC ELUD UD: Social Recreation
HIST 0101 World History I HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 0102 World History 2 HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 0102 World History 2 and HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 0103 World History 3 HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 0121 Tech & Civil I HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 0122 Tech & Civil 2 HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 0122 Tech & Civil 2 and HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 0123 Tech & Civil III HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 0171 Hon Anc Med Hy HIST ELLD LD: Hon Anc Med Hy
HIST 0172 Honors Early Mod Hy HIST ELLD LD: Honors Early Mod Hy
HIST 0201 Hist of Us HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 0204 Tech & Civ I HIST ELLD LD:Tech & Civ I
HIST 1010 World History HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 1017 Hon World History I HIST ELLD LD: Hon World History I
HIST 1020 World History II HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 1027 Honors World History II HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 1210 Technology & Civ I HIST ELLD LD: Technology & Civ I
HIST 1220 Tech & Civ II HIST ELLD LD: Tech & Civ II
HIST 2010 Survey of US Hist HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 2020 Surv US Hist Since 1 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 2080 Euro Hist 1789-Pres HIST ELLD LD:Euro Hist 1789-Pres
HIST 2110 Surv Asian Cult HIST ELLD LD: Surv Asian Cult
HIST 3970 Civil War Memory HIST ELUD UD:Special Topics
HLHP 0100 Fund of Movement PHED ELLD LD: Fund of Movement
HLHP 0102 Orientation For Tran ELEC ELLD LD: Orientation For Tran
HLHP 0118 Concepts In Act I THEA ELLD LD: Concepts In Act I
HLHP 0119 Concepts Ind Act 2 THEA ELLD LD: Concepts Ind Act 2
HLHP 0120 Skills Concepts Gym PHED ELLD LD: Skills Concepts Gym
HLHP 0122 Concp Team Sport I PHED ELLD LD: Concp Team Sport I
HLHP 0123 Skill Concp Dance PHED ELLD LD: Skill Concp Dance
HLHP 0124 Concp Team Sport PHED ELLD LD: Concp Team Sport
HLHP 0195 Health Science HLTH ELLD LD: Health Science
HLHP 0200 Thry Cond Phys Act PHED ELLD LD: Thry Cond Phys Act
HLHP 0201 Motor Development PHED ELLD LD: Motor Development
HLHP 0204 Track and Field PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HLHP 0412 Instru Strat In Pe PHED ELUD UD: Instru Strat In Pe
HLHP 0416 Adap Phys Educ PHED ELUD UD: Adap Phys Educ
HLHP 0426 Evaluat & Meas In Pe PHED ELUD UD: Evaluat & Meas In Pe
HLHP 0429 Motor Learn & Perf PHED ELUD UD: Motor Learn & Perf
HLHP 3010 Instr & Techn In Hlh HLTH ELUD UD: Instr & Techn In Hlh
HLHP 3400 Hlth Promo In Workpl HLTH ELUD UD: Hlth Promo In Workpl
HLHP 4620 Exer & Sport Psychol ATHC 4060 Sport Psychology
HLHP 4970 Spec Top Track & Fil HLTH ELUD UD: Spec Top Track & Fil
HONR 1077 Honors Freshman Exploration ELEC ELLD LD:Honors Freshman Exploration
HONR 1087 Honors Lyceum UH ELLD LD: Honors Lyceum
HONR 1097 Honors Forum for Freshman UH ELLD LD:Honors Forum for Freshman
HONR 2097 Honors Forum for Sophomores ELEC ELLD LD: Honors Forum for Sophomore
HONR 3007 Honors Seminar UH ELUD UD:Honors Seminar
HONR 3987 Honors Research Seminar UH ELUD UD:Honors Research Seminar
HORT 0101 Intro Hortocult PLSO ELLD LD: Intro Hortocult
HORT 0204 Organic Gardening PLSO ELLD LD: Organic Gardening
HORT 2030 Vegetable Prod PLSO ELLD LD: Vegetable Prod
HORT 2040 Organic Gardening PLSO ELLD LD: Organic Gardening
HPR 010501 Orientation Freshma ELEC ELLD LD: Orientation Freshma
HPR 010801 Intro to Lab Exper ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Lab Exper
HPR 011001 Health Science HLTH ELLD LD: Health Science
HPR 011901 Ind & Dual Sports PHED ELLD LD: Ind & Dual Sports
HPR 012201 Team Sports PHED ELLD LD: Team Sports
HPR 019501 Health Science HLTH ELLD LD: Health Science
HPR 020101 Hy & Prin PE & Rec PHED ELLD LD: Hy & Prin PE & Rec
HPR 021201 Elem School Activit PHED ELLD LD: Elem School Activit
HPR 038501 Prin of Recreation REC ELUD UD: Prin of Recreation
HRMT 0101 Intro Hospitlty Mgt THM ELLD LD:Intro Hospitlty Mgt
HY 010101 World History HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HY 0102 World History 2 HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HY 0102 World History 2 and HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HY 0103 World History HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HY 0107 U S History HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HY 012101 Tech & Civiliztn I HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HY 0122 Tec & Civil 2 HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HY 0122 Tec & Civil 2 and HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HY 012301 Tech & Civilztn 3 HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HY 0171 Honors Anc Med Hy HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HY 0172 Honors Erly Mod Hy HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HY 0172 Honors Erly Mod Hy and HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HY 0173 Honors Modern Hy HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HY 020101 Hy of US to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HY 020201 Hy of US Since 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HY 020401 Tech & Civilization HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HY 020501 Tech & Civiliztn 2 HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HY 020501 Tech & Civiliztn 2 and HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HY 020601 Tech & Civilization HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HY 0208 World History HIST ELLD LD: World History
HY 030001 Contemp Central Am HIST ELUD UD: Contemp Central Am
HY 030601 Contempry History HIST ELUD UD: Contempry History
HY 030901 Military Hist US HIST ELUD UD: Military Hist US
HY 031501 Hy Afro Am to 1865 HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
HY 031601 Afro Amer Since 186 HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
HY 038101 History of Alabama HIST ELUD UD: History of Alabama
HY 039001 Modern Africa HIST ELUD UD: Modern Africa
HY 201A01 U S Hy to 1877 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
IDSC 1010 Life, Career, and Everything ELEC ELLD LD:Life, Career, and Everythin
IDSC 2190 Foundation of Inter Univ Study ELEC ELLD LD:Fndtn of Inter Univ Study
IE 010201 Graph Comm Design ET ELLD LD: Graph Comm Design
IE 0201 Industrial Admin ET ELLD LD: Industrial Admin
IND 010101 Design Awareness ET ELLD LD: Design Awareness
IND 011001 Drawing Systems ET ELLD LD: Drawing Systems
IND 0111 Prespective Drawng ET ELLD LD: Prespective Drawng
IND 0200 Res Prototype Lab ET ELLD LD: Res Prototype Lab
INDD 1120 Indust Design In Mod ET ELLD LD: Indust Design In Mod
INDD 5970 Special Problems INFS ELUD UD: Special Problems
INF 012201 French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
INF 121A01 French I FREN 1010 Elementary French I
INSY 0360 Engineering Econ Ana ET ELUD UD: Engineering Econ Ana
INSY 3420 Simulation ENGR ELUD UD:Simulation
INSY 3600 Engineering Economy ENGR ELUD UD:Engineering Economy
INSY 3700 Operations Planning Control ENGR ELUD UD:Operations Plng Ctrl
INSY 3800 Manufacturing Systems I ENGR ELUD UD:Manf Systems I
INSY 4330 Stat Quality Design and Ctrl ENGR ELUD UD:Stat Qlty Dsgn & Ctrl
INSY 4500 Professional Practice ENGR ELUD UD:Professional Practice
INSY 4700 Manufacturing Systems II ENGR ELUD UD:Mfgr Systems II
INSY 5800 Lean Production ENGR ELUD UD:Lean Production
IS 0207 Int Mgmt Inf Sys INFS ELLD LD: Int Mgmt Inf Sys
JM 0101 Newspaper Style JOUR ELLD LD: Newspaper Style
JM 0111 Newspaper Lab JOUR ELLD LD: Newspaper Lab
JM 0421 Photo Journalism JOUR ELUD UD: Photo Journalism
JP 0201 Intro to Jps CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
JP 0362 Criminal Law CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Law
JP 201C Intro to Jps CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
JP 362B Criminal Law CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Law
JRNL 0101 Newspaper Style JOUR ELLD LD: Newspaper Style
JRNL 0421 Photo Journalism JOUR ELUD UD: Photo Journalism
JRNL 1100 Journalism Fundamentals JOUR ELLD LD: Journalism Fundamentals
KINE 1100 Wellness & Public Health HLTH ELLD LD:Wellness & Public Health
KINE 1103 Wellness HLTH ELLD LD: Wellness
KINE 2000 Pillars of Health: A Journey EXSC ELLD LD:Pillars of Health:A Journey
KINE 2003 Pillars of Health:A Journey EXSC ELLD LD:Pillars of Health:A Journey
KINE 2250 Motor Dev During the School Yr PHED ELLD LD:Motor Dev During the School
KINE 2251 Lab in Motor Dev During School PHED ELLD LD:Lab in Mtr Dev Drg School
KINE 3000 Med Term Allied Health Prof HUM ELUD UD:Med Term Allied Health Prof
KINE 3050 Care & Prev of Injuries ATHT 3580 Prevent & Care Athletic Injury
KINE 3053 Care & Prev of Injuries ATHT 3580 Prevent & Care Athletic Injury
KINE 3100 Adaptive Sports EXSC ELUD UD:Adaptive Sports
KINE 3110 Paralympic Sport EXSC ELUD UD:Paralympic Sport
KINE 3820 Principles of Sport Coaching ATHC ELUD UD:Prin of Sport Coaching
KINE 3843 Coaching Mental Side of Sports ATHC ELUD UD:Cching Mental Side of Sport
KINE 3870 Sports Supplements EXSC ELUD UD:Sports Supplements
KINE 3873 Sports Supplements PHED ELUD UD:Sports Supplements
KINE 4970 Spec Tpcs:Self Def Women PHED ELUD UD:Spec Tpcs:Self Def Women
LABT 1010 Orientation ELEC ELLD LD:Orientation
LE 026001 Surv Law Enforcemen CJA ELLD LD: Surv Law Enforcemen
LE 0261 Criminal Evidence CJA ELLD LD: Criminal Evidence
LEAD 2000 Foundations of Leadership LEAD ELLD LD:Foundations of Leadership
LT 0101 Orientation ELEC ELLD LD: Orientation
LY 010101 Use of Library ELEC ELLD LD: Use of Library
MATH 0111 Basic Reasoning MATH ELLD LD:Basic Reasoning
MATH 0140 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 0159 Intro to Math MATH ELLD LD: Intro to Math
MATH 0160 Prec Calc With Trig MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 0161 Analytc Geom & Cal I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 0162 Anyl Geom & Cal II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 0163 Anyl Geom & Cal 3 MATH 3110 Calculus III
MATH 0169 Business Math w/Calc MATH ELLD LD: Business Math w/Calc
MATH 0172 Honors Calc II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 0173 Honors Calc III MATH ELLD LD: Honors Calc III
MATH 0191 Calc For Eng & Sci MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 0192 Cal For Eng & Sci MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 0264 Anyl Geom & Cal 4 MATH ELLD LD: Anyl Geom & Cal 4
MATH 0265 Linear Diff Equatn MATH ELLD LD: Linear Diff Equatn
MATH 0266 Topics Linear Algebr MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 0285 Math For Elem Educ MATH ELLD LD: Math For Elem Educ
MATH 0286 Math For Elem Ed MATH ELLD LD: Math For Elem Ed
MATH 0362 Engineering Math I ET ELUD UD: Engineering Math I
MATH 0800 Intermediate Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermediate Algebra
MATH 1000 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 1003 College Algebra MATH ELLD LD:College Algebra
MATH 1100 Finite Math MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MATH 1120 Pre-Calculus Algebra MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 1123 Pre Calculus Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Pre Calculus Algebra
MATH 1130 Pre-Calculs Trig MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 1150 Pre-Cal Alge & Trig MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 1151 Mathexel Precalc Wk MATH ELLD LD: Mathexel Precalc Wk
MATH 1610 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 1611 Mathexcel Calc Work MATH ELLD LD: Mathexcel Calc Work
MATH 1613 Calculus I MATH ELLD LD:Calculus I
MATH 1617 Honors Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 1620 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 1621 Mathexcel Calculus Workshop II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 1627 Honors Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 1680 Calculus Bus Apps I MATH ELLD LD: Calculus Bus Apps I
MATH 1690 Calculus Bus Ap II MATH ELLD LD: Calculus Bus Ap II
MATH 2630 Calculus III MATH ELLD LD: Calculus III
MATH 2637 Honors Calculus III MATH ELLD LD:Honors Calculus III
MATH 2650 Linear Differential Equations MATH ELLD LD:Linear Diff Equations
MATH 2660 Topics in Linear Algebra MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 2850 Math for Elementary Ed I MATH ELLD LD:Math for Elementary Ed I
MATH 2860 Math for Elementary Ed II MATH ELLD LD:Math for Elementary Ed II
MATH 2870 Math for Elementary Ed III MATH ELLD LD:Math for Elementary Ed III
MATL 0220 Mtrls & Properties ET ELLD LD: Mtrls & Properties
MB 0300 Gen Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MBIO 0300 Gen Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
ME 020201 Structures ET ELLD LD: Structures
ME 0205 App Mech Stats ET ELLD LD: App Mech Stats
ME 0301 Thermodynamics I ET ELUD UD: Thermodynamics I
ME 0302 Thermodynamics 2 ET ELUD UD: Thermodynamics 2
ME 0303 Thermodynamics 3 ET ELUD UD: Thermodynamics 3
ME 0321 Dynamics I ET ELUD UD: Dynamics I
ME 0322 Dynamics 2 ET ELUD UD: Dynamics 2
ME 0323 Dym of Machines ET ELUD UD: Dym of Machines
ME 0340 Fluid Mechanics I ET ELUD UD: Fluid Mechanics I
ME 0341 Fluid Mechanics 2 ET ELUD UD: Fluid Mechanics 2
ME 0442 Computer Aided Design ET ELUD UD: Computer Aided Design
ME 0521 Heat Transfer ET ELUD UD: Heat Transfer
MECH 0231 Computer Aided Engin ET ELLD LD: Computer Aided Engin
MECH 0232 Dynamics Mech System ET ELLD LD: Dynamics Mech System
MECH 0233 Mech of Materials ET ELLD LD: Mech of Materials
MECH 0260 Concept Eng Design ET ELLD LD: Concept Eng Design
MECH 0280 Design For Manufactu ET ELLD LD: Design For Manufactu
MECH 0302 Heat Transfer I ET ELUD UD: Heat Transfer I
MECH 0303 Heat Transfer II ET ELUD UD: Heat Transfer II
MECH 0340 Fluid Mechanics I ET ELUD UD: Fluid Mechanics I
MECH 0341 Fluid Mechanics II ET ELUD UD: Fluid Mechanics II
MECH 0360 Mechanical Design I ET ELUD UD: Mechanical Design I
MECH 0361 Mechanical Design II ET ELUD UD: Mechanical Design II
MECH 0362 Dynamics Physical Sy ET ELUD UD: Dynamics Physical Sy
MECH 3050 Measurement & Instru ET ELUD UD: Measurement & Instru
MECH 3140 Sys Dynamics & Cntrl ET ELUD UD: Sys Dynamics & Cntrl
MECH 4310 Heat Vent Ac & Refri ET ELUD UD: Heat Vent Ac & Refri
MFAT 0255 Legal Environ Bus BLAW ELLD LD:Legal Environ Bus
MH 0121 College Math MATH ELLD LD: College Math
MH 014001 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MH 0150 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MH 0151 Calculus MATH 1910 Calculus I
MH 0159 Pre Cal Less Trig MATH 1710 College Algebra
MH 0160 Precal With Trig MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MH 0161 Anyl Geom & Cal MATH 1910 Calculus I
MH 016201 Anlyt Geom & Calc MATH 1920 Calculus II
MH 016301 Analyt Geom & Calc MATH 3110 Calculus III
MH 0169 Bus Mat Cal Appl MATH ELLD LD: Bus Mat Cal Appl
MH 0191 Calc For Eng & Sci MATH ELLD LD: Calc For Eng & Sci
MH 0192 Calc For Eng & Sci MATH ELLD LD: Calc For Eng & Sci
MH 0193 Calc For Eng & Sci MATH ELLD LD: Calc For Eng & Sci
MH 026401 Analyt Geom & Calc MATH ELLD LD: Analyt Geom & Calc
MH 0265 Linear Diff Equatn MATH ELLD LD: Linear Diff Equatn
MH 026601 Topics Linear Alg MATH ELLD LD: Topics Linear Alg
MH 028101 Elem Mathematics MATH ELLD LD: Elem Mathematics
MH 028201 Elem Mathematics MATH ELLD LD: Elem Mathematics
MH 0285 Math For Elem Educ MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MH 0294 Calc For Eng & Sci MATH ELLD LD: Calc For Eng & Sci
MH 150D01 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MILS 0101 Us Army Today MS ELLD LD: Us Army Today
MILS 0102 Contmpry Mil Issue MS ELLD LD: Contmpry Mil Issue
MILS 0103 Modern Mil Weapons MS ELLD LD: Modern Mil Weapons
MKTG 0241 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
MKTG 0331 Prin of Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 3310 Prin of Mkt MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 3410 Consumer Behavior MKT 3910 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 3810 Found of Business Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MN 0200 Concept Business BCED ELLD LD:Concept Business
MN 0207 Intro Computer Prog CSCI ELLD LD: Intro Computer Prog
MN 0241 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
MN 027401 Bus Econ Stat 1 ECON ELLD LD: Bus Econ Stat 1
MN 0301 Business & Econ Stat BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
MN 031001 Prin of Management MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MN 031401 Intro Mgmt Info Sys INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems
MN 0341 Business Law BLAW ELUD UD: Business Law
MN 0346 Organization Behav PSY ELUD UD: Organization Behav
MN 241B Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
MNGT 0207 Intro to Computer Program CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to Computer Program
MNGT 0314 Intro Mgt Info Sys INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems
MNGT 0500 Labor Relations MGMT ELUD UD:Labor Relations
MNGT 2600 Business Analytics I MGMT ELLD LD: Business Analytics I
MNGT 3100 Prin of Management MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MNGT 3140 Intro to Mis INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems
MS 0101 Rotc Orientation MS ELLD LD: Rotc Orientation
MS 0102 Leadership Lab MS ELLD LD: Leadership Lab
MS 0103 First Aid CPR HLTH ELLD LD: First Aid CPR
MS 0104 Leadership Lab MS ELLD LD: Leadership Lab
MS 0139 Wilderness Skills MS ELLD LD: Wilderness Skills
MS 016201 Rifle Marksmanship MS ELLD LD: Rifle Marksmanship
MS 0201 Aerial Photo Rdg MS ELLD LD: Aerial Photo Rdg
MS 0202 Us Military Pwr MS ELLD LD: Us Military Pwr
MS 0203 Opns & Basic Tactics MS ELLD LD: Opns & Basic Tactics
MS 0301 Adv Map Theory MS ELUD UD: Adv Map Theory
MS 0302 Military Ldr Mgmt I MS ELUD UD: Military Ldr Mgmt I
MS 0303 Military Ldr Mgt 2 MS ELUD UD: Military Ldr Mgt 2
MS 0305 Rngr Oper Tact MS ELUD UD: Rngr Oper Tact
MS 0306 Drl Comp Tact Drill MS ELUD UD: Drl Comp Tact Drill
MT 0241 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
MT 024201 Business Law 2 BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law 2
MT 025501 Legal Environ Busin BLAW ELLD LD: Legal Environ Busin
MT 0331 Prin of Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MTL 0220 Mtrls & Properties I ET ELLD LD: Mtrls & Properties I
MU 0100 Perform Attendance MUS ELLD LD: Perform Attendance
MU 010101 Fretted Instruments MUS ELLD LD: Fretted Instruments
MU 010201 Fretted Instruments MUS ELLD LD: Fretted Instruments
MU 010301 Fretted Instruments MUS ELLD LD: Fretted Instruments
MU 0105 Piano Class MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MU 0121 University Singers MUEN 3240 MTSU Singers
MU 0124 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MU 0125 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MU 0126 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MU 0131 Matls & Org of Music MUS ELLD LD: Matls & Org of Music
MU 0134 Jazz Lab Band MUS ELLD LD: Jazz Lab Band
MU 020001 Funds of Music MUED ELLD LD: Funds of Music
MU 020201 University Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MU 0218 Women's Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MU 0219 Womens Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MU 0224 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MU 0250 Music History I MUS ELLD LD: Music History I
MU 0251 Survey Music Lit MUS ELLD LD: Survey Music Lit
MU 0271 Intro to Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MU 0273 Apprecation of Musi MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MU 0321 Concert Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MU 0322 Concert Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MU 0323 Concert Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MU 0324 Percussn Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Percussn Ensemble
MU 0325 Percussn Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Percussn Ensemble
MU 0326 Percussn Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Percussn Ensemble
MU 0371 Intro to Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MU 0372 History of Jazz MUHL ELUD UD: History of Jazz
MU 037301 Apprec of Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUA 0181 Performance MUS ELLD LD: Performance
MUA 0187 Performance MUS ELLD LD: Performance
MUAP 0184 Performance MUS ELLD LD: Performance
MUAP 0187 Performance Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUAP 1010 Performance MUAP ELLD LD: Performance
MUAP 1110 Performance MUAP ELLD LD: Performance
MUAP 1520 Performance I:Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAP 1620 Performance II:Guitar MUAP 2412 Private Instruction Guitar
MUAP 2110 Performance MUAP ELLD LD: Performance
MUSE 1170 Gospel Choir MUEN ELLD LD:Gospel Choir
MUSE 1260 Sonic Nation MUEN 3420 Commercial Music Ensemble
MUSI 0100 Perform Attendance MUS ELLD LD: Perform Attendance
MUSI 0121 University Singers MUEN 3260 University Chorus
MUSI 0122 University Singers MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 0123 University Singers MUEN 3260 University Chorus
MUSI 0124 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 0125 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 0126 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 0172 Honors Music MUS ELLD LD: Honors Music
MUSI 0218 Women's Chorus MUEN ELLD LD: Women's Chorus
MUSI 0223 Men's Chorus MUEN ELLD LD: Men's Chorus
MUSI 0224 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 0271 Intro to Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 0273 Appreciation of Mus MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 0323 Concert Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 0326 Ens/Trumpet MUEN ELUD UD: Ens/Trumpet
MUSI 1000 Performance Attendan MUS 1010 Recital Attendance
MUSI 1010 Guitar & String Skil MUS ELLD LD: Guitar & String Skil
MUSI 1020 Piano Skills MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUSI 1030 Piano Skills II MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUSI 1080 Percussion Skills MUS ELLD LD: Percussion Skills
MUSI 1100 Performance Attendan MUS 1010 Recital Attendance
MUSI 1110 Concert Band MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
MUSI 1120 Symphonic Band MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
MUSI 1140 Campus Band MUEN ELLD LD: Campus Band
MUSI 1160 University Singers MUEN 3260 University Chorus
MUSI 1180 Womens Chorus MUEN 3220 Soprano Alto Chorale
MUSI 1190 Men's Chorus MUEN ELLD LD: Men's Chorus
MUSI 1210 Concert Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 1220 Music Ensemble MUEN ELLD LD: Music Ensemble
MUSI 1230 Vocal Chamber Ensemb MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSI 1310 Music Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Music Theory I
MUSI 1320 Music Skills I MUTH ELLD LD: Music Skills I
MUSI 1330 Music Theory and Skills I MUTH ELLD LD:Music Theory and Skills I
MUSI 1410 Music Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Music Theory II
MUSI 1420 Music Skills II MUTH ELLD LD: Music Skills II
MUSI 1430 Music Theory and Skills II MUTH ELLD LD:Music Theory and Skills II
MUSI 2110 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 2310 Music Theory III MUTH ELLD LD: Music Theory III
MUSI 2320 Music Skills III MUTH ELLD LD: Music Skills III
MUSI 2730 Appreciation of Mus MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 2733 Appreciation of Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 2737 Hon Apprec of Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 2740 Survey of Popular Music MUHL ELLD LD:Survey of Popular Music
MUSI 2750 Music and Science MUS ELLD LD: Music and Science
MUSI 3300 Music Today MUS ELUD UD: Music Today
MUSI 3510 Music History I MUHL 1610 The World of Music
MUSI 3610 Choral Conducting I MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUSI 3970 Beat Making,Song Writing,& Aud RIM ELUD UD:Beat Making,Song Writing,&
MUSI 4010 Vocal Pedagogy MUPD 4310 Vocal Pedagogy
NATR 2050 People & the Environment ENVS ELLD LD:People & the Environment
NAVS 1010 Intro to Naval Sci MS ELLD LD: Intro to Naval Sci
NAVS 1011 Naval Science Laboratory-GMT MS ELLD LD:Naval Science LaboratoryGMt
NAVS 1020 Naval Engineering ET ELLD LD: Naval Engineering
NAVS 3011 Naval Science Laboratory MS ELUD UD: Naval Science Laboratory
NF 0112 Nutrition & Man NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition & Man
NF 0119 Nutrition and Man NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition and Man
NF 020001 Nutrition & Health HLTH ELLD LD: Nutrition & Health
NFS 0200 Nutrition & Health NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition & Health
NFS 0201 Intro to Food Sci NFS ELLD LD: Intro to Food Sci
NFS 0202 Prin Food Prep NFS ELLD LD: Prin Food Prep
NS 011101 Orientat Nav & Mar BIOL ELLD LD: Orientat Nav & Mar
NS 011201 Naval Ships Sys I ELEC ELLD LD: Naval Ships Sys I
NTRI 2000 Nutrition and Health NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
NUFS 0200 Nutrition For Health NFS 2220 Nutrition for Health Sciences
NUFS 1010 Intro Hospitality M ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Hospitality M
NUFS 2000 Nutrition & Health NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition & Health
NUFS 2010 Basic Sports Nutrition NFS ELLD LD:Basic Sports Nutrition
NUFS 2070 Intro to Dietetics NFS ELLD LD: Intro to Dietetics
NUR 010101 Orientation to Nur NURS ELLD LD: Orientation to Nur
NURS 1010 Orientation Ot Nurs NURS ELLD LD: Orientation Ot Nurs
NURS 2023 Dose Calc and Med Term NURS ELLD LD:Dose Calc and Med Term
NURS 2120 Women's Health Contemp Topics NURS ELLD LD:Women's Health Contemp Topi
NURS 3510 Functional Nur Skill NURS ELUD UD: Functional Nur Skill
NURS 3511 Funct Nur Skill Lab NURS ELUD UD: Funct Nur Skill Lab
NURS 3610 Comp Hlth Assessment NURS ELUD UD: Comp Hlth Assessment
NURS 3611 Comp Hlth Assess Lab NURS ELUD UD: Comp Hlth Assess Lab
NURS 3710 Prof Nurs Concepts NURS ELUD UD: Prof Nurs Concepts
NURS 3711 Prof Nur Concept Lab NURS ELUD UD: Prof Nur Concept Lab
NURS 4280 Animal-Assisted Therapy NURS ELUD UD:Animal-Assisted Therapy
PA 010101 Intro to Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PA 010201 Intro to Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
PA 0111 Basic Reasoning PHIL ELLD LD: Basic Reasoning
PA 0201 Deductive Logic PHIL ELLD LD: Deductive Logic
PA 020201 Ethics & Society PHIL ELLD LD: Ethics & Society
PA 0210 Itnro Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PA 021101 Intro Deductv Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PA 0218 Ethic Health Sci HLTH ELLD LD: Ethic Health Sci
PA 0219 Business Ethics BCED ELLD LD:Business Ethics
PA 0333 Hy Philosophy 1 PHIL 4020 History of Modern Philosophy
PA 0402 Existntialsim PHIL 4200 Existentialism
PE 0101 Phys Fit & Self Appr PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 010401 Mountaineering PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0107 Aerobic Dance PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PE 011401 Scuba I PHED ACTY ACTY: Scuba I
PE 011601 Weight Control PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PE 011701 Aerobic Dance PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PE 0125 Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
PE 013001 Jogging Fitness PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0133 Orienteering PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 013501 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PE 0137 Handball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 013801 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
PE 0139 Wilderness Skills PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0144 Modern Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Modern Dance
PE 015001 Inter Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Inter Swimming
PE 0153 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PE 0155 Angling PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 015601 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
PE 0158 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PE 0159 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PE 0162 Rifle Marksmanship PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0163 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PE 016501 Camping REC ELLD LD: Camping
PE 0180 Softball PHED ACTY ACTY: Softball
PE 023001 Lifeguard Training PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguard Training
PE 023501 Weight Training II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 023801 Racquetball 2 PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball 2
PEM 0100 Basic Phys Ed PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEM 0120 Beginning Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Beginning Swimming
PEM 0176 Social Dance PHED 1020 Beginning Social Dance
PEW 010101 Fnd of Physical Edu PHED ELLD LD: Fnd of Physical Edu
PEW 011601 Weight Control HLTH ELLD LD: Weight Control
PEW 015901 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PEW 0181 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PG 020101 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PG 0211 Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PG 021201 Devel Psychology PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PG 021301 Psych of Adjustment PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PG 0303 Res Mthd Psyc PSY 3990 Research in Psychology
PG 0304 Quant Anlys Psyc PSY ELUD UD: Quant Anlys Psyc
PG 0305 Hist Ideas Psyc PSY ELUD UD: Hist Ideas Psyc
PG 031401 Psychology as Scien PSY ELUD UD: Psychology as Scien
PG 0317 Dev Psychology PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PG 0322 Psych 3 Personality PSY 3590 Personality
PG 033001 Social Psychology PSY ELUD UD: Social Psychology
PG 0352 Psych of Learning PSY 4480 Learning Theories
PG 0354 Psy Think & Remeber PSY ELUD UD: Psy Think & Remeber
PG 0356 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PG 035901 Indust/Organiz Psy PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy
PG 0401 Psy Gender Differ PSY ELUD UD: Psy Gender Differ
PG 0402 Psy Sexual Behav PSY 4600 Psychosexual Adjustment
PG 211G01 Gen Intro Psych PSY 1410 General Psychology
PHED 0101 Phy Fit Self Appr PHED ELLD LD: Phy Fit Self Appr
PHED 0114 Scuba PHED ACTY ACTY: Scuba
PHED 0116 Weight Control PHED ELLD LD: Weight Control
PHED 0117 Aerobic Dance PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PHED 0121 Skills Concp Aquatic PHED ELLD LD: Skills Concp Aquatic
PHED 0127 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PHED 0130 Jogging PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0135 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHED 0151 Beginning Kayaking PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0158 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHED 0159 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PHED 0163 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PHED 0219 Business Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Business Ethics
PHED 0235 Weight Training II PHED 2320 Advanced Weight Training
PHED 0259 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PHED 0326 Varisty Football PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0380 Varsity Baseball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0383 Varsity Soccer PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0494 Emr Care & First Aid PHED ELUD UD: Emr Care & First Aid
PHED 1000 Active Auburn PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 1003 Active Auburn ELEC ELLD LD:Active Auburn
PHED 1100 Wellness HLTH ELLD LD: Wellness
PHED 1200 Cardio Resp Ftns PHED ELLD LD: Cardio Resp Ftns
PHED 1230 Cardio Respiratory: Jogging PHED ELLD LD: Cardio Respiratory:Jogging
PHED 1240 Cardio Resp/Swim F PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 1300 Fitns & Cond/Weight PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 1330 Fitness/Weight Cont PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 1340 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHED 1350 Weight Training for Women PHED ELLD LD:Weight Training for Women
PHED 1383 Kettlebell Training PHED ELLD LD:Kettlebell Training
PHED 1393 Weight Management PHED ELLD LD: Weight Management
PHED 1400 Softball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 1500 Indv Sports/Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHED 1510 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHED 1520 Individual Sports:Golf PHED ACTY LD:Individual Sports:Golf
PHED 1530 Golf II PHED ACTY Physical Activity
PHED 1593 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PHED 1620 Perf Activity: Karate I PHED ELLD LD: Perf Activity: Karate I
PHED 1630 Tae Kwon Do PHED ELLD LD:Tae Kwon Do
PHED 1700 Aquatics:Inter Swim PHED ACTY ACTY: Aquatics:Inter Swim
PHED 1710 Aquatics: Beginning Kayaking PHED ELLD LD: Aquatics: Begin Kayaking
PHED 1720 Aquatics:Adv Kayaking PHED ELLD LD:Aquatics:Adv Kayaking
PHED 1723 Prin Ex and Cond PHED ELLD LD: Prin Ex and Cond
PHED 1760 Scuba PHED ACTY ACTY: Scuba
PHED 1800 Varsity Sports PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 1810 Varsity Men's Sports:Football PHED ACTY Varsity Men's Sports:Football
PHED 1990 Varsity Women's Volleyball PHED ACTY Physical Activity
PHED 2033 Wellness PHED ELLD LD: Wellness
PHED 2200 Self Defense for Women PHED ELLD LD:Self Defense for Women
PHIL 0101 Intro to Logic PHIL ELLD LD: Intro to Logic
PHIL 0102 Intro to Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Intro to Ethics
PHIL 0218 Ethics Health Sci PHIL ELLD LD: Ethics Health Sci
PHIL 0219 Business Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Business Ethics
PHIL 1010 Intro to Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 1017 Honors Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 1020 Intro to Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Intro to Ethics
PHIL 1030 Ethics & the Heal PHIL ELLD LD: Ethics & the Heal
PHIL 1037 Hon Ethics and the Health Sci PHIL ELLD LD: Hon Ethics and the Hlth Sc
PHIL 1040 Business Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Business Ethics
PHIL 1060 Philosophy East & West PHIL ELLD LD:Philosophy East & West
PHIL 1073 Art,Value,&Society PHIL ELLD LD:Art,Value,&Society
PHIL 1090 Philosophy of Race Gender PHIL ELLD LD: Philosophy of Race Gender
PHIL 1100 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1110 Ethics and Science PHIL ELLD LD:Ethics and Science
PHIL 1120 Environmental Ethics PHIL ELLD LD:Environmental Ethics
PHIL 2010 Intro to Phil PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2030 Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 3110 Symbolic Logic PHIL ELUD UD: Symbolic Logic
PHS 0100 Intro Phys Sci PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PHS 010101 Intro Phys Sci 2 PSCI ELLD LD: Intro Phys Sci 2
PHS 010501 Intro Astronomy ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
PHS 015101 Intro Phys Sci I PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PHS 105B01 Intro Astronomy PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Astronomy
PHYS 0170 Honors Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Honors Physics
PHYS 020501 Intro Physics I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 020601 Intro Physics 2 PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Physics 2
PHYS 020602 Intro Phys 2 Lab PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 0215 Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Astronomy
PHYS 0220 General Physics I PHYS ELLD LD: General Physics I
PHYS 0221 Gen Phys 2 Lab PHYS ELLD LD: Gen Phys 2 Lab
PHYS 1000 Found In Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Found In Physics
PHYS 1150 Astronomy ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
PHYS 1150 Astronomy and ASTR 1031 Observing the Universe
PHYS 1500 General Physics I PHYS ELLD LD: General Physics I
PHYS 1510 Gen Physics II PHYS ELLD LD: Gen Physics II
PHYS 1600 Engineering Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Engineering Physics
PHYS 1607 Honors Physics I PHYS ELLD LD: Honors Physics I
PHYS 1610 Engineering Physics II PHYS ELLD LD:Engineering Physics II
PHYS 1617 Honors Physics II PHYS ELLD LD: Honors Physics II
PHYS L170 Honors Phys Lab PHYS ELLD LD: Honors Phys Lab
PHYS L205 Intro Phys I Lab PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Phys I Lab
PHYS L20601 Intro Phys 2 Lab PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Phys 2 Lab
PHYS L220 Intro Phys I Lab PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Phys I Lab
PLP 0309 Gen Plant Pathology PLSO ELUD UD: Gen Plant Pathology
PO 0206 Us Government PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PO 020901 Intro Am Government PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PO 021001 Am St & Loc Governm PS 2020 State and Local Government
PO 026001 Surv Law Enforcemen CJA ELLD LD: Surv Law Enforcemen
PO 030001 Pol Sci Res Methods PS ELUD UD: Pol Sci Res Methods
PO 030201 Intro Pol Thought PS ELUD UD: Intro Pol Thought
PO 030901 Intro Interntl Rela PS 3210 International Relations
PO 031401 Am Foreign Policy PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PO 031801 Latin Amer & US PS ELUD UD: Latin Amer & US
PO 0323 Municipl Gov Us PS 3400 Municipal Policy and Politics
PO 032501 Intro Public Admin PS ELUD UD: Intro Public Admin
PO 032601 Thry Publ Organztn PS ELUD UD: Thry Publ Organztn
PO 034001 Poltl Parties Polt PS 3330 Political Parties
POLI 0209 Intro Amer Govt PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
POLI 1020 Political Economy PS ELLD LD: Political Economy
POLI 1027 Hon Political Econ PS ELLD LD: Hon Political Econ
POLI 1050 Global Politics PS ELLD LD:Global Politics
POLI 1090 Amer Govt & Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLI 1097 Hon Amer Gov Multicul World PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
POLI 2100 State & Local Govt PS 2020 State and Local Government
POLI 2120 Urbanization & the City SOC ELLD LD:Urbanization & the City
POLI 3000 Poli Sci Rsrch Mth I PS ELUD UD: Poli Sci Rsrch Mth I
POLI 3130 Intl Law & Organization PS 3500 International Law
POLI 3140 American Foreign Policy PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
POLI 3250 Intro Public Admin PS 3250 Public Management
POLI 3520 Compar Pol Mid East PS ELUD UD: Compar Pol Mid East
POLI 3730 Issues in Intl Rltns:Glbl Pol PS 3210 International Relations
POLI 5620 Afri Amer Politics PS 3420 African American Politics
POLS 2020 American Natl Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PRCM 0304 Intro to Pr ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Pr
PS 0200 Foundations in Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Foundations in Physics
PS 0204 Found In Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Found In Physics
PS 0205 Intro Physics I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PS 0206 Intro Physics II PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PS 020701 Intro Physics 3 PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Physics 3
PS 0210 Pre Med Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Pre Med Physics
PS 0215 Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Astronomy
PS 022001 General Physics I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PS 0221 General Physics 2 PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PS 0222 General Physics 3 PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PSYC 0201 Intro Psychology PSY ELLD LD: Intro Psychology
PSYC 0212 Develop Psychology PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 0304 Quant Anlys Psych PSY ELUD UD: Quant Anlys Psych
PSYC 0353 Psy of Sensing & Per PSY 4030 Psy of Sensation Perception
PSYC 0356 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 0359 Indust Organiz Psy PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy
PSYC 0400 Psy Crim Just Sys PSY ELUD UD: Psy Crim Just Sys
PSYC 1000 Psychology and Cult PSY ELLD LD: Psychology and Cult
PSYC 2010 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 2013 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 2110 General Intro Psy PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 2140 Rsrch Mthd In Psy PSY ELLD LD: Rsrch Mthd In Psy
PSYC 2530 Drugs & Behavior PSY ELLD LD: Drugs & Behavior
PSYC 3510 Behavioral Neuroscience PSY ELUD UD: Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC 3520 Psy of Learning PSY ELUD UD: Psy of Learning
PSYC 3560 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 3570 Theories of Personal PSY 3590 Personality
PSYC 3580 Social Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Social Psychology
PSYC 3590 Industrial Org Psych PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy
PSYC 3620 Cognitive Neuroscience PSY ELUD UD: Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYC 4010 Intro to Clinical Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Intro to Clinical Psych
PSYC 4080 Health Psychology PSY 4650 Health Psychology
PSYC 4110 Intro Developal Disabilities PSY ELUD UD:Intro Developal Disabilitie
PSYC 4230 Adolescent & Adult Development PSY ELUD UD:Adolescent & Adult Developm
RELG 0210 Intro Old Testament RS ELLD LD: Intro Old Testament
RELG 0220 Intro New Testament RS ELLD LD: Intro New Testament
RELG 0450 Seminar RS ELUD UD: Seminar
RELG 1010 Intro Religious Stud RS ELLD LD: Intro Religious Stud
RELG 2030 History of Christianity RS ELLD LD:History of Christianity
RELG 3330 Eastern Religions RS ELUD UD: Eastern Religions
RELG 4970 Spec Topics RS ELUD UD: Spec Topics
RL 0221 Intro New Test I RS ELLD LD: Intro New Test I
RL 0260 Intro to Judaism RS ELLD LD: Intro to Judaism
RL 030101 World Religions RS ELUD UD: World Religions
RSE 0102 Orient SPED Ed SPED ELLD LD: Orient SPED Ed
RSE 0104 Lab Exp Spec Ed SPED ELLD LD: Lab Exp Spec Ed
RSE 0310 Surv of Except SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
RSE 0376 Surv of Exceptional SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
RSE 0377 Intro Mntl Retrd SPED ELUD UD: Intro Mntl Retrd
RSE 0378 Intro Emot Dstrb SPED ELUD UD: Intro Emot Dstrb
RSE 0420 Instr Spec Educ SPED ELUD UD: Instr Spec Educ
RSE 0446 Dir Ind Emot Dist SPED ELUD UD: Dir Ind Emot Dist
RSE 0450 Sp Topic Spec Ed SPED ELUD UD: Sp Topic Spec Ed
RSE 0479 Mat Mth Ex Ed Hand SPED ELUD UD: Mat Mth Ex Ed Hand
RSE 0495 Pract Emot Dist SPED ELUD UD: Pract Emot Dist
RSE 0529 Learn Disability SPED ELUD UD: Learn Disability
RSE 0538 Intro Voc Adjust SPED ELUD UD: Intro Voc Adjust
RSE 0540 Intro Manual Commk SPED ELUD UD: Intro Manual Commk
RSE 0556 Lrn Res Emot Dist SPED ELUD UD: Lrn Res Emot Dist
RSE 0586 Sev Mul Handicappd SPED ELUD UD: Sev Mul Handicappd
RSED 0100 Orient Spec Ed SPED ELLD LD: Orient Spec Ed
RSED 0310 Surv of Exception SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
RSED 0376 Surv of Excep SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
RSED 3000 Diversity Exceptionality SPED ELUD UD:Diversity Exceptionality
RSED 3010 Intro Special Educ SPED ELUD UD: Intro Special Educ
RSOC 3190 Agriculture & Societ ELEC ELUD UD: Agriculture & Societ
RSOC 3620 Comm Organization SOC ELUD UD:Comm Organization
RTF 023001 Fund of Mass Commun EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
RTF 023001 Fund of Mass Commun EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
RTF 0235 Intro Film Studies EMC ELLD LD: Intro Film Studies
RTVF 0235 Intro Film Studies EMC ELLD LD: Intro Film Studies
RTVF 0338 Brpadcast News Writi EMC ELUD UD: Brpadcast News Writi
RTVF 3300 Found Mass Comm EMC ELUD UD: Found Mass Comm
SC 010001 Prof Communication BCED ELLD LD:Prof Communication
SC 011101 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SC 020001 Intro Speech Commun COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SC 020201 App Sp Communicatio COMM ELLD LD: App Sp Communicatio
SC 0211 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SC 023001 Intro to Broadcast EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
SC 023001 Intro to Broadcast EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
SC 023501 Modes of Film Comm EMC ELLD LD: Modes of Film Comm
SC 032001 Fund of Oral Inter COMM ELUD UD: Fund of Oral Inter
SCHM 1990 Pre Hlth Prof Orien ELEC ELLD LD: Pre Hlth Prof Orien
SCMH 0101 Concept of Sci PSCI ELLD LD: Concept of Sci
SCMH 0199 Pre Hlth Prof Ornt ELEC ELLD LD: Pre Hlth Prof Ornt
SCMH 1010 Concepts of Science PSCI ELLD LD: Concepts of Science
SCMH 1890 Pre-Health Prof Orientation ELEC ELLD LD:Pre-Health Prof Orientation
SCMH 1990 Pre-Hlth Prof Orient ELEC ELLD LD: Pre-Hlth Prof Orient
SCMN 2150 Ops:Mngt of Bus Processes MGMT ELLD LD:Ops:Mngt of Bus Processes
SCR 030201 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
SCR 0308 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
SM 0101 Concepts of Science PSCI ELLD LD: Concepts of Science
SM 0199 Pre Hlth Prof Ornt ELEC ELLD LD: Pre Hlth Prof Ornt
SOC 0201 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 0202 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOC 0301 Sociol of Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOCI 0201 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOCI 2000 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOCR 0302 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
SOCR 0308 Juvenile Delinqunt SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
SOCY 1000 Sociology: Global Pe SOC ELLD LD: Sociology: Global Pe
SOCY 1003 Global Perspective SOC ELLD LD: Global Perspective
SOCY 1007 Honors Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOCY 2100 Population and Society SOC ELLD LD:Population and Society
SOCY 3200 Sports In America SOC ELUD UD: Sports In America
SOWO 0320 Soc Wrk Fld Pract SW ELUD UD: Soc Wrk Fld Pract
SOWO 0375 Int Social Welfare SW ELUD UD: Int Social Welfare
SOWO 3500 Child Welfare SW ELUD UD: Child Welfare
SP 0101 1st Yr Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SP 0102 1st Yr Span 2 SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SP 010301 1st Year Spanish 3 SPAN ELLD LD: 1st Year Spanish 3
SP 0200 Sur of Bases of Spee COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SP 0202 App Oral Communicati COMM ELLD LD: App Oral Communicati
STAT 2010 Stat For Soc & Beha STAT ELLD LD: Stat For Soc & Beha
STAT 2510 Stats For Biol MATH ELLD LD: Stats For Biol
STAT 2610 Stats Bus & Econ STAT ELLD LD: Stats Bus & Econ
STAT 3600 Probabillity and Statistics I STAT ELUD UD: Probability and Statistics
SUST 2000 Sustainability ELEC ELLD LD: Sustainability
SW 0375 Int Social Welfare SW ELLD LD: Int Social Welfare
SY 020101 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SY 0202 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SY 020401 Social Behavior SOC ELLD LD: Social Behavior
SY 0304 Minority Groups SOC ELUD UD: Minority Groups
SY 0308 Juvenl Delinquency SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
SY 202C Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
TH 0200 Intro to Acting THEA ELLD LD: Intro to Acting
TH 0201 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
TH 0281 Theatre Prod I THEA ELLD LD: Theatre Prod I
TH 0282 Summer Rep Comp 1 THEA ELLD LD: Summer Rep Comp 1
TH 0373 Hist Theatre 3 THEA ELUD UD: Hist Theatre 3
TH 204B01 Theatre Apprectn THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 0200 Intro to Acting THEA ELLD LD: Intro to Acting
THEA 0201 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 1570 Dance Lab 1 - Ballet THEA ELLD LD:Dance Lab 1 - Ballet
THEA 1670 Dance Lab I - Jazz THEA ELLD LD:Dance Lab I - Jazz
THEA 2000 Beginning Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
THEA 2010 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 2013 Intro Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 2017 Hon Intro Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 2030 Production Studio THEA ELLD LD: Production Studio
THEA 2110 Beg Voice For Actor THEA ELLD LD: Beg Voice For Actor
THEA 2670 Dance Lab 2 - Jazz THEA ELLD LD:Dance Lab 2 - Jazz
THEA 2840 Begin Dance Techniq DANC ELLD LD: Begin Dance Techniq
THEA 3100 Appl Thea 2/Acting THEA ELUD UD: Appl Thea 2/Acting
THEA 3200 Stage Management THEA 3810 Stage Management
THEA 4180 Movement/Spec Projec THEA ELUD UD: Movement/Spec Projec
THEA 4190 Acting/Spec Projects THEA ELUD UD: Acting/Spec Projects
THEA 4900 Independent Study THEA ELUD UD: Independent Study
TS 0100 Intro Mgf Process ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Mgf Process
TS 0112 Welding Sci & App ELEC ELLD LD: Welding Sci & App
U 0100 The Auburn Experienc ELEC ELLD LD: The Auburn Experienc
U 010101 Soc & Cultures SOC ELLD LD: Soc & Cultures
U 010201 Political Economy PS ELLD LD: Political Economy
U 010301 Individual In Soc SOC ELLD LD: Individual In Soc
U 017101 Hnrs:Soc, Cult & En UH ELLD LD: Hnrs:Soc, Cult & En
U 019901 Pre Health Prof ELEC ELLD LD: Pre Health Prof
U 020101 Forum ELEC ELLD LD: Forum
U 027001 Ascent of Man ELEC ELLD LD: Ascent of Man
U 0271 The Human Odyssey SOC ELLD LD: The Human Odyssey
U 027701 Honors Lyceum UH ELLD LD: Honors Lyceum
U 028001 Hnrs Human Odyssey UH ELLD LD: Hnrs Human Odyssey
U 028101 Hnrs Human Odyssey UH ELLD LD: Hnrs Human Odyssey
U 028201 Hnrs Human Odyssey UH ELLD LD: Hnrs Human Odyssey
UNIV 0100 The Auburn Exper UNIV ELLD LD: The Auburn Exper
UNIV 0101 Soc Sci Soc Clt UNIV ELLD LD: Soc Sci Soc Clt
UNIV 0102 Soc Sci Pol Econ UNIV ELLD LD: Soc Sci Pol Econ
UNIV 0103 Soc Sci Indiv & Soc UNIV ELLD LD: Soc Sci Indiv & Soc
UNIV 0172 Honors Pol Economy UH ELLD LD: Honors Pol Economy
UNIV 0173 Honors the Individ UH ELLD LD: Honors the Individ
UNIV 0277 Honors Lyceum UH ELLD LD: Honors Lyceum
UNIV 1000 The Auburn Experience UNIV ELLD LD: The Auburn Experience
UNIV 1050 Success Strategies UNIV ELLD LD: Success Strategies
UNIV 1060 Success Strategies II ELEC ELLD LD:Success Strategies II
UNIV 1100 First Year Sem ELEC ELLD LD:First Year Sem
UNIV 1150 ST w/Lrn Str:Forestry & Wldlf ELEC ELLD LD:ST w/Lrn Str:Forestry & Wld
UNIV 2710 The Human Odyssey I ELEC ELLD LD: The Human Odyssey I
UNIV 2717 Hon Human Odyssey I ELEC ELLD LD: Hon Human Odyssey I
UNIV 2727 Hon Human Odyssey 2 ELEC ELLD LD: Hon Human Odyssey 2
UNIV 2777 Honors Lyceum ELEC ELLD LD: Honors Lyceum
VED 010001 Keyboarding Info Proc BCED ELLD LD:Keyboarding Info Proc
VED 0574 Org Inst Voc Ed ELEC ELUD UD: Org Inst Voc Ed
VM 0210 Human Physiology BIOL ELLD LD: Human Physiology
VM 0311 Gen Bacteriology BIOL ELUD UD: Gen Bacteriology
VOED 0200 Keyboarding I BCED ELLD LD:Keyboarding I
WILD 1100 Wildlife Food Plot Establshmnt ELEC ELLD LD:Wildlife Food Plot Estblshm
WILD 2050 Wldlfe Conserv Hist ELEC ELLD LD: Wldlfe Conserv Hist
WILD 3280 Wildlife Ecology & Management ELEC ELUD UD:Wildlife Ecology & Mgmt
ZY 0101 General Zoology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
ZY 0102 General Zoology BIOL ELLD LD: General Zoology
ZY 020501 Wildlife Consertv BIOL ELLD LD: Wildlife Consertv
ZY 025001 Human Anatomy BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
ZY 025101 Physiology BIOL 4110 General Physiology
ZY 0300 Genetics BIOL 3250 Genetics
ZY 0301 Comparative Anat BIOL 3020 Comparative Anat Vertebrates
ZY 0302 Vertebrate Embryol BIOL ELUD UD: Vertebrate Embryol
ZY 030301 Prin Evol & Syst BIOL ELUD UD: Prin Evol & Syst
ZY 030601 Prin Ecology BIOL 3400 General Ecology
ZY 040201 Natrl History of Ve BIOL ELUD UD: Natrl History of Ve
ZY 0424 Animal Physiology BIOL ELUD UD: Animal Physiology
ZY 057501 Ornithology BIOL ELUD UD: Ornithology
ZY 0634 Protozoology BIOL ELUD UD: Protozoology