Transfer Equivalencies
There are 690 transfer equivalencies on file for Arizona State University Tempe
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
ABS 0360 | Southwest Home Gardening | PLSO ELUD | UD: Southwest Home Gardening |
ABS 130 | Intro to Environmental Science | ENVS 2810 | Intro to Environmental Science |
ABS 270 | Sustainable Biological | BIOL ELLD | LD:Sustainable Biological |
ACC 0101 | Acct Leap Program | ACTG ELLD | LD:Acct Leap Program |
ACC 0211 | Intro Financial Acct | ACTG ELLD | LD: Intro Financial Acct |
ACC 0212 | Intro Managerial Act | ACTG 2120 | Principles of Accounting II |
ACC 023001 | Intro Accounting I | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACC 0232 | Financial Acct | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACC 024001 | Uses of Accounting | ACTG ELLD | LD: Uses of Accounting |
ACC 0241 | Acct Info | ACTG ELLD | LD:Acct Info |
ACC 025001 | Intro Accounting | ACTG ELLD | LD: Intro Accounting |
ACC 0346 | Information Systems Mgmt | ACTG 4510 | Accounting Systems |
ACC 382 | Accnting & Financial Analysis | ACTG ELUD | UD:Actg & Financial Analysis |
ACO 100 | All About Data | CSCI ELLD | LD:All About Data |
ACTG 202001 | Acctg Principles | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACTG 203001 | Acctg Principles | ACTG 2120 | Principles of Accounting II |
AES 0101 | Air Force Today | MS ELLD | LD:Air Force Today |
AES 0294 | Special Topics | MS ELLD | LD:Special Topics |
AFR 0200 | Intro to Africana Studies | AST ELLD | LD:Intro to Africana Studies |
AFR 375 | Race, Gender & Sport | AST ELUD | UD:Race, Gender & Sport |
AFS 0202 | Ethnic Relations In | AST ELLD | LD: Ethnic Relations In |
AFS 0394 | Special Topics | AST ELUD | UD: Special Topics |
ALA 0102 | Arch, Landscape Arch & Society | ELEC ELLD | LD: Arch, Landscape Arch Socie |
ALA 0121 | Design Fundamentals I | ELEC ELLD | LD: Design Fundamentals I |
ALA 100 | Intro to Environmental Design | ELEC ELLD | LD:Intro to Environmental Desi |
AME 130 | Prototyping Dreams | ENGR ELLD | LD:Prototyping Dreams |
AMT 0182 | Private Pilot Ground School | AERO ELLD | LD:Private Pilot Ground Sch |
AMT 105 | Flight Operations & Safety I | AERO ELLD | LD:Flight Operations & Safety |
AMT 220 | Aviation Meteorology | AERO ELLD | LD:Aviation Meteorology |
APA 200 | Intro/Asian Pacif Amer Stds | HIST ELLD | LD:Intro/Asian Pacif Amer Stds |
APH 0100 | Intro Envir Desgn | ELEC ELLD | LD: Intro Envir Desgn |
ARA 0202 | Intro to Photo Aesthetics | PHOT ELLD | LD:Intro to Photo Aesthetics |
ARA 396 | Pro Practices for Design & Art | ART ELUD | UD:Pro Practices for Design & |
ARB 0102 | Elem Arabic | FL ELLD | LD: Elem Arabic |
ARB 0201 | Intermed Arabic | FL ELLD | LD: Intermed Arabic |
ARS 0100 | Intro to Art | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation |
ARS 010101 | Art/Western World I | ART ELLD | LD: Art/Western World I |
ARS 010201 | Art/Wstrn World II | ART ELLD | LD: Art/Wstrn World II |
ARS 0394 | Special Topics | ART ELUD | UD:Special Topics |
ARS 0402 | Art of Ancient Egypt | ART ELUD | UD: Art of Ancient Egypt |
ARS 201 | Art of Asia | ART 1910 | Survey of Non-Western Art |
ARS 202 | Art of Africa/Oceania/Americas | ART 1910 | Survey of Non-Western Art |
ARS 221 | Museum/heritage Hst Debate | ART ELLD | LD:Museum/heritage Hst Debate |
ARS 494 | Special Topics | ART 4940 | Special Studies in Art History |
ART 0111 | Drawing I | ART ELLD | LD: Drawing I |
ART 011301 | Color | ART ELLD | LD: Color |
ART 011501 | 3 Dimensional Desig | ART ELLD | LD: 3 Dimensional Desig |
ART 110 | Drawing as Seeing & Thinking | ART ELLD | LD:Drawing as Seeing & Thinkin |
ART 111001 | Art Interpret | ART ELLD | LD: Art Interpret |
ART 206 | Digital Photography I | PHOT 1050 | Basic Digital Photography |
ASB 010201 | Intro Cul/Soc Anthr | ANTH ELLD | LD: Intro Cul/Soc Anthr |
ASB 0202 | Imm & Ethnic Relations US | ANTH ELLD | LD:Imm & Ethnic Relations US |
ASB 0222 | Buried Cities & Los | ANTH ELLD | LD: Buried Cities & Los |
ASB 0300 | Food & Culture | ELEC ELUD | UD:Food & Culture |
ASB 0305 | Global Health | HLTH ELUD | UD:Global Health |
ASB 0353 | Death & Dying Cross-Cult Persp | ANTH ELUD | UD: Death & Dying Cross-Cult |
ASB 100 | Intro to Global Health | ANTH ELLD | LD:Intro to Global Health |
ASB 210 | Human Sexuality/Anth Persp | ANTH ELLD | LD:Human Sexuality/Anth Persp |
ASB 378 | Globalization | ANTH 4130 | Anthropology of Globalization |
ASB 410 | Poverty, Soc Just & Globl Hlt | ANTH ELUD | UD:Poverty, Soc Just & Globl H |
ASB 462 | Medical Anthro:Culture/Health | ANTH 3730 | Medical Anthropology |
ASL 101 | American Sign Language I | ELEC ELLD | LD:Amer Sign Language I |
ASM 0104 | Bones,Stones/Human Evolution | ANTH 2210 | World Prehistory |
ASM 246 | Human Origins | ANTH ELLD | LD:Human Origins |
ASM 275 | Forensic Anthropology | ANTH ELLD | LD:Forensic Anthropology |
AST 011101 | Intro to Astronomy | ASTR 1030 | Exploring the Universe |
AST 011201 | Intro to Astronomy | PHYS ELLD | LD: Intro to Astronomy |
AST 0113 | Astronomy Lab | ASTR 1031 | Observing the Universe |
AST 012501 | Astronomy Lab I | PHYS ELLD | LD: Astronomy Lab I |
AST 012601 | Astronomy Lab II | PHYS ELLD | LD: Astronomy Lab II |
AST 321 | Intro/Planetary/Stellar Astro | ASTR ELUD | UD:Intro/Planetary/Stellar Ast |
AST 322 | Intr/Galactic/Extra/Astrophys | ASTR ELUD | UD:Intr/Galactic/Extra/Astroph |
AST 394 | Special Topics | ASTR ELUD | UD:Special Topics |
AST 421 | Astrophysics I | ASTR 3400 | Fundamentals of Astrophysics |
AST 422 | Astrophysics II | ASTR ELUD | UD:Astrophysics II |
ASU 0101 | The ASU Experience | ELEC ELLD | LD: The ASU Experience |
ASU 120 | Emerging Leaders I | UNIV ELLD | LD:Emerging Leaders I |
ASU 121 | Emerging Leaders II | ELEC ELLD | LD:Emerging Leaders II |
ASU 150 | The LEAD Project I | ELEC ELLD | LD:The LEAD Project I |
BA 023001 | Business Law | BLAW ELLD | LD: Business Law |
BCH 0361 | Principles of Biochemistry | CHEM 3530 | Principles of Biochemistry |
BIO 0100 | The Living World | BIOL ELLD | LD: The Living World |
BIO 0130 | Intro Environmental Sci | ENVS 2810 | Intro to Environmental Science |
BIO 0181 | General Biology | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIO 0182 | Gen Biology II | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BIO 0201 | Human Anat/Phys I | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
BIO 0202 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIOL 2020 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIO 0340 | Genetics | BIOL ELUD | UD:Genetics |
BIO 140 | Grk&Lat Roots Biosctfc Trmnlgy | HUM 2130 | Medical Vocabulary |
BIO 345 | Evolution | BIOL 3500 | Evolution |
BIO 394 | Special Topics | BIOL ELUD | UD:Special Topics |
BIO 403 | Evolution Medicine & Glbl Hlth | BIOL ELUD | UD:Evolution Medicine & Glbl H |
BIO 408 | Adv Evolutionary Medicine | BIOL ELUD | UD:Adv Evolutionary Medicine |
BIO 416 | Biomed Research Ethics | BIOL ELUD | UD:Biomed Research Ethics |
BIO 439 | Computing for Research | BIOL ELUD | UD:Computing for Research |
BIOL 101001 | General Biology | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIS 0301 | Found of Interdisc Studies | ELEC ELUD | UD:Found of Interdisc Studies |
BIS 0484 | Internship | ELEC ELUD | UD:Internship |
BIS 0499 | Individualized Instruction | ELEC ELUD | UD:Individualized Instruction |
BIS 340 | Organizational Skills | COMM 2140 | Intro to Organizational Comm |
BLE 0220 | Foundations of SEI | ELEC ELLD | LD: Foundations of SEI |
BLW 0305 | Legal Environment Of | BLAW 3400 | Legal Environment of Business |
BMOM 161001 | Word Processing | BCED ELLD | LD: Word Processing |
BMOM 164001 | Desktop Publishing | BCED ELLD | LD:Desktop Publishing |
BMOM 235001 | Business Statistics | BCED ELLD | LD:Business Statistics |
BOT 010801 | Plants & Society | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
CAP 120 | Intro to Counseling | ELEC ELLD | LD:Intro to Counseling |
CAP 194 | Special Topics | PSY ELLD | LD:Special Topics |
CAP 220 | Self in Multicultural Society | PSY ELLD | LD:Self in Multicultural Socie |
CAP 240 | Counseling Skills | ELEC ELLD | LD:Counseling Skills |
CAP 310 | Addictions 1 - Fdn & Princ | PSY ELUD | UD:Addictions 1 - Fdn & Princ |
CAP 320 | Theor Counslg & Psychotherapy | PSY ELUD | ud:Theor Counslg & Psychothera |
CAP 351 | Issues Assess Diagnosis Trtmnt | PSY ELUD | UD:Issues Assess Dignss Trtmnt |
CDE 0232 | Human Development | CDFS ELLD | LD: Human Development |
CED 250 | Career Development | ELEC ELLD | LD:Career Development |
CEE 400 | Earth Systems Engr/Mgmt | ENGR ELUD | UD:Earth Systems Engr/Mgmt |
CHM 010101 | Intro Chemistry | CHEM 1010 | Intro General Chemistry I |
CHM 0113 | General Chemistry | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHM 0114 | Chemistry for Engr | CHEM ELLD | LD:Chem for Engr |
CHM 0191 | First Year Seminar | ELEC ELLD | LD:First Year Seminar |
CHM 0234 | General Organic Chemistry II | CHEM 2030 | Elements of Organic Chemistry |
CHM 0237 | Gen Organic Chemistry Lab I | CHEM ELLD | LD:Gen Org Chem Lab I |
CHM 116 | General Chemistry II | CHEM 1120 | General Chemistry II |
CHS 0300 | Science of Well Being | EXSC ELUD | UD:Science of Well Being |
CIS 0105 | Computer App/Info Tech | INFS ELLD | LD: Comp App/Info Tech |
CIS 020001 | Computer In Busines | CSCI ELLD | LD: Computer In Busines |
CIS 0236 | Honors Info System | UH ELLD | LD:Honors Info System |
COM 010001 | Intro Human Comm | COMM ELLD | LD: Intro Human Comm |
COM 0222 | Argumentation | COMM ELLD | LD: Argumentation |
COM 0225 | Public Speaking | COMM ELLD | LD: Public Speaking |
COM 0230 | Small Group Co | COMM ELLD | LD: Small Group Co |
COM 0259 | Comm Bus | COMM ELLD | LD:Comm Bus |
COM 0312 | Comm Conflict & Negotiation | COMM ELUD | UD:Comm Conflict Negotiation |
COM 0400 | Comm Prof | COMM ELUD | UD:Comm Prof |
COM 0430 | Leadership Grp Comm | COMM ELUD | UD:Leadership Grp Comm |
COM 207 | Intro to Comm Inquiry | COMM ELLD | LD:Intro to Comm Inquiry |
COM 241 | Intro to Oral Interp | COMM ELLD | LD:Intro to Oral Interp |
COM 263 | Elements Intercultural Comm | COMM 2560 | Intercultural Communication |
COM 316 | Gender and Communication | COMM 3225 | Gender Communication |
COMM 0259 | Comm Bus Prof | BCED ELLD | LD:Comm Bus Prof |
CON 0101 | Constr Culture | CMT ELLD | LD:Constr Culture |
CON 100 | Introduction to Construction | CMT 1100 | Intro to Construction Systems |
CON 221 | Applied Statics | ENGR ELLD | LD:Applied Statics |
CON 241 | Surveying | CCM ELLD | LD:Surveying |
CON 243 | Heavy Constr Equip,Mthd,Matl | CMT ELLD | LD:Heavy Constr Equip,Mthd,Mat |
CON 244 | Working Drawing Analysis | CMT ELLD | LD:Working Drawing Analysis |
CON 251 | Microcomputer Appls for Constr | CMT ELLD | LD:Microcomputer Appls for Con |
CON 252 | Bldg Constr Meth, Matl,Equip | CMT ELLD | LD:Bldg Constr Meth, Matl,Equi |
CON 271 | Construction Safety | CMT ELLD | LD:Construction Safety |
CON 273 | Electrcl Constrctn & Proj Mgmt | CMT ELLD | LD:Elctrcl Cnstrctn & Prj Mgmt |
CON 343 | Adv Hvy Equip Operations | CMT ELUD | UD:Adv Hvy Equip Operations |
CON 453 | Construction Technology | CMT ELUD | UD:Construction Technology |
CON 454 | Trenchless Construction Methds | CMT ELUD | UD:Trenchless Constrct Methods |
CON 455 | Construction Project Mgmt II | CMT ELUD | UD:Construction Projct Mgmt II |
CON 487 | Project Controls | CMT ELUD | UD:Project Controls |
CON 494 | Special Topics | CMT ELLD | LD:Special Topics |
CON 495 | Construction Plan & Scheduling | CMT ELUD | UD:Constr Plan & Scheduling |
CPI 111 | Game Development I | CSCI ELLD | LD:Game Development I |
CRJ 0100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJA 1100 | Intro Criminal Justice Admin |
CRJ 0225 | Introduction to Criminology | CJA ELLD | LD:Introduction to Criminology |
CRJ 260 | Substantive Criminal Law | CJA ELLD | LD:Substantive Criminal Law |
CSC 0181 | Applied Prob Solving | CSCI ELLD | LD: Applied Prob Solving |
CSE 0100 | Principles of Prog | CSCI ELLD | LD: Principles of Prog |
CSE 0110 | Prin Programming | CSCI ELLD | LD:Prin Programming |
CSE 0180 | Computer Lit: Mac | CSCI 1150 | Computer Orientation |
CSE 0181 | Applied Prob Solving | CSCI ELLD | LD: Applied Prob Solving |
CSE 0200 | Prin of Computing | CSCI 1150 | Computer Orientation |
CSE 0205 | Object Oriented | CSCI ELLD | LD:Object Oriented |
CSE 120 | Digital Design Fundamentals | CSCI ELLD | LD:Digital Design Fundamentals |
CSE 230 | Computer Org/Assemb Lang Prog | CSCI ELLD | LD:Computer Org/Assemb Lang Pr |
CST 0150 | Digital Systems | CSCI ELLD | LD:Digital Systems |
CST 0200 | Obj-Oriented Software Dev II | CSCI 2170 | Computer Science II |
CST 0220 | Prog Lang Tech C/C++ Scripting | CSCI ELLD | LD:Prog Lang Tech C/C++ Scrptg |
CST 0250 | Microcomputer Arch/Progrmng | CSCI ELLD | LD:Microcmptr Arch/Progrmng |
CST 0496 | Ethics/Professional Computing | CSCI ELUD | UD: Ethics/Prof Computing |
CST 100 | Object-Oriented Software Dev | CSCI ELLD | LD:Object-Oriented Software De |
CTI 0101 | Success in Tech | ELEC ELLD | LD:Success in Tech |
DAN 0130 | Dance Modern I | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Dance Modern I |
DAN 0394 | St:Pilates Mat | DANC ELUD | UD: St:Pilates Mat |
DCE 0194 | Special Topics | DANC ELLD | LD: Special Topics |
DCE 100 | Introduction to Dance | DANC 1000 | Introduction to Dance |
DCE 115 | Yoga | PHED 1271 | Intermediate Yoga |
DCE 303 | The Body Condition(ed) | DANC ELUD | UD:The Body Condition(ed) |
DSC 010001 | Intro Envirmtl Dsgn | ET ELLD | LD: Intro Envirmtl Dsgn |
DSC 010101 | Cntemp Intl Dsgn Th | ET ELLD | LD: Cntemp Intl Dsgn Th |
DSC 016001 | Visualztn/Indust Ds | ET ELLD | LD: Visualztn/Indust Ds |
DSC 0180 | Athena Design Success | ET ELLD | LD: Athena Design Success |
DSM 095001 | Basic Algebra | DSPM ELLD | LD: Basic Algebra |
DST 101 | Intro to Disability Studies | SOC ELLD | LD:Intro to Disability Studies |
ECD 0211 | Dev Child: Theory/Practice | ECE ELLD | LD: Dev Child: Theory/Practice |
ECD 0220 | Nutrition/Hlth/Safety Children | ECE ELLD | LD: Nutrition/Hlth/Safety Chil |
ECE 0100 | Intro Engineering De | ET ELLD | LD: Intro Engineering De |
ECN 011101 | Macroecon Principle | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECN 0112 | Microecon Principles | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECN 0201 | Prin Econ | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECN 0202 | Prin Econ | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECN 0211 | Macroeconomic Principles | ECON ELLD | LD: Macroeconomic Principles |
ECN 0212 | Microeconomic Principles | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECN 0221 | Bus Statistics | BCED ELLD | LD:Bus Statistics |
ECN 211 | Macroeconomic Principles | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECN 212 | Microeconomic Principles | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 204001 | Economics | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 205001 | Economics | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
EDP 0310 | Educ Psychology | FOED ELUD | UD: Educ Psychology |
EDT 0180 | Computer Literacy | CSCI ELLD | LD: Compuer Literacy |
EDT 321 | Computer Literacy:Mobile Tech | FOED ELLD | LD:Computer Literacy:Mobile Te |
EE 0314 | Teaching of Reading | READ ELUD | UD: Teaching of Reading |
EEE 0120 | Digital Design | ET ELLD | LD:Digital Design |
EEE 0202 | Circuits I | ENGR ELLD | LD:Circuits I |
EGR 104 | Crit Inquiry in Engineering | ENGR ELLD | LD:Crit Inquiry in Engineering |
EGR 280 | Engineering Statistics | ENGR ELLD | LD:Engineering Statistics |
ENG 0101 | First Year Comp | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENG 010201 | First Year Comp | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENG 0105 | Advanced First Year Comp | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENG 0107 | First Year Comp | ENGL ELLD | LD:First Year Comp |
ENG 0108 | First Year Comp | ENGL ELLD | LD:First Year Comp |
ENG 0210 | Intro Creative Writ | ENGL ELLD | LD: Intro Creative Writ |
ENG 0215 | Strat/Acad Writing | ENGL ELLD | LD: Strat/Acad Writing |
ENG 0216 | Persuasive Writing Public Issu | ENGL ELLD | LD:Persuasive Wrtg Public Issu |
ENG 0221 | Survey English Lit | ENGL 2030 | The Experience of Literature |
ENG 0222 | Survey English Lit | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENG 0294 | St/Various | ENGL ELLD | LD: St/Various |
ENG 029901 | Individual Writing | ENGL ELLD | LD: Individual Writing |
ENG 0301 | Writing for the Professions | ENGL 3620 | Professional Writing |
ENG 0321 | Introduction to Shakespeare | ENGL 3135 | Introduction to Shakespeare |
ENG 034201 | American Literature | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENG 0352 | Short Story | ENGL 3350 | America Short Story in Context |
ENG 035901 | American Indian Lit | ENGL ELUD | UD: American Indian Lit |
ENG 0466 | Studies in International Film | ENGL ELUD | UD: Studies International Film |
ENG 102 | First-Year Composition | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENG 110 | Approaching Big Problems | ENGL ELLD | LD:Approaching Big Problems |
ENG 194 | Special Topics | ENGL ELLD | LD:Special Topics |
ENG 200 | Critical Reading & Writing/Lit | ENGL 2030 | The Experience of Literature |
ENG 217 | Personal/Exploratory Writing | ENGL ELLD | LD:Personal/Exploratory Writin |
ENG 302 | Business Writing | ENGL ELUD | UD:Business Writing |
ENG 303 | English Lit | ENGL ELUD | UD:English Lit |
ENGL 101001 | English Comp I | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 102001 | English Comp II | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
EPE 0105 | PE Act Adapted Act | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
EPE 0310 | Coll Sprt Tennis | PHED 1040 | Beginning Tennis |
EXW 0212 | Instructional Competency Lab | EXSC ELLD | LD:Instr Competency Lab |
EXW 0214 | Flex Instr Comp | EXSC ELLD | LD:Flex Instr Comp |
EXW 0216 | Musc Str Instr | EXSC ELLD | LD:Musc Str Instr |
EXW 0300 | Found of Exercise & Wellness | EXSC ELUD | UD:Found of Exer & Wellness |
EXW 0310 | Cmptr Skills/Tech Exer/Well | EXSC ELUD | UD:Cmptr Skills/Tech Exer/Well |
EXW 0315 | Physiological Found/Movement | EXSC 3830 | Physiology of Exercise |
EXW 0320 | Program Develop and Ldrshp | EXSC ELUD | UD:Prog Develop and Ldrshp |
EXW 0325 | Fitness for Life | HLTH 4340 | Fitness Education for Adult |
EXW 0330 | Kinesiological Found of Mvmt | ATHT 3900 | Human Structure & Movement |
EXW 0342 | Health Behavior Change | EXSC ELUD | UD:Health Behavior Change |
EXW 0400 | Stress Mgmt for Wellness | EXSC ELUD | UD:Stress Mgmt for Wellness |
EXW 0420 | Exercise Testing | EXSC 4810 | Measurement and Evaluation |
EXW 0425 | Exercise Prescription | EXSC 4260 | Exer Assess Prescrip Spec Pop |
EXW 0450 | Cultural & Soc Issues/Exercise | EXSC ELUD | UD:Cult & Soc Issues/Exercise |
EXW 100 | Intro to Health and Wellness | HLTH 1530 | Health and Wellness |
FAS 0101 | Pers Grwth Human Reltnshp | CDFS ELLD | LD:Pers Grwth Human Reltnshp |
FAS 033001 | Pers Grwth Human Re | CDFS ELUD | UD: Pers Grwth Human Re |
FAS 033101 | Marriage/Family Rel | SOC 2500 | Marriage and Family |
FAS 0332 | Human Sexuality | PSY ELUD | UD: Human Sexuality |
FAS 0430 | Parent Child Rel | CDFS ELUD | UD: Parent Child Rel |
FAS 264 | Gender&Society | SW ELLD | LD:Gender&Society |
FIN 0123 | ASU Financial Literacy | ELEC ELLD | LD:ASU Financial Literacy |
FIN 030001 | Fund of Finance | FIN ELUD | UD: Fund of Finance |
FIN 0380 | Personal Financial Management | FIN ELUD | UD:Personal Financial Mgmt |
FMP 0201 | Film:The Creative Process I | EMC ELLD | LD:Film:The Creative Process I |
FMP 0261 | Introduction to Screenwriting | EMC ELLD | LD:Introduction to Screenwriti |
FMS 0100 | Introduction to Film | EMC ELLD | LD:Introduction to Film |
FMS 0110 | Intro to New Media | EMC ELLD | LD:Intro to New Media |
FMS 0200 | Film History | EMC ELLD | LD:Film History |
FMS 0300 | Television & Cultural Studies | EMC ELUD | UD:TV & Cultural Studies |
FMS 0461 | Film Theory and Criticism | EMC ELUD | UD:Film Theory and Criticism |
FOR 106 | Biol Behind the Crime Scene | FSBI ELLD | LD:Biol Behind the Crime Scene |
FRE 0102 | Elementary French | FREN 1020 | Elementary French II |
FRE 101 | Elementary French I | FREN 1010 | Elementary French I |
FRE 201 | Intermediate French I | FREN 2010 | Intermediate French I |
FSE 0100 | Intro Engineering | ENGR ELLD | LD:Intro Engineering |
GCU 113 | US and AZ Social Studies | ELEC ELLD | LD:US and AZ Social Studies |
GCU 114 | World Social Studies | GS 2010 | Intro Cross-Cultural Exper |
GER 0101 | Elementary German | GERM 1010 | Elementary German I |
GER 0102 | Elem German II | GERM 1020 | Elementary German II |
GIT 0135 | Graphic Comm | ELEC ELLD | LD:Graphic Comm |
GIT 0210 | Creative Thinking | ELEC ELLD | LD:Creative Thinking |
GIT 0215 | Web Authoring | ELEC ELLD | LD:Web Authoring |
GIT 0230 | Digital Illustration | ELEC ELLD | LD:Digital Illustration |
GIT 0250 | Commercial Print | ELEC ELLD | LD:Commercial Print |
GLG 0101 | Intro to Geology I | GEOL 1030 | Introduction to Earth Science |
GLG 0103 | Intro Geology I Lab | GEOL ELLD | LD: Intro Geology I Lab |
GLG 102 | Intro to Geology II | GEOL 1050 | Historical Geology |
GLG 104 | Intro to Geology II-Lab | GEOL 1050 | Historical Geology |
GLG 400 | SESE Colloquium | GEOL ELUD | UD:SESE Colloquium |
GLG 484 | Internship | GEOL ELUD | UD:Internship |
GNB 0101 | Elem Bus Enter | BCED ELLD | LD:Elem Bus Enter |
GPH 0111 | Intro Physical Geog | PGEO 1030 | Physical Geography |
GPH 0381 | Geography Natural Res | GEOG ELUD | UD:Geography Natural Res |
GPH 0494 | ST:Arizona Landscapes | PGEO ELLD | LD:ST:Arizona Landscapes |
GPH 112 | Intro to Physical Geography La | PGEO 1030 | Physical Geography |
GPH 267 | Extreme Weather | PGEO ELLD | LD:Extreme Weather |
GPH 314 | Global Change | PGEO ELUD | UD:Global Change |
GRA 101 | Designing Life | DSGN ELLD | LD:Designing Life |
GRA 111 | Graphic Design History I | DSGN ELLD | LD:Graphic Design History I |
GRA 112 | Graphic Design History II | DSGN ELLD | LD:Graphic Design History II |
GRA 121 | Principles Graphic Design | DSGN ELLD | LD:Principles Graphic Design |
GRA 122 | Princ Graphic Design II | DSGN ELLD | LD:Princ Graphic Design II |
H SC 009901 | Career Planning | HSC ELLD | LD: Career Planning |
HCD 300 | Biostatistics | HLTH 4020 | Biostatistics Public Health |
HCR 0210 | Clinical Health Care Ethics | HLTH ELLD | LD:Clinical Health Care Basics |
HCR 0220 | Intro Nursing & Health Care Sy | NURS ELLD | LD:Intro Nursing & Hlth Care S |
HCR 0230 | Culture and Health | HLTH ELLD | LD:Culture and Health |
HCR 231 | Fund of Comm Health | HLTH ELLD | LD:Fund of Comm Health |
HEP 100 | Intro to Health and Wellness | HLTH ELLD | LD:Intro to Health and Wellnes |
HIS 0100 | Western Civilization | HIST 1010 | Survey Western Civilization I |
HIS 0101 | Western Civilization | HIST 1010 | Survey Western Civilization I |
HIS 010201 | Western Civilizatio | HIST 1020 | Survey Western Civilization II |
HIS 0104 | The United States | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
HIS 0303 | Amer Cultural Hist | HIST ELUD | UD: Amer Cultural Hist |
HIS 0330 | 19th Century Europe | HIST ELUD | UD: 19th Century Europe |
HIS 036301 | The Black American | HIST 4750 | Afr Amer Social Intellect Hist |
HIS 036401 | The Black American | HIST ELUD | UD: The Black American |
HIS 0373 | Women 20th Cent | HIST ELUD | UD: Women 20th Cent |
HIS 0394 | Sth:Eu:Europea | HIST ELUD | UD: Sth:Eu:Europea |
HIST 133001 | U S History | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HIST 134001 | U S History | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
HON 0171 | Human Event | UH ELLD | LD:Human Event |
HON 0194 | Special Topics | UH ELLD | LD:Special Topics |
HON 0272 | Human Event | UH ELLD | LD:Human Event |
HON 370 | History of Ideas | UH ELUD | UD:History of Ideas |
HPER 010901 | Aerobic Exercise | PHED 1180 | Aerobic Walking |
HPER 109001 | Aerobic Exercise | PHED 1180 | Aerobic Walking |
HPS 314 | Philosophy of Science | PHIL 4500 | Philosophy of Science |
HPS 331 | History of Medicine | HIST ELUD | UD: History of Medicine |
HSC 0210 | Cultural Aspects Health | HLTH ELLD | LD:Cultural Aspects Health |
HSC 0300 | Complementary Healthcare | HLTH ELUD | UD:Complementary Healthcare |
HSC 0320 | Appl Medical/Hlthcare Ethics | HLTH ELUD | UD:Appl Mec/Hlthcare Ethics |
HSC 0330 | Healthcare Systems in US | HLTH ELUD | UD:Healthcare Systems in US |
HSC 0340 | Changing Health Behaviors | HLTH ELUD | UD:Changing Health Behaviors |
HSC 0410 | Support Health Older Adults | HLTH ELUD | UD:Support Health Older Adults |
HSC 0420 | Eval Health Sci Res | HLTH ELUD | UD:Eval Health Sci Res |
HSC 0435 | Environmental Health | HLTH ELUD | UD:Environmental Health |
HSE 0101 | Human Sys Engineering | ELEC ELLD | LD:Human Sys Engineering |
HST 0101 | Global Hist since 1500 | HIST 1120 | Survey World Civilization II |
HST 0103 | West Civ | HIST 1010 | Survey Western Civilization I |
HST 0104 | West Civ | HIST 1020 | Survey Western Civilization II |
HST 0109 | Us to 1865 | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HST 0306 | Studies in US History | HIST ELUD | UD:Studies in US History |
HST 0352 | Europe's Reformations | HIST ELUD | UD:Europe's Reformations |
HST 100 | Global History to 1500 | HIST 1110 | Survey World Civilization I |
HST 102 | Western Civ:Ancient & Med Euro | HIST 1010 | Survey Western Civilization I |
HST 110 | US Since 1865 | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
HST 130 | The Historian's Craft | HIST ELLD | LD:The Historian's Craft |
HST 318 | History of Engineering | ENGR ELUD | UD:History of Engineering |
HUM 011001 | Cont Issues Humnts | HUM ELLD | LD: Cont Issues Humnts |
HUM 0301 | Humnits/Westrn Wrld | HUM ELLD | LD: Humnits/Westrn Wrld |
HUM 0394 | St/Various | HUM ELUD | UD: St/Various |
IDS 300 | Theories/Appl Org Stds | COMM ELUD | UD:Theories/Appl Org Stds |
IFT 100 | Intro to Info Technology | INFS 1000 | Introduction to Computers |
IFT 194 | ST:Info Tech Progrming Logic | INFS ELLD | LD:St:Info Tech Progrmng Logic |
INFS 270001 | Spreadsheet Applica | INFS ELLD | LD: Spreadsheet Applica |
INFS 299001 | Computer Graphics | INFS ELLD | LD: Computer Graphics |
INT 121 | Intro Cmptr Modi-Int Dsgn | IDES ELLD | LD:Intro Cmptr Modi-Int Dsgn |
ITA 0101 | Elem Italian | ITAL 1010 | Elementary Italian I |
JPN 0115 | Japanese Pop Culture | JAPN ELLD | LD:Japanese Pop Culture |
JUS 105 | Intro to Justice Studies | CJA ELLD | LD:Intro to Justice Studies |
JUS 301 | Research in Justice Studies | ELEC ELUD | UD:Research in Justice Studies |
JUS 302 | Basic Stat Analysis/Just | ELEC ELUD | UD:Basic Stat Analysis/Just |
JUS 303 | Justice Theory | ELEC ELUD | UD:Justice Theory |
JUS 305 | Prin Justice Studies | ELEC ELUD | UD:Prin Justice Studies |
KIN 105 | Physical Education Activity | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
KIN 310 | Collegiate Sports | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
LES 0305 | Bus Law & Ethics | BLAW ELUD | UD:Bus Law & Ethics |
LES 030501 | Legal Ethical & Reg | BLAW ELUD | UD: Legal Ethical & Reg |
LIA 0100 | Univ Adjstmt Survivl | ELEC ELLD | LD: Univ Adjstmt Survivl |
LIA 0101 | Student Success | ELEC ELLD | LD:Student Success |
LIA 194 | Special Topics | ELEC ELLD | LD:Special Topics |
M JU 030501 | Prin of Justice | CJA ELUD | UD: Prin of Justice |
M WS 039401 | St:Gender, Race/Cla | WMST ELUD | UD: St:Gender, Race/Cla |
MA 0380 | Math In Elem School | MATH ELUD | UD: Math In Elem School |
MAE 202 | Mech Particles/Rigid Bodies II | ENGR ELLD | LD:Mech Particles/Rigid Bodies |
MAE 213 | Mechanics of Materials | ENGR ELLD | LD:Mechanics of Materials |
MAE 241 | Intro to Thermodynamics | ENGR ELLD | LD:Intro to Thermodynamics |
MAT 0106 | Inter Algebra | MATH ELLD | LD: Inter Algebra |
MAT 0110 | Enhanced Freshman Mathematics | DSPM ELLD | LD:Enhncd Frshmn Mathmtcs |
MAT 0114 | College Math | MATH 1010 | Math for General Studies |
MAT 0115 | Col Algebra/Trig | MATH 1730 | Pre-Calculus |
MAT 011701 | College Algebra | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MAT 011901 | Finite Mathematics | MATH 1630 | Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci |
MAT 0141 | Math For Soc Sci | MATH ELLD | LD: Math for Soc Sci |
MAT 0142 | College Mathematics | MATH ELLD | LD:College Mathematics |
MAT 0170 | Precalculus | MATH ELLD | LD: Precalculus |
MAT 0194 | St/Various | MATH ELLD | LD: St/Various |
MAT 0210 | Brief Calculus | MATH ELLD | LD:Brief Calculus |
MAT 021001 | Brief Calculus | MATH ELLD | LD: Brief Calculus |
MAT 0211 | Math for Business | MATH ELLD | LD:Math for Business |
MAT 0242 | Elem Linear Algebra | MATH ELLD | LD:Elem Linear Algebra |
MAT 0243 | Discrete Math Structures | MATH ELLD | LD:Discrete Math Structures |
MAT 0265 | Calculus for Engineers I | MATH ELLD | LD:Calculus for Engineers I |
MAT 0266 | Calculus for Engineers | ENGR ELLD | LD:Calculus for Engineers |
MAT 0267 | Calc for Engineers III | MATH ELLD | LD:Calc for Engineers III |
MAT 0270 | Cal/Ana Geom I | MATH ELLD | LD: Cal/Ana Geom I |
MAT 0275 | Diff Equations | MATH ELLD | LD:Diff Equations |
MAT 0343 | Applied Linear Algebra | MATH ELUD | UD:Applied Linear Algebra |
MAT 171 | Precalculus: STEM | MATH ELLD | LD:Precalculus: STEM |
MAT 251 | Calculus for Life Sciences | MATH ELLD | LD:Calculus for Life Sciences |
MAT 271 | Calculus w/Analytic Geom II | MATH ELLD | LD:Calculus w/Analytic Geom II |
MAT 272 | Calc w/Analytic Geom III | MATH ELLD | LD:Calc w/Analytic Geom III |
MATH 103001 | Business Math | MATH ELLD | LD: Business Math |
MCO 0102 | Fund Coding | EMC ELLD | LD:Fund Coding |
MCO 012001 | Media & Society | JOUR 1020 | Intro to Media & Entertainment |
MCO 012001 | Media & Society | JOUR 1020 | Intro to Media & Entertainment |
MCO 0240 | Media Issues Amer Pop Culture | JOUR ELLD | LD:Media Issues Amer Pop Cultu |
MCO 0418 | History of Mass Communication | JOUR ELUD | UD:Hist of Mass Communication |
MCO 0430 | International Mass Comm | EMC ELUD | UD:International Mass Comm |
MCO 0435 | Social Media | EMC ELUD | UD:Social Media |
MCO 0456 | Political Communication | EMC ELLD | LD:Political Communication |
MCO 0465 | Sports and Media | EMC ELUD | UD:Sports and Media |
MCO 450 | Visual Communication | VCOM ELUD | UD:Visual Communication |
MDC 211 | Intro to Digital Sound | MUS ELLD | LD:Intro to Digital Sound |
MGT 0300 | Org & Mgt Leadership | MGMT ELUD | UD:Org & Mgt Leadership |
MGT 0302 | Intl Business | BCED ELUD | UD:Intl Business |
MGT 0380 | Mgmt & Strategy Nonmajors | MGMT ELUD | UD:Mgmt & Strategy Nonmajors |
MHL 0342 | Music History II | MUHL 3020 | History Western Art Music II |
MIC 0205 | Microbiology | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
MIC 0206 | Microbiology Laboratory | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
MIS 102 | Intro to the Military II | MS ELLD | LD:Intro to the Military II |
MIS 194 | Special Topics | MS ELLD | LD:Intro to the Military II |
MIS 294 | Special Topics | MS ELLD | LD:Special Topics |
MKT 0300 | Marketing & Bus | MKT ELUD | UD:Marketing & Bus |
MKT 0390 | Essentials of Marketing | MKT 3820 | Principles of Marketing |
MKT 0395 | Essen Advertising & Mktng Comm | MKT ELUD | UD:Essen Adv & Mkt Comm |
MSC 0394 | ST:Intro to Computer Mu | MUS ELUD | UD:ST:Intro to Computer Mu |
MTC 0125 | Basic Music Theory | MUTH ELLD | LD: Basic Music Theory |
MTC 0223 | Music Theory:20th Century | MUTH ELLD | LD:Music Theory:20th Century |
MTE 0180 | Math for Elem Teachers I | MUTH ELLD | LD: Math for Elem Teachers I |
MTE 0181 | Math for Elem Teachers II | MATH ELLD | LD: Math for Elem Teachers II |
MUE 0110 | Orientation Mus Ed | MUS ELLD | LD: Orientation Mus Ed |
MUP 0100 | Concert Attendance | MUS 1010 | Recital Attendance |
MUP 0111 | Si:Voice | MUAP 2371 | Private Instruction Voice |
MUP 0121 | Si:Percussion | MUAP 2521 | Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc |
MUP 0131 | Class Piano | MUS 1530 | Class Piano I |
MUP 0132 | Class Piano | MUS 1530 | Class Piano I |
MUP 0133 | Class Voice | MUAP 2371 | Private Instruction Voice |
MUP 0237 | Fretboard Harmony | MUS ELLD | LD:Fretboard Harmony |
MUP 0294 | St: Music Theatre I | MUS ELLD | LD: St: Music Theatre I |
MUP 0353 | University Choir | MUEN 3240 | MTSU Singers |
MUP 0357 | Womens Chorus | MUEN 3200 | Concert Chorale |
MUP 0370 | Mus Thtr: Tech Mvmnt | MUS ELUD | UD: Mus Thtr: Tech Mvmnt |
MUP 0379 | Cme: Jazz | MUS ELUD | UD: Cme: Jazz |
MUP 0385 | Percussion Ensemble | MUEN 3500 | Percussion Ensemble |
MUP 0386 | Stage Band | MUEN 3100 | The Band of Blue Marching Band |
MUP 0459 | Barrett Choir | MUAP ELUD | UD:Barrett Choir |
MUP 0557 | Womens Chorus | MUEN 3200 | Concert Chorale |
MUP 0586 | Stage Band | MUEN 3100 | The Band of Blue Marching Band |
MUP 461 | Marching & Concert Bands | MUEN 3100 | The Band of Blue Marching Band |
MUP 494 | Special Topics | MUS ELUD | UD:Special Topics |
MUS 0100 | Fund Music Notation | MUED ELLD | LD: Fund Music Notation |
MUS 010701 | Intro to Music | MUS 1030 | Introduction to Music |
MUS 0211 | Dance,Music and Meaning | DANC ELLD | LD:Dance,Music and Meaning |
MUS 0340 | Survey of Music History | MUHL 3010 | History of Western Art Music I |
MUS 034701 | Jazz In America | MUEN 3400 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUS 0354 | Pop Mus Beatles | MUS ELUD | UD: Pop Mus Beatles |
MUS 0362 | Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture | MUS ELUD | UD:Rap Music and Hip Hop Cultu |
NTR 0142 | Applied Food Principles | NFS ELLD | LD:Applied Food Principles |
NTR 0241 | Human Nutrition | NFS 1240 | Intro to Nutrition & Wellness |
NTR 0340 | Evidence-Based Nutrition | NFS ELUD | UD:Evidence-Based Nutrition |
NTR 0346 | Sports Nutrition | NFS 3280 | Sports Nutrition |
NTR 0348 | Cultural Aspects of Food | NFS 2100 | Cultural Food Studies |
NTR 0351 | Nutrition Communication | NFS ELUD | UD:Nutrition Communication |
NTR 0440 | Advanced Human Nutrition I | NFS 4270 | Advanced Nutrition I |
NTR 0444 | Medical Nutrition Therapy | NFS 4300 | Medical Nutrition Therapy I |
NTR 100 | Introductory Nutrition | NFS 1240 | Intro to Nutrition & Wellness |
NUR 011901 | Intro to Nursing & | NURS ELLD | LD: Intro to Nursing & |
NUR 020401 | Pharmacological The | NURS ELLD | LD: Pharmacological The |
NUR 021101 | Nurse/Client Relati | NURS ELLD | LD: Nurse/Client Relati |
NUR 021701 | Basic Clinicl Skill | NURS ELLD | LD: Basic Clinicl Skill |
NUR 022301 | Nur Proc & Hosptlzd | NURS ELLD | LD: Nur Proc & Hosptlzd |
NUR 030801 | Pathophysiology | NURS ELUD | UD: Pathophysiology |
NUR 032701 | Comp Nur Care Child | NURS ELLD | LD: Comp Nur Care Child |
NUR 032801 | Childbrng Fam/Women | NURS ELUD | UD: Childbrng Fam/Women |
NUR 032901 | Psych/Mentl Hlth Nu | NURS ELUD | UD: Psych/Mentl Hlth Nu |
OGL 0200 | Intro Org Leadership | ELEC ELLD | LD:Intro Org Leadership |
OGL 0220 | Behavioral Dynamics | ELEC ELLD | LD:Behavioral Dynamics |
OGL 300 | Theory Practice of Leadership | LEAD ELUD | UD:Theory Practice of Leadersh |
OGL 320 | Foundations Project Management | MGMT ELUD | UD: Foundations Project Mgmt |
OGL 321 | Project Leadership | LEAD ELUD | UD:Project Leadership |
OGL 322 | Project Time Management | LEAD ELUD | UD:Project Time Management |
OGL 323 | Project Cost Management | MGMT ELUD | UD:Project Cost Management |
OGL 324 | Resources Project Management | MGMT 3725 | Lean Project Mgmt Principles |
OPM 030101 | Operations & Logist | MGMT ELUD | UD: Operations & Logist |
PAF 0311 | Leadership & Change | ELEC ELUD | UD:Leadership & Change |
PAF 300 | Public Management and Admin | PS ELUD | UD:Public Management and Admin |
PED 0105 | PE Act: Aerobics | PHED 1180 | Aerobic Walking |
PGS 0100 | Intro to Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PGS 0101 | Intro to Psyc | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PGS 0230 | Its Self Paced | PSY ELLD | LD: Its Self Paced |
PGS 0306 | Environmental | ENVS 2810 | Intro to Environmental Science |
PGS 0315 | Person Theory/Rsch | PSY ELUD | UD: Person Theory/Rsch |
PGS 0341 | Developmental Psycho | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
PGS 0350 | Social Psychology | PSY 2210 | Psychology of Social Behavior |
PGS 0414 | History of Psycholog | PSY 4700 | History and Systems of Psy |
PHI 0101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHI 0103 | Prin Sound Reasoning | PHIL ELLD | LD: Prin Sound Reasoning |
PHI 0105 | Intro to Ethics | PHIL ELLD | LD: Intro to Ethics |
PHI 0194 | St/Various | PHIL ELLD | LD: St/Various |
PHI 0305 | Ethical Theory | PHIL 3150 | Ethics |
PHI 0306 | Applied Ethics | PHIL ELUD | UD: Applied Ethics |
PHI 0308 | Phil of Art | PHIL ELUD | UD: Phil of Art |
PHI 0317 | Phil of Mind | PHIL ELUD | UD: Phil of Mind |
PHI 0318 | Phil of Religion | PHIL 3300 | Philosophy of Religion |
PHI 0394 | St/Various | PHIL ELUD | UD: St/Various |
PHI 300 | Philosophical Argument/Exposit | PHIL ELUD | UD:Philosophical Argument/Expo |
PHI 307 | Philosophy of Law | PHIL ELUD | UD:Philosophy of Law |
PHI 328 | Hist Ancient Philosophy | PHIL 4010 | History Ancient Medieval Phil |
PHI 329 | History of Modern Philosophy | PHIL 4020 | History of Modern Philosophy |
PHI 335 | History of Ethics | PHIL 3150 | Ethics |
PHI 338 | Metaethics | PHIL ELUD | UD:Metaethics |
PHL 101 | Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHY 0111 | General Physics | PHYS 2011 | Physics Problems Laboratory I |
PHY 0112 | General Physics | PHYS 2021 | Physics Problems Lab II |
PHY 0113 | Gen Phys Lab | PHYS 2011 | Physics Problems Laboratory I |
PHY 0114 | General Physics Laboratory | PHYS 2021 | Physics Problems Lab II |
PHY 0131 | Physics II | PHYS ELLD | LD:Physics II |
PHY 0132 | Physics II Lab | PHYS ELLD | LD:Physics II Lab |
PHY 0150 | Physics I | PHYS ELLD | LD:Physics I |
PHY 101 | Introduction to Physics | PHYS 1110 | Discovering Physics |
PHY 121 | University Physics I:Mechanics | PHYS 2111 | Calculus-Based Physics Lab I |
PHY 122 | University Physics Lab I | PHYS 2111 | Calculus-Based Physics Lab I |
PHY 201 | Math Methods Physics I | PHYS ELLD | LD:Math Methods Physics I |
PHY 252 | Physics III | PHYS ELLD | LD:Physics III |
PHY 302 | Mathematical Mthds | PHYS ELUD | UD:Mathematical Mthds |
PHY 310 | Classical Parts/Field Matter I | PHYS 3300 | Classical Mechanics |
PHY 311 | Classical Part/Field/Mtr II | PHYS ELUD | UD:Classical Part/Field/Mtr II |
PHY 314 | Quantum Physics I | PHYS 4380 | Quantum Mechanics |
PHY 315 | Quantum Physics II | PHYS ELUD | UD:Quantum Physics II |
PHY 334 | Advanced Laboratory I | PHYS ELUD | UD:Advanced Laboratory I |
PHY 416 | Quantum Physics III | PHYS ELUD | UD:Quantum Physics III |
PHY 441 | Statistical/Thermal Physics | PHYS 3610 | Thermodynamics |
PHY 465 | Advanced Laboratory II | PHYS ELUD | UD:Advanced Laboratory II |
POR 0101 | Elementary Portuguese | PORT 1010 | Elementary Portuguese I |
POS 0101 | Political Ideologies | PS ELLD | LD: Political Ideologies |
POS 011001 | Government/Politics | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
POS 0150 | Comparative Governme | PS ELLD | LD: Comparative Governme |
POS 0160 | Global Politics | PS ELLD | LD: Global Politics |
POS 0260 | Current Issues | PS ELLD | LD:Current Issues |
POS 0300 | Amer Natl Government | PS ELUD | UD: Amer Natl Government |
POS 0311 | Ariz Const/Govt | PS ELUD | UD: Ariz Const/Govt |
POS 191 | First Year Seminar | ELEC ELLD | LD:First Year Seminar |
POS 210 | Political Ideologies | PS ELLD | LD:Political Ideologies |
PPE 0294 | ST:LifeguardingWaterSafetyInst | PHED ACTY | ACTY:LifeguardingWtrSafetyInst |
PPE 240 | Physical Activity Intrmdt Fitn | PHED ELLD | LD:Phys Activity Interm Fitnes |
PS 0311 | Ariz Const Gover | PS ELUD | UD: Ariz Const Gover |
PSY 0101 | Introduction to Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSY 0230 | Intro to Statistics | PSY 3020 | Basic Stats Behavior Science |
PSY 0290 | Research Methods | PSY 3070 | Research Methods |
PSY 0323 | Sensation/Perception | PSY 4030 | Psy of Sensation Perception |
PSY 0324 | Memory & Cognition | PSY ELUD | UD: Memory & Cognition |
PSY 0350 | Social Psychology | PSY ELUD | UD: Social Psychology |
PSY 0366 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY 3230 | Psychological Disorders |
PSY 0390 | Experimental Psyc | PSY ELUD | UD: Experimental Psyc |
PSY 0434 | Cognitive Psychology | PSY 4040 | Intro to Cognitive Psychology |
PSY 0453 | Organizational Behavior | PSY ELUD | UD: Organizational Behavior |
PSY 0494 | St: Proctors Researc | PSY 3990 | Research in Psychology |
PSY 101001 | Gen Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSY 315 | Personality | PSY ELUD | UD:Personality |
PSY 368 | Forensic Psychology | PSY ELUD | UD:Forensic Psychology |
PSY 394 | Special Topics | PSY ELUD | UD:Special Topics |
PUP 0200 | Cities in Cinema | HUM ELLD | LD:Cities in Cinema |
PUP 190 | Sustainable Cities | ELEC ELLD | LD:Sustainable Cities |
QBA 0221 | Stat Anal | BIA 2610 | Statistical Methods |
RDG 0334 | Child Lit/Elem Sch Curriculum | ELED ELUD | UD: Child Lit/Elem Sch Curricu |
REA 0380 | Real Estate Fundamentals | FIN 3030 | Principles of Real Estate |
REC 0120 | Leisure & Quality | REC ELLD | LD: Leisure & Quality |
REC 0150 | Camping/Outdr Skil | REC ELLD | LD: Camping/Outdr Skil |
REC 0210 | Leisure Delivry | REC ELLD | LD: Leisure Delivry |
REL 0100 | Rel of the World | RS ELLD | LD: Rel of the World |
REL 0101 | Religion,Culture,Public Life | RS ELLD | LD:Religion,Culture,Public Lif |
REL 0207 | Ritual Symbol Myth | RS ELLD | LD:Ritual Symbol Myth |
REL 0270 | Intro Christianity | RS ELLD | LD: Intro Christianity |
REL 0305 | Ritual Symbol Myth | RS ELUD | UD: Ritual Symbol Myth |
REL 0321 | Religion In America | RS ELUD | UD: Religion In America |
REL 0351 | Buddhism | RS ELUD | UD:Buddhism |
REL 0366 | Islam In Mod World | RS ELUD | UD: Islam In Mod World |
REL 0374 | Witchcraft & Heresy in Europe | RS ELUD | UD:Witchcraft & Heresy in Euro |
REL 0394 | St:Amer & The | RS ELLD | LD: St:Amer & The |
REL 0494 | Stir: Amer Jewe | RS ELUD | UD: Stir: Amer Jewe |
REL 107 | Religion and Globalization | RS 2030 | Religion and Society |
REL 202 | Religion & Popular Culture | RS ELLD | LD:Religion & Popular Culture |
REL 205 | Life, Sex and Death | RS ELLD | LD:Life, Sex and Death |
REL 315 | Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) | RS ELUD | UD:Hebrew Bible (Old Testament |
RUS 0101 | Elem Russian | RUSS 1010 | Elementary Russian I |
RUS 0102 | Elem Russian | RUSS 1020 | Elementary Russian II |
SBS 300 | Careers in Psychology | PSY ELUD | UD:Careers in Psychology |
SCM 0300 | Global Supply | ELEC ELUD | UD:Global Supply |
SER 0215 | Software Enterprise I | CSCI ELLD | LD:Software Enterprise I |
SER 0216 | Sftware Enterpr:Testing & Qual | CSCI ELLD | LD:Sftware Enterpr:Testing & Q |
SER 0221 | Pgmming Lang & Their Exec Envt | CSCI ELLD | LD:Pgmg Lang & Their Exec Envt |
SER 0222 | Dsgn & Analy:Data Strs & Algo | CSCI ELLD | LD:Dsgn & Analy:Data Strs & Al |
SER 0232 | Systems Fundamentals I | CSCI ELLD | LD:Systems Fundamentals I |
SER 0250 | Microcomputer Arch/Programming | CSCI ELLD | LD:Microcmptr Arch/Pgrmg |
SER 0315 | Software Enterprise:Dsgn & Pro | CSCI ELUD | UD:Software Ent:Dsgn & Pro |
SER 0316 | Software Enterprise:Cnstrct | CSCI ELUD | UD:Sftware Ent:Cnstrct |
SER 0322 | Database Management | CSCI ELUD | UD:Database Management |
SER 0334 | Operating Systems & Networks | CSCI ELUD | UD:Oper Systems & Networks |
SER 101 | Programming for IFT | INFS ELLD | LD:Programming for IFT |
SER 321 | Software Systems | CSCI ELUD | UD:Software Systems |
SES 0106 | Habitable Worlds | ELEC ELLD | LD:Habitable Worlds |
SES 100 | Intro to Exploration | AERO ELLD | LD:Intro to Exploration |
SES 121 | Earth/Solar System/Universe I | ASTR 1030 | Exploring the Universe |
SES 122 | Earth/Solar Sys/Universe II | ASTR ELLD | LD:Earth/Solar Sys/Universe II |
SES 123 | Earth,Solar Sys, Universe Lab | ASTR 1031 | Observing the Universe |
SES 124 | Earth/Solar Sys/Univer Lb II | ASTR ELLD | LD:Earth/Solar Sys/Unvrs Lb II |
SES 141 | Energy in Everyday Life | EST ELLD | LD:Energy in Everyday Life |
SES 191 | First-Year Seminar | UNIV ELLD | LD:First-Year Seminar |
SES 350 | Eng Syst & Exper Prob Solv | ELEC ELUD | UD:Eng Syst & Exper Prob Solv |
SES 394 | Special Topics | ELEC ELUD | UD:Special Topics |
SES 410 | Senior Exploration Project I | ELEC ELUD | UD:Senior Exploration Project |
SLC 201 | Introduction to Linguistics | ENGL ELLD | LD:Introduction to Linguistics |
SOC 0101 | Intro Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOC 0315 | Courtship & Marriage | SOC ELUD | UD:Courtship & Marriage |
SOC 0332 | The Modern City | SOC ELUD | UD: The Modern City |
SOC 0340 | Soc of Deviant Behav | SOC 3250 | Social Deviance |
SOC 0352 | Social Change | SOC ELUD | UD: Social Change |
SOC 0390 | Social Statistics I | SOC ELUD | UD:Social Statistics I |
SOC 0456 | Political Sociology | SOC ELUD | UD: Political Sociology |
SOC 103001 | Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOC 352 | Social Change | SOC 4511 | Social Movement Social Change |
SOC 427 | Sociology of Health/Illness | SOC 4640 | Health: Org, Policy, Ethics |
SOS 0100 | Intro to Sustainability | ELEC ELLD | LD:Intro to Sustainability |
SOS 0110 | Sustainable World | ELEC ELLD | LD:Sustainable World |
SOS 111 | Sustainable Cities | ELEC ELLD | LD:Sustainable Cities |
SOS 314 | Basic Energy Science | EST ELUD | UD:Basic Energy Science |
SPA 010101 | Elem Spanish/Lab | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPA 0102 | Elem Spanish | SPAN 1020 | Elementary Spanish II |
SPA 0201 | Intermediate Spanish | SPAN 2010 | Intermediate Spanish I |
SPA 0207 | Spa Intternational P | SPAN ELLD | LD: Spa Intternational P |
SPA 0313 | Spanish Conversation and Comp | SPAN ELUD | UD:Spanish Conv and Comp |
SPA 0314 | Spanish Conversation and Comp | SPAN ELUD | LD:Spanish Conv and Comp |
SPA 202 | Intermediate Spanish | SPAN 2020 | Intermediate Spanish II |
SPE 0222 | Orient to Ed Exceptional Child | SPED ELLD | LD: Orient Ed Exceptional Chil |
SPE 0311 | Orient Ed Excp | SPED 3010 | Learners with Exceptionalities |
SPEE 101001 | As PR of Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SPF 301 | Culture and Schooling | SOC ELUD | UD:Culture and Schooling |
SST 220 | Intro Social Transformation | SOC ELLD | LD:Intro Social Transformation |
STP 0226 | Statistics | STAT ELLD | LD:Statistics |
STP 0231 | Statistics for Biosciences | STAT ELLD | LD:Statistics for Biosciences |
STS 235 | Technology & Urban Systems | EST ELLD | LD:Technology & Urban Systems |
SWU 0250 | Stress Management Tools | HLTH ELLD | LD: Stress Mgmt Tools |
SWU 0321 | Statistics for Social Workers | SW 3120 | Data Analysis SW Practice |
SWU 0350 | Whole Person Health | HLTH ELUD | UD:Whole Person Health |
TEL 0111 | Exploration of Education | FOED ELLD | LD:Exploration of Education |
TEL 0212 | Understand/Culturally Diverse | ELED ELLD | LD: Understand/Culturally Dive |
TEL 315 | Child & Adolescent Development | CDFS ELUD | UD:Child & Adolescent Devlpmnt |
THE 0100 | Intro to Theatre | THEA 1030 | Introduction to Theatre |
THE 0125 | Orientation Theatre | THEA ELLD | LD: Orientation Theatre |
THE 0220 | Prncpls of Dramatic | THEA ELLD | LD: Prncpls of Dramatic |
THE 0300 | Film: Creative Proce | THEA ELUD | UD: Film: Creative Proce |
THF 0101 | Acting Introduction | THEA 1015 | Acting I |
THP 0101 | Intro to Art Actin | THEA ELLD | LD: Intro to Art Actin |
THP 0102 | Fund of Acting | THEA 1015 | Acting I |
THP 0110 | Acting: Beg Scene St | THEA ELLD | LD: Acting: Beg Scene St |
THP 0194 | St:Theatre Experien | THEA ELLD | LD: St:Theatre Experien |
THP 0213 | Intro Technical Thtr | THEA ELLD | LD: Intro Technical Thtr |
THP 0218 | The Directors Visio | THEA ELLD | LD: The Directors Visio |
THP 0270 | Intro to Stage Spech | THEA ELLD | LD: Intro to Stage Spech |
THP 0272 | Intro Stage Movemen | THEA ELLD | LD: Intro Stage Movemen |
THP 0301 | Theatre Production | THEA ELUD | UD: Theatre Production |
THP 0317 | Stage Management | THEA 3810 | Stage Management |
THP 0394 | St:Perf Mus Theatre | THEA ELUD | UD: St:Perf Mus Theatre |
THP 0401 | Tp/Technical Theatre | THEA ELUD | UD: Tp/Technical Theatre |
TMC 0110 | Understanding the Enterprise | CSCI ELLD | LD:Understanding the Enterpris |
TWC 0347 | Written Comm Managers | BCED ELUD | UD:Written Comm Managers |
TWC 214 | Storytelling with Data | VCOM ELLD | LD:Storytelling with Data |
UNI 0100 | Acad Success | UNIV 1010 | University Seminar |
UNI 0120 | Academic Success | ELEC ELLD | LD:Academic Success |
UNI 0150 | Major and Career Exploration | ELEC ELLD | LD: Major & Career Exploration |
UNI 0220 | Academic Refresher | UNIV ELLD | LD:Academic Refresher |
UNI 110 | Critical Thinking&Reading | ENGL ELLD | LD:Critical Thinking&Reading |
WAC 0101 | Intro Academic Writing | DSPW ELLD | LD:Intro Academic Writing |
WAC 0107 | Intro Academic Writing | DSPW ELLD | LD:Intro Academic Writing |
WAC 101 | Intro Academic Writing | ENGL ELLD | LD:Intro Academic Writing |
WPC 0101 | Student Success In Business | ELEC ELLD | LD: Student Success In Bus |
WPC 0301 | Business Forum | BCED ELUD | UD:Business Forum |
WPC 148 | Freshman Career Preparation | ELEC ELLD | LD:Freshman Career Prep |
WPC 150 | Business and Society | MGMT ELLD | LD:Business and Society |
WPC 347 | Intermed Career Mgmt | ELEC ELLD | LD:Intermed Career Mgmt |
WST 0100 | Women & Society | WGST 2100 | Intro to Women's Studies |
WST 030001 | Women/Contemporary | WMST ELUD | UD: Women/Contemporary |
WST 0313 | Women & Sexuality | WGST ELUD | UD:Women & Sexuality |
WST 0380 | Race Gender Class | WGST ELUD | UD:Race Gender Class |
ZOL 0201 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
ZOL 0202 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIOL 2020 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
ZOL 0241 | Human Genetics | BIOL 3250 | Genetics |